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Heroes Community > Age of Heroes Coliseum > Thread: ICTC3: The BwoFestria
Thread: ICTC3: The BwoFestria This thread is 2 pages long: 1 2 · NEXT»

Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted March 07, 2008 02:12 AM
Edited by enamelity at 23:39, 14 Mar 2008.

ICTC3: The BwoFestria

This takes place in an alternate Heroes 5 timeline which diverges from the actual Heroes 5 before Hammers of Fate but after Heroes 5 itself.

The BwoFestria

Motto: 'Chkrrglhe Dhetr Ljkirgh Bvxnmzh'
Aka: Debla Fesrerre, DioBesis
Colors: No specific colors
Worship: Tyyeu
Core Philosophy: Mutate. Evolve. Spread Chaos.
Goals: Mutate existence into the fourth dimension.
Territory: None, spread across other factions' territory.
Capital City: Diobesis.
Key Symbols: 4-dimensional Tyyeu relic known as T'chiab.


The BwoFestria are a race of vaguely insectoid, hive-building demons infused with pure, raw chaos and used as minions by interdimensional god-like beings known as Tyyeu. They possess a hive mind, and, having spent millennia in the fourth dimension, are anathema to 3-dimensional beings.


Throughout the multiverse, there exist numerous habitable worlds. Each of these shares some basic aspects in common with the others. One of these underlying similarities is the presence of Chaos and Order, which tend to coalesce into familiar shapes such as Angels, Humans, and Demons. The BwoFestria were originally members of a race of Demons on a world extremely distant from Ashan. They were nearly mindless, insectoid hive-builders that infested and weakened a nation before the main force of Demons moved in.

All this changed with the arrival of the Tyyeu, vast consciousnesses that traveled at will from one dimension to the next, formed of a more pure, undiluted chaos than the Demons. The Tyyeu opposed the Twin Dragons of Order and Chaos, and desperately sought malleable beings to shape into competent minions that could be used against the Primordial Twins. They deemed the BwoFestria worthy, and used their awesome magics to teleport the BwoFestria into the fourth dimension, in which the Tyyeu were semi-physical planet-sized beings. The BwoFestria spent untold millennia - a mere blink of an eye to the Tyyeu - traveling with their new masters through the Fourth Dimension, constantly evolving and developing due to the raw, chaotic presences of the Tyyeu. The BwoFestria mutated until they had lost nearly all traces of their Demonic heritage. All the while, their subconscious minds evolved into an extremely complex hive mind that invisibly dominated and united them all.

When the Tyyeu deemed the BwoFestria had mutated into suitable minions, the Tyyeu brought the BwoFestria back to the third dimension, and left them alone on the world of Ashan just after the end of Queen Isabel's War. Though the Tyyeu themselves left Ashan, they realized that the BwoFestria could never achieve their full potential without guidance from the Tyyeu. As a result, the Tyyeu left a four-dimensional relic, of indescribable shape and color, anathematic to the three-dimensional eye, behind on Ashan. In the fourth dimension, this relic was nothing more than a child's toy. In the third dimension, it was an anathematic reality-bending artifact capable of annihilating the entire world if used properly. The BwoFestria named it the T'chiab, and worhsipped it as a symbol of their true gods, the Tyyeu. They spread like a plague, devastating most of Ashan within weeks. They are still evolving due to the chaotic influences of the T'chiab, still in the process of realizing their full potential, but even now, they have nearly crushed all resistance on the world of Ashan. The only hope for Ashan's original inhabitants is to join together into one massive force, but unless this happens sometime in the very near future, Ashan is doomed.


The BwoFestria use a unique unit system. There are 9 units with no upgrades. After each battle, each of your stacks has the option to mutate (see below).

Lacul Onis

The Lacul Onii were once a race of BwoFestria shapeshifters who transformed into imitations of their opponents to do battle. When they reached Ashan, they decided to choose one permanent shape. These new, more stable Lacul Onii now serve as shock troops and assassins, destroying powerful opponents - whether by brute force or subtle manipulation - before they can threaten the rest of the BwoFestria.

Selk Cheketre

The Selk Cheketres are the only BwoFestria to originate on Ashan. They were once humans, members of a Chaos-worshipping cult known as the Selk. The Cheketres, a completely unrelated sub-race of the BwoFestria, infected and fused with the Selk, and the Selk Cheketres - insane half-human aberrations - were born. Both the Selks and the Cheketres are now extinct.

