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Heroes Community > Heroes 5 - Temple of Ashan > Thread: Creature abilities analysis + tips
Thread: Creature abilities analysis + tips

Legendary Hero
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posted April 09, 2007 09:16 PM
Edited by VokialBG at 20:24, 10 Apr 2007.

Creature abilities analysis + tips

This work was started 3 days ago, the idea was analysis for the special abilities of the "dark creatures" but later I decided to post everything in one.

Read it and please discuss

NOTE: Abilities like "Mana Destroyer" and "Magic-proof 50%" are not in only their upgraded variant ("Magic-proof 75%" and "Mana Stealer")

Standart abilities like Large Creature, Caster, Shooter are not in the analysis, same for Creatures types (Demonic, Undead, Elemental...) and others like No Enemy Retaliation.

This abilities are not in, cause all the info is in there original descriptions and I have not much to say about them.

But still there is a lot of material

Enraged - This creature's attack increases during combat when any friendly unit dies (except resurrected creatures or creatures summoned to battlefield by magic).

The Enraged ability - simple, immanence for creature on small level, not very good. Yes it will give the creatures low attack and defence bonus but one of your stacks must be killed. The ability can help in the game start, or when you still have free slots, by spliting one of the creatures goups in 2 stacks - one with 1 creature other with all other creatures. You'll lose only one creature but get some attack bonus. But I'm not sur that the ability really deserve to be used even if the cost is 1 Gremlin, or something weak. The Bonus is too small. Just for example 120 Gargoyle will get +1 Attack and +3 Defence, good, but it can't help in complicated situations.

Fire Breath/Acid Breath - During attack, creature damages not only the target but any other unit positioned directly behind it..

Basicly useless vs Large Creatures, but good in the battle beginning, when same of the small creatures are one until an other. The bad side is that if you do not be careful you can demage your oun creatures. You can your the Fire Breath ability even only your enemy have it:

Whip Strike - There's a certain chance that during a melee attack this creature will use one of the following spells, in addition to inflicting regular damage: Slow, Weakness or Frenzy.

The its not that good, as it sounds. First it's useless against undead, elemental and mechanical units, second the enemy must reach your Shadow Matriarch and they must start melee combat, you'll be able to use the ability... one time per several final battles...huh? Also the Matriarchs are shooters are good but as melee attckers... no need for explanations...

Other point is that the ability use only 3 spellpower

Regeneration - Creature restores its health by 30 - 50 HPs each turn.

The Deep Hydra, or the perfect tank in the game is equip with the ability to restore HP for free, each turn! Also the ability can revive death creatures. And the creatures already has 125 HP, + 50HP every turn is very good advantage. +30 - 50 HP are always welcome.

The Regeneration can help you to save all Hydras in the stack - without any losses, also when the Hydras in the stack are not to many

Six-headed attack - Creature attacks all adjacent tiles simultaneously, causing damage to all enemy creatures positioned there.

The Six-headed attack is irreparable ability in big battles, when many creatures are around your creature, the enemy will be even "scared" to attack if he have more than one positioned around this creature. Six-headed attack cause great demages to the enemy army, however the results are incredible, even after single attack:

Lizard Bite - Perform an attack against neighbouring enemy and inflicts half the regular damage, if this enemy is attacked by an allied creature.

Good ability when you attack the enemy army on "groups" (Blood Futy and Grim Raider). The ability is very good in combination with the Strike and Return ability. For this tactics, its goood when you have good amount of Grim Raiders - for more demage. Its interesting idea if you place your Grim Raiders neer the shooters (to block the way to them with Grim Raiders) the enemy will strick the Grim Raiders and after shooter shoot the emeny creature your Raiders will use the Bite ability, but this tactics will take out too much Raiders.

Rider Charge - For each battlefield tile covered by this creature during attack, the target's Defense is reduced by 20%.

- 20% defence for each tile is very good reduction, and it will help agains every type of enemy from Peasant to Magma Dragon. This will remove 8 defence for the fist tile, when attacking Magma Dragon!

Bravery - Creature always has positive morale.

Or no less than +1 morale, this ability can't save your army in finall battle, but its pretty cool, then your creatures is immune to Bad Morale. Basicly the ability is not something incredible but is't welcome, then you can't become Bad Morale. The effect like the one of Shrine of the Netherworld and all other anti-morele effect do not influence on this creature.

Double Attack - Creature strikes two blows at the target in a single attack.

Two blows at the target - this mean that the demage is doubled. It can compensate creatures in low numbers or with pathetic demage. The combination with some light spells like Divine Strength, is very good choice.

Strike and Return - Creature attacks and returns to its previous position.

The ability is a joke when it's alone but if you have "No Enemy Retaliation" in combination with it, it's very cool. Your unit is actually a shooter with no penalties or limited ammo.

Poisonous Attack - In addition to normal damage the enemy attacked will also be poisoned. Poisoning will cause a certain amount of damage during the next three turns.

... Poison damage is proportional to the number of creatures in the attacking stack (1 demage per Assassin), so it's pretty good ability for numerous creatures. Addition during three turns is good, so if you poison different stack with every shoot you'll have at least 3 poison stacks --->>> not bad ability.

Summon Pit Lords - Once during the combat creature can summon Pit Lords to replace its killed friends. Number of Pit Lords summoned depends on the number of creatures who use this ability (activated ability).

The ability will summon 2 Pit Lords per creature, but only if the dead stack have enought HP - 120 per each Pit Lords, you need 240 HP if you want to "fill" the capacity of one Archdevil (This mean 40 Familiars, 18 Horned Overseers, 16 Cerbers, 8 Succubus Mistress, 4 Nightmares, 2 Pit Lords or 2 ArchDevils) we can look to the ability of 2 sides - bad and good.

On the bad side is that you need to lose one of you creatures stack to use "Summon Pit Lords", and after the battle they will disappear, and in big battle some Pit's can't help much.

The good side is that some Pit Lords is better then if you just lose your stack and after this... nothing.

Vorpal Sword - Each attack or counter-attack by this creature is guaranteed to kill at least one unit in the enemy army.

Basicly the ability for +1 kill is always welcome! Vere good agains Lv 6 - 7 creatures (to kill +1 Lv. 1 creature is really a joke , but +1 Lv. 7 is very good priority - not only in big battles, and also the demage is increased by the target's HP's --->>> higher level, higher HP's). You'll become interesting battle if you split the stack in some more stacks and you'll be able to kill 1 creature per stack in the "Lv. 7 Stack". The only problem is that after this ability, the enemy is still able to retaliate and will probably kill something.

