Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted March 14, 2014 01:14 AM |
Edited by artu at 01:16, 14 Mar 2014.
The Artifact
You can think of this as a game or simply just as speculating for fun. Imagine some major catastrophe like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, all advanced life forms on Earth go extinct and millions of years later, another intelligent specie comes along from scratch. Once they advance in their technology, they start digging underground and find an artifact that is the product of the now long gone human civilization. This artifact can be digital data, a book, clothes, a tape or film, anything that comes to mind really...
Now, what could give them the weirdest and biggest misunderstandings about our civilization? Without proper context, what would lead them to theories that are completely out of proportion, absurd and off the wall?
Would they assume this was a religious ritual for example? What would they figure out, if the only book left from us is Bram Stoker's Dracula? How about this painting by Klee?
OSM type of brainstorming is welcome.