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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: Attack Iraq?
Thread: Attack Iraq? This Popular Thread is 107 pages long: 1 10 20 30 40 50 ... 51 52 53 54 55 ... 60 70 80 90 100 107 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
The Ultimate Badass
posted April 16, 2003 05:58 PM

I sense a poor attempt at sarcasm
We're on an express elevator to Hell, goin' down!

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Supreme Hero
gets back
posted April 16, 2003 06:17 PM

Anyone speaks french here?

Les échos du 19/02/03

A vous, Messieurs les journalistes américains

Certains journalistes américains, avec le tact qui les caractérise, demandent aux Français et aux Allemands de se souvenir qu'ils doivent leur libération aux Etats-Unis. Qu'ils se rassurent. Nous n'avons pas oublié notre devoir de reconnaissance envers tous ceux qui sont tombés sur les plages de Normandie...
Mais notre mémoire n'est pas sélective et nous ne pouvons pas davantage oublier qu'en 1940, sur les routes de France, les half-tracks et les camions lourds allemands qui poussaient l'exode comme un troupeau à l'abattoir étaient fabriqués par Ford et General Motors ou que les Messerschmitt qui mitraillaient en piqué ce pauvre troupeau étaient équipés de moteurs fabriqués par General Motors (ou sa filiale Opel). Enfin, nous ne pouvons oublier que le IIIe Reich n'avait pu naître, prospérer et répandre la mort que grâce aux capitaux énormes investis en Allemagne par les industriels américains les plus importants, faisant semblant de croire qu'ils travaillaient pour la paix, alors que, comme toujours, ils ne travaillaient que pour leur « porte-money ».
« La paix mondiale par le commerce mondial » (« World Peace through World Trade »), avait lancé Thomas Watson, patron d'IBM, américain, certes, mais nazi de coeur et décoré d'ailleurs par Hitler lui-même de l'Aigle allemand. Cela vous avait déjà un petit goût de mondialisation car, aujourd'hui comme hier, « les affaires sont les affaires ».
Doit-on citer Charles Lindberg, décoré, lui aussi par Hitler, ouvertement pro-nazi, ou Joseph P. Kennedy, père du président, qui ne s'est sûrement pas appauvri par son amitié avec le Reich malgré les contributions considérables versées pour aider Hitler ? Non ! Rassurez-vous, nous n'avons pas oublié la Libération. Ceux d'entre nous qui étaient descendus dans leur cave à Caen, Saint-Lô et dans toutes les villes normandes ou ailleurs, se souviennent de ces avions qui venaient nous libérer en bombardant tout sur leur passage à 10.000 mètres d'altitude. Nombreux ont été ainsi libérés très vite de tous maux et de tous soucis. Etant restés sous les décombres ils vous prient de les excuser de ne se souvenir de rien. De deux maux, bien sûr, il faut choisir le moindre... alors, malgré tout, nous vous remercions.
Né dans une famille qui n'aima jamais les bruits de bottes et assez peu ceux qui les portent, j'ai eu la chance de ne pouvoir être séduit en aucune manière par les flonflons des musiques teutonnes et de faire, si peu que ce soit, mon devoir. Mais cela ne m'empêche pas de mesurer le prix de cette libération qui s'ajoutait à celui de la stupide et inqualifiable aventure hitlérienne.
La vieille Europe a une longue histoire, et chaque page de cette histoire est tachée de sang et de larmes. La vôtre, Messieurs les journalistes américains, est beaucoup plus courte et, sans doute, malgré vos fréquentes références à la Bible et aux Evangiles, n'avez-vous pas encore parfaitement assimilé l'éternel et universel message et pas encore compris que l'amour et la solidarité sont plus efficaces que la lutte et la haine. Cela, sans doute, viendra, avec le temps, quand vous aurez un peu plus souffert. Je souhaite à mes amis américains que cela ne vienne pas trop tard, qu'ils n'aient pas à payer trop cher votre belliqueuse inconscience et qu'ayant vécu par le fer ils ne périssent pas par le fer.
Mais, encore une fois, merci de votre intervention de 1944. Elle répondait à celle de La Fayette, de Rochambeau, des troupes françaises et des volontaires français en 1778, venus aider les « insurgents » qui devaient devenir, un peu grâce à nous, les Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Petite différence, cependant ! Nous sommes intervenus dès le début du conflit et sans avoir jamais rien fait qui puisse aider vos adversaires. En 1917 et en 1942, il vous a fallu trois ans pour courir au secours des droits de l'homme, après avoir armé Hitler et avoir laissé humilier vos amis. Convenez qu'il n'est pas facile, devant tant de maladresse et malgré notre amitié plus de deux fois séculaire, de suivre sans hésitation votre drapeau, partout où il vous plaira d'aller le tremper dans le sang des hommes.
Marcel Marginal 75005 Paris


Sorry I couldn't translate it - hey I am hungarian, this one is in french and you speak english here :-))
I did not find the link - I've got this from my girlfriend a few weeks ago, it was in some big french newspaper.
Yes, I play the game only on the forums.

