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Heroes Community > Age of Heroes Coliseum > Thread: ICTC 4 The Mound
Thread: ICTC 4 The Mound

Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted January 29, 2009 01:07 PM
Edited by War-overlord at 16:23, 26 Mar 2009.

ICTC 4 The Mound

Yes ICTC 4 and I am competing. I know this will look a bit messy now, but rest assured I will clean this thread up later.This will be set in Ashan as I, for one, actualy like the setting created by ubisoft. Also I will stick to the set-up introduced by Tribes of the East, mainly because I think HoMM VI will not differ a whole lot in set up, creatures and factions may differ but I think they will stick to the same basic formula. So on to the actual creative stuff. (or perhaps not so creative, but we shall see)

Motto :"Anything is possible, for the right price"
Facts and Traits
Also Known As: The Beholders, the Eyes
Alignment: Evil, but they behave themselves Neutrally towards all other factions
Assoiciated colours: Brown, Blue, Grey
Worship:Themselves and Money. Beholders make their own destiny, not some gods. (They do not deny the existence of gods)
Core Philosophy:"Greed is good" Make the best of your life, become wealthy and powerfull; let none stand in your way.
Country/Kingdom: Shag-oron Domnatog, The Dominion of Beholders.  A federation of semi-independant Beholder Mounds
Capitol: None. As each Mound is semi-independant.
Symbols: The Allseeing Eye, A Stack of Coins

Beholder Species:

Beholders are an intelligent species of magic molluscs. As such Beholders have no bones, however they do have a cartilage jaw with hardend teeth. Beholders have spherical bodies with one large central eye, 2/3 of their body is comprised of their brain, witht the remaining 1/3 holding other organs. Many Beholders have more eyes next to their central of, some of them on stalks, these eyes only have periferal vision however and are not as functional as their central eye. Beholders have 4 or 6 tentacles, of which the two front ones are the main manipulators and function like hands due to them ending in 3 or 4 finger-like endings. Some Beholders even form cartilage claws or pincers on these endings, which are shed once in a while. Beholders are pure carnivores and have a diet of meat and fluids. All Beholders are born with some form of magic affinity and it is this inherant magic that keeps Beholders aloft. Beholders move by directing the magicfields inside their bodies in the direction they want to move, they cannot float upwards howeverand are limited to float several inches above a given surface. Beholders have both males and females, though they are hardly recognisable to others. It is said that female Beholders have smaller jaws than males, but Beholders do not discuss this with outsiders. The only known facts of Beholder reproduction is that Beholders lay a single egg which has to be incubated over a period of 2 years. Beholders have a general lifespan of 100-120 years and there are records of them reaching ages fo 300 years.

Beholder Society:

Beholder society is the most capitalistic of Ashan. Beholders produce and trade to flood their coffers, or to build up production chains. This all is a result of the Enormous greed all Beholders suffer from and this also leads them to be verry effienct at what they are doing, this to maximise the gain. All this leads Beholder Mounds to be very vulnrable to competition, if trade slows the production slows and in the end the enitre mound grinds to a halt. Never the less, Beholders are wily and unscrupulous, making them often able to find new sources of income.
The secondary focus of Beholder society is magic-research. All Beholders are born with some form of magic affinity. Beholders research magic for the sheer fun of it primaraly and for profit only secondary. Beholders know how to make profit from magic research by selling their findings to others. Also magic-induced mutations and breeding-experiments are considered just as much as research by the Beholders.
Beholders know well enough that both peace and war can be profitable. As such, Beholders will maintain peace when possible but they will not hesitate to use military might when the need arises. Also compettion between Beholder Consortia may well lead to armed conflict between the Beholders or others.
Beholder society is well structured. The whole society is devided into four castes, which are based on physical differences between Beholders, which is a result of ages of inbreeding. Caste generally preform the task that are deemed fitting for them. Gnolls are the lowest possible caste in Beholder society and are there to serve the Beholders. Gnolls are not the slaves of the Beholders, but they are bound to them. Beholders are required to maintain the upkeep of a Gnoll in it´s service, Gnolls are allowed to switch between patrons but independance is not tollerated.
The structure is from high to low:
Dominator Caste (rulers, high-mages, alchemists, royalty/landowners ect.)

Minion Caste (officials, high-ranking servants, medium-semihigh officers etc)

Crafter Caste (artisans, low-mages, overseers (to Gnolls and the beasts), mastercraftsmen, traders etc.)

