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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: The Height of the Guild - RP
Thread: The Height of the Guild - RP This thread is 6 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted October 12, 2004 10:57 PM

*As the Gaurds came to take me to clean out the royal stables the next day I was feeling in a rotten mood and not wanting to hear any of their pushy-moodedness. As the first gaurd watched his partner come running up to him he gave the man a puzzled look*

Gaurd 2: Heh, sorry, I needed to use the restroom. Let's get this man to the stables and get out. The bloody place reeks of...well....you know...

*Grinning the first gaurd nodded as he knew how putrid the Royal stalls were. I doubt they've been cleaned for years and using one's hands to clean them is the most unpleasurable thing to do in one's life. Second most, perhaps, to being hunted. As the second gaurd immediatley grabbed my arm and jerked me towards the door as soon as it had been opened, I scowled and swung my free arm that hit him squarely in the face knocking him back against the wall on the opposite side of my cell. The first gaurd lashed out with his foot and caught my mid-section knocking the air out of me*

Gaurd 1: That's enough foolery outta you! *he stated w/a dagger to my throat* For assaulting an officer I think we'll take you back to see the Judge for another unpleasant punishment!

*As the second gaurd rose up scowling deeply he grabbed my hair and jerked me roughly towards the door*

Gaurd 2: To the Judge with you, filthy whelp!

*As they half ran me to the courtroom the judge seemed almost surprised to see me*

Judge: Already back? It's been no more than a day! What's he done now?

Gaurd 1: He assaulted my commrade! We both demand he be punished!

Judge: *sighing* Isn't his punishment harsh enough?

Gaurds: NO!

Judge: Oh very well! I declare that the assaulted gaurd may take this man to the torture chamber and do as he pleases, as long as all limbs remain on him and you don't kill him. The king still needs his stables clean.

Gaurd 2: Very well sir. Shall I get the key from the Warden? He's the only one with a set.

Judge: Yes, go and use the Warden's Keys. Here's a proclomation notifying him of this.

Gaurd 2: Thank you sir, we'll be leaving now.

Gorman: Don't be in such a big hurry, I'm in no rush to be tortured...

*As the gaurds snickered their evil snicker's I could only wonder what the second one had in store...*
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Legendary Hero
posted October 13, 2004 09:59 AM

Torturous escape...

"Haha... we'll be having some fun with you!" said the other guard. He had a particularly ugly face, and a buck tooth.
"Yes. Um, unlock the door." Knight said, handing the keys to the guard at the door of the torture chamber. This guard outifit was rather itchy, and Knight wasn't in the mood for spending any longer in this dismal place. Seemed gorman had already had enough too, as soon as he had been in here. Especially after the screaming he had gotten from the Warden.
The guard began to unlock the door, and Knight began to draw his knife which was strapped to his leg.
*THUD* and the guard was down-

"What the?! Hey!"gorman said backing away.
"Its ok. I'm not here to hurt you, gorman. My name is Knight, I am the leader of the thieves guild here, and I have heard of your reputation as a master thief. I am no guard, and now that we have the key we can get out of here."Knight answered reassuringly, turning his knife so that the handle was facing towards gorman, flat on his palm as a gesture of peace.
"Why should I believe you? How do I know you're not one of Them?" gorman didnt cease his edging towards the door.
"I am not one of them. You should be one of us. We can shelter you from the law. I think that you will find that among us, those who have been hunting you will no longer haunt you. You are safe with us. Please, come. Let me show you." Knight rolled up the guard sleeves on his shirt to reveal the tatoo of the thieves guild; The Howl. gorman knew this sign, and he knew that he had to be high rank the thieves guild to wear a tatoo of such superiority. He took the key from the cold hands of the guard on the floor.
"Lets go then."
John says to live above hell.

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted October 14, 2004 01:30 AM
Edited By: gorman on 14 Oct 2004

*After grabbing my goods from the prison and running as fast as we were capable Knight led us back to his secret little hide away I wondered if he heard true what he thought was "me". When we reached the place he led me into what I figured to be his own quarters*

Knight: So, how about it? Will you join us?

