Thread: Exact implications of Revenge: Haspids' Special Ability Effect | |

Famous Hero
posted January 01, 2020 10:32 PM |
bonus applied by Maurice on 02 Jan 2020. |
Edited by Maurice at 21:26, 02 Jan 2020.
Exact implications of Revenge: Haspids' Special Ability Effect
Hello Everyone,
So I was very excited about Haspid special ability when I first read it on HotA Added Features, and hence I wanted to know exactly what the impact of this special ability was. Exactly How different from other creatures would haspid be due to the addition of such ability. Therefore, I decided to do some math to have some understanding for the abilities; Lets start:
1-)First, lets look at the formula:
2-)an alternative form will be(trust me on this): %100 X RootOf[(N+1)/(r+1)-1] ; (all I did here was define r as the ratio of Current health/Original amount of health, and then simplify the fraction by elemenating the Haspid 300 health.
3-)This will allow us to find the Bonus dmg as a function of both original amount of haspids.
4-)Lets define our terms: B is the bonus factor due to Revenge, N is the original number of Haspids, r is the ratio of current health to original health, and H is the current health now H=rN, while n is the current number of Haspids: n=RoundUp(H)
Now we can plot everything we need as a function; we will slightly refine our calculation in each step so that our result is closer to the actual effect:
1-)Find the Bonus % factor (similar to offense and attack factor), for different values of r and N. Here we found B.

2-)Now, this bonus is applied to every ALIVE haspid in the stack, so its natural if we multiply our previous result with the number of alive Haspids. for e.g. when Haspid stack Health is r=55%, for 1 Haspid the bonus is 57%, but for 2 Haspids the bonus is 65.5%, but 2 are alive so the bonus will be 131%. The formula we use here is nxB (n is alive haspids, round integer)

as can be seen, our graph is similar to the previous graph, but the function steps down each time we lose 1 haspid. Each step will depend on the number of original Haspids (so drop from 2 to 1 is half, from 10 to 9 is 10% etc) the graph just gets more smooth if we have more and more Haspids
3-)Now, we want to compare this damage (from step 2) to the damage the original stack would have done; in other words, we compare damage of some dead haspids with the Revenge bonus compared to the damage of full health haspid stack with no revenge bonus. We basically take last function in step2 and divide it by the number of Original Haspid stack. Now we are pretty close to a good result. the formula we use here is BXn/N

4-)However, in reality, Haspid will usually have more Attack, and the attack/offense Parameter will be somewhere between 0.6 up to 2 or something (so the damage multipier, before Revenge is like 1.6 or something). Therefore, the output damage multiplier will be for original stack NxAttck = NxA instead of just N. The Multiplier with Revenge will be nrB. For example if Revenge Bonus is 50%, and bonus from attack is 100%, so the comparasion in previous step will be 1.5/1 but in this step it will be considered as 2.5/2. so it became 1.25 down from 1.5
(Yes I have tested if Revenge work like Attck/Offense or if it directly modify damage: it behaves like offense bonus and not like bless dmg bonus)

as can be seen, the damage decrease but not in linear manner; (see next steps)
5-)There you go thats exactly how Revenge Work.
6-)There is one more step though, I was wondering, what would happen if we considered the number of Haspids n to not be an integer (which is valid for large enough stack size), how would that affect? for regular creatures, if the stack size was not considered integer, then its damage will decrease linearly from max to Zero. However, lets look at it in Haspids case, it seems as if the stack does maximum damage at some point, and then the damage will decrease. However, it does not decrease linearly and it does not decrease as fast as regular creatures.

7-)For example: Compared to angels: if there is stack of 1k, if 900 were killed and 100 remain, their damage is 10% of original stack, but for Haspids, if 10% remain, their damage is 39% of original stack. Basically meaning that even though they spend a lot to kill 90% of the stack, the stack still does 40% of its original damage its as if less of it were killed anyway.
8-)Conclusion: the net effect for this ability is different for large or for small Stack size.
9-)for small stack (or 1 stack): you would want the top creature to take as much dmg as possible but not die. this exploit can be very useful in small maps or early fights.
10-)for Large stack size, it will make Haspids still hit hard even though lot of them died; basically making the enemy unable to unrest: either ignore haspids, or COMPLETELY kill them, not leaving any single one.
11-)Furthermore, Large stack of Haspids WILL have its attack increase up to a maximum when it has lost about 85% up to 95%. (for the small size of haspids, damage will drop significantly when 1 haspid dies, so the maximum will be about just before a haspid dies close to that %, so for 2 Haspids, its 50%, for 3 its 66.7% max dmg, and for 4 its 75, for 5 its 80%, etc)
not bad. Not Bad at all. I thought the ability is much more powerful than that. it seems it has a bit of balance to it. The ability might still be OP, but its far less than the OP'ness I expected.

Legendary Hero
posted January 02, 2020 10:47 AM |
Lol! Big analise! Thanks.I think that ability sholud give linear bonus. In proportion to unit numer.
I prefer more visible bonuses eg. attack around. Area attack or no retalitation. It gives much enyoyment!

Famous Hero
posted January 02, 2020 12:18 PM |
Edited by Orc at 12:26, 02 Jan 2020.
Baronus said: Lol! Big analise! Thanks.I think that ability sholud give linear bonus. In proportion to unit numer.
I prefer more visible bonuses eg. attack around. Area attack or no retalitation. It gives much enyoyment!
I thought Haspid Special ability is more fun than any you mentioned (no retaliation is for too many creatures that it became boring)

Legendary Hero
posted January 02, 2020 01:32 PM |
As you want. I think that ability when nothing happen is failed. It simply bonus to damage. You can ad it increasing eg. attack from 10 to 15. You have result near this one but not so complicated. But I agree that mathematicaly description of this effect is interesting and these curves looking amazing :0)))