Undefeatable Hero
posted June 25, 2014 01:38 PM |
Edited by fred79 at 13:45, 25 Jun 2014.
JollyJoker said: I don't understand the "no" answer: what's the logic behind that? "Heck, doc told me I'll die in 6 months, I must stop wasting my time with this computer gaming nonsense and concentrate on the really important things to do"?
Like, WHAT?
Also, the situation isn't THAT much different from "usual" - after all, you could just drop dead every second, so people who would "change their habits" on that news are obviously operating on the assumption that they HAVE time to waste and that it's ok to do so, as long as it SEEMS, time is in copious supply.
it's simple. why gaming, when you could be traveling the world? why gaming, when you could be having sex? why gaming, when you could be doing every single thing you've ever wanted to do, that DIDN'T include gaming? the answer should be pretty self-explanatory. to me, gaming is something you do, when you don't want to leave the house and do anything else. it's a shut-in kind of thing, which is a death in itself, when you think about it. the whole world is out there, waiting...
to be honest, if i had 6 months, i wouldn't make it that far. i'd be dead from other causes before that, probably. i wouldn't want to die because of a tumor(per artu's specs). i'd rather die doing something completely insane.
sorry to hear about your first wife, jj. my stepmother(who was a very nice and loving woman), died of cancer. my stepbrother, who stood by her and took care of her up until she died(feeding her, bathing her, etc.)... his life was pretty much destroyed because of it. he kept taking drugs afterward, trying everything to escape the memories of it, and the fact that his mother was no longer there in his life, and how he took care of her while she wasted away, really ****ed him up. he's the one who ended up robbing pharmacies just to keep the drug he wanted in stock(that i mentioned before, i think). i don't hold what he did against him. if MY mother died of unnatural causes, all bets would be off, as well.