Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted September 02, 2003 02:39 AM |
Best avatar: KittenAngel
Best Sig: Lith-Maethor
Best Costum status: hmm....n/a
Best qouat: Woock's
Worst qouat: N/A
Most likley to be a WINNER: MM or Silx
Most likley to be a WHINER: Woock (just by saying y'd u put me as a whiner? )
Best newbie: any who doesn't get on my nerves
Best Veteran: Anyone who's a vet that I know
Favourite member: uhm....probably Lith-Maethor
Most Hated mamber: None so far
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case