Fear Attack - There's a chance the enemy attacked by this creature panics and tries to run to the edge of the arena to get as far away from the creature as possible, losing all initiative accumulated by this time.

The ability doesn't affect creatures immune to Mind-control, so it's useless against Undeads, Titans, Elementals and Mechanical creatures. Sometimes this ability can help a lot in battle, if you want to get away of powerful creature, but also the target will be not able to retaliate. It can be double-edged sword if you attack shooter and he flee away, so he will be ably to shoot your creature.

Fright Aura - All enemies positioned on tiles adjacent to this creature get their morale reduced by -3

Good ability, the -3 Marale penalty vor the enemy neer the creture is much, even if the enemy hero have Leadership, the ability have no effect on Undeads and Minotaurs.

Chain Shot - Creature inflicts damage to selected target and the three other targets nearest to it. Each successive enemy struck receives half the damage of the previous one.

Other 100% demage for the first target, 50% - second, 25% - third and 12,5% - fourth, and the ability have no effect on creatures with Demonic ability (all Inferno creatures). In combination with Ranged Retaliation the ability is destroyer! And yes - its better in big battles with many anemy stacs.

Ranged Retaliation - Creature retaliates after enemy ranged attack with its own ranged attack, provided it is not blocked by enemy and has not used up all its retaliation attacks.

It's good to can retaliate, in all cases of enemy attack, good agains army with many shooters like the army of Academy, or agains weak shooters like Assasins on Skeleton Archers, they will take some creatures but you too!

Explosion - Creature damages all creatures around itself, but not itself (activated ability).

The explosion deal decent demage to all creatures around the Demon, it's good ability, and after it the enemy can't retaliate. The demage depends on the number of creatures in the stack, more creatures - more demage also if you can "heap up" more enemy troops around your stack before the "Explosion" it will be better, cause you'll hit more enemy units, and kill more creatures. The only considerable disadvantage of this ability is that if there are friendly stacks around your creatures your demage them too.

Mana Stealer - Creature takes some of the enemy hero's mana at the beginning of combat and transfers it to own hero.

The amount of mana depends of the number of creatures in the stack - 0.25 mana per creature, or 1 mana per 4 creatures (and 4 mana per 16 creatures) this ability have no disadvantages it's only positively for your army and hero:

1. The enemy hero will lose a lot of mana
2. Your here will get a lot of mana (the same amount) even if he has enought mana to reach the "mana - knowledge" limitation (if your hero has 80/80 mana and become more 30 mana he will be able ro reach 110/80 mana)

Maybe the first advantage here is better, then the enemy here will has no important part in the battle without or less of mana.

Cursing Attack - During attack a curse is put on the target, reducing the damage it can inflict. With each following attack the curse is renewed.

Cursing Attack will cast Weakness on advanced level, Weakness reduce only the max creatures demage, and vs. creatures like the Archangel the ability can't help. For example it will reduce the max demage of Magma Dragon to 43,5, but expert mass weakness in better, and sometimes the ability can be unregarded, but stil good ability.

Harm Touch - When this creature attacks, it always kills one unit in any enemy detachment. It also dispells all positive magical effects currently affecting the aim (activated ability).

The ability is really useful only agains Lv. 6 - 7 creatures and when you unit can't deal enought demage to kill 1 creatures of the enemy stack, or also if the creature can kill only 1 creature of the emeny stack, and you don't want to see any retaliation (after using the ability, the enemy can't relitate). Another good point is that the positive magical effects of the attacked creature will disappear. Like the Vorpal Sword, this ability is Phenix killer.

Death Cloud - Ranged attack damages not just the target but all non-undead creatures covered by the Death Cloud (3 by 3 tiles) appearing at the hit point.

This ability is very useful in battles with many enemy stacks, especially small creatures and shooters... When you hit one of the enemy creatures and it's near the War machines, the Death Cloud will mow them down. The first target of this ability will receive normal (100%) demage, and all other creatures around is - 50% demage. The ability cant be used agains Undead creatures.

Life Drain - When attacking enemy units, this creature can drain their health and use it to restore its own, or even to resurrect some killed creatures.

Life drained is half the damage inflicted, the ability is very powerful on very strong creatures (Lv. 6 - 7) with many demage. You'll be "protected" to losing many creatures, cause afte the attack your creture will get som extra HP's. The disadvantage is that yout First Tent can lose shoots for healing ctreature with Life Drain. Good tactics with necromanser is if you cast Mark of the Necromanser on this creature, and attack the enemy, they will hit you creature but it will retaliat e and take back some HP's.

Mana Drain - When attacking enemy units, this creature can drain their mana and use it to restore its own health, or even to resurrect some killed creatures.

Good and original ability but you'll use it not very often, then you need enemy caster on the battlefield (and you must reach and attack the caster). 1 mana will give the life back to 1 creature --->>> more mana - more resurrected creatures. The Archmage will "rise" again to 25 creatures! The ability is good in neutral battles too, when the enemy troops are splited in several stack (each stack has some mana).

Incorporeal - This creature is incorporeal so any non-magical attack against it has only 50% chance of inflicting damage.

Your creature has 50% chance for 100% defence, when the attack is non-magical. But this is too random and you need only luck if you want it to work fine. The ability can work/not work only 3 times consequently, and then the creature will be hit/missed by the enemy. Again the ability can be incredible if you have enought luck

Weakening Strike - With each successful attack, the attacked enemy's Attack and Defense properties are reduced by 2 units (cannot get below zero).

It can help agains weak, low on level creatures, but with 3 or more attack and defence, like Master Gremlin, Assassin, Minotaur, Footman..., basicly -2 defence (effect of only one strike) and attack to Lv. 7 Creature is nothing, but on creature with 4 attack and 3 defence (Assassin) its very cool. So if you attck stronger monsters you must hit them many times, this ability is cumulative so if you hit the enemy stack enought times you'll affect the defence stats a lot.

Call Lightning - Creature fires a lightning bolt causing magical damage to selected target. Can be used for ranged attack when regular shooting attack is impossible or will only cause reduced damage (activated ability).

The demage is in good amount - 30 demage per creature in stack you need 10 creatures for 300 demage the magic protections can't stop this ability, but also it's useful, when the creature is block by enemy troops, and you don't like to see retaliation on your stack of creatures. The ability will compensate poor number of shoots.

Dash - After using this ability creature misses one turn but is able to make turns more often (activated ability).