Gnolls (Menial labor, hunters, lowranking servants and everything Beholders feel beneath them)
(No Homemade Spore Pic, basicly due to the lack of mamalian parts)
There is one major exeption to Beholder social structure, the Overminds. Overminds originate from all Beholder castes and as such they enjoy a special status of being equal to all castes. Because of their rarity Overminds are the exclusive generals of Beholder armed-forces. Overminds are generally payed by the rulers of the Mounds and work together with them, but it may and will act independant of them when the need arises.


Ancient Age

Elder Wars : The Angels launch a crusade on the Faceless. The Beholders allied with the Faceless during the war, but the Faceless are crushingly defeated. The few Beholders that are alive are banished by the Angels to the moon to prevent them from doing any evil in the future. During their years on the moon the Beholders barely scratch together an existance, feeding mostly on Ahsa's inherant magic. The Beholders begin to hate the Angels and plot their return to Ahsan.

Moon Ages: During their inprisonment of the Moon the Beholders began to inbreed in thier social standing and the three major factions between the Beholders became the castes Beholders adhere to today

The Origins

0 YSD The Year of the Seventh Dragon : During Sar-Elam contact with Asha, the Beholders use the link to pinpoint the exact location of Ashan. Plans are being forged to return. The Beholders become subjects of legends.

28 YSD  Wars of Fire : The Beholders use the Magic released in the sealing of Sheogh to enpower their Portal to Ashan. The Beholders return near the mouth of Sheogh.

56 YSD Return of the Beholder : Having gathered their strength and numbers, the Beholders push into the Cavernsystems beneath Ashan. Quickly however they come across dwarven settlements and realize that the underground no longer belongs to thier allies the Faceless and they need to find a new place to dwell and to keep themselves hidden from the ohter races.

60 - 97 YSD The Great Exodus : Searching for a new place Beholders spread over the known Continent, most flee to the Far East, beyond Ranaar.

116 YSD The Beholder Kingdom : The main host of Beholders found the Dosshag-oron(Kingdom of Eastern eyes). The primitive Gnolls native to the region are made to serve the far more advanced Beholder

187 YSD The First Collapse : Dosshag-oron collapses onto itself due to ineffective government and corruption. Several aristocratic Dominator families proclaim their own protectorates.

352 YSD The Second Beholder Kingdom : The most wealthy family of Dominators, Auruo Spectores (Viewers of Gold)establish Duvo Dosshag-oron (The Second Kingdom Eastern Eyes).

504 YSD The Coming of the Orcs : The Orcs flee to Ranaar and beyond come into the Beholder Dominion. Orcs that push to far into Beholder lands are slaughtered mercilessly, but verry few flee that far.

573-575 YSD War of Faillure : The Beholder try to return to the Known Parts of Ashan. All expeditions are crushed in Ranaar, due to unexpeted restistance and hostility from the Orcs. The Beholders realise their inbreeding has made them physically weak. Bitter Dominators have the entire  Auruo Spectores family exterminated.

575 -579 YSD The Second Collapse : Due to exessive murderplots and succeeding rulers, Duvo Dosshag-oron collapses.

The Modern Ages

743 YSD Shag-oron Domnatog : The Alliance between multiple Mounds becomes the Shag-oron Domnatog.

844 YSD The Third Nation of Beholders : The Shag-oron Domnatog encompasses all Beholder Mounds in known lands.

902 YSD The Corporate Rescale : The ruling council of the Shag-oron Domnatog start encouraging trade on grand scales. Large flows of resources, gold and goods go through Mounds. Orcs near the borders start actively seeking either trade with or conquest of the Beholders.

Beyond 969 YSD : Following the Orcs push into the Known Continent during Queen Isabels War, the Beholders establish several Mounds in known lands. Knowing that their Ancient Alliance with the Faceless is forgotten, the Beholders try to establish good relations with all factions.

