Known Hero
posted April 22, 2014 01:33 AM |
Edited by Aron at 01:58, 22 Apr 2014.
The Neverending Tale
~Welcome to the collaborative work known as "The Neverending Tale. There is but one goal here; for many to write as one, forging one timeline out of many dimensions. The style of narration can change, at any point a new chapter may be started and even the perspective of the tale may switch. It is up to you to decide. Do pay attention to the style of the narration though, it should have a meaning. ~
((I've tried to leave it pretty open-ended here at the start. You don't have to. It can for example either be a personal account an event, a story being told to some child, friend or in a bar (anywhere) or the first pages of the book being narrated by the "hero" him or herself. If you wish to turn it into a general narration then that's easily done by making up a reason for why it is in first person perspective the very first time (For example, a letter) I leave this up to guys!These things tend to get alot smoother as time goes on!))
Chapter 1~The journey
( Listen to this to get into a good mood! )
Page 1. Aron
Her home lay inside a small glade surrounded by old elm on both sides, nightingales swaping from one side to the other as they sang their melody. Tall grass and wild flowers covered and colored he old path upon which we walked making it just barely visible. Its crooked shape seemed to the untrained eye as mere patches on the ground but to us it was no different from the branches which had been our shelter and our guide these last days of the hike. Deep through the buds and young leaf of spring there could be seen a river, sparkling in the twilight.
Walking up to the old gate I pushed it gently away, careful not to disturb the lady within as it was still early and the moon had not yet reached its full luster.
Half way through it creaked! Loudly it creaked and we froze in silence. Stunned I stared into the clouded windows of the cabin, looking for movement or a light. Peeking through for a few minutes which at the time must've seemed like hours I saw nothing. Then my left leg took an other step and as if it had a will of its own the right followed. It was so close, there was no turning back now.
((Let's see if there's any interest in this ^.^ ))