Or double initiative for 3 moves. The ability is good, your creature will make turns really often and the effect is during the next 3 turns, and then you'll need to use this ability again, if you want double initiative. The problem is that you must skip one of your turns, mostly this can't be a problem, but sometimes you'll need the creature's attack, if the enemy is too fast or with better initiative in the start.

Random Caster - Creature casts a random spell at the selected target. Spells can be cast at both friendly (positive effect spells) and enemy (negative effect spells) creatures (activated ability).

Using the ability the caster can cast Divine Strength, Haste, Cleansing, Endurance, Righteous Might, Deflect Missile, Weakness, Slow, Vulnerability, Decay, Confusion and Suffering - tatal 12 spells, the highest amount of spells for caster in the game, but you can use the ability only 3 times and it's a bit too random and on advance mastery. You can bless friendly unit and to attack the enemy or curse enemy attack it. You can also split the stack and cast more spells. It's good idea if you use this ability in the fisrt turn and then to attack normaly.

Energy Channel - If there's a creature with this ability in the hero's army, the hero will need 25% less mana to cast spells.

The ability is a bit too strong, -25% mana cost is not just few mana points, this mean that Puppet Master will cost 18 - 4,5 mana. This can help to your hero much (not only when casting Puppet Master )

Magic Attack - Creature hits all creatures in the line of attack with its shot, including friendly ones.

Principly with this ability your creature can hit all enemy stacks with one shot! But also principly if you are nor careful you can hit all of your troops with one shot () The point is just to "avoid" to place creatures in the fire line. The ability work very well with creature with good attack and demage stats.

Magic-proof 75% - Attacking spells inflict 75% less damage to this creature.

75%, is very good magic protection, (the ability do not work against Call Lightning), however, this mean for example, that Warlock with Expert Destructive Magic, 15 Spellpower and Implosion spell will deal only 160 demage, instead of 640! Or with other word - the enemy will just lose his mana...

Repair - This creature can repair friendly mechanical creatures (Golems) and war machines once per combat (activated ability).

The ability will restore HP=5*Creatures number in stack, 100 HP per 20 Gremlins or 4 revived Golems. Better use this ability, when you have enought dead golems to use the full Repair limit. (if you can repair 20 golems, don't hurry to your the ability if you have only 4 killed golems.)

Resurrect Allies - Creature can resurrect killed allied detachment once during combat, provided the location where the detachment was killed is not occupied by other creatures (activated ability).

Very useful ability, every creature in the stack will revive 100 HP.

Lay Hands - The creature can completely heal one unit from the target friendly stack and dispel all negative magical effects from this stack.

One of the greates abilities in the game! It's better if you use the heal effect for Lv. 6 - 7 creatures. The negate effect is one of the best anti-effects in the game, it's better then Cleansing, and can dispel spells like Blindness or Frenzy too. You split the stack too (if you have many creatures).

Jousting - Creature gets a 5% bonus to damage it inflicts during attack for each tile it covered on the game field before the attack.

Onother great ability, but when using it you need good tactics, "5% bonus to damage it inflicts during attack for each tile", so you need tiles, as many as you can find , here are some interesting images about this ability:

The last position is the best here.

Battle Dive - Creature performs delayed air attack on selected tile on the field, causing double damage to any creatures, including friendly ones, which happen to be on the tile at that moment. Following the attack, the creature returns to a randomly selected location on the field (activated ability).

Good ability, when you use it check the ABT, and choice creature, with not very good initiative. Problem will be when the enemy creature move outside the chosen tile, and your unit will be striked by the enemy shooter (if the enemy unit is shooter ). If you are not careful and move one of your stack on the place, where late the Griffin will strike, the creature will hit your own stack with double demage (it it hit enemy unit the result will be double demage again). Use this ability agains enemy shooters. Or use the "W" button and wait till the griffin will resife enought initiative to strike two times in short periot of time.

Shield Allies - All friendly creatures located on neighbouring tiles get only 50% of damage from non-magical shooting attacks.

You can place the creature with this ability near your shooters, the enemy often attck the shooters with other shooters first. - 50% demage is much bonus and it'll save many creatures.

Precise Shot - When shooting at close range (less than 3 tiles from target), creatures inflict heavier damage because the target's defense is not effective.

One of the most brutal abilities in the game! You can make miracles with it. Like teleportin the shooters near the enemy and shoot them, or something like this

Scatter Shot - Area-effect shooting: damage is inflicted to all targets (including friendly creatures) located within the selected area (3 by 3 tiles). The amount of damage inflicted to each creature is half the damage of a normal shot (activated ability).

3x3 tiles is good but only 50% demage. The ability is very cool if you creature have Luck in the attack, also agains many not very good placed troops.

Bash - At every attack creature has a chance to stun the enemy so they won't be able to retaliate and lose initiative.

The enemy will lose initiative, but also it has bad side - the mechanical creatures are not affected, but can't be great problem.

Taxpayer - Every day the hero gets as many units of gold as there are creatures with this ability in all their armies and castles.

Interesting ability, if you need gold. Its cood to hire all of these creatures, yes the cost gold but they will give your money back, after some days, or just here some and use the money for better creatures or cheap buildings.

Take Roots - When the creature receives the Defend command, it gets 50% bonus to Defense plus ability to retaliate after all enemy attacks until the next turn.

This ability will make your creature ultimate defender, and the only cost is 1 Defend turn, the defence 50% bonus is very big priority. Retaliate after all enemy attacks is cool too, if you defence in the next turn you'll get it again. If you move with your creature the ability effect is gone.

Entangling Roots - Creature's attack entangles enemy with its roots and immobilises it. Creature can immobilise several enemies simultaneously, but the effect only lasts while the creature remains in direct contact with its victims.

You can catch the hole enemy army with this ability, you don't need to move? So just keep your place and "lure" more victims. You can use your creature just for catching and they hit the enemies with your shooters and hero.

Blinding Attack - When this creature attacks the enemy, there is a chance that it will blind it in addition to inflicting regular damage. Blinded creatures cannot move or attack, but regain sight if attacked.

Blinding Attack can blind your enemy for 2 turns, good enought, if you have some luck you can blind the strong creatures in the enemy army and kill the others in those 2 turns. It will be even better if you have Soldiers Luck.

Aura of Magic Resistance - For this creature and all friendly units located on tiles adjacent to it, magic resistance increases by 30%

Use this ability in the principle of the Shild Allies, plas your creature near the shooters, the enemy hero can cast spells of them (all Destructive spells, Dark spells...) you can also split the stack and use the ability in huger area.