Beholder Race Relations
The Beholders themselves are of an Evil nature, especially the Dominator Caste. Beholders are extremely machiavellian, arrogant, vain, plotting and corrupt; but most of all they are greedy. Other races often claim that a Beholder's greed knows no bounds, which is actualy quite true. This enormous greed causes the Beholders to adopt a Neutral standpoint, despite their Evil nature; they view it is more profitable to be friends with everyone and enemy to noone. This greed of the Beholders makes them verry fluctuate, if the enemy of one of the Beholders' allies makes the Beholders a better offer, the Beholders will switch sides unscrupulously. Still in most cases Beholders are true to their word, since it is not verry profitable to be known as unreliable. These practices have made the Beholders widely known, even though they are newcomers to the worldpolitics of Ashan.
Academy: Relations with the Academy faction is very good, the mutual intrest in Magical development makes it profitable for both factions to maintain good relationship. The Wizards do not seem to mind most of the Beholders unscrupulous behavior. Also the lagre amounts of good that flow through Beholder lands makes it easier for the academies to get the rare ingredients they need for their magics, be it on the normal or the black market.
Dungeon: The relation with the Dungeons are fairly good. Dark Elves and Beholders have rather similar personalities, but the internal devision between the Dark Elves has put different Beholder factions at odds with oneanother. The Beholders, despite the fact that the Beholders have allied with the Faceless in the past, try to stay out of the many machinations of the Dark Elves because they want to maintain their relations with the other factions.
Fortress: Due to the large amount of riches, Beholders try realy hard to maintain good realtions with the Dwarves. The Dwarves on the otherhand are verry wary of the Beholder, as the Beholders also deal with Dark Elves and the Dwarves suspect that the greed of the Beholders will eventualy get the better of them. Still the effort put in by the Beholders does pay of making the realtions to the dwarves reasonable.
Haven: Realtions with the Human Kingdoms is decent, there is trade, but the Beholders want nothing to do with their religion and the Angels due to the past animosity between the two. Many of the older Beholder families are still bitter by the decimation by the Angels of those allied to the Faceless in the past. Humans however have learned to appeal to the Beholders' greed whenever they need something of the Beholders.
Inferno: The Beholders are wary of the Demons. Though they would trade with them like they would with any others, the Demons rarely keep their ends of the bargains. This makes dealings with Demons not verry profitable for the Beholders. Still the Beholders do good business with various Demon cults, for their are often true to their words.
Necropolis: Relations with the Necromancers are decent. Though the Necromancers do not have much to trade in matter of riches, their mutual intrest in magic maintains the relations with the Beholders. Military alliances have proven to be bad for business however, as the dead have need of very few goods.
Stronghold: Relations with the Orcs are fluctuous. Some Clans want nothing to do with the Beholders, few wish to eradicate the Beholders due to past animosity and yet other tribes will ally with the Beholders. Actual relations actively depends on which clan or tribe they are dealing with. The Majority of Orcs however are fairly neutral towards the Beholders, despite their exstensive use of magic.
Sylvan: Elves seem to want nothing to do with the Beholders, even though neither side has any reasons to discard each others claims. Elves fear that the greed of the Beholders will eventually ravage the lands. The Beholders claim that this would never happen, for wastelands are useless to all. Eventualy the uncooperativeness of the Elves has led the Beholders to give up to actively seek good relations.

1: Gnoll Serf => Gnoll Henchman / Gnoll Poacher
Description: Gnoll Serf
Physical: As shown, but without the Leg Armour. Armed with a Quarterstaff
Unit: Gnolls do all the hard, boring and degrading work in a Mound. The Serfs are off worst having to work for little to no pay. It's then no wonder that many serfs join the battles where they have hopes of finding loot and getting more esteem in the eye(s) of the Beholder Overseers. Gnolls are verry animalistic in battle and without the Mindcontroll of an Overmind they would be unguideable.
Abiltities (Gnoll Serf): Living Creature, Mindcontrolled, Bash.
Tactics : Generalistic Unit. The Gnoll Serf is a decent unit, but it doesn't stand out in any area, it major flaw is the fact that it is uncontrollable if not in an Overmind's army.

Description: Gnoll Henchman
Physical: As shown but with a cloth tunic and leather spaulders. Armed with a large, spiked club.
Unit: These Gnolls have made life better for themselves, by sucking up, bribery and backstabbing. Henchmen are given better jobs, better pay and are even a little respected. Henchmen are reluctant to risk their relative cushy life, but they know full well that the best way of sucking up to Beholders is to fight for them.
Abiltities (Gnoll Henchman): Living Creature, Mindcontrolled, Bash, Overwhelm.
Tactics : Generalistic Unit. The Gnoll Henchman recieves an overall upgrade. It still does not stand out in any way, but it is an obvious improvement to the basic unit. Mindcontrolled still gives it a slight flaw.

Description: Gnoll Poacher
Physical: A Gnoll in shorts, breastplate, spaulders and bracers, all made of leather. Armed with a hatchet
Unit: Gnoll Poachers are the most cunning and ferocious of the Gnolls and they get to hunt because of it. The Poachers provide the main foodsupply of Mounds and they understand their art. They have learned to use the Sabretooth Furwings for hawking in the field and they will not hesitate to use this technique in battle.
Abiltities (Gnoll Poacher): Living Creature, Mindcontrolled, Bark, Sick 'em.
Tactics :Attack Unit. The Gnoll Poacher is upgraded towards attacking, by itself its a quite reasonable attacker and in combination with Sabretooth Furwings it is a verry good attacker. Mindcontrolled still gives it a slight flaw.

