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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: What's wrong in Belgium...
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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted April 20, 2008 04:05 PM

What's wrong in Belgium...


what IS wrong ? I already said something about the food prices...

In Belgium the prices of foodstuffs have risen to alarming rates

water: €0.65/bottle => €1.40
Bread: €1.50/loaf => €1.80
Cheese: €9.00/kilo => €11.00
Potatoes: €3.00/kilo => €4.50
Butter: €2.70/250g => €3.70
Steak: €20.00/kg => €24.50
Chewing gum: €0.60/package => €1.00
Salmon: €14.00/kg => €20.00
Herring: 10.00/kg => €14.00

And so it goes on...

Peoples wages haven't risen sadly
My familiy will manage to survive, but the poorer part of the population will get in trouble.

This is all because of our government, or rather the lack of having one. 9 months after the elections Flemish and Walloons finally made a truce and created a new government (with the Flemings, who are the majority in Belgium, in a heavy disadvantage). We're led by Yves Leterme, who, despite his undoubtably good and noble hat, is nothing more than a puppet of the Walloon Liberal Party, as the former PM ,Guy Verhofstadt, was a puppet of the Walloon Socialist party. Things should change in Belgium and the mounting prices are a righteous example of what is wrong in the small european state.

only a small example of what happening here

The Kingdom Belgium

What you should know about Belgium:

Belgium is severed in three municipallies:

The Flemish one (Orange), The Walloon one (Red) and the German One (Green)

Each municipally was created acconding to Language: The Flemings speak Flemish, a Belgian kind of Dutch (aka without the hideous accent), Walloons are Frenchspeaking (or Francophone), the Germans in the Eastern Cantons speak German

The Capitol Municipally (Brussels) is divided between the Flemish and Walloon Municipally.

Furthermore, to malke thing more complicated there are 4 Governments in Belgium: The Flemish, The Walloon ,the Brusselian and the Federal, each ruling their specific region (the Federal one rules the whole, the latter three Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels.)
There are about 6.5 milion Flemings, 4.5 milion Walloons and 1 milion Brusselians

The History of Belgium (ripped from wikipedia, read if you like)

Politics in Flanders:

Cd&V: Christen-Democraten & Vlamingen: The Flemish Social-Democrat Party: The largest party in Flanders, they won last years elections. The PM Yves Leterme is a Social-Democrat. The party is the most sage and loyal party in the country. Usuallly has ambiguous oppinions and is known for it shallow Flemish ideas. They are led by Ethienne Schouppen, the former head of the NMBS, the Flemisch Railroad Corporation.
Place in the political Spectrum: Central, but tends towards both Left- and Rightwing.
Colour: Orange

Open VLD: Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten: the Liberals . Although losing the elections badly, the Open VLD managed to participate in the government (in which it has 4 ministers). The former PM, Guy Verhofstadt, was a liberal. The Liberals had a peak around 1996, when they inspired many with their anti-Social-Democrat talk (in that time the SD, who led the govenment, were despised). Whe griping power in 1996 the Open VLD change from a radical and progressive party in a meek, Walloon-loving party. The Open VLD is known for the breaking of their promisses.. Although Verhofstadt retired from politics a month ago, he still clutches the OVLD with an iron fist, using the party chairman ,Bart Somers, as a sawdust doll.
Spetrum: officially Central, but profiled themselves as lefting, by kicking all right wings out of the party.
Colour: Blue

SP.a: Socialistische Partij anders: the Socialist Party. The SPa was a govenrment party untill July, when they lost elections badly, forcing them to go into opposition. The SPa are known opporunists and populists. They would attack their allies in that would make them win the elections. The mayors of Antwerp, Ghent and Hasselt (three important Flemish cities) are socialists. Socialist usually score good in towns, but not in rural communities. The Socialists also controll the national TV. The Chairman of SPa is Caroline Gennez.
Spectrum: Leftwing
Colour: Red

VB: Vlaams Belang: The Radical Separatist Movement. ALthough they never participate in Governments, the VB is the second largest Pary in Flanders (about 20% of Flemish votes). The Party is often called dangerous, for it  Radical Ideas. Firstly the Pary wants a zero-tolernace policy (meaning everyone has the same rights and an Eye-for-an-eye). The also want a strict immigration policy and oppose euthanisia and abortion. These radical Ideas made them very famous and respected among the population. Abroad, Vb is known as the excluded party. All the other parties (wrongfully) called Vb undemocratic and even Fascist, and decides never to rule with them (this very undemocratic act is called the Cordon Sanitaire). Since then Vb became one of the lalrgest parties in Flanders. VB is hated and demonised in Wallonia because of their radical Sparatist Beliefs (they want to make Flanders independent ). The most notorois figure of VB is Filip De Winter. Part Chairman isd Bruno Valkeniers, the former head of the Hessenatie (a major company in the harbour of antwerp)
Spectrum: Very Rightwing (but not extreme or ultra)
Colour: Brown