Gorman: There are a many things you don't know about me Master Thief. And I intend to tell you as much as I feel comfortable about. First and foremost, I am not, I repeat, am NOT a thief. Whoever has told you this information has led you into false beliefs. I am, however, the best damned Assasin you'll ever meet. Just give me a name and a garunteed death in no more than four days.

Knight: I see. However...

Gorman: *interupting* You haven't quite let me finish...

Knight: Very well...go on...

Gorman: You stated you'd keep me safe from the one's who hunt me. I seriously do doubt that. Being the best bounty hunters in this land they'll stop for NO man who get's in between them and what they're after. Namely, me. I'm also not exactly a human either.

*pulling back the hood of my cloak that I've worn for so long now, my tipped ears are revealed and my true state of humanity as well*

Gorman: *sighing* I'm an elf, obviously. The reason for my running is that while I was living in Human lands, the daughter of a wealthy King had fallen in love with me. That's the reason for the cloak to hide my features, I don't need such things to happen again. Anyways, while she had fallen in love with me it was quite against the law and the king would not abide for "a creature from the abyss!" to marry his only daughter.

Knight: Very interesting....but please go on!

Gorman: Thank you. So, after about five months of keeping our affair hidden she decided upon drastic measures to run away with me. Obviously the King found out about it and, as he would be, was furious about it. I was known as the best assasin in that area of the land at the time and didn't want his "son-in-law" to have such a reputation. So, he hired the current best to assasinate me. Well, while this fellow was asleep with my wife after a hard day of killing some goblins that kept harassing some local farmers, I killed him in a fit of rage. She, however, got in the middle of our dancing blades and got sliced to ribbons by him while I vainly tried to protect her.

Knight: A sad tale sir...

Gorman: Ah, but I'm not finished yet. He escaped after she died on his blade and informed the King that I had slain her deliberatly. Infuriated I marched up to the throne room and slew the miserable lout as he stood by the king's side. As his head rolled by his majesty's feet the king swore his revenge. Not really worrying about any threats by the king I returned home to mourn the loss of my beloved when a knock on my door aroused some suspicion on who would be coming over this late in the day. As I grabbed a few belongings and threw them in a bag as well as all my coin and weapons I fled out the back door as three men burst through my front. To this day they've been hunting me ever since and have killed many who've tried to "protect" me.

*As Knight listened to my tale he seemed very interested.*

Knight: Fascinating! But, where did you learn such skills to kill?

Gorman: *laughing* Well, being about four hundred years old I've had to kill many orcs, goblins, ogres, giants, and humans. I've been in more battles than elves live in average years. If I wasn't skilled I'd be long dead by now. I'm quite good with a scimitar in each hand when it comes to natural one on one battles. But a dagger to the back does quite nicely when they're unawares. As for a running target, at short range they're dead within two hundred feet with a regular throwing knife, and over that any bow will do.

Knight: *nodding* Very impressive...I must admit. However, today was a long day, so let's get some grub in our guts before we rest eh?

Gorman: Food...now there's something I've longed for while rotting in that rat hole of a prison cell!

*Laughing we both went to dig up something to eat before settling down for sleep*
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted October 14, 2004 11:51 PM

The mountain grew nearer with each weary step that Lokali took, the boy driven solely by what he might find. This chance discovery of something he himself was meant, even expected, to find would not slip through his fingers as his grasp on society had. Sorrowful regrets had plagued his journey, but the curiousity within the boy that created a sense of hope within the boy. Hope was the one thing he needed most right now.

Perhaps that was the master of shadow's intention all along.

He finally reached the base and began to climb. There was a trail carved into the side of the mountain by the savages, which the boy warily decided to follow for the moment. He'd rather risk an encounter with a barbaric tribe than with a long drop and a sudden stop. (The lich believed he was so clever for coming up with such a witty phrase, but he had, in fact, stolen the phrase from a pirate raid he had witnessed once.)

Upward he rose, the trail sometimes sloping to extreme angles to hasten the trip up the path. Yes, the barbarians were tough, but this was a bit reckless, the boy thought as he rested for the fourth time. The trip had drained the young lich, but he would not let exhaustion deter him from his goal.

Another obstacle would soon present itself, though, and Lokali soon heard voices rounding the next bend as two goblins came into view. They talked in their harsh tongue and smelled as if they had been out in the sun too long, not much different from a rotted fish. Lokali held his nose as they approached and noticed him.

"Ey Gorlick, lookie what we 'ave 'ere. Fresh meat, right off da bone," said the first as he drew closer to the boy, his stench nearly drawing tears from his eyes. But his partner stopped him and turned him around.

"You dun wanna be eatin' that, iss rotten." He then turned to Lokali, "Ello there, little zombie. What's your name?"

"My name is Lokali, and I'm a lich," the boy resentfully retorted, clasping his nose for dear life.

"Ah, one o' them magic users, eh? You know we can' be havin' you comin' in an' messin' up our order."

"Let's take him to Brahma, ell know what ta do," the second chimed in."

"Nah, less jes trow him off this cliff. Iss always fun to see tings go splat." The other smiled in accordance and the pair drew toward the young boy. He cowered back into the corner, too afraid to defend himself.

Suddenly, the boy began to glow, and holy magic shone all about him, protecting him as if a defensive instinct had been awakened from within. Lokali's assailents drew back, as the light was too bright for them to look upon. The young lich stood and began to advance upon the goblins, who know drew back from this unfamiliar light in hopes of escaping it. But their retreat only led one place and they had reached the ground below in no time, screams echoing loudly as they fell.

But the trial wasn't over, and the grunts of a heavy figure warned of a danger below, perhaps this was the 'Brahma' of which they had spoken. Lokali didn't stick around to find out, though, and he took off like a shot up the mountain trail. The boy ran until he could run no more, and as he sank to the ground, the young lich noticed that the trail was leveling off. He had reached the top at last. A new will to go on found the boy, and he stood to his feet and wearily sauntered the last few paces of the trail, finally reaching the summit. What he saw disappointed him.

A village lay before him, but it had long been deserted and was now nothing more than a ruin. He sifted through the debris in hopes of finding the treasure he had traveled so far to seek, but nothing except ashes remained. Frustrated to the point of tears that he could not cry, Lokali walked to the edge of the summit and looked longingly down at the ground far below. One jump would end his suffering.

But he could not drive himself to do it, something held him back, compelled him to glance once more at the seemingly useless ruin that lay behind him. Lokali slowly turned and laid eyes on the village once more, trying to see something of worth in the charred remains of the rubble. And he did, a single memory entered the boy's head, an untold glimpse of the past from a live he never lived. It was impossible that he remembered this place, but he did.

This was his home.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted October 15, 2004 08:02 AM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 30 Oct 2004

Junior stood at the door and raised his arm to knock upon it. He stood there with his arm raised as if posing for an artist. The thoughts of Calhoun being in danger made him make sure he knew exactly what he would say to convince him to come.

'What can I possibly say to convince him without telling him the horrible news that he must not know?' thought the paladin. 'I must be encouraging, supporting, and positive.' Alexander knocked on the door getting an almost immediate response as if he knew he was there.

"Come in," said the voice eagerly from behind the door. Junior opened the door and saw his friend just getting up with a bit of difficulty.

"I see you were just talking with one of the Goddesses of Saeodine," said Junior. "No matter though, I have come-"

"To see if I will join you on your journey," Calhoun interrupted. "That is the question I asked of Her. I will come. I can better heal off these grounds than anywhere else. I need to gather my things." Nodding his head in departure, Junior left to return to gather his possessions and his supplies. 'How clever my Goddess is,' thought Junior.
Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
posted October 17, 2004 04:20 AM

Followers not so far behind...