Dwelling: Gnoll Burrow's => Gnoll Sett

2: Furwing => Sabretooth Furwing / Furwing Leech
Physical: A Gnoll with batwings instead of arms, a long furry deviltail, a long neck, larger eyes and an elongated muzzle. (no clothes, it also permanently stays aloft by flapping it's wings)
Unit: Through years of magic mutation and forced breeding, the Beholders have transformed Gnolls into Furwings. The process has reduced their intelligence, degrading the Furwings to mere beasts, making them ideal for mindcontrolled skirmishers.
Abiltities (Furwing): Living Creature, Large Creature, Flyer, Mindcontrolled.
Tactics : Generalistic Unit. Pretty sub-par unit, flying is usefull but Mindcontrolled and low stats make this a verry flawed unit.

Description:Sabretooth Furwing
Physical: A muscular Furwing with large saberteeth and talonlike hindleggs. Has a lion-like mane around it's head.
Unit: The Sabretooth Furwing is used by the Gnolls for hawking, for it is quite a bit more intelligent then normal Furwings. The Sabretooth Furwing is prized by their Gnoll masters for it's bloodlust and determination, as they will keep attacking their prey untill it is dead. The sabreteeth of these Furwings can cause huge, gaping wounds, which can leave their enemies crippled.
Abiltities (Sabretooth Furwing): Living Creature, Large Creature, Flyer, Mindcontrolled, Crippling Wound, Attack Frenzy.
Tactics : Skirmish Unit (glass canon). Upgrade is verry focussed towards damage output. These units can be verry dangerous in combination with Gnoll Poachers, otherwise it's usefull but it can dies verry rapidly.

Description:Furwing Leech
Physical: A dull black, scrawny Furwing with bloodstains smeared around it's muzzle and neck, widend, bloodshot eyes and an elongated tail and large batears.
Unit: Furwing Leeches are like Vampires, because they feed on the blood of other creatures. The Leeches are completely addicted to blood and constantly seek out new preys to drain. The vissiting of many species of prey, causes them to catch many disseases which they may pass on to their victims
Abiltities (Furwing Leech): Living Creature, Large Creature, Flyer, Mindcontrolled, Festering Bite, Lifedrain.
Tactics : Crippling Unit. Upgrade is focused on HP and Attack. This unit is a usefull crippeler if in high numbers. Lifedrain and improved HP makes it's chances of survival high.

Dwelling: Roost => Eyrie

3:Energy Gazer => Gazer Sorcerrer/ Thundereye
Description: Energy Gazer
Physical: Generic Crafter caste Beholder.
Unit: All Beholders have magic abiltities which they can use, no matter how unskilled they are. The Energy Gazers are Crafter Beholders who channel their inherant magic through their eye, which comes out in a violent burst raw energy. The Energy Gazers have reasonable controll over these outbursts, but they are known for slight inaccuracy.
Abilities (Energy Gazer): Living Creature, Shooter, Burst Shot.
Tactics :Ranged Unit. Usefull due to it's reasonal stats despite it's inaccuracy.

Description:Gazer Sorcerer
Physical: A Crafter caste Beholder with red cloth draped over it's body; which leaves it's eye(which is switches colour between all spectrums of the raimbow), maw and front arm/tentacles uncovered. The cloth is held in place by a silver circlet.
Unit: Gazer Sorcerers are blessed in the eyes of Crafters, their magic is imbued with darkness and will curse anyone who is at the recieving end of it. The magic burst they unleash are stronger than those of Energy Gazers, but they have equall controll of it.
Abilities (Gazer Sorcerer): Living Creature, Shooter, Burst Shot,  Hexing Attack.
Tactics : Ranged / Crippling unit. Generalistic upgrade, but with the added bonus of hexing the enemy if it doesn't die.

Physical:A Crafter caste Beholder, which looks yellowish. It wears a harness around it's body which has a long metal rod attached to the sides (The rods often arch with electricity).
Unit: The magic of a Thundereye manifests differently then with normal Crafter Beholders. They have a constant flow of electricity running through their bodies, which they can unleash at will. They are deadly accurate with this as opposed to the Gazers. Thundereyes are naturally drawn to sources of electricity and vice versa, because it heals and replenishes them.
Abilities (Tundereye): Living Creature, Shooter, Flash Arch, Storm Drain.
Tactics : Ranged / Disrupter Unit. Small stat upgrade makes it vulnerable, but usefull abilities counter this. Verry usefull against casters and magic heroes.

Dwelling: Spire of Energy => Spire of Magic Thunder
Hoard Building: Lightning Conductors.

