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Heroes Community > Library of Enlightenment > Thread: HOMM story.
Thread: HOMM story.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 10, 2006 10:13 AM
Edited by william on 11 Apr 2006

HOMM story.

The Story of Heroes of Might and Magic.

The story starts off with a Young hero named William the Wizard.
I was looking for some new troops for his army against the enemy army of Nasgu'ed.
They were a Necromancer tribe and they were trying to turn William's land of Ar'leetine into a world full of the Undead creatures that only nightmares are made of. They say that the Necromancers catch you, then put you into a transformation thing and then it transforms you into the undead. Few have escaped from the Necromancers, but the ones that did, they were scared for life, and they will never ecover from the nightmares that laid in the Necromancers tribe.
They say it was the things that nightmares are made of. It is so dark in their that you can't see a thing, then it gets bright, and then the undead Zombies come out from the walls, and try to put you on to this table. The hold you there and then they start to eat you slowly, and then you start to become one of them.
A fellow Wizard and one of William's oldest friends Mitch the Mage, was captured, but luckily he escaped by casting the really hard spell to master, the spell of Ages. This spell creates a forcefiled around you, making it unpenaterable and nothing can eneter it, unless the caster wishes so, and in this case Mitch would not have wanted so.
He escaped with a few cuts, one of them from the Zombies.
A quarter of him was a Zombie and every once in a while he cannot control himself and he started to eat people.
That's why I and the townsfolk had to lock him up, and had to chain him to a wall for a long time.
Quite sad really because about 30 years ago, well it seemed like that, well anyway, 30 years ago he trained me to become who I am today. And that is a very powerful Wizard.
I once had a son, but he to got caught by the Necromancer tribe and he became one of them. I did everything that I could possibly do that fateful night, but alas I couldn't save him.
I regret it even to this day which is about 15 years ago I think and I will never forget it.
They have ruined my life and that is why I am here right now seeking revenge for my son, and destoying the Necromancer tribe and bringing peace and equality back to the land, as it once used to be.

Well anyway back to the story...
Thats right I was looking for some new units for my army to take down the Necromancers.
I happened to find some Zealots praying by the River.

'Hello fellow Zealots, I am William Wizard of Ar'leetine, and I am seeking some of you to join my army against the Necromancers. Would you be interested in following my cause' I said to the group of Zealots.

The something strange happened. I could hear what they were saying, but they wern't moving their mouths. They were using telepathy.
The voice in my head said this.
'I will follow your cause, but on one condition young Wizard. You must help my son Tilicathus, to use the spell of Fireball'.
'Are you capable of such a task Young Wizard William' said the voice.

'I am and I will do my best to teach your son the Fireball spell'.

It took about 3 days to teach Tilicathus the spell of Fireball, as he wasn't such a good listener and kept looking away and not paying attention to me, but to the sounds of the river, and everything around him. He seemed like he could be a wonderful Zealot, but his time was not right now, but when he did learn Fireball, he performed it brilliantly. Although he did set fire to one of his fellow Zealots cloths, but the Zealot cast a spell and instantly a new set of cloths appeared on him.
I thought this was a bit useless but maybe he liked casting spells of instant clothing.

The Zealots offered to join me, and the next day we set out on the journey to the Necromancer tribe of Ar'leetine.
It would not be an easy journey though, as it would take about a week at the most to get there, and there was mountain to climb, and we had to go through a swamp, and then would we get to Ar'leetine.
on day 1 of the journey, me and my fellow Zealots came across a creature none other then a Titan. It had been severly injured though, as it had to fight a group  of undead Black Riders, which are feared creatures throughout the land.
The Titan had fallen and had been badly cut on the left leg.

I asked the Zealot leader if there was anything that he could do. I would have done something, but I am not specialised in the Magic of Healing, only Damaging spells like Fireball for example.

The Zealot leader chanted a few words and then put his hand on the cut on the Titans leg. He removed his hand from the cut, and in an instant the cut vanished into thin air.
For this task, the Titan offered to follow me and my cause.
The Titan was funnily enough the Leader of the Titan Kingdom of Shamstein in the higher levels of the clouds. Noone has seen the Titan Kingdom of Shamstein except Mitch, and that was the day before the Necromancers got him.
He has never remembered that day, and he can't recall what the city looked like, or what was in there, as his mind has gone and has now been fully replaced with an undead one, and all he can think about is feasting on human flesh. I fear that something may happen to him one day, quite soon.
But anyway, the Titan thanked us for helping it and then I decided that we should set up camp as it was getting rather late.