Mana Feed - Creature can transfer its reserve of mana to own hero (activated ability).

In my opinion this ability is a bit useless, its better to use caster's mane for his own spells, but if your hero really need some mana you can always give him some. Aecent ability.

Double Shot - Creature fires two full shots at the enemy instead of just one.

The ability basicly do not exist sometimes - the shooter just split his demage in two shots, so no problem, but it's better then one, just couse you can get luck on one of the shots. If you get luck on the fisrt, so the result is negativ - I mean that, if you have only one shot - it is first and you have full luck on it but if have 2 and luck only on the first you'll resive only +25% demage. If you have luck on the second - better.

War Dance Combo - Creature simultaneously attacks enemies located on all eight adjacent tiles. The targeted enemy gets normal damage, all others affected get half the normal damage.

The ability can strike 8 enemies -  The irony here is that in army you can have only 7 creatures, so full capacity in this ability is just impossible. But you can make a lot of demages. 100% to the normal target and 50% demage for all other around the creature!

Magma Shield - When this creature undergoes a melee attack, the attacker suffers Fire damage, the amount depending on the attack's force.

One of the most nasty abilities in the game! The attacker will get 40% of his demage. The ability is weaker whan the creature is attacked by weak unit, like Lv. 1 - 3 units... You can force the enemy to attack you after you attack him (Retaliation).

Storm Bolt - Once per battle, this creature can attack any chosen target with Storm Strike (activated ability).

This actially ranged equivalent of the Storm Strike. You can use it in battle start, when all enemy units are plased one by one, you'll hit more stacks.

Storm Strike - Besides usual damage, this creature strikes the target with lightning (non-magical damage), which then hits another enemy creature if one is standing near the target, continuing on in this way until the chain is broken. The lighting's force is equal to that of the attack.

Good ability, you can just go forward and hit the fisrt met enemy (the attack to all other will be 100% - normal attack) you must find a target with many creatures near it. This ability is good when you dan want to be retaliate by strong creature, just hit the nearest weak creature

Berserker Rage - When this ability is used, the creature's Defense drops temporarily to zero, Offense increases by the same amount, and it attacks the nearest enemy automatically without suffering the retaliation strike. However if there is no enemy in the movement range of this creature it will attack a nearest friendly unit instead of the enemy (activated ability).

After this ability the creature will become ultimate kiler for turn, but it will lose all of it's defence for 1 turn, not bad for finall hit on the last enemy stack, or if you are sure that nothing can attack your creature till your next turn. The ability can change the result of the battle, if you have enought creatures in you stack, and good speed. Remember - the creature will lose it's defence but the attacked enemy will be not able to attack you via retaliation.

Mark Of Fire - When attacking, this creature has a chance of damning the target, resulting in all Fire damage suffered by it being doubled within a certain period of time.

The ability is good if you have fire spells in your hero's spell book, you can "damned" the weak creatures, good choice are shooters and low level creatures. The effect work for 2 turns.

Paw Strike - This creature has a chance of pushing the target one tile aside and cancelling all Initiative the target has accumulated. The chance depends on the number of tiles this creature walked for attack.

Best use the ability against small creatures if you want to push the one tile aside, the large creatures have better chance for retaliation, then they have better chance to move to tile near the creature. If you attack shooter, he can move one tile aside and in it's next turn to hit brutal your Blackbear Rider (Marksmans are very dangerous here). The good point here is that the enemy will lose all the initiavive (only the attacked creature). Creatures like the Trient are immune to the pushing effect of this ability.

Armoured - This creature is resistant to all spells and effects that decrease Defense.

More Immunities agains negative effects are alway welcome. However no Vulnerability for this creature any more, even heroes like Raven can't use it's specialization, the Rider Charge ability is powerless too.

Crippling Wound - In a successful attack, this creature has an additional chance of decreasing the target's Speed (-50%) and Initiative (-30%).

Killer ability, I can split your creature in several stacks and use it's shots many times (each stack has equal number of shots). The ability will help a lot in neutral battles, where you'll need to keep your battlefield part clear of enemies till you'll kill them with your shooter. You'll not lose any creatures in this case.

Shield Wall - Damage suffered by this creature from enemy attack is reduced by 10% for every tile the attacker walked to hit.

The cap for this ability is 90% of reduction. The ability will work on 50% (5% reduction per tile) agains Paladins (and Campions). You can keep this creature in front of the shooter (to block the way woth it) and the attacker will attack your blocker when he want to reach your shooters, so he will meet Shield Wall

Rebirth - Once during the combat this creature can rise from the dead if killed. The number of revived creatures equals the number of killed ones.

This ability tell you anly one thing - attack with the creature and do not care about it even if it got killed it will rise again (this ability can be used only one time, after the first time... run away!!! )

Deadly Strike - There's a 25% chance that this creature's attack will kill half the units in the enemy detachment.

Personally - the best ability in the game and the most unbalanced too. Even one of this creature in stack can kill billions on enemies with single strike! (Yeah even every type of dragon ) You can split you stack and try to attack one enemy several times "at the same time" and kill more creatures.

Hexing Attack - After a successful attack, the target creature also suffers the effect of one of the following damnations: Weakness, Slow, Suffering and Vulnerability. All the effects are equal to those of Expert-level spells.

Expert level on Weakness, Slow, Suffering and Vulnerability mean strong spell (Vulnerability - -6 Defense, Suffering - -12 Attack, Weakness 50%, Slow - -40% Initiative)

Howl - Once per battle, this creature can summon a friendly stack of equal power.

Good ability if you need some reinforcements, the ability start when you attack enemy stack, the new will the summon near your target, can't see any strategy here...

Pack Hunter - When this creature attacks a target, the target is also attacked by all the other stacks of creatures of the same type who are able to do so.

In combination with Howl the ability is pretty good, all other attacks will the dealed before the enemy retaliation after killing some creatures with the attack, the enemy will be not strong enought to kill many creatures.

Champion Charge - If this creature has walked more than 2 tiles when attacking, it also inflicts half-damage on the stack standing in the line of attack immediately behind the primary target.

The ability sounds to be equal to Fire Breath, but in my opinion it's even better. Fire Breath will attack the next 2 tiles, but Champion Charge will attack the next 2 creatures, even if they are all Large Creatures (so the max ability capacity is 4 tiles). Well yes it will deal only 50% of the demage to the second target but the ability is still good priority.

