I think it's kinda situational. For example, I've found Goblin Hunters to be extremely effective with a combination of Storm Arrows + Traps/Ice Bolt. Their damage skyrockets.
Maniacs can also be incredibly effective when split into 2-3 groups. If they attack the same stack over and over, the stack will eventually deal 0 damage. In a smaller game this can severely hamper an otherwise dangerous unit at the cost of some of the maniacs.
As for sisters, they are some of my favorite core creatures in the game. I find that pacification is incredibly underrated, and the creeping bonus that gives should not be ignored by looking only at late game (you may have a significantly better late game because of it).
I think that this game has better strategy than some of the other games in the series. By this I mean that you have options in which units to exploit fully. I think the worst creatures are breeders or lamasu, though even these can be used effectively if absolutely necessary (and proper hero build).
Quote:I think the worst creatures are breeders or lamasu, though even these can be used effectively if absolutely necessary (and proper hero build).
i kind of agree about the lamasus.when using a might hero and having a bunch of lamasus they are not that strong as i would like them to be. ok they are saboteurs but they are also the first to go in a battle. love their design though! as for breeders as ii have stated a bizillion times by now they need a full range attack