Veth Divain

Since before the coming of the Tyyeu to their homeworld, leadership of the BwoFestria was torn between the Veth Divains and the Acheruyii. Currently, the Veth Divains are just under the Acheruyii in rank. They serve as powerful battlefield mages, twisting reality into the fourth dimension in order to increase their allies' power and rip their enemies to shreds.


Absolute masters of the BwoFestria, second only to the Tyyeu themselves, the Acheruyii are masterful manipulators and mind-benders, thrusting opponents' minds into the fourth dimension where they can be controlled and dominated. The Acheruyin use this technique on the battlefield to force enemies to suicudally attack each other.

Dulk Sulkterrer

Dulk Sulkterrers are small beings made mostly of energy, nearly incapable of physically affecting their environment. To make up for this, they have mastered the third form of BwoFestria magic: the four-dimensional twisting and breaking of an opponent's soul, as opposed to the Veth Divains' physical application of this magic and the mind-affecting form favored by the Acheruyii. They trap their enemies' souls within the skin-capsules on their backs and on the ends of their tails.

Nyen Rdalga

Nearly mindless animalistic hunters, Nyen Rdalga are bred for battle by other, more intelligent BwoFestria. They are infused with more Chaos energy than any other BwoFestria. Their intelligence increases drastically proportionate to the amount and level of the Chaos energy around them. Since battles are generally quite chaotic, they are far more dangerous to fight than they may appear.


The Daxspyir are immense beasts of great power capable of massive levels of destruction. Their attacks, in addition to physically damaging the enemy, warp and blast the area around them, further increasing the destruction and chaos of the battle.

Chenduo Chiye

Though weak individually, Chenduo Chiyii fight in massive hordes capable of overpowering an opponent through sheer force of numbers. Most BwoFestria armies are made up, mostly, of Chenduo Chiyii, which attack by scratching and slashing at their opponents with four-dimensional claws that can open surprisingly large gashes in enemies' exposed flesh.


Mysterious, mute beings that wander battlefields draining energy from dead bodies, Daruleks, when called to battle, are also willing to drain living beings. They store this energy for future use, then wander about the battlefield some more, seeking a worthy opponent upon which to unleash their stored energy.


After every battle, the BwoFestria absorb the chaotic energies released by themselves and their enemies. They naturally transform this energy into an advantageous benefit, generally physiological but also sometimes magical. Each mutation adds a certain syllable to the name of the BwoFestria, so that a BwoFestria's battle experience and general level of power can be determined by the length of its name. (i.e. a Chenduo Chiye, after battling, chooses to grow tentacles, which change its name to Chenduo Chiye Guo). Some mutations have other mutations as requirements.

Tentacles (Guo): A pair of slimy tentacles erupt from the creature's back, increasing the range of its melee attacks by one square and slightly increasing their damage.

Swarms (Xve): Swarms of aberrant, mutated vermin - especially insects - gather around the creature, penalizing enemies with a small miss chance.

Symbiosis (Lka) [Requires Swarms]: One of the vermin surrounding the creature grows into a disgusting imitation of a smaller version of the creature. This rough duplicate fuses into the creature's stomach with only its upper body visible, granting its physical, mental, and spiritual power to its host. This allows the creature to either attack twice, move twice, or cast a spell twice.

Parasite (Iph) [Requires Symbiosis]: The creature can forcibly undergo symbiosis with enemy units. This takes one full turn, and allows the parasite to use one of the enemy's special moves on that turn only. As long as the parasite remains in symbiosis with the enemy, it cannot be controlled by the player, cannot attack or be attacked, and moves with the host. It can detach itself at any time.

Swarm-Formed (Jhy) [Requires Swarms]: The creature seperates into thousands of tiny copies of itself, which may regoin into one being at any time. This gives the creature the incorporeal ability.

Chaos Energy (Hla) [Requires Swarm-Formed]: Instead of copies of itself, the creature is made up of living motes of raw, four-dimensional chaos energy. The creature retains the Incorporeal ability, but now, whenever that ability prevents it from taking damage, the attacker takes a small amount of damage.

Infection (Kzi) [Requires Tentacles]: The creature's tentacles become tubular, and their open ends secrete diseased and noxious liquid into their targets, imposing a temporary penalty to defense and damage to any unit attacked by the creature with this mutation.

Chaos Infection (Ilh) [Requires Infection and Chaos Energy]: The creature's tubular tentacles inject liquified four-dimensional chaos energy into the enemy instead of diseases, dealing additional damage and imposing a slight penalty to all of the target's stats.