Battle Frenzy - Every next retaliation strike performed by this creature inflicts damage 1.5 times as great than the previous one.

Another offensive ability, good when you have good amount of creatures in the stack and in combination with Unlimited Retaliation. Keep everything in one stack and send everything in center of the battle, cast resurrection, get a cup of popcorn and watch

Immune to Air - Air Magic spells cannot harm this creature.
Immune to Blind - This creature cannot be blinded.
Immune to Cold - Cold Magic spells cannot harm this creature.
Immune to Earth - Earth Magic spells cannot harm this creature.
Immune to Fire - Fire Magic spells cannot harm this creature.
Immune to Lightning - Lightning cannot harm this creature.
Immune to Magic - Creature is immune to all magical impact (including friendly spells).
Immune to Mind Control - This creature is immune to mind-affecting spells.
Immune to Slow - This creature cannot be slowed down.

Immunities are sometimes very usefull abilities. The Cold Immunity protect the creature from Cold Spells, yes they are only 2 but this will help you by meeting nasty Water Elementals and ignore one of the best Destructive Magics - Circle of Winter.

Immune to Lightning isn't very good ability, it will protect you only against Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning, but you still can cast inspireing Light spells, or to revive your creature via Resurrection.

--->>> Not the best ability ever

Immune to Earth will save your creature if the spell is Stone spikes or Implosion, Stone spikes protection is not big deal but the Implosion protection can save many creatures vs. nasty wizards.

Immune to Fire is maybe the best Immunity in the game, all Fire spells are demaging spells, with the ability to be protected against fire the creature cant be killed by abilities like Fire/Magma Shield. You just need samo Magma Dragons and Armageddon.

Immune to Mind Control, Immune to Blind, - are good abilities the hole point here is that they will protect you agains game-brakest like Frenzy, Puppet Master, and Blindness (All Level 4 Dark Spells are out for you creature) this is strong priority when fighting strong dark magicians.

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted April 09, 2007 09:20 PM

veeery impressive, vokial.. but hey, what's that "chaos hydra" doing there? there is no such unit

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Legendary Hero
First in line
posted April 09, 2007 09:27 PM
Edited by VokialBG at 21:53, 09 Apr 2007.

veeery impressive, vokial.. but hey, what's that "chaos hydra" doing there? there is no such unit

Ohhhpppssss I have a mod that change the name of the Deep Hydra to Chaos Hydra but nothing else...




Who cares only names?

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Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted April 09, 2007 09:49 PM

And Gold Dragons.

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 09, 2007 10:17 PM

Well, I didn't read the whole thing yet because it's incredibly long but here's some initial random thoughts.

Fire Breath/Acid Breath - During attack, creature damages not only the target but any other unit positioned directly behind it..

Basicly useless vs Large Creatures, but good in the battle beginning, when same of the small creatures are one until an other. The bad side is that if you do not be careful you can demage your oun creatures. You can your the Fire Breath ability even only your enemy have it:

If the large creatures are diagonally adjacent you can hit both of them anyway

Whip Strike - There's a certain chance that during a melee attack this creature will use one of the following spells, in addition to inflicting regular damage: Slow, Weakness or Frenzy.

The its not that good, as it sounds. First it's useless against undead, elemental and mechanical units, second the enemy must reach your Shadow Matriarch and they must start melee combat, you'll be able to use the ability... one time per several final battles...huh? Also the Matriarchs are shooters are good but as melee attckers... no need for explanations...

Other point is that the ability use only 3 spellpower

There's another extreme oddity about the spells that are chosen here.  The matriarchs can inflict Frenzy, which ordinarily is a great spell.  However, since it can only be inflicted after a MELEE strike, it's actually terrible when this gets inflicted on the enemy since it only makes them stronger and since they're already adjacent to the matriarchs, they'll attack you next turn instead of attacking one of their own troops.  Nival really should have thought this one through...

Strike and Return - Creature attacks and returns to its previous position.

The ability is a joke when it's alone but if you have "No Enemy Retaliation" in combination with it, it's very cool. Your unit is actually a shooter with no penalties or limited ammo. The abbility have one very important disadvantage - when you attack shooters your creature will return to it's pre-attacking position and you'll bo not able to block the enemy shooter, so he'll be able to strike your creature, very nasty! But basicly - good ability.

Um...you realize if you hold down the Control button when you attack, you won't return to your position so you can hit the enemy and still block it if you wish.

Weakening Strike - With each successful attack, the attacked enemy's Attack and Defense properties are reduced by 2 units (cannot get below zero).

It can help agains weak, low on level creatures, but with 3 or more attack and defence, like Master Gremlin, Assassin, Minotaur, Footman..., basicly -2 defence and attack to Lv. 7 Creature is nothing, but on creature with 4 attack and 3 defence (Assassin) its very cool. (of course the ability is good only if your creature is not Zombie )

While I agree that this really isn't that great of an ability, you should note that it's cumulative.  Hit enough times and even a dragon's stats can be reduced to 0/0.  Not that this is likely to happen but people tend to ignore your zombies and after 3 or 4 attacks, they can seriously weaken a strong stack.

Call Lightning - Creature fires a lightning bolt causing magical damage to selected target. Can be used for ranged attack when regular shooting attack is impossible or will only cause reduced damage (activated ability).

The demage is in good amount - 30 demage per creature in stack you need 10 creatures for 300 demage the magic protections can't stop this ability, but also it's useful, when the creature is block by enemy troops, and you don't like to see retaliation on your stack of creatures. The ability will compensate poor number of shoots.

Why are war machines immune to Call Lightning, but not immune to lightning spells?  It makes no sense...

Resurrect Allies - Creature can resurrect killed allied detachment once during combat, provided the location where the detachment was killed is not occupied by other creatures (activated ability).

Very useful ability, every creature in the stack will revive 100 HP, the problem is that all rivived creatures disappear after the battle but if you use it in the right time, you can change the battles results.

No.  The revived creatures do NOT disappear after the battle.

Mana Feed - Creature can transfer its reserve of mana to own hero (activated ability).

In my opinion this ability is a bit useless, its better to use caster's mane for his own spells, but if your hero really need some mana you can always give him some. Aecent ability.

This ability is actually fantastic if used correctly.  Just find a weak neutral band of monsters and split your elder druids into as many stacks as possible and just have them continuously feed their mana to the hero before you kill the neutrals.  By the third week in the game you will never have to find a well or stay in a castle over night because you can so easily restore all your mana by fighting neutrals.