I sat by the fire that we had lit, and listened to the crackling of the fire, and the sounds of the night.
I was just about to lie down when I heard a terrible shriek. It was very close and it sounded just like a Wight. They are scary creatures, and they terrorize people camping alone or with some units. They usually terrorize a group of other creatures, when there is a whole group of them.
I suddenly grabbed my staff and I suddenly got chills down my back. I froze for second as I knew what was right behind me. I could hear it about to go for the kill, and then that's when I struck. I cast Fireball straight into it's face. It burnt and screamed and had a high shrill as it slowly died.
I knew there was more of them and I quickly woke up my fellow companions.
The Titan quickly got up and threw a piece of Lightning at a Wight that was behind me. It's funny but when I think about it, in battle I never really think about how Titans suddenly got Lightning and threw it at their enemy.
But that's what happens in this land, and well right now, I care more about my life, then wondering why Titans sudden;y get Lightning from nowhere and throw it at their enemy.
The Wight got hit straight in the face by the Lightning bolt, and quickly shriveled on the ground.
I heard a scream and I knew that one of the Zealots had been injured.
I ran towards the scream and I found that the son had been bitten by one of the Wights which was lying next to his body.
He had been bitten on the arm, and it was quite deep.
I don't know how long he had before he would turn into one of the Wights.
I quickly called his father over and he tried all that he could, but he couldn't save his son in time, so we had to cast a spell which sent his soul to the underworld. It was a very sad time, and I had only just begun to like the young Zealot. It was a sad loss and one that I will remember for a long time.

We had to comfort the father of the boy, and we then knew what our task was to be. To seek justice for the killing of a young and innocent Zealot and to eradicate the Necromancers from the land, and bring back justice, prosperity and peace once agian back to the land.

The next day came and we had to begin on our journey again. The father was still sad, as he should have been, and we comfoted him through the walk through the forest which we had just entered.
This part of the land was called Trogtimr and was a dangerous place at Night as strange and evil creatures lurked here waiting for their next fed.
We then came across a band of Rogues looking for some help.
They said that there caravan was attacked sometime in the middle of the night by a bunch of Wights and they lost rheir food and money and alot of their fellow friends.
They asked if they could join us and I said they could.
They provided us with some information about a Necromancer hero none other than the Evil Sandro, was travelling north towards his little village of Ghutyinm, which was once a peacful village where Peasants lived. But then Sandro came and with him came his little army of Undead Zombies, and some Vampires.
He turned alot of the villagers into Zombies and the ones that were strong, Sandro turned them into Vampires.
Sandro was once a Wizard, and was my first teacher unti lthat fateful day ehere we heard that he was to, captured by the Necromancers, and turned into a Lich, one of the more powerful kind of Necromancer creatures.
He didn't have much patience with me though, and as such, he often got angry and had fits of uncontrollable rage and anger. He once cut my with a piece of glass that we were attempting to turn into a Snail, but then he got angry and slashed it at my face, creating a scar on my face that is now a part of me and who I am today.

The Rogues also said that they also saw a young hero, who had a cloak around his face, so they couldn't see him, and they said that he asked if they knew someone called William.

I then jumped in surprise to this, as I knew that the person with the cloak must have been referring to me, as I am the only person named William in the whole of the Land.
I wondered who it could be. A couple of thoughts had crossed my mind. It could have been Sandro as he always wanted to get me and he despised me for what I looked at and what I did.
It could have been anyone but I couldn't help thinking how it could be.
A couple of hours later we had exited the forest, and now found ourselves to be in the country side of Tichtala Porusus, also know as the Country side of Life.
It was a beautiful place, and few had come here, as alot of people feared the Trogtimr forest, as they thought that they wouldn't escape it when night came.
It was a quite sunny day, but I couldn't help thinking that something bad would happen. After a couple of minutes, the thought had crossed from my mind, and I found myself at this nice little cottage just a short walk from the exit of Trogtimr forest.
It had a wonderful pond out the front of it, and there were bushes everywhere.
There were apple bushes, and the rare Gertan bush which had the loveliest fruits that you could eat. I knocked on the door to the cottage and then standing there was the strangest creature that I had ever seen.
It was known to be called a Centaur, which had a horse body, and a human head.
I had never encountered one of these before, but I had heard that they were very fast moving creatures, and that they contained the ability to heal other creatures with minimal effort.
I greeted the Centaur and it let us all in to it's cottage, but I declined the offer and decided to stay outside. I asked it politely if it had seen a creature in a cloak come past here.
The Centaur said that he hadn't. Then a strange thing happened. It suddenly got extremely cold. Many of my companions were shivering from the cold, and I myself was shivering. Then the whole sky went black and I quickly hurried my men to come inside. The tables inside started shaking, the Windows were rattling. The bowls and pieces of fruit that the Centaur had gathered were starting to roll off the table and the chairs were shaking madly. I thought that the whole house was going to shake unti lit toppeled, but then it suddenly went very quiet and scary. I knew something was inside as I could hear faint footsteps. They were very faint, but they were just loud enoguh for me to hear.
The footsteps stopped and then I heard one of the Rogues had been taken, as I could hear him gargling and I saw little drops of blood on the floor.
I knew what this creature could be. It could only be the Vampires. I quickly chanted some words and my staff glowed bright white. It was enough to light up the room. Me and my companions were creeping down the hallway, and then we heard a short but high scream very close by.
I silently opened a door which was slightly ajar, and then the Rogues body flew through the door. Splinters were everywhere and I was cut by one of the flying pieces of wood. I quickly cast a spell which made my staff glow an even brighter white light. I crept into the room and the Vampire suddenly lunged at me. I got my staff and put it infront of it's face and it suddenly crumpled into dust.
'Jeez that was a close call wasn't it' I said in relief, but my relief would soon turn into worry as I couldn't see the Centaur any where.
Me and my companions spilt up around the house to find it.
I was about to enter it's bedroom when it suddenly came from nowhere and held me down on the ground.
I could see that it was bitten, as it had two bite marks in it's neck, and it's face was now white.
It was about to bite me when the Lader of the Zealots came up to it and cast an ancient spell called the spell of Ar'gun which is a spell to destroy the undead.
The Undead Centaur soon couldn't move, and it's hold lossened, and it slowly gasped and fell to the floor as it slowly died from the spell which had been casted on it.