In the morning Knight woke up to find that all the thieves were back from town, sitting around the table talking to gorman. They knew to come back to town at the right time.
"gorman! Morning friend. Is there anything you need?"gorman stood up to greet Knight.
"Well, actually, I'm kind of lacking in the weapons department. I was hoping we could go into town again and get some weapons, maybe some Sacred Sword enchanted ones? I cant fight without the proper equipment, I'm sure you understand that?"gorman asked, knowing he was asking alot at the expense of the guild.
"Um.. well i guess we can't have you unequipped. Well, i'll fetch some gold and you get ready. *sigh*, back into the abyss."

Knight wanted to set off with gorman only, but Cedric insisted again on coming.
"I must go! Come on, 3's company! Hey, the more arms the better?"
Eventually Knight gave in to save time, and the three of them headed off. They entered the town easily as the guard recalled them from only a couple days before. They headed straight for the Order of the Sacred Sword.
John says to live above hell.

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted October 17, 2004 04:36 AM
Edited By: gorman on 16 Oct 2004

*As Cedric, Knight, and myself made our way back into town we made a quick stop at the house where I had killed the owner's a fortnight earlier. Going inside and grabbing 5k gold in a rather large pouch I came back out with it and gave it to Cedric to carry*

Gorman: Don't lose this, this will repay the guild and buy anything you all can use.

*Cedric's mouth drops but Knight urges him on. We walk until we get to a sign that says, "Order of the Sacred Sword"*

Knight: This is the place...let's go...

*When we walk inside a large Barbarian is standing behind the counter sharpening a sword for a knight*

Barbarian: There ya go Junior. Sword's as sharp as ever!

Junior: Many thanks sir. Here's your gold.

Barbarian: Thank ye. *notices us* May I help ya?

Gorman: *stepping forward* Aye. I'd like to purchase some enchanted blades. Scimitar's to be more precise. One enbowed with fire and the other with ice.

Barbarian: *grunting* Very well, that will be two thousand gold!

Gorman: *setting a small bag of gold on the counter* My merchandise sir?

Barbarian: Oh, right... *as he starts to turn around Knight speaks up*

Knight: Can I purchase that dagger on the second row to the far left and the bow fourth row down fifth item to the right?

Barbarian: Right, here's your stuff folks! Thanks for comin by!
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted October 22, 2004 12:41 AM

Frostway rummaged through his amassed collection of supplies. 'Two months,' he thought as he looked around the room. He had never planned a trip that could lead as far as the Raurian Mines. Only but once in his life had he even traveled into the outer limits of Syvall. He had been there once as a child when those lands were safe. But he had heard stories from Sir Alexander, stories of raiding parties and rarely sighted native race called the Farrowlongs. It was one of the few things Junior would let himself remember of his time spent with his surrogate father. He remembered the stories and wisdom that he gave to him.

Junior came out his deep reminiscent state from startling sound of reality, a friendly, respectful greeting.

“Sir Frostway. I am pleased to travel by your side,” said Gunnar as he dropped his things and took a seat beside Junior just outside the stables’ entrance.
Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
posted October 25, 2004 01:22 PM
Edited By: TitaniumAlloy on 25 Oct 2004

Fear and intimidation....

Knight and gorman left the Order and headed back to the guild, knowingly straight through the slums.
The dark dreary sky provided a bleak outlook for the rest of the weeks weather, broken only by forboding clouds heavy with rain. However gloomy the circumstances, Knight felt as energetic as usual.
The streets were quiet. This was a bad part of town for anyone in possession of something deemed 'valuable', and even nobles would think that of the shiny swords gorman was carrying.

"gorman... stay alert. I have been ambushed in these parts before." Knight warned. The message went unheeded, as gorman handled his shiny new scimitars with a firm grip, and alert was clear in his eyes. He looked very much at home with powerful weaponry such as those, twin fire and ice.

Something flashed in the corner of his eye. A cloaked figure moved and the sound of metal against metal came from one of the dark alleys to their left. Knight pulled his bow to eye level, and drew and arrow while rolling behind the cover of a broken merchant trailer. gorman swung his swords around him in an intimidating fashion... he was furious and frustrated. He was not going to hide this time.