Other parties in Belgium are: The greens (Groen!), the Social-Democrat Separatists (NVA), and the Liberal Separatists (LDD)

Politics in Wallonia

There are three parties in Wallonia: the PS, the MR and the CDh

PS: Parti Socialiste : the Walloon Socialists. They are really corrupt. Corruption scandlas about the PS keep popping up, wether in Charleroi or in Liege, the PS will always stay corrupt. The PS is by far the most powerfull party in Belgium. Untill the last elections, which they lost, they held Wallonia in an Iron Grip, but now are forced to share power with the MR. the chairmen of both parties hate eachother, but are forced to cooperate. The PS made it in the Federal Govenrment, but only narrowly. The chairman Elio Di Rupo is probably the most powerfull man of Wallonia. The PS has 3 ministers. One of them Is Laurette Onkelinckx, of whom I'll tell more later.
Spectrum: leftwing
Colour: red

MR: Mouvement Réformatique: The Walloon Liberals. Although they are friendly towards the Flemings, it turned out it was only to charm Leterme and to get more powerfull. The Liberals are the greatest adversairies of the PS, their chairman, Didier Reyders and Elio Di Rupo hate eachother so much that leaks reported of their heated arguements when Reynders was Informateur. The MR may seem the most Fleming-friendly Walloon party, but they are not. The MR are in leage with the FDF, as small but potent Brusselian Party that is the opposite of VB: They are radical nationalists who strive to remain unified and that the Walloons should remain superior to the Flemings (as they are now).
Spectrum: Right-wing
Colour: Blue

CDh: Cordon Démocratique et Humaniste: the Walloon Social-Democrat Party. The CDh always stood in the shadow of the two other bickering Walloon parties, but due to their good score in last years elections, they finally gained enough power to be important. Their former party Chairman Joëlle Milquet, who is now Minister of Work, is a hero in Wallonia. Milquets stubborn attitude in the negotiations that followed the elections, gave her the surname "Madame Non". In Flanders she's disliked because of this. In Wallonia however it made her even more popular than Elio Di Rupo or Didier Reyders.  Not much is known about CDh In Flanders, but Walloon members may add someting to this if they like.
Spectrum: Central
Colour: Orange

Justice in Belgium

The former Minister of Justice, Laurette Onkelinckx (I mentioned her earlier), was a disaster to the already meek justice sysytem in Belgium. Belgium already has one of the mildest justice sysytems in the world (5-20 years if you murder someone, depending on propietors and victims age and mental comdition). Livelong sentences are almost never given to criminals, and death penalties aren't given at all. Yet Belgium has put very dangerous criminals behind bars (child murderers like Michel Fournret or Marc Dutroux) but still they manage to escape or are freed prematurely. Only if they are caught a second time, livelong sentences will be given. Another way to get a lifelong sentence is commiting a racist murder. Last year in May a 19 year old boy shot down a two year old girl and her Malinese au-pair. He also wounded a Turkish woman, who survived her injuries. He was called a rascist because he aimed at two foreigners and because his parents voted VB. I'm not sure whether he really was a rascist, but from what I've heard he was bullied by allochtonous Belgians, and that he was expelled from his school, because he was caught blowing hasjiesj. He tumbled into a rage and went on a killing spree. As I said I'm not sure of his true motives, so that remains an open question. What I DO know is that he was treated as a rascist killer and was sentenced to life-long emprisonment. I know that if he had killed/wounded three Belgians and if his parents had voted leftwing, he would only have gotten 40 years. So is the justice system here. Allochtonous people are posetively descriminated. They get social assistance quicker and tend to get fines instead of emprisonment. It is if the Belgian politicians fear the allochtone (Jews, Muslims, Russians, Albanians, Etc) population.