4: Minion => Janissary / Ammonite
Description: Minion
Physical: Generic Minion caste Beholder
Unit: The Minion caste are aptly named, for they are the minions of the High caste. Capable, sly and discreet Minions will do their task, no questions asked. Therefor the Minions will go into battle without hesitation and fight with thier razor-teeth and pincer-like claws.
Abilities (Minion): Living Creature, Enraged.
Tactics : Attack Unit. Attack is good and it will live just long enough to use it.

Description: Janissary
Physical: A Minion caste Beholder in an intricate leather harness with chainmail covering the areas the leather doesn't. Their pincers have become metal Crabpincers
Unit: Janissaries are the professional soldiers of the Beholders.  They have dedicated their life to fighting and they will fight to their last breaths. They never use magic, for the proud Janissaries see this as a sign of weakness and cowardice. Jannisaries get a high pay for they very vallued in Mounds as guards for their loyalty knows no end. No creature will get through a determined Janissary.
Abilities (Janissary): Living Creature, Enraged, Unlimited Retaliation, Hold Ground.
Tactics : Assault Unit / Tank Unit. This unit can make a good block or spearhead, their dual role makes that versatile. They stay alive longer then Minions

Description: Ammonite
Physical: A verry large floating Ammoniteshell with the maw and eyes of a Minion Beholder barely visibile inside the shell.
Unit: Ammonites are nearly all paranoid recluses and they have construced a large shell for themselves to hide in. The Ammonites use all their magic abilities to lift their massive shell of the ground, due to their massive effort in this they usualy levitate higher then normal Beholders. They snap and lash if one comes to close, because their paranoia makes them fear and hate others. This paranoia also makes them easy to manipulate and the Dominators and overminds have little trouble to convince these volatile, disturbed Beholders fight for them.
Abilities (Ammonite): Living Creature, Enraged, Levitate, Armoured.
Tactics : Atack Unit. Good attacker which flanks others easily and can stay alive much longer then normal Minions.

Dwelling: Minion Quarters => Headquarters

5: Lurker => Sludge Lurker / Clearwater Lurker
Description: Lurker
Physical: As pictured below.
Unit: The Lurker is a creature hailing from far more east then Ranaar, which the Beholders discovered during their selfimposed exile. The amphibious, reptilian Lurkers are ambush predators that stalk the shores and riverbeds for prey. The Beholders use the Lurkers are guard-beasts and soldiers, for their fierceness makes it worth the effort to mindcontroll these primeval beasts.
Abilities (Lurker): Living Creature, Large Creature, Mindcontrolled, Ambush.
Tactics : Assault Unit. Heavy unit which is used to power through the enemy. Distract and destroy tactics are best.

Description: Sludge Lurker
Physical: As Pictured below, only a purplish browner
Unit: The Sludge Lurkers are results of horrible experimenting by the Beholders, by forms of magic and environmental pollution. The Sludge Lurkers have extremly active venomglands in the back of their throat, which spray forth venom each time the Lurkers open their maw. These traits, together with their enhanced appetite, make the Sludge Lurker a valuable beast in the Beholder forces
Abilities (Sludge Lurker): Living Creature, Large Creature, Mindcontrolled, Venom, Spray Attack.
Tactics : Assault / Crippling Unit. Slightly better then a normal Lurker, still a usefull power-forward it has dual use as a mass crippeler.

Description: Clearwater Lurker
Physical: As pictured below.
Unit: The Clearwater Lurker is named for it's colour, for these beasts are barely visible in clear water. They are the results of a breeding program  set up by a Dominator family hoping to breed the ultimate Lurker. These hulking creatures are breeded for slaughter and are known to swallow small prey nearly whole and leave their enemy devastated by the shredding maw.
Abilities (Clearwater Lurker): Living Creature, Large Creature, Mindcontrolled, Ambush, Swallow.
Tactics : Assault Unit. Large improvement on the role of a normal Lurker, even heavier even more devastating.

Dwelling: Subterranean Pools => Subterranean Marsh


Sludge Lurker

Clearwater Lurker

6: Dominator => Soul Dominator => Manipulator
Description: Dominator
Physical: Generic Dominator caste Beholder with necklaces around the bases of it's eyestalks, gaudy lace epaulets and gold braclet around what passes as their wrists. (Shots look like an explosion of red purple magic)
Unit: The Dominator caste of Beholders rules the holdings of the Beholder Mounds. Nearly without exception they are all gifted spellcasters who pride themselves with their magical knowledge. Not easily swayed to join battle, those who do openly display their mastery of the arcane.
Abilities (Dominator): Living Creature, Shooter, Caster. (Spellbook 1)
Tactics : Shooter / Caster Unit. Basicly what you would expect from an unupgraded high level caster/shooter, usefull but it dies quickly when focused on.

