Thread: Short and easy question: Difficulty settings? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |
Hired Hero
posted November 30, 2005 06:16 PM |
Short and easy question: Difficulty settings?
Sorry for the stupid question, but I am still getting my feet wet here:
When setting up a new scenario, I see that some maps have a difficulty rating themselves -- one distinct from the "player difficulty" setting (which I am not sure what exactly that changes).
What does that mean? I mean, a map labeled "easy" is in what way different than one labeled "normal" or "difficult"?
Thank you.
Supreme Hero
blah, blah, blah
posted November 30, 2005 06:21 PM |
I think all it means is that the creator of this map decided to label it "easy" or "normal". I think it also plays a role in the way your final score is calculated.
As for player setting - you probably already know that it determines the amount of resources you and AI start with as well as the AI skill.
Supreme Hero
UHU!! supreme!
posted November 30, 2005 06:44 PM |
Quote: I think all it means is that the creator of this map decided to label it "easy" or "normal". I think it also plays a role in the way your final score is calculated.
As for player setting - you probably already know that it determines the amount of resources you and AI start with as well as the AI skill.
I think you are right... the AI is the maximon posible from hard to impossible the only change is the resource thing...
Dig Out Your Soul
Legendary Hero
posted December 02, 2005 09:53 PM |
The AI acts differently depending on the difficulty level. It's aggression level and tactics change.....and probably other things as well.
I always set the difficulty to what the map maker intended. This is how the map was designed and probably how it was play-tested. On a finely tuned map or linear map (where you are intended to do things in a certain order), playing it on the wrong difficulty can ruin the map.
Supreme Hero
blah, blah, blah
posted December 02, 2005 10:48 PM |
Quote: The AI acts differently depending on the difficulty level. It's aggression level and tactics change.....and probably other things as well.
I always set the difficulty to what the map maker intended. This is how the map was designed and probably how it was play-tested. On a finely tuned map or linear map (where you are intended to do things in a certain order), playing it on the wrong difficulty can ruin the map.
Ok, if anyone is interested, here is a link that has some info about the AI on different levels (such as the maximum number of heroes AI uses at different levels, etc): down to "Szczegółowy opis gry komputera na poszczególnych poziomach trudności". If anyone is interested, I can translate some of it from Polish.
Hired Hero
posted December 02, 2005 11:44 PM |
Quote: The AI acts differently depending on the difficulty level. It's aggression level and tactics change.....and probably other things as well.
I always set the difficulty to what the map maker intended. This is how the map was designed and probably how it was play-tested. On a finely tuned map or linear map (where you are intended to do things in a certain order), playing it on the wrong difficulty can ruin the map.
Ok, if anyone is interested, here is a link that has some info about the AI on different levels (such as the maximum number of heroes AI uses at different levels, etc):[url][/url]Scroll down to "Szczegółowy opis gry komputera na poszczególnych poziomach trudności". If anyone is interested, I can translate some of it from Polish.
Actually, I would love to glean some of this knowledge. However, I cant even tell where I am supposed to scroll down to!! There isnt any chance of you... um ... actually extracting the salient information, translating it, and then inserting it into this post here? Or somewhere else? That page you linked looks just loaded with fine information, but it is just an overload for me due to its being written in Polish!
Supreme Hero
blah, blah, blah
posted December 05, 2005 04:34 PM |
Edited By: Russ on 6 Dec 2005
Ok, then here it goes... I'll try to do my best as I am not really Polish. If someone is Polish - correct me where I am wrong.
Komputer nie widzi niebezpieczeństwa wynikającego z poruszania się na terenie wroga (w pobliżu wrogich herosów)
*Something about computer not being able to see the danger of being close to enemy heroes while on enemy territory.
Komputer nie docenia siły wrogich herosów decydując się na atak
*Computer underestimates the enemy heroes before attacking.
Komputer może budować raz na dwie tury
*Computer can build once in 2 turns.
Komputer nie zbuduje generatora armii wyższego poziomu niż poziom najlepszego generatora człowieka
*It will not build creature dwellings higher than the highest dwelling of the best human player.
Komputer nie może zbudować generatora istot 7 poziomu
*Computer can't build level 7 dwells.
Komputer nie łączy armii
*It does not connect armies (not sure about this one - maybe it means getting creatures of the same alignment?)
Komputer nie szuka Grala
*Computer doesn't look for grail (did that one even need the translation?
Komputer nie wymienia armii i artefaktów pomiędzy swoimi herosami
*Computer doesn't trade artifacts and armies
Istoty na mapie są nastawione przyjaźnie do gracza (częściej się przyłączają)
*Neutral creatures are more friendly to the player. (edited)
Gracze komputerowi nie będą kupować herosów jeśli będą mieli ich w sumie 8 lub więcej
*Something about computer not buying heroes when all computers have 8 heroes.