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Supreme Hero
UHU!! supreme!
posted April 16, 2003 07:08 PM

brother, go to the communauté de héros.com  page
Dig Out Your Soul

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Supreme Hero
posted April 16, 2003 10:55 PM

French to English

The echos of the 19/02/03

To you, Sirs the American journalists

Certain American journalists, with the tact that characterizes them, request the French and to the Germans to remember that they have their liberation to the United States.  What they reassure themselves.  We did not forget our recognition duty towards all those that fell on the beaches of Normandie...  But our memory is not selective and we not any more can forget that in 1940, on the France roads, the half-tracks and the heavy German trucks that pushed the exodus as a flock to the slaughterhouse were made by Ford and General Motors or that the Messerschmitt that strafed some pricked this poor flock were equipped motors made by General Motors (or his affiliate Opel).  At last, we can forget only the IIIe Reich had not been able to be born, prosper and shed the death that thanks to the huge capitals invested in Germany by the industrial Americans more important, pretending to believe than they worked for peace, while, as always, they worked only for them « door money ».  « Peace world-wide by the world-wide commerce » (« World Peace through World Trade »), had launched Thomas Watson, ibm employer, American, of course, but heart nazi and decorated besides by Hitler himself of the German eagle.  That had you already a small globalization taste for, today as yesterday, « the matters are the matters ».  Has one to quote Charles Lindberg, decorated, him also by Hitler, pro ouvertement nazi, or Joseph P.  Kennedy, father of the president, that did not surely impoverish itself by his friendship with the Reich despite the considerable contributions versed to help Hitler?  No!  Do you reassure, we did not forget the Liberation.  Those of us that were descended in their cellar to Caen, Holy lô and in all the norman cities or elsewhere, remember of these airplanes that came to liberate us while bombarding all on their passage to 10.000 meters of altitude.  Numerous were thus liberated very fast of all evil and of all concerns.  Being remained under the rubble they pray you to excuse them of not to remember of nothing.  Of two evil, of course, it is necessary to choose the least one... then, despite all, we thank you.  Been born in a family that never n'aima the noises of boots and enough little those that the doors, I had the luck of not to be able to be seduced in any manner by the flonflons of the Teutonic musics and to do, if little that this be, my duty.  But that does not prevent me to measure the price of this liberation that added to the one of the stupid one and inqualifiable adventure Hitlerian.  The old Europe has a long history, and every orderly of this history is stained blood and of tears.  The yours, Sirs the American journalists, east a lot shorter one and, doubtless, despite your frequent references to the Bible and to the Gospels, did not again perfectly assimilate you the eternal one and universal message and do not again understand than love and solidarity are more effective than the fight and hate.  That, doubtless, will come, with the time, when you will have a little more suffer.  I wish to my American friends that that does not come too late, that they do not have to pay too dear your belligerent unconciousness and that having lived by iron they not perisies by iron.  But, once more, thank-you of your intervention of 1944.  She replied to the one of The Fayette, of Rochambeau, French troops and voluntary French in 1778, come to help the « insurgents » that had to become, a little thanks to us, the america United States.  Small difference, nevertheless!  We intervened as early as the beginning of the conflict and without never nothing to have done that can help your opponents.  In 1917 and in 1942, it is necessary for you three years to run to the relief of the human rights, after to have armed Hitler and to have left to humiliate your friends.  Suit that it is not easy, in front of so many clumsiness and despite our more one than two friendship secular time, to follow without hesitation your flag, wherever it will please you to be going to soak it in the blood of the men.  Marginal Marcel 75005 Paris

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 17, 2003 12:01 AM

We are all aware of....