"WELL? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! ENOUGH OF THIS! SHOW YOURSELVES AND PROVE YOUR WORTH!"gorman screamed, looking around, waiting for the attack. What he knew or what he was expecting Knight could only guess. Knight slowly rose from crouching position, his bow tense and ready to fire. A rustling was heard from the same alley, and as a reaction he let the arrow fly.

It stuck into the wall of an abandoned house and a black cat ran out from the alley into the street. gorman cursed and Knight stood up and sighed, putting his bow away. Maybe they were just a little too tense, and a little too fresh from the prison. But with that, Knight felt a hand on his shoulder, and cold breath against his neck...
John says to live above hell.

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 25, 2004 10:08 PM

I listened to the bellowed voice in the night. A challenge of some sorts. Floating high bove the roof tops I saw the two thieves tussle with someone that I couldn't see.
No matter, I had more important work to do tonight.
Arriving at a rich looking house on a well lit street I descended to the ground.
Those fools in the Order blathered on about the powers they were granted by their 'Goddess', but not three streets away here I was, my power not dimished one jot.

But then I had my own Goddess watching over me....

Striding to the table he rang I bell that would summon the owner of the house. A wealthy merchant, who dreamed of an afterlife in this world, I had recruited him to do certain tasks in the past for the promise of a life after death. Not everyone abhorred the thought of spending eternity as a Vampire or Lich.
Strange to think I once had....

The man came bustling in.
'Oh Dark Lord. Truly I am your servant. What do you ask of me this night' he asked, going to one knee.

'There are two people I want watched. I want you to recruit some thieves to do the watching, they're the best suited for the job. The two people are travelling together. They are both Paladins of the Order. One is strong the other frail. They departed the city this evening, it shouldn't be hard to find out where they're going and why. You have three days before I require my first report'.

'Yes Dark Lord, it should be as you say. But....'he dithered, 'if you don't mind me asking....wouldn't someone with...other talents be suited for the job?'

He meant one of the Undead.
'Fool!' I hissed. 'Neither of them is negligible in the power. They would sense an undead presence soon enough. You just do what I say and leave the thinking to me!'.

'Of course Dark Lord' he babbled in fear at my displeasure. 'It shall be as you say'.

'Then I am pleased' I told him, and a look of hope came into his face.

Sighing I told him, 'You can have a share of your reward now if you will then'.

Smiling he tilted his head back and I bent to drink.
It wasn't a chore, I hadn't fed for a while...under the circumstances.

When I left he was still lying on the floor in rapture. Drunk from the Vampire's kiss......

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted October 26, 2004 08:29 PM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 4 Nov 2004

Calhoun came with a bit of a spark in her. She looked younger, in the physical sense, in demeanor,  and also in confidence and attitude. Junior could sense the excitement in her eyes that she would be leaving on an adventure and that she was capable. But also that this adventure would be leading to what she thought would be the removal of her curse. She could not bear to tell her that she was only leaving so that she would not be outcasted further and put in greater danger among her peers. Instead Sir Frostway smiled back at his friend's excitement relishing in her good fortune. 'Yes, safety was still a blessing worth such enjoyment,' he thought.

I went into the stable and untied two horses, one owned by Calhoun, the other being one of the largest war horses to carry the heavy passenger of Gunnar. I grabbed their reigns all guided them out to meet my two traveling mates. The two nodded thanking me.

I gave a loud whistle and after but a short wait, Beauty came galloping out of the nearby meadow from her evening meal of sweet grasses.

"How was your evening meal, Beauty?" asked Frostway with an affectionate tone one would give to a small child. Beauty picked up her right front hoof and tilted her head back snuffing in pleasure.

"That's good," Junior put his hands upon her face looking her in the eyes. "We're gonna go on a long trip." Beauty nuzzled her nose on Junior's chest and then turned herself inviting Junior for a ride. He took the offer and then looked at Calhoun and Gunnar who had already mounted their horses, clearly waiting for Junior to finish with his bonding.

"You can never have too strong a bond with your horse," said Junior. "Sir Hale was one of the greatest paladins we've ever had and the first thing he told me when he was training me was to have a strong bond with one's horse. This was his horse once."

"Who is Sir Hale?" asked Gunnar.