Komputer nie docenia siły wrogich herosów decydując się na atak
*Computer underestimates the enemy heroes before attacking.
Komputer łączy jednostki
*Computer connects units.
Komputer może budować raz na dwie tury
*Computer can build once in 2 turns.
Komputer "agresywnie" rozwija miasta
*Computer builds "aggressively".
Komputer szuka Grala po odkryciu co najmniej połowy obelisków
*Computer searches for grail once it has half the obelisks.
Komputer kładzie większy nacisk na eksplorowanie mapy
*Computer puts bigger effort in exploring the map
Komputer zdaje sobie sprawę z niebezpieczeństwa wynikającego z poruszania się na terenie wroga (w pobliżu wrogich herosów)
*Something about computer waiting out the danger when being close to enemy heroes while on enemy territory.
Komputer nie będzie wynajmował więcej niż 3 herosów
*Computer won't hire more than 3 heroes.
Gracze komputerowi nie będą kupować herosów jeśli będą mieli ich w sumie 11 lub więcej
*Something about computer not buying heroes when all computers have 11 heroes.
Komputer właściwie określa siłę atakowanego herosa
*Computer estimates the enemy heroes well.
Komputer jest ostrożny w poruszaniu się na terenie wroga (w pobliżu wrogich herosów)
*Computer is careful when moving into the enemy territory.
Komputer buduje w każdej turze
*Computer builds every turn.
Komputer bardzo agresywnie rozwija miasta
*Computer builds VERY aggressively.
Komputer szuka Grala po odkryciu co najmniej 1/4 obelisków
*Computer looks for the grail once it has 1/4 obelisks.
Komputer nie będzie wynajmował więcej niż 4 herosów
*Computer won't hire more than 4 heroes.
Gracze komputerowi nie będą kupować herosów jeśli będą mieli ich w sumie 14 lub więcej
*Something about computer not buying heroes when all computers have 14 heroes.
Komputer jest bardzo ostrożny w poruszaniu się na terenie wroga (w pobliżu wrogich herosów)
*Computer is VERY careful when moving into the enemy territory.
Komputer szuka Grala, kiedy jest w stanie w przybliżeniu określić miejsce gdzie znajduje się teren pokazywany przez odkrywaną mapę.
*Computer searches for the the grail as soon as it can approximately match the map.
Komputer nie będzie wynajmował więcej niż 5 herosów
*Computer won't hire more than 5 heroes. (Wow!!! Expert computer is already smarter than the gamespy crowd!)
Gracze komputerowi nie będą kupować herosów jeśli będą mieli ich w sumie 17 lub więcej
*Something about computer not buying heroes when all computers have 17 heroes.
Komputer nie będzie wynajmował więcej niż 6 herosów.
*Computer won't hire more than 6 heroes. (Gamespyer's nightmare!!!)
Gracze komputerowi nie będą kupować herosów jeśli będą mieli ich w sumie 20 lub więcej.
*Something about computer not buying heroes when all computers have 20 heroes.
Hired Hero
posted December 05, 2005 04:49 PM |
Hey thanks. Didnt understand that about not buying heroes when the others have more than X, but ok....
So what do you mean you are not "really" Polish?
Supreme Hero
posted December 05, 2005 05:45 PM |
There are 3 types of computer players (i think its randomly decided what type the comp will be). First type is builder and stays close to its towns (easy to beat), 2nd type is medium, 3rd type is aggresive and will scout most and get far around (the most dangerous).
Crag rules, Orrin and Ivor suck
Supreme Hero
blah, blah, blah
posted December 05, 2005 06:16 PM |
Quote: Hey thanks. Didnt understand that about not buying heroes when the others have more than X, but ok....
So what do you mean you are not "really" Polish?
I am not Polish, but I can kind of understand it - Slavic languages are similar. But I don't understand everything. This is why I put "something like" in places where I am not 100% sure what it means, and this is why I couldn't translate a couple of things at all.
As for maretti - the things you are talking about are independent of the difficulty setting. Those are more like computer "personalities" in addition to AI's strategy on different difficulty settings.
Tavern Dweller
Corporal archer
posted December 05, 2005 11:31 PM |
Not only do the AIs get harder, there numbers increase. When normally youd be facing "one or two pixies" you would now be facing "a score of sprites" as well as the AIs strategy. Im not positive but i also think the map changes so that youd have to take more portals and enter more caves in order to get from point A to point B. Less items to collect as well. Thats all i can think of at any rate...but if your new i recomend novice or easy
Hired Hero
posted December 06, 2005 12:52 PM |
But what you are saying would indicate that "map difficulty" and "player difficulty" are both integrated into "player difficulty" -- is that true? So much conflicting advice here.
And I am new, but I find "hard" (the rook chess piece) to be ok for the time being while testing out which factions I like (so far, dungeon the most, while castle seems easiest and most boring).