But they have goor reason to fear it: there is a commitee in Belgium that can disturb many lives: The Commitee for the Contestance of Rascism and Equal Chances. If the allochtones (especially the muslim population) are descriminated, the Commitee intervenes and turns the tide. They once sewed VB, which had to pay a large fine because of rascism (an act that devastated foreigners all over the world; parties usually can't be sewed). Quizzically then don't act as often when anti-Semitism strikes, mostly because the proprieotors are muslims and the Commitee then chooses the side of the muslims... This is logical; the commitee is controlled by the Archvulture of Belgian Society: the SPa. Everyone knows this. This is pure, but hideous politics; by not protecting the Jews, and giving the muslims mild punishments their easiliy gain the vote of the muslim population. If Belgium (and Antwerp in Partcualar) didn't have a large muslim population, the SPa would be significantly less powerfull. Even more disturbing is the fact when Belgians/Europeans are the victims of rascism... It Commitee ignores them at all!

Another disturbing fat about Belgian Justice: Laurette Onkelinckx loosened the Justice administration, thus governing the prisons with less wardens, jailers, psycologists, etc... Thsi is cheaper ofr the state, but eventually led to a mass brak-out in the prison in Dendermonde. 28 prisoner vanished, and none of the staff did notice it. Another thing. Onkelinckx is one of those women who fall for criminals. Her first husband was a Moroccan Cocaïne smuggler. They divorced when he was sentenced to 20 year in jail. Then she married his lawyer. The man is a corrupt opportunist, who really don't care about law and justice.
Criminal records are still thriving in Belgium due to Onkelinckx's lax and feeble government. But, hey, Why not steal? You get caught are sentenced to 5 years (3 if you are lucky), get a cel with your own bed, WC, shower, TV, desk ,and maybe even a PC (if you are lucky enough). You'll get free after 2,5 years because of good behaviour!!


Don't get me wrong; I'm not a rascist, a fascist or a discriminator.(I am disgusted by them)
I just want that justice will work the same for everyone, ignoring skin colour, origins or sex. It just frustrates me that you'll get treated differently if you are a muslim or a Jew (and when you don't deserve to be treated differently). I think either justice should be done equally to everyone or shouldn't be done at all!
But the latter option doesn't works so TREAT EVERYONE THE SAME WAY

meant to be continued...
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Famous Hero
Plan B
posted April 20, 2008 07:00 PM

I'll tell you what's wrong in Belgium, you have no decent judokas.

Seriously, I just came from a tournament in Arlon, and I won the whole thing. The hardest match I had was against a member of my own club. That's including a 25-year old 90-kg black belt. I mean come on.
Aculias is like the male nipple of HC, TNT being the other one -Baklava

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted April 20, 2008 07:05 PM

We HAD good ones, but they went into politics...
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted April 20, 2008 07:07 PM

Most of the stuff you mentioned is worse in Romania, and I'm still not complaining

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Legendary Hero
Cerise Princess
posted April 20, 2008 09:30 PM

just "worse"?MUCH MUCH more worse in romania,I have been there and i know what its like.

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted April 20, 2008 10:06 PM

I just love it when people from western European countries start complaining about how hard everyday living is

Look at other parts of the world for heaven's sake. Sure, it's not perfect in western Europe either, but come on, it's better than anywhere else.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted April 20, 2008 10:17 PM

@ Baklava
It may look a bit like nagging, this thread, but if we want to change the world into something better, we should start with the thing who are the nearest to us... In my case Belgium, in your case Serbia...

I cannot speak of other countries, simply beause I don't know much about it, but you can still start you "what's wrong with Serbia" thread and I will learn.

If we want to change the world far beyond, we often forget the things near us, who are smaller, more delicate, yet more important to us than the others. You'd better start sort these out, because this will one day avenge you.
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted April 20, 2008 10:35 PM

Well, in my opinion, if we want to change the world we should start with the worst cases. For example, I wouldn't start with Serbia, I'd start with Africa if I could. Then move on to the middle-east. There would be far greater priorities than Serbia, since things aren't so bad here as in a lot of other places. But it usually doesn't matter since we're hardly in a position to change anything anyway. :\

On the other hand, if I started a "what's wrong with Serbia" thread, I wouldn't be able to finish it in this lifetime...
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Legendary Hero
posted April 21, 2008 01:47 AM

What is this thread about I don't even know
John says to live above hell.

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Legendary Hero
Words in a custom title
posted April 21, 2008 09:11 AM

In Belgium the prices of foodstuffs have risen to alarming rates

water: €0.65/bottle => €1.40
Bread: €1.50/loaf => €1.80
Cheese: €9.00/kilo => €11.00
Potatoes: €3.00/kilo => €4.50
Butter: €2.70/250g => €3.70
Steak: €20.00/kg => €24.50
Chewing gum: €0.60/package => €1.00
Salmon: €14.00/kg => €20.00
Herring: 10.00/kg => €14.00

And so it goes on...