"Sir Hale was the leader of this guild until he fell when in the heat of battle with a group of necromancers," said Junior dropping his head slightly. "It was quite tragic. Sir Alexander took over after he was presumed to be dead, although his body was never found. But it's obvious that those necromancers probably raised a skeleton from his body, something demeaning no doubt." The paladin forgot to mention what happened to Sir Alexander and so Calhoun quickly changed the subject to tell Gunnar about Junior's grief at a more suitable time (inaudible from Frostway's ears).
Go Red Sox!

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Famous Hero
posted October 26, 2004 09:03 PM
Edited By: AMtwis on 26 Oct 2004

Just when Junior, Gunnar and Calhoun were about to go away, Ang-Ho approached them and spoke to them:

- I beg you Sir, take this with you. If you would take it, please bring it to the Blacksmith in Gaeroule. You'll recognize him, he's a grumpy dwarf with only one ear, but he is a great blacksmith. This is a thing he asked me to create for him a long time ago, and I'm not finished with it until now. Also, please don't look in the package. I had one of the mage's to seal it magically, so he's the only one except me that will be able to open it.

Ang-Ho held a package large as a man's torso in his arms and waited anxious on the answer from Junior

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted October 26, 2004 09:59 PM
Edited By: Shadowcaster on 26 Oct 2004

Lokali wandered around, stunned at the memory that had zoomed into his mind, it was almost as if it had been placed there by an outside force as soon as the young lich had turned back again. Why couldn't he remember before? Why did he remember now? He was found a stillborn child, left to rot in the ruins of the wastelands where he now stood again. It was uncertain to the boy what this town once stood for, but he was sure of one thing. He was no barbarian, Lokali just knew.

Wandering again around the ruin, examining it this time with utmost reverence and care, the boy realized that this was not a barbarian town at all. It had been a makeshift fortress of sorts, built solely to keep out the inhabitants of these lands, but it had been long since abandoned to those it was meant to repel. He wondered, though, what was their motive? Why would those who had cared for him take such risks to establish themselves here in the center of such a desolate nothing? Lokali had a sinking feeling in his gut that he was the cause of risk, but nothing could be worth a life unlived. His family had sacrificed everything for a cause he did not know. He sank to his knees, heartbroken.

Then, as if on cue, one lone phrase was whispered to the broken boy from the heavens, a celestial reminder of his goal.

Find the Sacred Sword...

Lokali jumped at the sound, and quickly turned to see if anyone had followed him, but he was alone on the summit, just as before. Though he was alone, someone was always watching, he knew that now. Wherever this mysterious hint led him, the boy would go. He would follow this guide just as he had the last. Convincing himself that this Sacred Sword was connected somehow to his purpose, Lokali stood to his feet and began his journey back down the mountain. Before he had descended beyond the view of his homeland, the lich turned and looked solemly back at the deathly silent ruin once more, stopping only to utter one single phrase of regret as he left his past behind and began to look to the future.

"I'm so sorry. Forgive me."

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted October 28, 2004 09:36 AM bonus applied.
Edited By: Dragon_Slayer on 1 Nov 2004

*Holding my scimitars at the ready while walking cautiously down the ally way with Knight behind me with his bow lowered yet ready to draw and fire at a moments notice. I heard something shuffling, like a slow stiff walking way back in the shadows. My elven site could make out the shape of a begger in his rags laying on the ground. My guess was he was the one making the shuffling noises. I turned in time to see a man place his hand on Knight's shoulder. Knight jumped in shock*

Knight: god....

Man: Calm down! You'll wake the dead with that ruckus!

Knight: DAMN! What in the hell are you doing here man?! Who are you and what do you want?

Man: My name is unimportant. I was asked by my dark lord to request your services for him.

Gorman: What kind of services?

Man: He wants you to follow a couple of knights to keep watch of them and what they're doing and feed him with information.

*Knight gave me a look and I looked back at him, exchanging glances*

Gorman: Let me meet your master. I could follow them or possibly pretend to lend my services as a mercenary to get closer to them. However, I'd like to know what your Dark Master has in store for these two, holy men.