Known Hero
posted December 06, 2005 02:18 PM |
Easy level
Quote: *Something about computer
Just AI
Quote: Komputer nie łączy armii
*It does not connect armies (not sure about this one - maybe it means getting creatures of the same alignment?)
I think it means that heroes with armies of the same alignment do not exchange them to make one super-army.
Quote: Istoty na mapie są nastawione przyja�nie do gracza (czę�ciej się przyłączają)
*Not sure what this means
Neutral creatures are more friendly to the player.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Slawomir Stachniewicz.
Supreme Hero
blah, blah, blah
posted December 06, 2005 04:02 PM |
Quote: But what you are saying would indicate that "map difficulty" and "player difficulty" are both integrated into "player difficulty" -- is that true? So much conflicting advice here.
I would recommend reading the thread first before asking questions like this. I've already answered this one.
Hired Hero
posted December 06, 2005 04:05 PM |
I was replying specifically to GrimReaper, whose information contradicted yours.
Supreme Hero
blah, blah, blah
posted December 06, 2005 04:39 PM |
Oh, sorry, I didn't know this. I've just read his post and I think it can be nominated for the "toss of the year" award.
Famous Hero
Abu Hur Ibn Rashka
posted December 06, 2005 07:40 PM |
No need to break a sweat, Russ! Here's all in the information in English from Celestial Heavens website
Easy Difficulty
AI doesn't consider the dangers it faces from enemy Heroes when moving it's heroes.
AI will underestimate the strength of human players armies when deciding whether to attack them.
Computer players only build a town structure every other turn.
Computer players won't build creature generators of higher level than the highest level generator built by a human player.
Computer player can't build Level 7 generator.
Computer Players won't search for the Grail.
AI won't consolidate armies.
AI won't trade creatures and artifacts between its heroes.
Wandering monsters are more likely to join human players. Individual computer players won't hire heroes if they have eight or more heroes among them.
Normal Difficulty
AI will underestimate the strength of human player armies when deciding whether to attack or not.
AI will consolidate troops to build larger armies. Computer Players will build town structure every other turn.
Within the above limit AI will aggressively develop its towns.
Computer players will search for grail only after they have revealed 1/2 of the Puzzle map.
AI places high value on exploring the map.
AI will consider the danger it faces from enemy Heroes when it moves its own.
Individual computer players won't hire heroes if they have three or more.
Computer players as a whole won't hire heroes if they have 11 or more heroes among them.
Hard Difficulty
AI will correctly estimate the strength of human player armies when deciding whether to attack them.
AI will be cautious about moving it's heroes into dangerous situations.
Computer players can build structures every turn.
AI is very aggressive about town development.
Computer players will search for Grail when they have revealed 1/4 of the Puzzle Map.
Individual computer players won't hire heroes if they already have four or more.
Computer players as a whole will not hire heroes if they already have 14 or more between them.
Expert Difficulty
AI is extremely cautious about moving heroes into danger. AI searches for Grail as soon as it can identify the approximate location of the Puzzle Map.
Individual Computer Players will not hire heroes if they have five or more.
Computer players as a whole will not hire heroes if they already have 14 or more among them.
Impossible Difficulty
Individual Computer Players won't hire heroes if they already have six or more.
Computer Players as a whole will not hire Heroes if they have 20 or more among them.
Starting resources for Humans
Difficulties Gold Wood/Ore Other Resources
Easy 30000 30 15
Normal 20000 20 10
Hard 15000 15 7
Expert 10000 10 4
Impossible 0 0 0
Starting resources for Computer players
Difficulties Gold Wood/Ore Other Resources
Easy 5000 5 2
Normal 7500 10 4
Hard 10000 15 7
Expert 10000 15 7
Impossible 10000 15 7
* There's a list of things the AI will not do at Easy or Normal, such as retreat, use the "wait" feature, etc. There are also more AI features "cut" at Easy than Normal. The AI is exactly the same at hard, expert and impossible difficulty settings. "Hard" difficulty is the difficulty level where the computer is the most equal to the human player except for having 5000 less gold.
The information above was compiled from information given by Gus Smedstad, HOMM 3 programmer.
Dies illa, dies irae,
Calamitatis et miseriae.
Requiem aeternum
Dona eis, dona eis Domine.
Supreme Hero
blah, blah, blah
posted December 06, 2005 08:47 PM |
Where were you before I typed this whole thing?
By the way, care to share the link? I googled Celestial Heavens, but the site I see is dedicated to HOMM5 (although it does mention me on its front page )
Adventuring Hero
posted December 07, 2005 09:41 AM |
Edited By: pitsu on 7 Dec 2005
Tavern Dweller
Corporal archer
posted December 13, 2005 03:00 AM |
Onami: im not quite positive about this but im pretty sure, but another thing im positive about is recourses (spelt bad hoo carse?.