..the relations American businessmen had with the German government pre-WW2.  They were at the time (mistakenly so)seen as the answer to battle communism.  The European nations after WW1 had placed such great economic strains upon the German people (by making them repay their debt for the war) and embargos, that they saw fit to trade overseas.  While the American businesses were cozy with the Nazi's at that time, it turned out for the worst.  The Nazi's began invading our European freinds countries and destroyied the largest empire, Britain, on earth. American businessmen payed in the blood of their sons for their mistakes, as did many other nations for idly sitting by and watching a madman assemble the greatest threat to human civilization known to man.

I apologize for my earlier brashness, I was just trying to make a point.  While many Americans are upset with the French and the German government, we are not upset because they are not "towing the American line." We are upset because we see the resistance as "anti-American" (i.e. the election of Germanys chancellor on an anti-American platform) as opposed to simply "pro-peace."

I wish our nation would have been involved more quickly in WW2, this would have saved countless lives.  But what we see here presently is a reflection of the WW2 crisis and we vowed to never idly sit by and watch another "Hitler" arm himself to the teeth and kill millions of people and take over soveriegn nations.

I know its impossible to paint a "rosy" picture of a war, especially this one since we may never truly know what would have happened had we sat by and watched Saddam invade every Arab nation in his bid for a "Stalin-like" reach for power by controlling most of the worlds energy source, and then destroy Isreal and murder millions of Jews.

I hope you see my side to this as I attemted to be prudent and thoughtfull.  Let's hope this war is over and the people of Iraq will now control Iraq.

Peace to all

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 17, 2003 03:20 AM
Edited By: Gothmog on 16 Apr 2003

The Nazi's began invading our European freinds countries and destroyied the largest empire, Britain, on earth.

I personally don't see why "destroying british empire" itself is a crime.  Britain certainly didn't build their Empire by sweet words and rosy pedals.  It appeard to me that, all Hitler wanted was to replace one devil with another.

But what we see here presently is a reflection of the WW2 crisis and we vowed to never idly sit by and watch another "Hitler" arm himself to the teeth and kill millions of people and take over soveriegn nations.

I know its impossible to paint a "rosy" picture of a war, especially this one since we may never truly know what would have happened had we sat by and watched Saddam invade every Arab nation in his bid for a "Stalin-like" reach for power by controlling most of the worlds energy source, and then destroy Isreal and murder millions of Jews.

I hope you see my side to this as I attemted to be prudent and thoughtfull.  Let's hope this war is over and the people of Iraq will now control Iraq.

Peace to all

Just be careful not to become another Hitler by trying so hard to bring law and order, UNASKED, to the world.  After all, Hitler invaded Czech republic because "it's a threat to the peace of Europe". And most of the world consider the war on Iraq an unjust one.

Most of the middle east factions belonged to Osman empire until its disintegration after WW I.  Iraq itself was "LIBERATED" by Britain until the independece movement, now it's liberated again by US.  

Arab was a great nation, but thanks to constant western "liberation", it now disintergrated into many small fractions.

Arabs certainly have their problems, and I myself hate Islamic extremists.  But they have a right to LIVE, and live in their own way, instead of being shepherded by US and Britain, again, and again.

Talking about the conflict between Arabs and Israel (read, Arabs vs Israel, NOT Iraq vs Israel), that's certainly a stinky can of worms.  One thing for sure, those Israeli troops who are patrolling Gaza strip are a far cry from the "millions of Jews" that, by your word, Sadam was supposed to murder.

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 17, 2003 05:06 AM

LOL Gothmog

What in the **** are you talking about?

I see there is no way to show my side here without some twist from the left.

Are there any other Americans posting on this board besides some liberal socialists? (Yes, I know most of you are Europens, thank you.)

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 17, 2003 05:34 AM
Edited By: Gothmog on 16 Apr 2003

Dear Tony, it's going to be tough ...

What in the **** are you talking about?

I see there is no way to show my side here without some twist from the left.

Are there any other Americans posting on this board besides some liberal socialists? (Yes, I know most of you are Europens, thank you.)

Dear Tony, it's going to be tough ...

Basically you are saying, in order to understand you, he/she has to be American, to be specific, YOUR TYPE of American.  

The total population in the world is more than 6.2 billion, among which 280 million are American. Minus half ("liberal socialists"), we are talking about 140 million.  

That's an impressive TWO PERCENT.  In another word, out of 50 people, 49 just don't get it.

And we wonder why the world can't see Bush's vision.

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 17, 2003 05:44 AM


What in the **** are you talking about?

I see there is no way to show my side here without some twist from the left.

Are there any other Americans posting on this board besides some liberal socialists? (Yes, I know most of you are Europens, thank you.)

Dear Tony, it's going to be tough ...