Man: That is none of your concern what he has in store for them! You can either accept the job or decline it. Declining could have extremely bad consequences.

Gorman: I'm sure nothing could be as bad as the consequences I'm in now. However, I'll let Knight decide.


OoC: I figured I'll try and add a little of the lives of my pursuer's as well. AkA: the 3 hunters. I'll also try and start posting as them, starting at the town.

*It all started for these three when they were outlaws, killing people for their wealth and peddling their goods for gold. Men dared not stand in the way of these three vagabonds as they would kill any, and I mean anyone who stood in their way. The Elven king finally had caught them while they trespassed on his land. Even though they were elves they couldn't fight back against twenty of the King's best marksmen. They surrendered and the King threw them into his deepest, darkest hole in the ground. While this all happened, I had the misfortune of his daughter falling in love and running off with me. After I had slain the best Assasin ever known and became the best myself, the King brooded over who he could send after me. Finally remembering the 3 cold-hearted killers he had locked away he summoned them to his throne room and gave them the order's to hunt me until my death, slaying any who got in their way, and then freedom would be their as well as an extremely pricy reward for my head. Now these three were associated with the Drow, Dark elves that lived in the earth much like dwarves do. The Drow helped to teach them to become skilled hunters, hunter's for other people, and trained them so finely in the arts of combat that their skills were nearly unmatched. The Drow called them by name, Alaron, Becan, and Abrecan. They set out on their journey, packed to the teeth ready for fighting and food enough for years. They each specialized in a weapon of their particular choice though all carried your normal long swords in a scabbard at their belt. They all had natural leather armor and traveled as light as possible, since keeping up with yours truely was not very simple at all. Abrecan had specialized in a double-bladed sword. Safely gripping the middle he could whirl it around his body so fast that he could be a one man army by himself. Becan had a set of axes, light enough to be thrown and deadly enough to hit a weapon hard enough to shatter it. Alaron was truely unique, unlike the other two he prefered a simple oaken staff. He could land as many blows as three every five seconds, and he also had the maximum close combat range. He never had to worry about slicing his own finger's or anything, and could crack a dwarf upside the head hard enough to knock him out if not kill him. They were such skilled trackers that even the slightest bent blade of grass let them know that something went through, I tried to lose them in a stream but they still managed to find my trail again. Nothing helped to try and lose them, and, like a predator watching his prey, they kept away until they felt ready to strike and attempt the kill. Luckily, for me, they failed often enough to the point that my head is still attached to my shoulders. However, they goof up less and less, my escapes becoming more and more dangerous. As for if they're still in the city I know not, but I do hope the think I'm still there to give me time to run, if I do get time to.

Edit: lol, the enter button would have made that much easier to read Good posting!
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted November 04, 2004 07:50 AM

Ang-Ho held a package large as a man's torso in his arms and waited anxious on the answer from Junior.

"I'd be glad to take it," he said as he dismounted his horse. "We don't have a lot of room but I'll find a way to get to sit on beauty securely." Ang-Ho hands him the package.

"Lighter than I expected," said Junior he nodded goodbye and strapped the packed, so it sat tightly behind the saddle. With no objections from Beauty he mounted his horse and gave a smile to Calhoun to which she smiled back. He caught a glimmer in her eyes which he hadn't seen before. It was captivating to him. She had the eyes of his Goddess, Rahv, only without the hypnotizing abilities. And so he stared at her for a moment just long enough to make things awkward and quickly turned to look down the road.
Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted November 04, 2004 08:13 PM

Man: There they are, the one on the horse with the package...

Knight: Very well, we'll see what we can do.

*As Knight walked up to them I kept my distance and my hood pulled low. I knew that elves were discriminated and hated by many humans and I didn't want to start a riot in the middle of the city. I kept looking about neverously for the three hunters but saw no sign of them. My keen ear, even through all the noise heard what Knight was saying to the armor clad warrior perfectly*

Knight: I'd like to ask if we may accompany you. My friend and I are but simple adventurers looking for glory and so bard's may sing of our great deeds.