We hurried out of the house, and we quickly continued on our journey. We were walking down a dirt road, also know as the Road of Ages. It was a stone road which had been built and constructed by the ancient tribe of the Gorgons, which perished along time ago, as their tribe was destroyed by the Titans, which hated them and condemed them to hell which they would recieve punishment for saying something bad about the Titan God. Well that's what the Legend is, but I don't know if it entirely true, as it was said to have happened over 2000 years ago.
The Gorgons were said to be four legged beasts, which roamed the land in search of a fight, and in the end they lost their fight and were sent to hell.
They were said to have an ability of having a gaze which would paralyze the creature that they were attacking.
It was said to have even worked on Humans aswell, as a Mighty Warrior or Barbarian named Alton the Great, challenged the Gorgon King to a fight to the death. This happened because Alton wanted the Gorgons land, and the Gorgons wanted to have their land just as it was.
Alton was about to defeat the Gorgon King, when suddenly the Gorgon Kings eyes suddenly glowed a light purple and Alton who had his sword about to kill the King, suddenly dropped the sword and stood in the same place where he got killed.

I was walking when I suddenly noticed a broken sign, which read
"This way to the might Gorgon palace, go back now if you want your lives safe".
I didn't think much about it, until we approached a very old looking palace which looked like it was owned by the Gods.
It had a rare substance called Sulfur sprinkled all over the Entrance of the Palace.
The Walls were made of Gold, which had faded to a medium brown.
It still looked magnificent though, and I issued my companions to walk through the entrance.
We were walking down the corridors made of Gold when a loud voice spoke.
"Get out of here and turn back right now" is what the voice said.
I ignored this and kept on walking.
Then out of nowhere a four legged creature appeared out of thin air, and started charging towards us.
We quickly jumped out of the way.
I noticed that one of my Rogue companions was still standing there.
I went over to him, just as the creatures were about to turn back towards us, when I noticed that one of the creatures had glowing eyes that were purple.
I suddenly was frozen stiff, and then I was knocked out cold.

It seemed like it was about a week later, because when I woke up, some of my companions were been taken prisoner and being hung up and chained to the Gold walls.
I asked where I was, and one of the creatures replied that I am in the Palace of the Gorgon King.
I was amazed but confused at the same time, as I didn't think that the legend were true, but they must have been and I was instantly amazed by all of this.
I was locked up in a cage, and was about to be lowered into another cage which contained ancient creatures called Basilisks, which liked to feast on Human flesh.
I chanted a few words, and the Cage door suddenly swung open.
I got my staff and cast a fireball spell at the two closest Gorgons.
It killed them, and then I approached the Gorgon King which was sitting in it's high chair made entirely out of solid Gold.
I asked him if it could let us go.
It accepted on one condition only, that we must kill my fellow companion the Titan. It must not know that Titans ressurect themselves by pure magic, even if they are dead, within a few hours.
I accepted and we killed the Titan.
The Gorgon King let us go, and we continued on our journey to the Necromancy Tribe.