Double Shot - Creature fires two full shots at the enemy instead of just one.

The ability basicly do not exist sometimes - the shooter just split his demage in two shots, so no problem, but it's better then one, just couse you can get luck on one of the shots. If you get luck on the fisrt, so the result is negativ - I mean that, if you have only one shot - it is first and you have full luck on it but if have 2 and luck only on the first you'll resive only +25% demage. If you have luck on the second - better.

Ok, I've heard this before but I'm pretty sure it's not true.  I tested this out by blessing a hunter.  He did 7 damage in a melee hit but two shots of 14 damage each in ranged.  If I'm missing something here, please let me know.

War Dance Combo - Creature simultaneously attacks enemies located on all eight adjacent tiles. The targeted enemy gets normal damage, all others affected get half the normal damage.

The ability can strike 8 enemies -  The irony here is that in army you can have only 7 creatures, so full capacity in this ability is just impossible. But you can make a lot of demages. 100% to the normal target and 50% demage for all other around the creature!

With summons you could hit 8 enemies.  Not that this situation will ever actually present itself, but still...

Magma Shield - When this creature undergoes a melee attack, the attacker suffers Fire damage, the amount depending on the attack's force.

One of the most nasty abilities in the game! The attacker will get 40% of his demage. The ability is weaker whan the creature is attacked by weak unit, like Lv. 1 - 3 units... You can force the enemy to attack you after you attack him (Retaliation).

Whether this ability is SUPPOSED to be fire damage or not, it's not.  Or at least it's not MAGICAL fire damage like fire shield.  Black dragons are immune to fire shield but they're not immune to magma shield.  I get the feeling this was an unintentional mistake on Nival's part.

Berserker Rage - When this ability is used, the creature's Defense drops temporarily to zero, Offense increases by the same amount, and it attacks the nearest enemy automatically without suffering the retaliation strike. However if there is no enemy in the movement range of this creature it will attack a nearest friendly unit instead of the enemy (activated ability).

After this ability the creature will become ultimate kiler for turn, but it will lose all of it's defence for 1 turn, not bad for finall hit on the last enemy stack, or if you are sure that nothing can attack your creature till your next turn. The ability can change the result of the battle, if you have enought creatures in you stack, and good speed. Remember - the creature will lose it's defence but the attacked enemy will be not able to attack you via retaliation.

It should be noted that there's some bizarre bug that causes this ability to screw up if the closest enemy is behind castle walls and the berserker is on the other side.  Even if the gate is broken and the berserker can reach the enemy, the game's programming assumes he can't go through the gate, so he just attacks the next closest creature.  I first experienced this bug at the very end of a long fight and I was thoroughly pissed off because I could have ended the fight with no more losses by just attacking the stack regularly but I used the ability for fun, which caused it to cause an enormous amount of damage to one of my own stacks.  This needs to be fixed.

Battle Frenzy - Every next retaliation strike performed by this creature inflicts damage 1.5 times as great than the previous one.

Another offensive ability, good when you have good amount of creatures in the stack and in combination with Unlimited Retaliation. Keep everything in one stack and send everything in center of the battle, cast resurrection, get a cup of popcorn and watch

This is one of those abilities that sounds good at first, but actually is not very useful.  This is because an EXTREMELY important part of this ability is not described in the game.  The compounding damage gets reset every time the battle griffins get another turn, and with 15 initiative, they get another turn quite frequently.  Thus it's highly unlikely the enemy would even have the opportunity to attack this stack several times before the ability was reset even if it wanted to.  Also, when you right click on a battle griffin that's under the effects of this ability, the game reads off some utter gibberish that doesn't even make sense; anyone attempting to figure out what the hell this ability did by reading that description would be utterly lost.

Immune to Lightning isn't very good ability, it will protect you against Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning, but you cant cast no inspireing Light spells, or to revive your creature via Resurrection.

Huh?  Since when can't you cast light spells on creatures immune to lightning?

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted April 09, 2007 10:23 PM

This is one of those abilities that sounds good at first, but actually is not very useful.  This is because an EXTREMELY important part of this ability is not described in the game.  The compounding damage gets reset every time the battle griffins get another turn, and with 15 initiative, they get another turn quite frequently.  Thus it's highly unlikely the enemy would even have the opportunity to attack this stack several times before the ability was reset even if it wanted to.  Also, when you right click on a battle griffin that's under the effects of this ability, the game reads off some utter gibberish that doesn't even make sense; anyone attempting to figure out what the hell this ability did by reading that description would be utterly lost.

omg, sounds really very bad.. if so battle griffs are useless : (

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Known Hero
posted April 10, 2007 04:48 AM


Immune to Lightning isn't very good ability, it will protect you against Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning, but you cant cast no inspireing Light spells, or to revive your creature via Resurrection.

Huh?  Since when can't you cast light spells on creatures immune to lightning?

He probably interpreted that as immune to LIGHTING.

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Legendary Hero
First in line
posted April 10, 2007 08:15 PM
Edited by VokialBG at 20:18, 10 Apr 2007.

Well, I didn't read the whole thing yet because it's incredibly long but here's some initial random thoughts.

Fire Breath/Acid Breath - During attack, creature damages not only the target but any other unit positioned directly behind it..

Basicly useless vs Large Creatures, but good in the battle beginning, when same of the small creatures are one until an other. The bad side is that if you do not be careful you can demage your oun creatures. You can your the Fire Breath ability even only your enemy have it:

Yes this is right, but here I'm speaking when the large creature is fisrt and the small second (behind the large)

If the large creatures are diagonally adjacent you can hit both of them anyway

Whip Strike - There's a certain chance that during a melee attack this creature will use one of the following spells, in addition to inflicting regular damage: Slow, Weakness or Frenzy.

The its not that good, as it sounds. First it's useless against undead, elemental and mechanical units, second the enemy must reach your Shadow Matriarch and they must start melee combat, you'll be able to use the ability... one time per several final battles...huh? Also the Matriarchs are shooters are good but as melee attckers... no need for explanations...

Other point is that the ability use only 3 spellpower

There's another extreme oddity about the spells that are chosen here.  The matriarchs can inflict Frenzy, which ordinarily is a great spell.  However, since it can only be inflicted after a MELEE strike, it's actually terrible when this gets inflicted on the enemy since it only makes them stronger and since they're already adjacent to the matriarchs, they'll attack you next turn instead of attacking one of their own troops.  Nival really should have thought this one through...