Basically you are saying, in order to understand you, he/she has to be American, to be specific, YOUR TYPE of American.  

The total population in the world is more than 6.2 billion, the population of USA is 280 millions, minus half ("liberal socialists"), we are talking about 140 millions.  

That's an impressive TWO PERCENT.  In another word, out of 50 people, 49 just don't get it.

And we wonder why the world can't see Bush's vision.

So are you going to point out how alone I am in the world or answer the question? (How many times have I asked a question and gotten some abstract comment now?)


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Adventuring Hero
posted April 17, 2003 05:52 AM
Edited By: Gothmog on 16 Apr 2003

What in the **** are you talking about?

That's not a question, so no answer is needed.


I see there is no way to show my side here without some twist from the left.

See above.


Are there any other Americans posting on this board besides some liberal socialists? (Yes, I know most of you are Europens, thank you.)

I said:
Dear Tony, it's going to be tough ...,
meaning it's going to be tough to find "any other Americans posting on this board besides some liberal socialists".

And then I gave some statistic data to show why you it's tough.

Geez, do I have to keep pointing out the obvious?

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 17, 2003 05:59 AM

My point.....


Keep blabbering, that's exactly what I was looking for. LMFAO again.

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Supreme Hero
gets back
posted April 17, 2003 08:10 AM

Les échos du 19/02/03

The reason I dared to insert it is that it is very ontopic here now (although not too actual). Wolfman, thanks for your translation. I was to try to do it myself today anyways (yesterday it was even late at night and I had 39-40 degrees fever on monday and tuesday)

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Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted April 17, 2003 08:29 AM
Edited By: bort on 17 Apr 2003

Y'know Anthony, you make it difficult.  Ya see, I am a "liberal socialist" (and an American) and I have long argued that the war in Iraq was fully justified.  I have, however, argued that it was an unwise thing to do.  There is a huge difference between arguing that war in Iraq is a bad thing and arguing that Saddam Hussein is a jolly good fellow.  The argument has never been "Saddam Hussein being brought to justice and Iraq becoming a glowing beacon of democracy to the rest of the Middle East and the world as a whole as well as the US becoming more secure is a BAD THING!!!!!!"  The argument is "will this war, which HAS and WILL continue to cost lives and money actually bring about these things?"  I doubt that it will.  We do not know if Saddam Hussein is alive or dead and I still doubt that Iraq will become a functioning democracy and I, personally do not feel more secure as a result of this war.

Maybe I'm wrong.  I hope that I am.  The US was at least partially, if not primarily responsible for setting up what have become flourishing democracies in both Germany and Japan.  Democracies that can choose for themselves whether to support (Japan) or (GASP!) oppose (Germany) our actions today .  Maybe 50 years from now we'll be reading about how Iraq is leading the Arab union of liberal democracies in an attempt to block a security resolution by the US (who simply happens to be the most powerful in a world of liberal democracies).  I hope so, but I seriously doubt it.

And remember, the "Americans fighting for freedom" that you are so happy to tout -- WWI and WWII, were initiated by... liberal socialists (Wilson and Roosevelt).  Can't have it both ways.

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posted April 17, 2003 08:52 AM

Please read this!!!!!!!

Please read this it was taken from Yahoo news and it shows my point of how this thing is going to turn ugly against America.

Many Iraqis Turn Anger Toward the U.S.
Wed Apr 16, 8:07 PM ET  

By NIKO PRICE, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Just days ago, U.S. troops were cheered and kissed as they destroyed the symbols of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s regime. Today, after a week of chaos, it's a whole different story.

After looters ran wild, American forces shot civilians and the lack of basic services spread misery across the land, many Iraqis turned their anger away from Saddam Hussein and toward what they saw as their new oppressor: the United States of America.

"They are aggressors," wheezed Ali Ahmed, 17, lying in a hospital bed as a tube drained fluid from his lungs. "They destroyed us. They put us in war and didn't let us sleep. They just raided Baghdad."

Ahmed said he was shot in the back by an American bullet Friday as he left his home to purchase bread for his family's breakfast. A suicide bomber attacked U.S. troops up the street, and Ahmed accused the Americans of responding with indiscriminate fire.

U.S. troops rolled across the deserts of Iraq (news - web sites) expecting to find people dancing in the streets and cheering their arrival. There was some of that. But there was also anger.

Many Iraqis say that could subside quickly if the Americans — now de facto rulers of their nation — can quickly restore basic services, bring law and order (news - Y! TV) to their cities, and stop shooting their people.