Peoples wages haven't risen sadly
My familiy will manage to survive, but the poorer part of the population will get in trouble.

That's just inflation, and similar to what is going on in Australia at the moment.
"Through the power of the dollar you can communicate with the dead." - Artu

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Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted April 21, 2008 10:17 AM

this happend in israel twice,lol,so dont worry its not the end of the world.
types in obscure english

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Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted April 23, 2008 12:08 AM

I completely agree. It's great someone has used reason on this. It's usually been like: "that side sux" and the others were like "that side sux". I'm talking 'bout the division we're feeling(northern-southern part of Belgium) and ppl constantly start blaming eachother for their problems (for example: THIS GOVERNMENT MAKES US PAY MORE, AND SO IT SUX(what dis ignoramus didn't know was that it was the previous government that drained all the cash from the national treasury.)) And there is one hing I HATE: ppl being proud of being belgian.(who cares?) It makes no sense. Belgium was originally a piece of land that rebelled against Holland. THAT'S IT, NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF AND NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ANCIENT BELGIANS WHO FOUGHT AGAINST THE ROMANS. (sry for capsing, it's just that when u live in the antwerp region, arrogance is unavoidable) And look at our politics. We didn't have a govern ment for almost nine months 'cuz the prime minister didn't know the national anthem(!!!) (again: who cares?) Ppl forget that politics shouldn't be a popularity contest(I knwo that I'm an idealist). The only thing that matters is whether the guy could govern us adequately. owww... well... nvm... I'm just angry at my own country.
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

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Supreme Hero
posted April 23, 2008 12:27 AM

What does allochtonous mean?

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Supreme Hero
Chocolate ice cream zealot
posted April 23, 2008 07:08 AM

If you think that the rascist justice balance is screwed in belgium , go to some place in saudi arabia, pretend to be a jew and wait until someone mobs you. Youd be lucky if you even get let into court.
"Am i a demon? No im a priest of the light! THE BLOODY RED LIGHT"

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Fierce Battlegriffin
posted April 23, 2008 11:45 AM

hey i lived in belgium for 5 years!

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Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted April 23, 2008 12:22 PM

I still live here
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted April 23, 2008 02:20 PM

I'm glad someone agrees with me (someone who knows about it as well)

GnollMage: Allochtonous is a word invented by left wing radicals. Officially someone who is allochtonous is someone who belongs to an ethnic minority. Practically it is only used for the MUSLIM population in Belgium

Roy Algriffin: Yeah the situation is worse in Saudi-Arabia, but remember that the wrong people are accused in Belgium of anti-semitism, while in saudi-Arabia it's just pure hatred of the same ethnic group, but supported by the government.

In Saudi-Arabia it is Governal Rascism
In Belgium it is a Justicial Error. (and they happen often, believe me)
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 23, 2008 08:02 PM

That thing happen in almost everywhere in the world

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Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted April 24, 2008 06:22 PM

I also want to say something 'bout our prisons. Their main purpose is to take away people's freedom. Nothing more, nothing less. I thought that in Belgium lifelong sentences were not very rare, but that meant 25 years tops. And you are probably candidate 4 parole after 12 or so years. (9 if u've been a good boy) We keep Marc Dutroux and that other serial killer locked away forever 'cuz if we ever released them, they would immediately be killed by the ppl(victim's relatives etc.). We also keep them in holding cells 'cuz they would also be killed by the inmates. We give the inmates many privileges 'cuz we're able to permit it and to keep them in line. (There is a lot of good behavior 'cuz the tv's they have) (and outbreaks are very rare 'cuz there are a lot of snitches who would betray their "comrades" for a few extra privileges) (So u see that something like the serie "prison break" would be practically impossible) We also give them acces to computers 'cuz we plan to release them back in society one day. That's also why we give them jobs and money. (not much) They sometimes even go to soccer (football) games. We don't want them to be treated like dirt, scum or monsters, we give them another chance after they finished their time in prison and normally they would have a clean slate. (sadly, noone wants to give a criminal a second chance(a job)... So they will end up in prison again... and again... and again... and so u might understand that our prison sentence is not as lame as u might think.)
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted April 24, 2008 06:28 PM

yes Dagoth, abroad people a laughing with our Justice system. We zijn maar een bende knoeiers !*

Later I might tell you something about the Flanders-Wallonia Relationship.

*We're just a bunch of clumsy morons.
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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