Thread: Best lev 1 unit in HOMM2 | |
Undefeatable Hero
posted April 03, 2006 01:31 PM |
Poll Question: Best lev 1 unit in HOMM2
Hello just wondering what you all think ias the best lev1 unit in HOMM2
Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted April 03, 2006 02:11 PM |
Edit by angelito
Spam refers to the Wastelands. No1 forced u to participate in that poll.
Adventuring Hero
Rampaging Rampart
posted April 03, 2006 02:23 PM |
Where are the goblins?
Anyway, I prefer either the Skeleton (Massive, good stats) or the Centaur (Ranged).
Famous Hero
being digested. E=mc^2, s=vt
posted April 03, 2006 02:25 PM |
1. Why didn't you include goblins? They are pretty good.
2. I think that the best creature is centaur. Pretty strong, nice stats, shooter.
3. I think it's a spamfest
Supreme Hero
posted April 03, 2006 02:52 PM |
Skeletons probably have the most staying power of all the Level 1 creatures, because they are easy to recruit and harvest. After a considerable amount of game time has passed, the Skeletons can turn into quite a fearsome stack, even though it's the weakest creature in the Necromancer's army. The more digits, the better.
Halflings are next; they are my personal favorite. Their ranged attack is necessary for the Wizard's success in the early game. I like them better than Centaurs because the Warlock army eventually becomes powerful enough to fight without relying on ranged attacks. Halflings are still helpful in the late game because the Wizard army's strength mostly comes from ranged attacks.
Adventuring Hero
NobleGriffen Master Of Birds
posted April 04, 2006 01:00 AM |
Skeletons are the best 1lv. creature. Here is its stats:
ATTACK: 4 COST: 75 gold
You see the stats are very good, good offense, defense, deals good damage and, health and good speed.
Yo griffens rule and you know it!
Undefeatable Hero
posted April 04, 2006 02:10 AM |
I couldnt fit the Goblins in the poll question thing.
I would have included them, but no room.
Goblins are a good unit to have I think Peasants are the worst unit in the game and the most useless.
They have good growth rates but because of their attack, defense,speed and hit points they are exceptionally weak and ver useless to have in your army. Don't waste your gold on these creatures. buy Halflings or Skeletons instead as they are stronger and better to have in your army.
Look Goblins are good units in your army, but they are not the best.
Peasants are definately the worst and you should never bother buying these units unless you are in real serious trouble and just need extra units.
Peasants are the last resort for anything in HOMM2 as they have lowest attack skill, defense skill, speed, and Hit points.
Theya are not worth the effore and money in my opinion.
Centaurs have the highest hit points for any lev1 unit, but they don't have the best attack and defense skill.
They also don't have the best damage of only being 1-2.
Halflings have a damage of 1-3 I think.
Both Halflings and Centaures are Ranged attackers so they don't have to move, instead they can just stay where they are and just chop the enemy unit down to size.
Skeletons are perhaps the best lev1 unit in the game, as they have high attack and defense skills, they have good hit points of being 4, they have good damage of being 2-3 I think and you can get 1000's of them because of your Necromancy skill if you have it, and if you don't then try to get it ASAP as it is crucial for your Skeletons, and also crucial for your hero.
With the Necromancy skill you will raise some Skeletons from the fight and have them in your army.
With this you should be able to get alot of Skeletons within a very short amount of time and that is probably one of the main advantages of having Skeletons in your army.
They have na average speed, but that can be easily helped with the 'haste' spell which you should cast onto the massive Skeleton staCK and then crush your enemy with them.
The Sprites are a fast unit but have low HP.
Their attack has no enemy retaliation and that is good as if you have a high Sprite stack and you attack the enemy, the enemy can't retaliate and then you can easily crush them, as you can retaliate to their attacks that they do to your Sprites, and that skill is really important to know and use to your advantage.
Goblins are a good unit to have as they have pretty good attack and defense skill.
They have an alright damage and they have alright speed.