It was getting dark, so I decided that we should set up camp here.
We lit up a bright fire, and then the Titan Ressurected itslef, before my very eyes.
I knew that it would happen, but I was amazed at the Rogues as they were dumbfounded by the Ressurection of the Titan.
It explained it to them and they soon understood what happened to Titans after they were killed, and really Titans can't be killed as they will always ressurect themselves a couple of hours later.
I decided that I would lay down, and within a couple of minutes I fell asleep.
I had an amazing but terrible dream.
My dream was about the cloaked creature and it was killing all of my companions, and I was about to be next.
It had it's sword ready and then the cloak fell from his face and I recognized who it was.
It was......and then that's all that I remember of that dream.
The  next day I was a bit dissapointed to see that it was a dark and going to be a stormy day.
And I knew which creatures were around these parts of the land, and I knew what creatures came out when it was a storm.
The Storm Elementals, which noone really knew about came out at times when it was stormy. They were said to be powerful, and many people didn't want to go near one, and not many people have seen one because of that.
It started to rain heavily, and I issued that my companions hurry and find cover as we tried to continue our journey.
But we didn't get far, as when we arrived to the Bridge, I saw that it was overflowing with fast moving water, which we certainly wouldn't be able to walk through.
I decided that we should wait until the rain died down a little bit, and until the rushing water stopped moving.
We waited for about 5 hours until it finally stopped moving and the rain stopped coming down.

We crossed the bridge and we came to a mountain called the mountain of Grod'l, which is infamous throughout the land, and practically everyone knows of it.
We had to climb up it which would take at least five hours, as it was wet and it was a bit slippery to walk or climb on.
This frustrated me alot, as I desperately wanted to destoy the Necromancers evil out of the land, and make this land once again peaceful and bring back prosperity and harmony throughout the land, as it once used to be.
We finally made it after the three mile hike, which it seemed to feel like anyway, and we then crossed the land of the dead, which was a terrible place to be.
Wherever you walked you felt evil was right behind you following your every step that you took.
It was a scary place to be and I was relieved once we crossed over to the Necromancers land.
I could see the Necromancer Castle ahead, and I decided that we should take a little rest before we attacked the Castle.

The next day, it was very sunny and this was good, as the Undead hated sunlight and wouldn't really come out to attack us head to head.
We ran to the Castle and several undead, to my complete surprise came out and attacked us.
We killed them, well they were already undead, but yeah you know what I mean, and we proceded to the Higher levels of the Castle. Inside we found lots of torture chambers used to turn humans into the Undead, and the air smelt of death and decay, which was a very unpleasant smell.
We then turned around the corner of one of the steps, and ahead of us was the Necromancer King sitting in it's chair, with a cloak over its' face, and was expecting us to of come.
It spoke in a very raspy, and deep voice.
"I have been expecting you, William my old friend. I have waited many days and nights for you to have come"
'My old friend' what the devil could he have meant.
It raised it's hand over it's cloak, and removed the cloak from it's face.
I was surprised to see that it was, was my son.
But old friend, I was his father not his friend, unless he didn't see me as a Father figure type.
"Ever since I was small friend, you treated me like I was nothing, like I was some kind of Vermin, well let me tell you, I am not" it said.
Then just as it was about to speak, the Rogues ran towards my son, and then instantly all of the Rogues dropped dead, as my son raised and lowered it's hand.
"I am more powerful than you friend, and I will stop at nothing to see you die".
I quickly raised my staff and cast Fireball at it.
It hit my son on the leg, and it set fire to his cloak, but then it quickly vanished as my son chanted something which I could not understand.
My friend the Titan raised it's arm and heaved a Lightning bolt at my son.
The Lightning bolt disappeared into thin air, as my son cast a reflecting spell, and the Lightning bolt, appeared again right infront of the Titans face and it struke him and killed it instantly.
"You know you will not win you know" I said out aloud.
"I don't intend to win, I just want you dead, that's all" my son spoke in a calm, and somewhat angry voice.
It ran towards me, and I stuke it in the heart with a spell of the Fireball.
My son lay dead infront of me, and suddenly the Castle started to shake.
I quickly cast a spell of Teleport which took up alot of my spell strength and I teleported out of the front of the shaking Castle.
I saw it being destoyed by the good that I had done.
I lost my friends, but I had saved the land from pure evil, which would have, if I hadn't stopped it, would have destroyed the land, and made everyone into the Undead, and their army would have become unstoppable as they would have swept to other lands, and turned villages into the Undead.
But it was all over now, and I feel that a heavy burden had just been lifted off of my Shoulders.
I had saved the Land, and the Land is once again safe from evil. I decided to walk back home again, just to see that my Titan friend had escaped the Carnage of the falling Castle.
He said that just before the castle collpased, he managed to escape, and he also said that something else had escaped aswell, something that had a dark cloak around it's face.
OH NO I thought, and just beofre I ran towards the Castle to check, the Titan transformed into my Son, he must know the art of Transfigoration, which not even I know how to do.
He got his dagger out of his pocket and stabbed me in the right shoulder.
I quickly got my staff and tripped him over onto the ground.
I cast a spell and I instantly became a bit stronger and healthier. I felt better than ever before.
I quickly cast a spell over my injured shoulder and then I ran towards him and tackled him to the ground. My staff got hi out of my hands as I hit the ground with my Son in my arms driving him into the ground.
We fought and wrestled each other, but we were to tired to go on.
Out of one last move of desperation he got his dagger and threw it straight at my face, but I knew this would happen and quickly cast Slow Time and I managed to avoid the Dagger and move it so that it would hit my son instead.
It struck him in the face, and he instantly fell to the ground.
I quickly hurried over to him and held his head in my arms.
I knew that he was dying.
I was about to put his head back on the ground when he suddenly muttered "I love you Dad, thankyou for teaching me, I am a failure and I will never forget you, goodbye".
He suddenly stopped breathing and then I knew he was dead.
I shouted to the sky in absolute anger, and I didn't know why this had all happened.
I was confused, and angered, but I knew that I had done the right thing, not only for me but also for my son, who I knew was good in his heart, but he was also one of the Undead, which were trying to poison the land and make the entire population part of the undead.