Others say they need to do one more thing: leave.

"If Americans and British are here to destroy the regime and liberate Iraq, we welcome them," said Emad Fadil, a 26-year-old worker in the southern city of Basra. "But if they come to occupy Iraq, we will fight them to the end — like the Palestinians."

On Tuesday, a crowd in the northern city of Mosul allegedly attacked a group of Marines trying to take over a government building. Iraqis threw rocks, hit the Marines with fists and elbows and spat at them, according to Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks at U.S. Central Command in Doha, Qatar.

After reporting incoming fire, the Marines opened fire on the crowd, killing seven people, he said.

On Wednesday, another shooting in Mosul killed three people and wounded at least 11, including several who said American troops fired at them from rooftops. A Marine sergeant near the scene said the Americans were responding to fire from another rooftop.

"They are killing us and no one's talking about it. We want Saddam back," said Zahra Yassin, whose 17-year-old son was shot in the stomach and wounded. "Let the embargo return. At least there was security."

In the city of Kut, southeast of Baghdad, an anti-American cleric took over City Hall. Hundreds of his followers blocked U.S. Marines from entering Tuesday with a message that "there is more than just one leader in the region." The Marines departed, opting against confrontation.

In the southern city of Ur, Shiite Muslims boycotted a meeting to create a postwar government because of U.S. plans to install a retired American general as Iraq's temporary administrator. Thousands protested near the meeting, chanting: "No to America and no to Saddam!"

There have been daily demonstrations in Baghdad as well, many outside the Palestine Hotel, temporary home to hundreds of international journalists and U.S. Marines. Hundreds of people hold up banners demanding the restoration of electricity, water and phone service. Many also urge the Americans to leave town.

Even as people topple statues of Saddam, they criticize the U.S.-led invasion for the death and destruction it wrought, and warn that Americans will become targets unless they fix what they destroyed and leave.

"America comes to destroy Iraq and its people," said Fouad Abdullah Ahmed, 49, part of a rally setting a Saddam statue on fire. "We are Muslim. We don't like the Americans and the British."


Many Iraqis believe the Americans launched the war to seize their oil. In what many in Baghdad consider confirmation of that, one of the first Baghdad buildings seized by U.S. forces was the oil ministry. They are still there.

"Let them take the oil and leave," Mohammed Ramadan said in the northern city of Tikrit, trembling at the sight of American tanks rolling through his city.

Actor Fadel Abbas watched his theater get torched by looters.

"They didn't want to protect these places — only the oil ministry," he said. "Why the oil ministry?"

The U.S. military now says it will work to stop looters. Americans armed newly recruited Iraqi police officers with handguns to help keep order.

Marines and Iraqi police caught about a dozen men trying to loot money from a burned out bank in central Baghdad on Wednesday. Marines wrestled some of the men to the ground — including one who had a prosthetic leg — and found large stacks of Iraqi dinars on them.

Looting that has plagued Iraq's cities has been the cause of much of the people's anger, and many blame the Americans for encouraging it. Donny George, director for research at the Ministry of Antiquities, complained that the Americans let Iraq's museums be sacked.

"This is what the Americans wanted," he said. "They wanted Iraq to lose its history."


EDITOR'S NOTE — Niko Price is correspondent at large for The Associated Press. AP correspondent Tini Tran in Basra, Iraq, contributed to this report


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Adventuring Hero
posted April 17, 2003 08:52 AM

Good show Bort!

I cant argue much at all with you there.

Just dont forget about good ol Turkey we help set up after WW2 has just opposed us sendind troops through!  But thats ok, cuz it was the will of the people for real!

Thank you for being real in your comment, Bort. (No sarcasm, I am serious, you have very valid points.)

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Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted April 17, 2003 11:54 AM

It seems that Tony has joined bort, PH, Lews, Wolfman, dargon and others in this America vs. Iraq/Mid East vs. Europe debate.

Well, as for the current situation in post-war Iraq, order is slowly climbing back into the country with many former police officers once serving Saddam now going back to their jobs restoring order to the chaos-filled country. However, in this new US-colonized country, looting and robberies still run rampant in most cities.

Personally, I think that Saddam and his croonies have exiled themselves to Syria to try to evade the Coalition forces. Do you agree?
No one knows my true nature here...

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 17, 2003 12:24 PM

O my

I hope this isnt a everyone vs everyone vs evryone sort of thing.

I know just as well as everyone else we have our differences but I hope we can overcome them to reach something very important here.