Goblins are good, but they have no special skill that can be used during combat for exapmle Sprites having no enemy retaliation etc.
The good thing about Goblins as I stated before is their attack and defense skill.
All Barbarian units have pretty good attack and defense skills, so use that to your advantage.
All the lev1 units are cheap, with Peasants being the cheapest of the lot.
Don't really go with the Peasants or maybe even the Sprites.
I know I said that they are good, but they have low HP and they are not the strongest.
They have their good points about them and their bad points about them.
Their good point is their special skill of no enemy retalitaion, and their bad point is their low HP and sorta low attack and defense skill, but still you can easily destroy your enemy with their special skill.
Stick with Skeletons or probably my fav lev1 unit, the Halflings.
I really like the Halfling because they are a ranged attacker and Ranged attackers are my fav kind of units, because I don't have to move to the enemy, the enemy has to move to me and that is really good as I can just keep taking out stacks of the units, and then before they even reach me, I will probably kill them because they were to slow in getting to me, whereas I didn't even move at all, just kept on chopping the enemy down to size until I took thm all out.
Halflings are probably better than Centaurs in my opinion.
They are stronger, they have a higher damage but a lower minimal damage of 1. Their damage being 1-3 which is pretty good, compared to the Centaurs which is 2-3 I think, their minimal damage being 2 and their max being 3. The Halflings are my favourite lev1 unit in the game, they are cool, they have good growth rate, and they are a ranged attacker which makes them a good unit in my opinion.
Sprites usually get Slaughtered by the enemy so watch out for this, as I stated before they do have low HP, so this is a bad point for them, and yous hould watch out, as the enemy usually likes to target the larger unit stacks, and in this case the Sprites will have the largest stack because they are a lev1 unit and lev1 units have the hghest growth rates for any creature in the game. Sprites are good but I hardly use them as low HP means they get slain and they wont last for very long to actually inflict some major damage to the enemy units.
The Skeletons will have enough units in the stack to last a long time, so you don't really need tot worry about that.
You might have to worry about their speed but that is no biggie as you can cast 'haste' on them and then charge them towards the enemy and the Skeletons will show their true colours in good old fashioned war and death to the enemy.
The Skeletons have probably the highest attack and defense skill of any lev1 unit and they have the highest damage of being 2-3 which is good for a lev1 unit as some lev2 units have that damage, so that is a bonus for you if you have the Skeletons in your army.
Goblins are an alright unit, but I don't really bother with them, as there are better units that I can have in my army, No offense to any Goblin Lovers out there
Ranged attackers are the best, and probably the most difficult units in my opinion, because the enemy usually likes to target them and try to kill them.
Supreme Hero
posted April 04, 2006 12:40 PM |
I've always found Halflings more useful than Centaurs. I think the former are more common on most maps, since I run into more Halfling Holes than Centaur Caves. Maybe I'm wrong, though. I just adore Halflings.
Goblins are also useful, although their average speed might be a slight liability. They'll do reasonable damage, but they have to get really close to the enemy. I don't like Sprites very much for this same reason; they're too easily slain whilst harassing the enemy across the battlefield. You rarely have the chance to pull them out in time.
Famous Hero
being digested. E=mc^2, s=vt
posted April 04, 2006 02:04 PM |
Well, with the spell mass haste, sprites can do quite well (aka: block the archers for quite a long time)
Halfings for me are too slow. They always act last in a battle and when it's their turn, they are usually too battered to do some serious damage.
Famous Hero
posted April 05, 2006 02:39 AM |
lol goblins should've been included into the poll instead of peasants. I also would consider rogue as a lv 1 unit.
Skeletons 1st, Halflings 2nd, Sprites 3rd, Centaurs 4th, Rogues 5th, and Goblins 6th. I won't even bother mentioning peasants as i find them a waste of money and space.
Skellies have the best stats among lv 1 units.
Halflings shoot, deal more damage than centaurs, and are definitely more numerous.