I know even to this day, that I had done the right thing, and I have no regrets about what had happened.
Well that's the end of my story, about me and my Conquest of the Necromancer Tribe.
Well I hope you will isten to another of my stories but for now, I am to tired, so thanks for listening and hope to see you soon.

I hoped that you enjoyed this story, and any of you can extend on this story and add more if you like to, or you could just leave it and enjoy reading it.
Your choice, but do whatever you like.
Either extend on this story, about William the Wizard and another of his adventures, or just leave it.
Well once again I hoped that you enjoyed reading this.

Edited: I made it so it was like it should have been, I hope you like reading this

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Legendary Hero
able to speed up time
posted April 10, 2006 07:05 PM

William, meet the paragraph.  Paragraph...William.

no seriously: Holy Crap! William's a novelist.  I only made it about half-way down but I super admire the effort you put into it.  Once you go out and experience some life your stories will really start to come alive.  I'll be looking forward to it.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 11, 2006 01:46 AM

William, meet the paragraph.  Paragraph...William.

no seriously: Holy Crap! William's a novelist.  I only made it about half-way down but I super admire the effort you put into it.  Once you go out and experience some life your stories will really start to come alive.  I'll be looking forward to it.

I accidnelty stuffed it up, when i get home tonight, I will try to fix it, and make it how it was, without all of those paragraphs. Sorry about that.
So FOG you think that my story was good, I really liked it, thanks.

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Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted April 11, 2006 12:53 PM

Woah, that was a good story and a great effort. I was initially put off by the length but as I started reading I found it to be quite entertaining. There are lots of interesting twists and some mannerisms gave me quite a good laugh. Some unintentional mistakes or funny ways of saying things add spice to the story, like:

We were walking down a dirt road, also know as the Road of Ages. It was a stone road which had been built and constructed by the ancient tribe of the Gorgons, which perished along time ago, as their tribe was destroyed by the Titans, which hated them and condemed them to hell which they would recieve punishment for saying something bad about the Titan God.

One downside is that I felt the story was a bit rushed and uneventful in the last third, the ending also lacked complexity. But some nice twists, and the first part is good. You should definitely write more stories.

Moved to Library as fiction.
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 12, 2006 10:17 AM

Thanks alot Val, I am creating a new story which is set 2 years later, and it is still about William the Wizard, I wont tell any more because I dont want to ruin it for any of you reading it, well when I have finished it I will post it here.

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Adventuring Hero
XJapan Fan (Rusty Nails)
posted April 12, 2006 12:07 PM

Yup great concept, only lacks few elaboration.

A LOOOONG LOOOONNNG story. Hope to see more expansion packs on the way

btw: can someone write a sci-fi series?? or something to do with RL [Romance ]

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 15, 2006 12:48 AM
Edited by william on 21 Apr 2006

The adventures of William the Wizard Part 2

The sun rose from the mountains, and I was squinting to see as the sunlight slowly passed over them.
It was about 2 years since I crushed the Necromancer tribe and had to kill my son, which I still wonder about even 2 years later.
I was still wondering what could I have done to change that day, and maybe have cured my son from the undead infesting his mind, and eventually erasing his mind completely.
My son was a short man, he had a scar just below his left eye, which happened to him when he was a small child, he had blonde hair, and very bright blue eyes.
He was strong, and he had strong mental power which is essential to become a wizard as you need to concentrate really hard on what spell or thing that you are casting or doing.
You could be levitating something, and that requires immense thoguht and patience in trying to get it just right, and as it requires much thought, it is one of the hardest things to learn.
Only the best can learn to do it correctly and I am one of them.

I got up from my bed, half asleep and thinking of what a wonderful day it is, when I noticed that there was a letter on my table next to my bed.
It was a battered letter, as if someone didn't care about what it looked like when the person read it.
It was a dull brown, and it had some rips around the edges.
It looked old, so I took care whne I opened it up.
I was surprised to see what the letter said and here is what it said:

"Ah, William the Wizard, it has been several years. I have been observing you this past few years and it may seems that you have grown powerful. However, the land you control seems medicore and of little existance to me. I WILL offer you a nice little chance of survival though, since i have decided to rip you apart from this eternal plane. If you could donate this land to me, under my cause, then I will place you as my chief in charge of my armies, as I have heard of your great batlles with many different types of creatures, I think I will have use for you, and my army will benefit from you being there".

And that was all that the letter said. I tried casting a spell on it to see who sent it, but the letter had some kind of protection in it, obviously evil kind of magic preventing Wizards to see who the sender was.
I have no idea of who this person could be, and I am even more surprised and confused of how it could of gotten through my door and placed it on my table.
My door has a protection of magic around it, preventing anyone who is of evil origin or is evil cannot enter.
I am allowed to enter of course and friends of mine that I have allowed in may enter.
But apart from that, I don't know anyone that is evil and has ever came in through this door.
I wondered all day who it could be, until I finally got another letter which appeared out of thin air, onto my table.
it read "I regret to inform you that since you have not accepted for me to take your lands, I will have to take them by force.
You will see me at the Hill of G'ulganicat in about 7 hours. If you are not there, I will burn everyone of the houses that are in your village and I will burn your home aswell.
I am a bit dissapointed though, as you would have made a great Cheif in Charge, but oh well, I will enjoy killing you and taking your lands".
I instantly tried to cast the spell to see who the sender was, but again it failed.
I threw the letter on the ground angrily and sat on my bed thinking of what would happen if I didn't defeat this unknown thing from taking my lands.
I thought of what it would do, I pictured people screaming as his army burned down the homes of the villagers, and I pictured the villagers being burnt at the stake and being transformed into part of his army.
It didn't make any sense and I am confused and angered by this great insult that has been arisen before me.
I know what I must do and I must do it well.

I gathered my things and set off in search of some recruits to join my army against this enemy that I have no idea who it could be.
I did know that whatever it was, it was evil and it had to be stopped before anyone would get hurt. The safety of my village now rested on my Shoulders.
I put some old scrolls of spells that may be useful during combat into my bag, and I put clothing and food in it aswell.
I had to be prepared for what was out there, and I knew that these things would come in use.
The next day I was travelling by horseback on my favourite horse Remlin, which was a special horse that was given to me 2 years ago because of my victory over the Necromancers. I was happy and as it would have it, I can read animals thoughts, which was an ability that was passed down from my father. Unfortunately my son who became part of the Undead did not have the ability to read animals thoughts, and therefor the mind reading stopped with me, and didn't pass down from my son.
I was glad to have the ability as it meant that I knew when my horse was tired and need to rest.
I was racing down the steep and stone path at full gallop.
The wind was rushing past my face, my hair was fluttering in the wind, and my robes were blowing everywhere. It was sort of nice to have the wind coming past my face, but I then remembered what would happen if I didn't accomplish my task, and then the smile faded from my face, and turned into a sort of frown.

I stopped at this enchanted spring that I used to go to when I was just a little boy, as I used to live here, and my home was actually my fathers. He built it with his own hands, and I am going to continue to have it just the way that it looked when he had made it.
The home was white, really smooth walls, it was nice to touch. The dor was enchanted so that when I walked up to it, and only me, it would magically open when I said the secret words that only I knew, and of course my father knew because he made them.
The windows were shiny, and reflected the sunlight. They were smooth so it felt like that they were not there. I once thought that they were not there and I tried to lean on it and then I thought that I was falling, when actually I was still in the same position as I was when I leaned on it.
Well anyway, I eventually made it to an old cottage that I used to store my things in when I was in trouble and I hade no where else to go.
I opened the door which creaked slightly, and then walked inside.
The cottage wasn't that big on the outside, but it was big in the inside.
It was pretty cozy a few years ago, but now a foul stench hung around in the air, and there was dust everywhere and cobwebs around the ceiling and between the tables and chairs and in my bookcase, where I stored all my books about Wizardry and Spells that I may one day need or that I may find useful for something.
I was looking for any books that may come in use for me while in this battle with some unknow thing, that I have never heard from or even seen before in my life. I heard about it when he sent me that letter, but apart from that, I haven't heard from it.
I searched in the Bookcase and then I saw what I was looking for.
I got the book out and blew the dust off the top of the book.
It was titled '101 ways to get yourself out of a sticky situation'.
It was given to me when I was just a little boy by my father.
I read it all the time, and then when I became older I didn't find any use for it, excpet for now.
I opened the somewhat torn pages looking for any spells.
I found some and then I put the old book into my bag, then I shut the creaky door and then I noticed something strange. I noticed blood marks on the path leading from the cottage. I bent down to try and examine it, and it wasn't dry, it was somewhat wet, as if it had just happened.
I got up again and then I was given a big push from behind. I stumbled onto the path and then acting quickly got my staff and cast Fireball onto the attacker.
It went quiet and then I knew that the thing that tried to get me was dead. I went over to the body and then bent down and had a look. I quickly stepped back as I then knew what it was. I hated these creatures most of all. It was a Lich. I then smelled it and it's stench was somewhat familiar.
I then went back inside and it was the same smell. The Lich must have been waiting here for me to come. Someone or Something knew that I was coming and it wanted me dead.
I was a bit scared but I knew what I had to do, and then I got back up onto my horse and then set away again down the stone path.