*my eyes wandered to the armored one's companion. A woman, my eyes widened a bit as it was rare to see a woman as a knight. I always thought it was looked down upon. I could tell she was a woman as she was smaller than the man riding saddleback next to her. Her eyes were a hazel color as she looked at her companion and at Knight as they talked*

Knight: If you'd allow us to accompany you we'd be most useful if you may get ambushed on the road. I'm quite sure you two can handle yourselves but I've seen what my friend can do. He's not the type that anyone would mess with if they want to keep their head attached to their shoulders.

Junior: What are your names?

Knight: Forgive my rudeness. My name is Knight, my companion is Gorman. He's rather different from what you would be used to.

Junior: My name is Junior and this is my aquantence Calhoun. I'll think about your offer before making any decisions....
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted November 04, 2004 09:30 PM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 4 Nov 2004

Junior looked at the man standing before him and exchanged glances with Calhoun who kept her face hidden behind her helmet.

"Did you want to travel with strangers?" asked Frostway lowering his voice. "I don't trust this man. I can't put a finger on why though."

"Sounds like you already decided for me," said Calhoun with smile. "But I agree, not that I have a choice. He doesn't even know where we are going. Odd to ask us unless..." She thought for a moment and then turned to Knight to question him.

"If you are looking for us to pay you for your services, we aren't interested," said Calhoun.
Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted November 04, 2004 09:33 PM

*stepping forward*

Gorman: I for one am not asking payment to go on an adventure. An adventure is for the challenge! Not for money. The thrill will be payment enough, even if there are no battles.

*Junior stroking his chin*

Junior: Hm....
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted November 04, 2004 09:41 PM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 4 Nov 2004

"We will be fine on our journey on our own," said Frostway. He nodded his head and the three paladins turned to leave town.

"I told you that you had already decided for me," said Calhoun.

"Oh, be quiet," snapped Junior. "If you wanted differently, you'd have decided for ME."
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted November 04, 2004 10:09 PM

Locked in the parting embrace of the Goddess I felt her disappear, no matter - I had had my advice and instruction.

I rang the bell and made two summonses.
The first arrived ten minutes later.

Ang-Ho was a brute. Half-Orc, half human, and terribly underused.

'You wanted to speak with me Holy Commander?' he asked respectively, trying to make his gruff voice quieter in the confines of my study.

'Ah yes, Ang-Ho. I've been looking at our training methods and I've found them to be a bit.......lacking'

I saw a light glimmer in his eyes defiantly, I needed his help for this so it was better to mollify him.

'Not your fault of course, the previous two commanders were a tad...restrained shall we say? I feel you have much more to offer the Order than teaching young men how to swing their swords and hammers about.
What I need for you to do is to teach them.....attitude.
You come from the barbarian lands, where some of the most feared fighters live. I want you to impart some of that....frenzy into our young fighters. I want them to be....not berserkers, but....fearless. Total instruments of war. I feel that you're are just the man for the job'

He looked at me suspiciously.
'But sir, he said. 'Sir Alex always said that was dangerous. That a Paladin needed to be in control of their emotions to-'

'Sir Alex said a lot of things Ang-Ho. But Sir Alex is dead, and he is not facing the threats that we are facing here and now.
Come on Ang-Ho, I know you. You were meant to be a great war leader. You know tactics that you've never taught to anyone before. I need you Ang-Ho. The Order needs you.
The Goddess need you. Will you let her down?'

I knew I had him with the words 'war leader'. He never truly understood that he had been excluded from the brotherhood because of his race. Some of the more traditional brothers had felt that having an orc in the ranks - half orc meant nothing to them, an orc was an orc - would somehow taint the Order. That was soon to change.

'Here is a list of recruits that are to receive the 'special training' I said, handing him a piece of parchment. Thay were all young members that I had hand picked, and who supported my plans, all of them.

He went on his way, muttering to himself about knew weapons needed, and new armour that looked fierce. I think he said something about warpaint as well.

The plan had begun. I just had to wait for my second appointment of the day to complete the first stage of it......

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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