Infestation (Lyo) [Requires Infection and Swarms]: The creature's tubular tentacles spew swarms of mutant vermin into their target's open wounds. The vermin devour their host from the inside out, imposing higher penalties than a standard Infection and creating a very weak neutral unit (a Vermin Swarm) when the host dies.

Wings (Hni): Smooth, skin-covered wings grow from the creature's shoulder blades, giving it the flying ability.

Wing-Claws (Zyh) [Requires Wings]: Sharp claws sprout from the ends of the creature's wings, striking its enemies. These cause the creature to do additional melee damage.

Venomous Claws (Ixh) [Requires Wing-Claws]: The claws growing from the creature's wings drip with dark poison, dealing damage over time to enemies struck in melee combat.

Chaos Flight (Das) [Requires Wings and Chaos Energy]: The creature's wings become supernaturally enhanced by the raw chaos coursing through its veins. This drastically increases the creature's flight speed and improves the effectiveness of its Incorporeal ability.

Energy Teleport (Pha) [Requires Chaos Flight]: The creature gains the ability to teleport across the battlefield, allowing it to appear by its enemy's side to attack, then reappear at its starting location in the same turn.

Parasite (Deo): The creature can rip the energy from opposing creatures' souls, minds, and bodies, imposing a slight temporary penalty to a target's stats while increasing the leech's same stat by the same amount.

Transformation (Eah): The creature can, taking one full turn, transform into an exact duplicate of an enemy it is fighting in melee combat. The transformer recieves the creature's stats but not its special abilities.

Mirror (Ohl) [Requires Transformation]: The creature can perfectly mimic the actions of the creature it copied, including special abilities. The creature does not take its turn, instead mirroring the actions of the creature it copied on the copied creature's turn simultaneously with the copied creature.

Forced Mirror (Ahb) [Requires Mirror]: While mirroring its opponent, every other turn, the creature may take its own turn, forcing the enemy to mirror the creature's actions.

Reverse Mirror (Dji) [Requires Forced Mirror]: While using the ability granted by Forced Mirror, the creature reverts to its original form and the enemy becomes a copy of the creature (without special abilities).


The T'chiab is the last existing evidence of the Tyyeu's presence on the world of Ashan. Though they are long gone, the physical manifestation of the fourth dimension and the raw energies of chaos known to the BwoFestria as the T'chiab serves almost the same function. Its most practically important function is the gradual mutation and evolution of the BwoFestria into more powerful forms, a task fulfilled by the Tyyeu for thousands of years. In addition, the T'chiab keeps the BwoFestria under the control of the Tyyeu, serving as a vessel through which the Tyyeu can project their consciousnesses. It represents everything the BwoFestria strive for, and is synonymous with the BwoFestria mindset of 'Mutate. Evolve. Spread Chaos.'

Currently, it is located in the center of the BwoFestria quasi-city of DioBesis, guarded by the most powerful BwoFestria and worshipped by the city's populace.


Infested with more BwoFestria than anywhere else on Ashan, DioBesis and the surrounding area forms the core of BwoFestria territory. It is home to the T'chiab itself, and is the capital city of entire BwoFestria race. In fact, it is so important that one may use the word DioBesis as a substitute for the word BwoFestria.

Formed from a semi-organic fleshlike substance that constantly projects an illusion of writhin movement, DioBesis is the closest thing the BwoFestria have to a city.
"Our enemies are innovative and
resourceful, and so are we. They never
stop thinking about new ways to harm
our country and our people, and neither
do we." -George W. Bush

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted March 07, 2008 07:44 AM

what have you been taking... what have i been taking

(puts splif to the side and wipes nose.)
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Undefeatable Hero
Stand and fight!
posted March 07, 2008 12:16 PM

Ok, that's... interesting

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Legendary Hero
posted March 07, 2008 11:14 PM

Can you pease define what are these creatures?

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted March 08, 2008 12:23 AM

My brother told me that part of the reason entries like the Portal get more responses than my Slaughter is that the Portal is more unique. I think I took that a bit too far with the BwoFestria, but then again, that is the whole point: the theme is themelessness.

@GenieLord: I'm much more enthusiastic about writing race histories than overviews, but I'll see what I can do...
"Our enemies are innovative and
resourceful, and so are we. They never
stop thinking about new ways to harm
our country and our people, and neither
do we." -George W. Bush

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted March 08, 2008 01:09 PM
Edited by baklava at 13:10, 08 Mar 2008.

