Hired Hero
posted December 07, 2006 07:37 PM |
OOC - The War for of Good VS Evil
There is a war.
The goods are: Settlement (orcs), Haven (humans), Sylan (elves), Fortress (Drawes) and Academy (mages).
Evils are: Tropical (Amphebians), Stronghold (orcs), Necropolish (undead people), and Inferno (demons).
It is an RPG, so don't spam.
I am will be the spinner of yarns and Clanlord Mastero (Settlement Hero, a Warboss).
You must write who will be your character before you do your first post here, like this:
User Name: KnihtDougal\LichLord
Character: Clanlord Mastero
If say spam or off write like this:
//Sorry but I must go away//
A normal post:
*The king returns to his palace.
-What is it?!-say the king angry.*
*The king returns to his palace.
-What is it?!-say the king angry.*
//Sorry, but I must go//
Okay, you can play now.