Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted September 25, 2010 03:17 AM |
A true yet curiously allegorical story about insects and a sticky crocodile
So I got this sympathetic little crocodile thingy in Greece a few weeks ago. It's all wobbly and sticky, not unlike those canned slimy things boys tended to frighten girls with in early elementary school. I suppose it wasn't meant to be bought by someone over 10, but here I am.
Anyway, once I got home and had my share of fun with it, I realized that, though an undoubtedly unique aesthetic detail, I had no idea where to actually stick it (I refuse to rephrase this sentence and shall bravely face all of you who understood this as a sexual allusion). So I put it on my clock.
It stood there for several days, its head shaking slightly when gusts of wind came through the window, chilling and guarding my clock, when I suddenly noticed something strange hanging from it. Closer examination revealed that this was, in fact, a moth, which got stuck on it, couldn't fly off, and consequentially died.
Over the course of several days, I continued to pay little to no attention to the crocodile, until right now, when I realized that several more little flies and other insects reached a similar fate.
Now, anyone who knows me for more than 15 minutes or so has probably heard how concerned I am for all things living, and how I don't like them to die too unreasonably, so I decided to spit in the face of evolution and put the crocodile in an empty CD case, reminiscent of a jar, to keep the crocodile in and the remarkably dumb insects out.
Looking at the crocodile surrounded by a wall of transparent plastic, however, got me thinking, and I began to understand that all of this is quite metaphorical, incredibly reminding of something confined and imprisoned because of someone else's stupidity.
That someone would be the insects. Not me.
Food for thought, isn't it.
No. No, you're right. It probably isn't.
Still, I suppose I'll keep it on my desk, you never know whether a burglar might notice it and get a similar chain of thought, allowing me to ask you guys what shotgun I should get, consult the martial arts thread, and then decide how I could kick his ass and turn out as awesome as possible.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf