A while back I made a little something for the H5.5 mod where I gathered a number of unique of models ([url=http://http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=42912]here is the link[/url])
Now I came back and tried to update it but it resulted in zero models working. The links there work for older versions with a few missing models but I'd like to make it work fully again.
What I pretty much did was use 7-zip and mash up the files in H5.5 data.pak file. That doesn't work anymore. Any idea on how this could be done-incorporated?
I'd to make it an .h5u that would keep working but unfortunately it does not if I just use the old h5u files.
Supreme Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted July 26, 2020 06:48 AM
Hello marinosgr,
if two or more versions of the same game file exist in multiple .pak files the one with latest modified date takes precedence. May that is the reason nothing is happening? More on pak files here.
if two or more versions of the same game file exist in multiple .pak files the one with latest modified date takes precedence. May that is the reason nothing is happening? More on [url=https://heroes5.fandom.com/wiki/.pak_Files]pak files here[/url].
Thanks for replying. By following the directions in the link and making a new pak file the game doesn't start when I overwrite the original H5.5 data files.
If I put the H5.5 data files in the end and overwrite the models the game opens just fine but without the new models.
(I extracted all the files and made a mashup. After that I created a new zip file which I renamed from zip to pak).
So that would mean I would have to pinpoint the files that create the problem but over 100 are being overwriten and I have no idea what I'm doing.