Rains fire down upon the battlefield, damaging all units.
A reduction in stack's HP will be applied instead of the actual damage.
Reduction = Damage / 10
!#SS260/z900 D1/z900 D2/z900 D3/z900;
!!FU&y1<>26:E; end if not armagedon
*set hp limit reduction
*get stack number
*check stack info
!!BMy2:H?y3 L?y4 N?y5;
*if reduction less than hp limit then reduce limit and check the remaining hp limit and the hp of first creature, prevent damage
!!VRy5:Sy1 *-1;
!!BMy2:Hdy5; decrease hp limit
!!BMy2&y4<y1:L0; set loss to 0
!!BMy2&y4>=y1:Ldy5; reduce hp loss by the same amount
*if reduction more than limit then apply limit*number damage