Isn't mine text basicly the same???

Strike and Return - Creature attacks and returns to its previous position.

The ability is a joke when it's alone but if you have "No Enemy Retaliation" in combination with it, it's very cool. Your unit is actually a shooter with no penalties or limited ammo. The abbility have one very important disadvantage - when you attack shooters your creature will return to it's pre-attacking position and you'll bo not able to block the enemy shooter, so he'll be able to strike your creature, very nasty! But basicly - good ability.

Um...you realize if you hold down the Control button when you attack, you won't return to your position so you can hit the enemy and still block it if you wish.

OK, I'll fix that (I dont know it good to learn something new )

Weakening Strike - With each successful attack, the attacked enemy's Attack and Defense properties are reduced by 2 units (cannot get below zero).

It can help agains weak, low on level creatures, but with 3 or more attack and defence, like Master Gremlin, Assassin, Minotaur, Footman..., basicly -2 defence and attack to Lv. 7 Creature is nothing, but on creature with 4 attack and 3 defence (Assassin) its very cool. (of course the ability is good only if your creature is not Zombie )

While I agree that this really isn't that great of an ability, you should note that it's cumulative.  Hit enough times and even a dragon's stats can be reduced to 0/0.  Not that this is likely to happen but people tend to ignore your zombies and after 3 or 4 attacks, they can seriously weaken a strong stack.

Ok, good I'll add the "cumulative"

Call Lightning - Creature fires a lightning bolt causing magical damage to selected target. Can be used for ranged attack when regular shooting attack is impossible or will only cause reduced damage (activated ability).

The demage is in good amount - 30 demage per creature in stack you need 10 creatures for 300 demage the magic protections can't stop this ability, but also it's useful, when the creature is block by enemy troops, and you don't like to see retaliation on your stack of creatures. The ability will compensate poor number of shoots.

Why are war machines immune to Call Lightning, but not immune to lightning spells?  It makes no sense...

Where is this in my text?

Resurrect Allies - Creature can resurrect killed allied detachment once during combat, provided the location where the detachment was killed is not occupied by other creatures (activated ability).

Very useful ability, every creature in the stack will revive 100 HP, the problem is that all rivived creatures disappear after the battle but if you use it in the right time, you can change the battles results.

No.  The revived creatures do NOT disappear after the battle.

Maybe it's a bug im my game I'll fix this.

Mana Feed - Creature can transfer its reserve of mana to own hero (activated ability).

In my opinion this ability is a bit useless, its better to use caster's mane for his own spells, but if your hero really need some mana you can always give him some. Aecent ability.

This ability is actually fantastic if used correctly.  Just find a weak neutral band of monsters and split your elder druids into as many stacks as possible and just have them continuously feed their mana to the hero before you kill the neutrals.  By the third week in the game you will never have to find a well or stay in a castle over night because you can so easily restore all your mana by fighting neutrals.

"In my opinion"

War Dance Combo - Creature simultaneously attacks enemies located on all eight adjacent tiles. The targeted enemy gets normal damage, all others affected get half the normal damage.

The ability can strike 8 enemies -  The irony here is that in army you can have only 7 creatures, so full capacity in this ability is just impossible. But you can make a lot of demages. 100% to the normal target and 50% demage for all other around the creature!

With summons you could hit 8 enemies.  Not that this situation will ever actually present itself, but still...

The most of this "tips" are for principled cases, this is too in details.

Berserker Rage - When this ability is used, the creature's Defense drops temporarily to zero, Offense increases by the same amount, and it attacks the nearest enemy automatically without suffering the retaliation strike. However if there is no enemy in the movement range of this creature it will attack a nearest friendly unit instead of the enemy (activated ability).

After this ability the creature will become ultimate kiler for turn, but it will lose all of it's defence for 1 turn, not bad for finall hit on the last enemy stack, or if you are sure that nothing can attack your creature till your next turn. The ability can change the result of the battle, if you have enought creatures in you stack, and good speed. Remember - the creature will lose it's defence but the attacked enemy will be not able to attack you via retaliation.

It should be noted that there's some bizarre bug that causes this ability to screw up if the closest enemy is behind castle walls and the berserker is on the other side.  Even if the gate is broken and the berserker can reach the enemy, the game's programming assumes he can't go through the gate, so he just attacks the next closest creature.  I first experienced this bug at the very end of a long fight and I was thoroughly pissed off because I could have ended the fight with no more losses by just attacking the stack regularly but I used the ability for fun, which caused it to cause an enormous amount of damage to one of my own stacks.  This needs to be fixed.

Yeah, but it's a bug...

Battle Frenzy - Every next retaliation strike performed by this creature inflicts damage 1.5 times as great than the previous one.

Another offensive ability, good when you have good amount of creatures in the stack and in combination with Unlimited Retaliation. Keep everything in one stack and send everything in center of the battle, cast resurrection, get a cup of popcorn and watch

This is one of those abilities that sounds good at first, but actually is not very useful.  This is because an EXTREMELY important part of this ability is not described in the game.  The compounding damage gets reset every time the battle griffins get another turn, and with 15 initiative, they get another turn quite frequently.  Thus it's highly unlikely the enemy would even have the opportunity to attack this stack several times before the ability was reset even if it wanted to.  Also, when you right click on a battle griffin that's under the effects of this ability, the game reads off some utter gibberish that doesn't even make sense; anyone attempting to figure out what the hell this ability did by reading that description would be utterly lost.

It's written in the ability description

Immune to Lightning isn't very good ability, it will protect you against Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning, but you cant cast no inspireing Light spells, or to revive your creature via Resurrection.

Huh?  Since when can't you cast light spells on creatures immune to lightning?

Ohhhpppsss, this actually a spelling mistake

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Legendary Hero
posted April 10, 2007 08:59 PM

Vok, I think the concept is very nice.
And you worked really hard on this little project.
But I think it's came out not like you expected, more as explanation of "what does each ability".
And I'll tell you the truth: Much more comfortable to use AoH information pages if you want to know what each ability does, for example.

I don't think that this work expresses who you are as a player.
Give special tips, show your point of view, tell us know what do you think about abilities. We know what the abilities do. We would like to see your original and innorvative view, of expert player, not of guide that explain what everything does.

I'm writing this thing for you!
I'm not trying to criticize you. I'm just telling you: go ahead! be special, do what you good at.
Tidy this thing up. Add some new innorvative things. Let us know what you think about everything.
If you do that, you'll probably get a QP.