The European (and those descendant in America) and the Arabian nations have been the cornerstone of modern human civiliztions.  Lets hope the progress continues into the future.

The Euphrates and Tigris rivers mark the outset of true human civilization and do not need a dictator.  

The Iraqi's that threw flowers at the coalition troops and now yell at them to go away are understood; "Get rid of Saddam, give us back our country and go away Americans."

That is exactly the intention here.

I'm sorry that it came to this as did every other human on this planet, but now there is not a soul around who is not glad or even relieved that Saddam is gone and the people will have control Iraq. (Yes I know some Iraqis wish Saddam was there because they reason at least there was security. But how much security was there for the rest of the people who didn't follow Saddam?)

The coalition forces are helping police restore order as we speak and have even arrested law violators.

Of course an American will be "temporarily" in charge, that's no suprise.  We will make sure an actual representative government and its structure is in place before departing so that another dictator can't swoop in and grab control.

As for any American/European divide, let's drop it and work together to help these poeple.  It's getting old and it's irrelavent now that the war is over.  I hold no grudges, etc against any people of any nation that opposed war and hope that no people of any nation hold a grudge against me....of course we don't war...now let's help these people.

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Famous Hero
posted April 17, 2003 02:18 PM

I´m always surprised at how some Americans are willing to believe whatever they´re fed with, no matter how absurd it gets.
While many Americans are upset with the French and the German government, we are not upset because they are not "towing the American line." We are upset because we see the resistance as "anti-American" (i.e. the election of Germanys chancellor on an anti-American platform) as opposed to simply "pro-peace."
I just wonder where the European "anti-American" attitude was after 9/11, when everyone here was ready to support the US instantly. Within less than one year, friends suddenly turned into anti-American fiends. If you believe such a thing, you´re definately watching too much FOX.
No, this "anti-Americanism"-talk is purely demagogic. Even most of the conservatives here, who have been in agreement with virtually everything that the US did in the last 15 years, were strictly against this war. Really bad from the German gouvernment to position themselves into agreement with 80-90% of their people.

we may never truly know what would have happened had we sat by and watched Saddam invade every Arab nation in his bid for a "Stalin-like" reach for power by controlling most of the worlds energy source, and then destroy Isreal and murder millions of Jews.
Saddam surely was a threat to his own people, but "invade every Arab nation"??? "Stalin-like reach for power"??? Yeah, with 20+ year old weapons, and a country that has been starved by 12 years of UN sanctions to boot. Not to mention the fact that any sniff of military agression by Saddam would have brought the whole world against him, and his regime to a sudden end. You haven´t even found any of those "weapons of mass destruction", and even if they exist: If they are so dangerous, I wonder why they haven´t been used a single time.
It´s ironic that in this war, it´s been only the US and British forces which made use of weapons of mass destruction: Streubomben and Benzinbomben (don´t know the English word for them) are banned by the UN. Crimes of War, no matter what the British foreign minister says to justify them as a necessary evil.

I hope you see my side to this as I attemted to be prudent and thoughtfull.
Sorry, while I do appreciate the moderate style of your writing, I think it´s neither thoughtful nor prudent. I may be wrong, but it´s my impression that you are eager to believe any unreasonable thing, as long as it has a patriotic sound and justifies the actions of the Bush administration.

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Supreme Hero
posted April 18, 2003 12:51 AM

I hope this isnt a everyone vs everyone vs evryone sort of thing.

No, it is nothing like that.  

The European (and those descendant in America) and the Arabian nations have been the cornerstone of modern human civiliztions.  Lets hope the progress continues into the future.

Yes, let's hope so.

The coalition forces are helping police restore order as we speak and have even arrested law violators.

Of course an American will be "temporarily" in charge, that's no suprise.  We will make sure an actual representative government and its structure is in place before departing so that another dictator can't swoop in and grab control.

I thought that was the plan all along, no one says how long that will take though.

As for any American/European divide, let's drop it and work together to help these poeple.  It's getting old and it's irrelavent now that the war is over.  I hold no grudges, etc against any people of any nation that opposed war and hope that no people of any nation hold a grudge against me....of course we don't war...now let's help these people.

I hold grudges myself, but not against the people of a country, only the ones who don't know what they are talking about.  And yes let's help these people.

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Famous Hero
King of the Underdark
posted April 18, 2003 09:43 AM

It must take some realy evil man to do what Saddam has! To starve kids that has no gain to it! I wish I could cut his throat myself!

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