It was nightfall and I could hear the creatures of the night making sounds that I knew pretty well.
I got off of my horse and then set up my camp.
I was just about to go to sleep, when I heard a blood curdling scream. It was a werewolf and it's sound was closeby. I grabbed my staff and then got ready for it's attack. I went very silent so I could try to hear if it was near me, and then I heard a very low growl and then I knew it was directly behind me. I quickly turned around and cast Fireball at it, and it fell to the ground writhing in pain, and then it finally died as it let out it's last howl.
I decided that I couldn't get to slepp so I got back up onto my horse with my things in my bag, and then set off again.

It was sunrise and I had been travelling all night. My horse was tired and I ahdn't really had any food, or water for that matter, so I tried to find any cottages in the area.
I found one hidden almost entirely by the woods.
I got off of my horse and headed down the path that lead to the cottage.
I knocked on the door and waited for a minute or so before anyone came.
When they did come, I was surprised to see what lay before me.
It was a Gremlin, and I was quite surprised by this, as Gremlins were supposed to be known to live in the mountains away from the woods.
It asked me who I was and what I wanted.
"I am William the Wizard, and may I ask who you are, and may I please come in, because I need supplies".
It was just about to answer when it shriked and then slammed the door shut.
I was confused but I turned around to go back to my horse, when I saw that it had been struck by something which I have never seen before.
There was a massive gash through it's chest, and I couldn't save it in time.
I was outraged at whoever or whatever had done this.
I knocked on the door again, and surprisingly it creaked open, so I walked inside and then quietly shut the door.
I walked through the hallway and I noticed that there was blood on the floor, I rushed into the room and then I saw that the Gremlin had had it's head chopped off.
I turned away in disgust.
It was horrifying to see, and I felt sorry for the Gremlin whos name I did not know.
There was a message on the table which read
"I have given you time William, but I'm afraid that it is nearly up, and I want your lands.
If you do not give them to me before sunrise in 5 days, I will have to take them by force and wipe out your entire village.
I don't think that you would want that to happen now would you, so just cooperate with me, and everything will work out fine".
That was all that the letter said, and as I finished reading it, I scrunched it up, and threw it into the fire which was burning.
I walked outside, but before that I helped myself to some food and drink.
I was ready to continue on my journey so I got up onto my horse and set down into the Forest of A'gulanta, which was know to be the home of Lizardmen, which were not that bad, but still you had to watch out for them and make sure that you don't steal any of their stuff other wise you would probably get captured and most likely die.
I was about halfway into the woods, when I heard something walking. It wasn't that loud, but I could still hear it.
I stopped my horse, which was tired from all the walking that it had done, and I started walking towards the walking sounds.
When I got near it stopped and then it leaped out and threw me to the ground.
"whhhhhat isss yourrr bussssinessss hearrr" it said, and instantly I knew that it was a Lizardman.
"I haven't done anything wrong, I was only travelling through here to look for any creatures that want to join me in this battle with this creature" I replied "would you like to join my cause in trying to defeat this madman intent on destoying my village" I asked.
It accepted, but before he came he asked me to avenge the burning of his village, which was caused by Rogues of the North-Lo'kr tribe. They were a ruthless bunch, and it was said that they possesed something of great value. A Artifact which was know to be made by the Gods.
If I killed these Rogues and avenged the Lizardmans village, then I would be able to get this artifact and it would greatly help me on my Journey. I accepted the Lizardman's proposal and we both got on my Horse and set down the old path.


There will be the other part of this story coming soon so if you can wait for them, then you will be rewarded with a nice story, that will hopefully make you cry, or laugh or anything else.
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

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Known Hero
*Lord of the bones*
posted April 24, 2006 01:41 PM

Hey will you may try to writte a book,you hawe gift for long writhing things!!
Once I used to be what you are now! And you will become what I am!"

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 24, 2006 01:44 PM

thanks. Maybe thats a good idea thanks SickBoy
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

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Undefeatable Hero
posted July 16, 2006 12:57 AM

Me and the Lizardman were travelling pretty fast on horseback through the swamps of G'elure. G'elure was a dangerous place at night, and funnily enough it was night.
I decided to stop the horse and set up camp.
Me and the Lizardman talked and then we heard something that was very close.
I issued him to stop moving and remain very still.
It did as I told it to do, and then I quietly picked up my staff and cast the spell of Light.
I then saw what was in the bushes and it was a Dwarf.
"get the stinking light out of my face William, or i'll chopppp ya to bits and then eat ya" it said angrily.
"How do you know my name" I asked and then realized who it was.
It was my old friend that I had met about 20 years ago, while searching for food in the forest and then I got lost.
He helped me and brought me back to his hut that was in the middle of the forest, surrounded by massive tress that kept most of the light out, but when the light did come through it looked absolutely amazing. He had a lake just outside the back of his hut, and he had a little drawbridge so that he could walk over the lake without getting wet or drowing. As Dwarves are absolutely terrible swimmers, they always drown, and that's why you never find them near water, but I was quite surprised to see that he was living right beside one, but he did what he needed to od, and that was to put a bridge across the lake.
He was probably one of the tallest Dwarves that I had ever seen. He had a large brown beard which covered most of his face, and when he talked you couldn't see his mouth moving only his beard. He had little eyes, which were very light blue and he had a scar down the left side of his face. He said that he got the scar while battling a centaur which was quite strange, as I thought that Dwarves liked Centaures, but obviously not.
He defeated it of course but he got hit by it's staff thingy as he called it, and that was all he said.
I asked if the Dwarf whos name was Golut wanted to join me and my friend the Lizardman on our journey to defeat this thing that was trying to invade my lands.
Golut accepted and we all set up camp and then went to sleep.

The next morning the sun shone brightly and it hurted my eyes at first, but then I got used to it, and I woke the others up so we could continue on our journey.
The thing that you musn't do is to wake up a Dwarf which I soon remembered as when I woke him up, he suddenly started screaming and throwing little rocks at me and kicking my legs and then he actually resorted to biting my left leg.
I cast a spell which relaxed him and then he calmed down alot, and then started singing lullabies.
It was ghastly as he had the worst voice of anything that I had ever heard before in my life.
I punched him in the face and then he snapped back to normal not remembering a single thing.
The Lizardman was already awake and was sharpining it's arrows, getting ready for combat, which he knew was coming. so I then to decided to get ready for battle.
I asked the Lizardman if he wanted to get going and he said yes, and then I asked the Dwarf and he also said yes, but he was still a bit dazed as you may say.
Well I got on to my horse and my 2 companions travelled alone beside me, as they walked I wondered what would the future hold, and I didn't know for certain, but I imagined that it may be a very bad one, and one that I certainly wouldnt like to be in.
I quickly shut that out of my mind and I got back to thinking what strategies I could use when I was battling this person or thing that I did not know of.

It was night and I saw the moon creep up over the tall trees.
I was wondering all day, and constantly my mind drifted off thinking about stuff.
I was annoyed and I did not know why it was happening, but I knew that maybe I might daze off and then I may pick up some valuable information that will aid me for this battle.
I set up camp, and decided to call it a night, the Dwarf and Lizardman were already asleep, but I had decided that I may look in the book. I was looking through the book when I went to sleep. I did not know how long it had been, but something loud made me wake up. It was still nighttime, and I could see that the Dwarf and Lizardman were awake as they were guarding the area.
I asked them if they knew what had woke me up, and they said that they were waiting for it, then the Dwarf told me to Shutup, and then I became quiet.
It seemed like forever, until suddenly I heard the bushes beside me Rustling. At first it was soft, then it got louder and louder until I got my staff and cast Fireball on it, and then I saw what it was. It was a rabbit. I picked it up in my hand and started rubbing my hand across it's soft body.
I was trying to read it's mind. It was afraid, terribly afraid of something that was chasing it. It was thinking about that.
I placed it back on the ground and kept watch for any loud sounds or any movement in the bushes.
It was dark so I couldnt really see a thing, so I decided to get my staff and cast the Light spell. The whole area became very light and I could properly see what was out there.
I was about to go back to slepp when something very strong grabbed me and threw me against a tree.
The Dwarf and Lizardman tried to ward it off, but their attacks were feeble against whatever it was, I couldn't quite make out what it was because my left eye was bleeding and my staff was knocked out of my hand and I couldn't see where it went.
I then heard a bloodcurdling scream, so I got up and went over to the direction that it came from. I thought that the Dwarf may have been injured or Killed, but then I soon realized that he was shouting in absolute Victory. It was what Dwarves did when they won a battle against something.
I could only just make out that he was dancing wildly, then I fell back and my sight went blakc.

The next day I woke up, but was issued to remain still by the Lizardman who was skilled in First Aid, and told me to lie back down and have some rest. My eye was better as I could know see perfectly out of it again.
I thanked the Lizardman for all his help, and I laid back down thinking what would happen, and thinking about the world and everything in it.
I laid down and stared at the sky, before shutting my eyes and concentrating on my thoughts.
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

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