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Legendary Hero
First in line
posted April 10, 2007 09:28 PM

@GLord: This work is not started for QP.

And I really hate this thread, I even cant look at it any more! Just I was worked on it so many time that I hate it now!

I'll not update anything more here. Maybe only to fix something.

Basicly all theread with review subject are something like this thred, we can't learn much from them, like commentator on Futball match.

And yes this topic is my larges post in HC

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 10, 2007 09:30 PM

Whip Strike - There's a certain chance that during a melee attack this creature will use one of the following spells, in addition to inflicting regular damage: Slow, Weakness or Frenzy.

The its not that good, as it sounds. First it's useless against undead, elemental and mechanical units, second the enemy must reach your Shadow Matriarch and they must start melee combat, you'll be able to use the ability... one time per several final battles...huh? Also the Matriarchs are shooters are good but as melee attckers... no need for explanations...

Other point is that the ability use only 3 spellpower

There's another extreme oddity about the spells that are chosen here.  The matriarchs can inflict Frenzy, which ordinarily is a great spell.  However, since it can only be inflicted after a MELEE strike, it's actually terrible when this gets inflicted on the enemy since it only makes them stronger and since they're already adjacent to the matriarchs, they'll attack you next turn instead of attacking one of their own troops.  Nival really should have thought this one through...

Isn't mine text basicly the same???

Not really.  You seemed to be implying that matriarchs aren't good in melee combat (which is true), I was just pointing out that not only are they not good in melee, but when you use frenzy on the creature, it acts like a blessing spell instead of something harmful to them

Call Lightning - Creature fires a lightning bolt causing magical damage to selected target. Can be used for ranged attack when regular shooting attack is impossible or will only cause reduced damage (activated ability).

The demage is in good amount - 30 demage per creature in stack you need 10 creatures for 300 demage the magic protections can't stop this ability, but also it's useful, when the creature is block by enemy troops, and you don't like to see retaliation on your stack of creatures. The ability will compensate poor number of shoots.

Why are war machines immune to Call Lightning, but not immune to lightning spells?  It makes no sense...

Where is this in my text?

It's not in your text.  But like GenieLord pointed out, it's more useful to point out things people don't already know.  I wasn't saying that something you had writen here was incorrect.  I was just trying to add some information that people might not know instead of just explaining what the abilities do.

Mana Feed - Creature can transfer its reserve of mana to own hero (activated ability).

In my opinion this ability is a bit useless, its better to use caster's mane for his own spells, but if your hero really need some mana you can always give him some. Aecent ability.

This ability is actually fantastic if used correctly.  Just find a weak neutral band of monsters and split your elder druids into as many stacks as possible and just have them continuously feed their mana to the hero before you kill the neutrals.  By the third week in the game you will never have to find a well or stay in a castle over night because you can so easily restore all your mana by fighting neutrals.

"In my opinion"

Yes, and in my opinion it's fantastic.  Again, this is not a correction.  It's my attempt to show a way to use this ability that people might not have thought about too much.  I figure a lot of people just dismiss this ability as "why would I ever use this in a big fight?"  And they're right that you probably wouldn't.  This ability is best used in easy fights to prepare for big fights.

War Dance Combo - Creature simultaneously attacks enemies located on all eight adjacent tiles. The targeted enemy gets normal damage, all others affected get half the normal damage.

The ability can strike 8 enemies -  The irony here is that in army you can have only 7 creatures, so full capacity in this ability is just impossible. But you can make a lot of demages. 100% to the normal target and 50% demage for all other around the creature!

With summons you could hit 8 enemies.  Not that this situation will ever actually present itself, but still...

The most of this "tips" are for principled cases, this is too in details.

Why?  If that was really the case, then it should be pointed out that war dancers are highly unlikely to ever hit more than 3 enemies in a real situation.  I was just pointing out that striking 8 creatures with this ability is possible because you said it was impossible.  If you think I went into too much detail, then where is the arbitrary point where you should draw the line?  Why not say 5 creatures is too much detail.  I figure pointing out odd situations is more useful than pointing out the obvious situations that everyone already knows.

Berserker Rage - When this ability is used, the creature's Defense drops temporarily to zero, Offense increases by the same amount, and it attacks the nearest enemy automatically without suffering the retaliation strike. However if there is no enemy in the movement range of this creature it will attack a nearest friendly unit instead of the enemy (activated ability).

After this ability the creature will become ultimate kiler for turn, but it will lose all of it's defence for 1 turn, not bad for finall hit on the last enemy stack, or if you are sure that nothing can attack your creature till your next turn. The ability can change the result of the battle, if you have enought creatures in you stack, and good speed. Remember - the creature will lose it's defence but the attacked enemy will be not able to attack you via retaliation.

It should be noted that there's some bizarre bug that causes this ability to screw up if the closest enemy is behind castle walls and the berserker is on the other side.  Even if the gate is broken and the berserker can reach the enemy, the game's programming assumes he can't go through the gate, so he just attacks the next closest creature.  I first experienced this bug at the very end of a long fight and I was thoroughly pissed off because I could have ended the fight with no more losses by just attacking the stack regularly but I used the ability for fun, which caused it to cause an enormous amount of damage to one of my own stacks.  This needs to be fixed.

Yeah, but it's a bug...

Yeah, but until it's fixed, it's reality.  If you aren't aware of the bugs, you can really get screwed up in a game.  You can't plan strategies around how the game is SUPPOSED to work, only around how it DOES work.

Battle Frenzy - Every next retaliation strike performed by this creature inflicts damage 1.5 times as great than the previous one.

Another offensive ability, good when you have good amount of creatures in the stack and in combination with Unlimited Retaliation. Keep everything in one stack and send everything in center of the battle, cast resurrection, get a cup of popcorn and watch

This is one of those abilities that sounds good at first, but actually is not very useful.  This is because an EXTREMELY important part of this ability is not described in the game.  The compounding damage gets reset every time the battle griffins get another turn, and with 15 initiative, they get another turn quite frequently.  Thus it's highly unlikely the enemy would even have the opportunity to attack this stack several times before the ability was reset even if it wanted to.  Also, when you right click on a battle griffin that's under the effects of this ability, the game reads off some utter gibberish that doesn't even make sense; anyone attempting to figure out what the hell this ability did by reading that description would be utterly lost.

It's written in the ability description

I don't understand.  What do you mean is in the ability description?

I didn't mean for my post to be an attack on you.  I just meant to point out odder things that I thought might be of interest because they're not as well known.

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