Legendary Hero
From earth
posted August 31, 2016 06:12 AM |
Edited by Celfious at 06:15, 31 Aug 2016.
Share good memories and learn a trick.
Hello everyone. Life is good. Sure it has it's ups and downs but thinking back at this moment it is hard to recall an abundance of great memories. One time I decided to write down several, then simply reading that paper with several keywords each a symbol for an entire individual memory of mine. It was easy to put together over 80.
I'd like to encourage you all to give that a try but the main point of this thread is to think back and pull up a happy memory and share that here-"
Happy memory from Celfious.
I remember opening this Christmas present and finding a sega genisis that **** was awesome. I jumped for joy and ended up jumping into the kitchen counter and hurt my right hip but the pain was irrelevant. Sonic the mf hedgehog with clouds in the background layer
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