Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted August 12, 2011 12:39 PM |
Edited by bixie at 12:40, 12 Aug 2011.
bixies attempt at a nature faction.
Just an idea about a nature faction. What do people think?
The Sylvan
“Grown for combat!”
Faction name: the sylvan
Colours: green, brown, turquoise.
Symbols: an tree, the triskel rune of regrowth.
Motto: “the cycle of life”. Every creature is grown for a purpose, and when that purpose is fulfilled, they decompose and are recycled.
Racial skill: Compose and evolve- At the pool of rebirth in a sylvan town, a hero may sacrifice a number of creatures of the same type, to gain a more powerful creature. 25 Cores become an Elite and 10 Elites become a Champion.
Praise be to the great trees, the father-mother of us all
Slyvan society is built around the great trees, beings that were planted by the gods long ago. Each tree is sentient and builds a society and fortress around itself to protect itself, spawning creatures in order to defend itself.
first came the elves, lithe and wise, then came the sporelings, with games in mine, then came the satyrs, big and strong, with each one knowing where they were to belong.
Primarily among these creatures are the Elves. Build in a humanoid fashion, the elves are surprisingly versatile and intelligent, able to provide a variety of useful services. Then come sporelings, who are little more than children, running forward and spreading their spores. Then come the Satyrs, who are brutish animals built for combat and little else. This is not to mention the myriad other fae creatures and sprites, as well as more powerful creatures like forest dragons and unicorns.
The mindset of most of the sentient residents of the sylvan is one of working towards a greater good. Death, sacrifice and being recycled is dealt with almost clinical acceptance, and with every creature having a specific purpose, satisfaction with ones work and position is common. Everyone knows their place and function, all to serve the great trees.
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.