I am a beginner map maker and I am trying to create a map where the hero has to do various quests where they have to find an artifact, bring it back to the quest hut where the hero will recieve a different artifact.
What I am having trouble with is setting it up so that when the hero brings the requested artifact he gets a different one as a reward. Can anybody give a few tips?
Hm No one is responsible? Ok I give easy: Quest Hut Properties -> Quest Requirement -> Has Artifact then second Completion Script -> Sequence -> Take (artifact) from This Army - Give (artifact or materials etc) to Player. You can learn about Just Another Mine War, for example. Maybe you should not open Three Queens and Who First, because AI do not willing open Pandora than last game on Three Queens or Who First. Hm I give you one good script. Army Properties -> Standard Events -> Timed Events -> Script -> Sequence -> Give Creatures -> This Army - (creature) - Quantity (?) and give First occurrence, for example 28 day and Subsequent occurrences, for example 28