Description: Soul Dominator
Physical: A charcoal grey Dominator beholder, it's teeth are verry yellow and it's eyestalks are blind and it's central eye is completely black. Unlike other creatures of it's tier it does not wear jewelery, but it does wear long grey epaulets.
Unit: Contrary to popular belief, the Soul Dominators do not practice necromancy but rather see and command the souls of the fallen. Still capable mages, they prefer using souls to do their magical bidding. At any giving time the Soul Dominators can call upon the souls to go out in a blaze of glory and smite the living.
Abilities (Soul Dominator): Living Creature, Shooter, Caster, Soul Scream.  (Spellbook 2)
Tactics :Shooter / Caster Unit. Cappable of doing lots of damage and being a major annoiance to demons and summoners. Still dies rather fast.

Description: Manipulator
Physical: A royal blue Dominator. Also has a golden crown on it´s head and a golden scepter in one of it´s hands.
Unit: Manipulators are the greatest of Beholder mages. They are experts in casting spells and resisting them. Their greatest pride is the ability to magically whisper thoughts into the minds of their enemies and have them move against their friends.
Abilities (Manipulator): Living Creature, Shooter, Caster, Enchanted Armor. (Spellbook 3)
Tactics :Shooter / Caster Unit. Does less damage but is a more proficient caster, especially due it's puppetmaster and it's protection to magic in general.

Dwelling: Penthouses => Condominiums

7: Dragon Armour => Wyrm Idol / Rage Dragon
Description: Dragon Armour
Physical:As pictured below.
Unit: The ultimate honour to befall a Beholder is to be granted a new life in a Dragon Armour. When the honoured one is near death, it's soul is ripped from it's body and channeled into a Dragon Armour, forcing the soul to accept the armour as the body. The soul becomes dreary and complacent in the procces, though it retains all of it's memory and will strive to live up to it's own memory in battle. The Dragon Armour itself is a hollow statue of magic conductant metal.
Abilities (Dragon Armour): Living Creature, Large Creature, Magic Proof 75 %, Flyer.
Tactics : Assault Unit. Usefull as a power-forward but lacks any specials. Spellcasters in general don't like to fight this tier and it's upgrades.(Costs 2 ore)

Description: Wyrm Idol
Physical:As pictured below.
Unit: Powerfull sorcerers, mages and alchemists,  may become Wyrm Idols. Inside an Idol, the soul can unleash the ultimate magic outburst, the Sunflare. Generally have remained their personality and are incredibely bigotted and are venerated as demi-gods. It is their contempt of all non-beholder creatures that drives their lust for destruction.
Abilities (Wyrm Idol): Living Creature, Large Creature, Magic Proof 100 %, Flyer, Sunflare.
Tactics : Assault / Siege Unit. Capable of doing damage on a massive scale and of destroying block on the battlefield. It retains it role as Spearhead, but it has a tactical twist.(Costs 4 ore)

Description: Rage Dragon
Physical: As pictured below.
Unit: Rage Dragons desire only one thing, Vengeance. They wreak their vengeance any any living creature that may oppose it and those who do will die a horrible death. Valliant warriors in Beholder armies may become Rage Dragons, afer all battles the Soul Dominator visit the battlefield to find the souls who cannot accept their death. These souls often thirst for vengeance, which they can quench as a Rage Dragon.
Abilities (Rage Dragon): Living Creature, Large Creature, Magic Proof 75 %, Flyer, Draconic Fury.
Tactics : Assault Unit. This unit is verry capable of doing large ammounts of damage to single stacks, but it is a loose-canon. If your willing to accept it's randomness, it is a devastating unit to your enemy. (Costs 4 ore)

Dwelling: Soul Silo => Soul Reformer

Dragon Armor

Wyrm Idol

Rage Dragon

Abiltities List

Ambush: Unit may ignore 50-75% of defence of the enemy's defence, if it attack the enemy in the back.

Atack Frenzy: The done damage increases by 1.5 everytime the creature attacks the same stack it attacked previously. The ability is reset if the attacked stack dies or another stack is attacked.

Bark: Unit has an x% chance of barking at the beginning of their turn, raising unit's attack. The attack Bonus is applied to Sabretooth Furwings if Sick 'em is used.

Burst Shot: Attack has a 25 percent chance to hit an adjecent stack. [This will not cause a shot to miss if there is no adjecent stack]

Draconic Fury: Unit attacks a random enemy stack at full damage and 1.5x their normal attackvalue. Unit uses the most direct path; if the selected stack is blocked by other units, the other units get knocked aside and suffer minimum damage without the attackboost.