Sprites are in third coz' they fly, no retaliation, and almost everytime i get sprites in the hundreds because of tree cities.
Centaurs are in 4th, coz' they aren't as numerous as halflings or sprites, therefore don't deal as much damage as them
Rogues probably won't be of much use in the late game. However early game their non retaliation is useful.
Goblins deal alot of damage if in numbers, but imo i don't seem to rely much on goblins(not even in early game) coz' they die really fast as well.
Undefeatable Hero
posted April 05, 2006 10:06 AM |
Ok here are the units:
They are alright units when in the 4 digits but even then they will still be weak, because the enemy will most likely to have more stronger and more
powerful units than your measly Peasants, and they will be likely to cast spells at the Peasants.
They have an attack, defense, Damage and Hit points of 1.
They are the weakest unit in the game and not worth the money. They can be used as a defender unit to defend stronger units, but you should only do this if you maybe more than 4000 Peasants, any less and they will get slain, and the whole defender thing will have been useless.
Peasants stats:
Hit points-1
Goblins ( couldn't fit in the poll questions thingy):
When these units are in high numbers, then they are something to be worried about.
They have good attack skill, and they have alright damage of being 1-2.
They excellent for defending your ranged attackers.
High numbers of these units is pretty common, with high attack skill, they are able to take out strong monster stacks.
They have average speed so you should be able to make it to the enemy in 1 or 2 turns. 1 turn if you have the spell 'haste' cast on them, sorry if i'm mistaken.
They are a good unit to have in your army.
Goblins stats:
Hit points-3
The Skeletons speed allows them to win many battles.
They have the highest attack, defense and damage out of any of the lev1 units in the game.
They are Undead however, and because of that, they are unaffected by morale,
and they are immune to mind affecting spells, Bless and Curse.
This can be a bit bad at times, as you can't cast Bless on them, and Bless makes the targeted unit dish out the maximum damage that they can.
In this cast the Skeletons would dish out 3 damage to your enemies.
They have a minimum damage of 2, and that is good as some other lev1 units have a maximum damage of being 2.
The Skeletons, when they have 'haste' cast on them become a very deadly unit to have in your army.
They are powerful and you can easily get a high stack of these, if your hero has the Necromancy Secondary skill.
Skeletons will be able to take out the medium-strong enemy units.
Skeletons are the best lev1 unit in my opinion.
Skeletons stats:
Hit points-4
Sprites have a non-retalitaion attack and as such if you have a big stack of Sprites, you should be able to take out the medium strength units and you wont lose much Sprites in the process.
Sprites have an equal attack skill as Skeletons do, but they don't have the same Defense skill.
Sprites are a flying unit, and as such they are pretty fast.
They are only let down with their pretty poor health.
They have 2 map dwellings (one dwelling place, and one recruiting place).
They are excellent for taking out enemy ranged attackers.
Sprites stats:
Hit points-2
Centaurs have the highest HP's in the game of being 5.
They are a ranged attacker, and they are pretty good because of that.
They do have the same speed as Griffins and Minatours so Centaurs will be one of the first to attack.
The Centaurs grow pretty quick so you should have a big stack of them pretty early on in the game.
They can be a bit weak at times, but because they are a ranged attacker the enemy has to come to them first instead of you having to go to them and you losing alot of units in your stack.
They have low Defense skill so that is something that you should watch out for because the AI usually likes to target your Ranged attackers.
Centaurs stats:
Hit points-5
Halflings are a ranged attacker, and as such they are quite a mean unit.
When you have a big stack of them, which you probably will because Halflings growth rates are good, and you can recruit quite a lot from Halfling holes I think that is what they are called.
The AI likes to target them which can be a bit of a problem, but when the AI doesn't attack them, then consider yourself lucky, and you will get a lot more Halflings because of that.
In early stages of the game, Halflings will be your main firepower and you should defend these units, as they can take out quite strong enemy units.
Due to their low HP, wandering stacks of Halfling will be more likely to join your army, and you will accumalate more of them.