I especially like their motto.

"Chkrrglhe Dhetr Ljkirgh Bvxnmzh".
The essence of life itself

This might be a very interesting faction. If I were you, I'd put a different unit recruitment system in it - something like, you don't have a defined lineup, but you actually CREATE your own creatures for every level by choosing several parts (a system similar to the Impossible Creatures game). It would be loads of fun, at least for me. You know, like, these jaws give it additional attack, but make it more expensive, and these legs give it +1 speed while these provide more initiative... That sort of thing Strategic planning to the max.
But that's just my opinion.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted March 08, 2008 07:08 PM

Great idea!

I was thinking of 4-5 different unit types which begin equal in stats, but level up and gain experience individually. I'm worried that might make it to close to a tactical rpg, though.
"Our enemies are innovative and
resourceful, and so are we. They never
stop thinking about new ways to harm
our country and our people, and neither
do we." -George W. Bush

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Legendary Hero
posted March 09, 2008 01:56 AM

No deal. Sorry.
Doesn't even remotely fit.
John says to live above hell.

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted March 09, 2008 02:48 AM

I suspect half the people who see this faction will agree with TitaniumAlloy, and the other half will agree with the others who have posted so far.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted March 09, 2008 03:09 AM
Edited by Fauch at 03:12, 09 Mar 2008.

huh, why did you remove some monsters? some were awesome and looked like aliens from half-life.
zomg, there's a pokemon!! the before last one! (looks like ammonistar I believe)

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Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted March 09, 2008 03:32 AM


Protection From Everything.

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted March 09, 2008 04:02 AM
Edited by enamelity at 04:03, 09 Mar 2008.

I'm probably going to remove some more before this is over...

Get used to it

EDIT: Poof! there goes another one.

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted March 09, 2008 11:17 AM

They could also be named by what parts you use. For example, if you use a certain set of tentacles, that adds "Que" to the name, and if you use some poison fangs, that's "mnol", and a tough jaw, that's "stra", and in the end you get "Quemnolstra".
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Famous Hero
posted March 09, 2008 11:54 AM

No deal. Sorry.
Doesn't even remotely fit.

I suspect half the people who see this faction will agree with TitaniumAlloy, and the other half will agree with the others who have posted so far.

Problem is, "doesn't fit" is a reaction that should make you happy. When you do something THIS innovative, you want a sound reaction. And 99% of the times it's going to be controversial. But your interest is that they react strongly, not unanimously. As long as your innovation creates strong emotions, you succeded.

Suggestion: describe buildings perhaps?

(isn't shek a bit Silent Hill-feeling by chance?)

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted March 09, 2008 05:39 PM
Edited by enamelity at 18:49, 09 Mar 2008.

Another great idea by Baklava

Even though I have to change it a bit to match with my modified version of your first suggestion.

Thus, the length of a unit's name determines how many mutations it has recieved, which determines how many battles it has survived.

@Momo: I haven't seen Silent Hill, but I'll change it anyway.

Be patient with the buildings. They'll eventually get there.

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Supreme Hero
Werewolf Duke
posted March 09, 2008 09:26 PM

urm...this is quite THE faction! Some nightmarish creatures there but what does it matter? This faction looks indeed innoative, I like the second creature..reminds me of troglodyte

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Undefeatable Hero
posted March 09, 2008 10:04 PM
Edited by Fauch at 22:05, 09 Mar 2008.

it looks awful to me
I like the Nyen Rdalga
also there was a kind of HL hound (except it could bite) and a tripod creature before which were cool.

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted March 09, 2008 10:25 PM

I'll put the tripod-being back, but I'm leaving the blue hound-thing out.

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Legendary Hero
posted March 10, 2008 12:39 AM

I suspect half the people who see this faction will agree with TitaniumAlloy, and the other half will agree with the others who have posted so far.

I suspect that anyone who has any respect for the words Might and Magic will agree with me

I don't mean offense man but if you want originality you're heading in the wrong direction.

I just looks to me like you've gone and got a whole lot of wacky pictures..
John says to live above hell.

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted March 10, 2008 01:33 AM
Edited by enamelity at 01:33, 10 Mar 2008.

As beings of pure chaos, 'a whole lot of wacky pictures' fits perfectly.

As I said earlier, the theme is themelessness.
"Our enemies are innovative and
resourceful, and so are we. They never
stop thinking about new ways to harm
our country and our people, and neither
do we." -George W. Bush

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