Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted December 21, 2021 07:05 PM |
Edited by NimoStar at 19:06, 21 Dec 2021.
Hybrid cyborg intelligence with human neurons connected to simulated world
Yeah, it sounds like sci-fi but it is very real.
Human brain cells cultured in a petri dish and assisted by microelectrodes picked up the art of playing the ‘Pong’ video game significantly faster than AI did.
Researchers at Australia’s Cortical Labs harnessed hundreds of thousands of human brain cells grown on top of arrays of microelectrodes, teaching the biotechnological hybrid they dubbed ‘DishBrain’ (...)
the scientists behind the project say it has demonstrated that a “single layer of in vitro cortical neurons can self-organize and display intelligent and sentient behavior.” Moreover, this could have some practical implications, too, as Cortical Labs is hoping the research will help pave the way for integrating “live biological neurons” with “traditional silicon computing,” in what would effectively be a proper cyborg brain.
And if that was not sci-fi enough, the researchers are cited by New Scientist as referring to the human brain cells as “living in the Matrix.” Here is what that means: When the mini-brain plays the simplified, single-player version of ‘Pong’, the brain cells are tricked into believing they are the paddle that hits the ball in the game.