Halflings stats:
Hit points-3
Rogues could be considered a lev1 unit.
They have a high attack skill of being 6, and they have a bad Defense skill of 1.
Thye have a damage of 1-2 which is withing the lev1 unit range thingy, and they have HP of 4, which is also within the lev1 unit range.
They add just that little more offense to your heroes army.
They are good if you just want more troops, or if you don't have enough money to buy any strong units, and instead you just buy a lev1 unit that has really good attack skill, but a lowsy defense skill, being the same as the Peasants of 1, which is quite poor.
Like the Sprites the Rogues have the ability of non-retaliation attck, and when you have alot of Rogues, then the enemy can't retaliate, and you will lose hardly any Rogues and you will slaughter the enemy as they can only attack you once (the target enemy unit i'm talking about) and your Rogues will get to strike at them twice. Once for their main attack, and the second because of their retaliation of the enemy units attack to your Rogues.
The Rogues have good speed so in maybe 2 turns without haste they should be able to make it to the enemy.
If they have haste cast on them, then they should be able to make it to the enemy in 1 turn which is excellent.
So Rogues in my opinion could be considered to be lev1 units. The Rogues are a neutral creature and you can't buy them at a Castle or Town.
Rogues stats
Hit points-4
Here are the stats comparing each units skill, to every other lev1 unit side by side for easier reading and easier way to follow and see what unit is better in what skill:
Attack skill-
Peasants = 1
Goblins = 3
Skeletons = 4
Sprites = 4
Centaurs = 3
Halflings = 2
Rogues = 6
Rogues have the highest attack skill out of any of the lev1 units.
Defense skill-
Peasants = 1
Goblins = 1
Skeletons = 3
Sprites = 2
Centaurs = 1
Halflings = 1
Rogues = 1
Skeletons are the best with having highest Defense skill
Peasants = 1
Goblins = 1-2
Skeletons = 2-3
Sprites = 1-2
Centaurs = 1-2
Halflings = 1-3
Rogues = 1-2
Skeletons are the best with having the most damage that they can inflict on the
enemy units.
Peasants = 1
Goblins = 3
Skeletons = 4
Sprites = 2
Centaurs = 5
Halflings = 3
Rogues = 4
Centaurs have the highest Hit points, which is excellent as they are a ranged attacker, and
they really need the Hit points because the AI usually likes to target Centaurs.
Skeletons having the highest defense skill and having the highest damage of being 2-3, they are the best lev1 unit in the game, and an excellent choice if you want to win and have fun
Famous Hero
Bringer Of Light
posted April 05, 2006 10:47 AM |
Why put the peasants in the poll instead of goblins if everyone considers them the worst lvl1..
After all, marriage and murder are not too different - one ends your life and the other is a crime
Undefeatable Hero
posted April 05, 2006 01:42 PM |
Yes but some other people may consider the Goblins to be the worst, I don't know, I would have put them in, but there wasnt enough space, im sorry about that.
If you read my post above you will see all the info that I have for them.
Famous Hero
being digested. E=mc^2, s=vt
posted April 07, 2006 01:59 PM |
Well, I voted for peasants, LOL. In my opinion this unit is pretty good. If you're fighting against it, that is. An army of ghosts fed every week by 18 nice, yummy peasants can be deadly. Believe me.
I am having a new style
Big, fat, naughty. Potential girlfriend - pm me.
Undefeatable Hero
posted April 15, 2006 01:45 AM |
Yeah Supersonic that is all the Peasants are good for lol.
Anyway the Peasants are usless, you shouldn't use these units, they are slow, worst attack, defense, damage hit points in the game.
They are usless.
I voted for the Halflings because they are really good in high numbers and be a real threat to the enemy, but they are not the strongest, that's why I said that they are good when they are in really high numbers.
Centaurs are good, but I don't really use them, as I think that Halflings are a much better unit to have, and they are a little stronger, although Centaurs have higher Hit points, Halflings are just stronger units to have in your army.
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand