
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 27, 2008 05:21 PM |
Turn order
I found something i wrote regarding turn order a long time ago. If you can see is all in order, or did I forget something so that I can put in the manual.
I know that the phases are arbitrary (there is only normal and wait phase), but I think it's easier to understand this way.
Every round is composed of four parts, in proper order:
1. Normal phase
2. War Machine phase
3. Morale phase
4. Wait phase
Normal phase
Creatures play in decreasing order of speed.
If there is a speed tie among opposing units then player's A unit will play first if player's B unit has played just before and vice versa. Further turn order simply alternates between units of player's A and B (alternating rule).
This is true in all cases except the beginning of the 1st round where the attacker always plays first in case of a speed tie.
For all other rounds the rule holds: if A played last in previous round, B will play first in the next in case of a speed tie. War Machines are a factor in this case, even if they are not under player’s control.
If there is a speed tie among units in the same army turn order is determined by left slot rule.
War Machine phase
Ballistas always play before First Aid Tents. Ammo Carts are irrelevant.
If player’s A unit has played just before then player’s B Ballista will play first and vice versa.
If player possesses Artillery and/or First Aid skills he may wait with Ballista/First Aid Tent. Again the turn order simply alternates, for the wait part for War Machines follows immediately.
Morale phase
Units that receive morale in the normal phase and wait instead of acting play here, starting from the first unit that received morale. Turn order of this phase cannot be affected by any speed affecting spell.
Wait phase
Creatures play in increasing order of speed.
If there is a speed tie among opposing units then player's A unit will play first if player's B unit has played just before and vice versa. Further turn order simply alternates between units of player's A and B.
If there is a speed tie among units in the same army turn order is determined by right slot rule.
Special case: town siege with Fort, Citadel or Castle built
The first units to play are Turrets if the defending hero has Artillery as a secondary skill. If no such hero is defending then it`s always the attacker's Catapult.
If the Turrets wait they will take their turn in War Machine phase.
If the Catapult waits it will take its turn in War Machine phase.
If the attacker has Ballistics, and the defender has Artillery, attacker will play first (with his Catapult) if and only if his Ballistics skill is higher than the defender's Artillery skill, otherwise the defender (Turrets) will play first.
If the unit is unblinded/resurrected (no matter when it was blinded/killed) it will take it’s turn as soon it is of highest speed if it is a normal phase, or of lowest speed if it is a wait phase. Alternating and slot rules apply normally.
If a unit makes a move (or gets bad morale) and is killed and resurrected it will not play again in the same round.
Cloned unit will follow the alternating rule, but it will not follow the slot rule: if there is a speed tie between 2 or more stacks in the same army, and Clone is cast on either of them, cloned stack will play after all other stacks have played.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 27, 2008 05:29 PM |
Morale phase
Units that receive morale in the normal phase and wait instead of acting play here, starting from the first unit that received morale. Turn order of this phase cannot be affected by any speed affecting spell.
Would be interesting to know when precisely they will move again during the turn when they got morale and wait. This was never discussed, I think.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted October 27, 2008 05:32 PM |
Why not making a "Moves twice." ability? (Without Morale bonuses)

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 27, 2008 05:34 PM |

Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 27, 2008 05:34 PM |
Morale phase
Units that receive morale in the normal phase and wait instead of acting play here, starting from the first unit that received morale. Turn order of this phase cannot be affected by any speed affecting spell.
Would be interesting to know when precisely they will move again during the turn when they got morale and wait. This was never discussed, I think.
You quoted the answer to your question .

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 27, 2008 05:39 PM |
Aha, so the unit who got morale and wait will act again before enemy units who simply waited? Was always confuse for me, as I noticed some changes of order in different situations.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 27, 2008 05:59 PM |