Flash Arch: Shots have a 33.3% chance to arch to an adjecent stack and cause half damage.

Festering Bite: Atacks have a large chance of inflicting unskilled Decay. (Spellpower increases by 1 with every 15 creatures)

Levitate: Creature will fly over small obstacles and ignore moats. (If the obstacle occupies only 1 tile in the path, it is considered small(Walls remain impassable))

Mindcontrolled: Without the presence of a Hero with the Mentalism Skill(Overminds racial) or a Thoughtcontroller (special building), these creatures will be uncontrollable during battle.

Overwhelm: When the stack outnumbers the attacked stack 2 to 3, minimum damage will increase.

Sick 'em: (Activated Ability) Gnoll Poachers can force a stack of Sabretooth Furwings in their movementrange, to attack a stack within their movementrange. Slightly decreases initiative of Sabretooth Furwings, uses up Gnoll Poachers turn. The minimum & maximum Damage of the Sabretooth Furwings increases by x, Sabretooth Furwings ablities are applied.

Soul Scream: (Activated Ability, apears in spellbook) Deals damage to targeted stack. Damage depends on the creatures that have died during battle. Deaths are counted in the same manner as Devine Vengeance, but all frags since the beginning of battle or the previous Soul Scream are counted. Does not work on undead creatures.

Spellbook 1: Advanced Sorrow, Basic Suffering, Advanced Ice Bolt,
Spellbook 2: Expert Sorrow, Advanced Suffering, Advanced Circle of Winter, Bannish(Calculated like normal creature spell).
Spellbook 3:Expert Sorrow, Advanced Suffering, Expert Ice Bolt, Basic Puppetmaster.

Storm Drain: All Lightning and Storm abilities are drawn to this unit and heal the unit and replenish their shots instead of doing damage. (Includes Air Magic, Storm Strike, Storm Bolt, Stormcaller, Lightning Breath & Call Lightning(Chian Lightning does not arch from Thundereyes))

Sunflare: Once per battle, the Wyrm Idol can target an 8x8 square, all enemy creatures suffer damage (calculated like the center of a creature-cast Armageddon spell) and all Obstacles are removed from the field. (including moats, walls and towers)

Swallow: Each Clearwater Lurker in the stack has an 20% chance to swallow a Non-Large creature whole.

Special Buildings

Lightning Conductors: Boosts Gazer, Gazer Sorcerrer and Thundereye growth with  +3 per week.

Tax Offices: Boosts income with 25 % of the current Townhall Income. (125 for Village Hall, 250 for Town Hall, 500 for City Hall & 1000 for Capitol)

Thoughtcontroller : Allows player to controll Units with the Mindcontrolled 'ability' without the presence of an Overmind Hero. Boosts the Initiative of the Overmind Hero by 30 % during a siege.

Black Market: Decreases exchange rates like the player owns 2 extra markelplaces. Boosts Resource Silo Income with +1.

Everpresent Eye: The Everpresent Eye increases weekly creature growth by 50%, provides your empire with additional 5000 gold each day and boosts Overmind and Mindcontrolled units Initiative by 50%. Tear of Asha is required to build this structure.

The OvermindMagic
Primary Stat: Knowledge.
Secondary Stat:Attack
Description:As shown below. Size is comparable to a normal Hero.
Idle :The Overmind physically deflates, then it's veins on it's head start throbbing and it reinflates.
Normal Spell: The Overmind's veins start throbbing and it's central eye lights up blue, then a blue flash erupts from it's eye.
Damaging Spell: The Overmind's veins start throbbing and it's feeler-horns lights up red, then it's feeler-horns stand erect and arc with red magic from which the spell animation originates.
Normal Attack : It's feeler-horns stand erect and a shot of electricity arcs from them.
Racial Skill: Mentalism
Basic Mentalism : Gives player to controll Units with the Mindcontrolled 'ability' and gives 10 % chance of enemy Buffs and Debuffs to be negated.
Advanced Mentalism :Gives player to controll Units with the Mindcontrolled 'ability' and gives 20 % chance of enemy Buffs and Debuffs to be negated.
Expert Mentalism :Gives player to controll Units with the Mindcontrolled 'ability' and gives 30 % chance of enemy Buffs and Debuffs to be negated.
Ultimate Mentalism :Gives player to controll Units with the Mindcontrolled 'ability' and gives 50 % chance of enemy Buffs and Debuffs to be negated.
Associated Abilities:
Telekineses: The Overmind recieves the ability to move a selected creature-stack to any give tile with their movement range.
Eye of the Beholder: The Overmind binds it's gaze to a selected creature stack. Every given spell will affect this stack according to their allignment.(Benifical spells for friendly creautres, harmfull spells for enemy creatures). Spells will drain half their normal mana cost from the Overmind.
Greed: Gold income is boosted by 10%.
Unreasonable Paranoia: Gives the Overmind 80 % chance of enemy Buffs and Debuffs to be negated. It also shows the placement of enemy creautres before the start of battle.

I would like to ask all your help in balancing my abilities here, because I have a very limited grasp of balance.


The town will be like a Termite Mound, viewable from the inside inside the town.

It would seem this is it. I know I have been more elaborate than this in the past. However this time around my creativity does not flow like it did in the past. This faction will make do with what it has got now.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted January 29, 2009 01:09 PM
Edited by War-overlord at 19:33, 30 Jan 2009.

This space is saved for replies to your posts. I ran out of space for them last year and it's likely this year as well so I will use this post to reply to you guys. As always I love to hear your ideas, comments, jokes etc. Just don't expect an answer if you start ripping of stuff for no appearant reason.

Hope to hear from you guys soon.

So that tier seven is like the H4 Dragno Golem?

No, not quite. The idea of the Dragon Golem is similar but it's not the same. The Dragon Golem was basicly a mech, a machine that was operated by a dwarf.
My Dragon Armour is different. Imagine a hollow Dragon Statue, made of magic conduits. The Dragon Armour is brought to life by the Beholder that is sealed inside, because it has to fuse it's soul with the armour. The Armour now acts as the body of the sealed Beholder, but it only dies if the beholderbody inside is killed.

Mind you, this is a working concept.

I like the sound of Dragon Idol and Thundereye. Nightwing however sounds like a third-rate comicbook superhero. And I realy REALY hate Facehuggers (you could not have known this).
Al the other names are nice tries but they do not realy connect with the concepts I have in mind
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted January 29, 2009 01:22 PM

So that tier seven is like the H4 Dragno Golem?

Overall seems creative and promising, and I'm simply itching to read more
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Undefeatable Hero
Stand and fight!
posted January 29, 2009 10:30 PM

Looks interesting, gotta love the spore pics

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted January 30, 2009 04:41 PM
Edited by Lexxan at 16:44, 30 Jan 2009.

Allow me to Propose a few names...

Vampiric Furwing

Wherebat, Nightwing.

3: Energy Conductor => Magic Conductor / Thunder Conductor (Lower Beholder Caste, shooters)

Or maybe: Crafter => Mindflayer/Thundereye?

Minion Knight

Evil Eye, Elder Orb, Maloculus,  Beholder, Gazer, Gauth, Mindflayer...

6: Darkness Dominator
Supreme Dominator

Facehugger, Argus, Polyoculos?


7: Precious Dragon Armour

Dragon Idol?

Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted January 31, 2009 12:57 PM
Edited by War-overlord at 22:09, 09 Feb 2009.

I have finnished 2 tiers and have made the relations of the Beholders clear. I'd like to hear your thoughts one these matters.

Come on people, tell me what you think about it and what is wrong about it. I'd like to know your thougths on the matters described.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 10, 2009 10:10 PM

W-O: I'd recommed you do something about your font; With BB-Codes, your entry is a lot nicer to read and more "attractive" to others, that without BB-Code
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted May 02, 2009 11:26 AM

The only slight negative I could find in this was the racial ability.  It was a bit much.  However, it was still a fantastic faction.
Message received.

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Legendary Hero
able to speed up time
posted May 02, 2009 10:44 PM


-The Mound: A great, creative faction, with some notable abilities (f.e. overwhelm and mindcontrolled, also swallow), would need only few details more. 46 points for those greedy beholders

Dark Crystal

The Mound
Cohesiveness 9/10 – sounds cohesive, but few things like that cyberlike dragons spoils it a bit.
Storyline/History 5/10 – interesting history, but no campaign.
Creativity 15/15 – you got it. Quite creative and original faction.
Battle facets 8/10 – interesting new abilities, not very interesting racial skill, but I like the ‘mindcontroller’ ability.
Discretionary 5/5 – very good faction. Only the campaign and city info are missing, but I don’t want to reduce points here.

Total score: 42

Mound - 40/50

Jiriki: 46 (25%) + DarkCrystal: 42 (25%) + Mytical: 40 (50%)
Final score= 42

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 08, 2009 12:47 PM

Hi dear friends, Thanks for share it. It's most useful information.
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Famous Hero
posted September 08, 2009 10:28 PM
Edited by KnightofHonour at 22:29, 08 Sep 2009.

Made a Beholder profile for you. Use it if you wish . You can change it's level of course, since you already have a tier 7. Maybe we can use your faction too to our H6 project. Here it is:

Asha uses all

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