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Heroes Community > Tavern of the Rising Sun > Thread: story
Thread: story

Hired Hero
posted July 31, 2003 02:46 PM


Chapter 1

My eyes opened and I had no idea where I was. The sun was shining in my eyes and there were no people around. "What.......where am..I?" I mumbled as I sat up and rubbed my forehead. I remembered that my name is Monuna Twiilko. I remember that I was 16 years old, born on August 7, 1994, and it was the year 2010. Everything else was just a blur. "Is anyone here?" I shouted, hoping there was someone. The area I was in looked like a town that was completely destroyed. I stood up and walked around, checking out every corner. I couldn't find anything or a sign of anyone. My life felt as if it was all over. Instead of crying like a 3-year-old girl, I ran as fast as I could with out stopping. I wouldn't stop till I faint.
Clouds began to hide the sun. The warm air became very cold and damp. Rain won't stop me. Then I realized I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I noticed that I was away from the town and into a very rocky and dry area. As I stopped and dropped to my knees, I heard a faint sound behind me. Most of the sound was drowned out because of my gasps for air. The sound became greater. It sounded like the hooves of a horse or a bull. When I turned around I saw a figure that I couldn't make out because of the lack of sunlight. I stood up and narrowed my eyes. It looked like a horse that was mixed with an elk and a wolf. As it got a little closer, I saw a person on the beast. When I noticed that the person was holding a sword, I screamed and tried to run away. By then, it had started to rain and the ground was quite muddy.
I could here the elk-like cries of the beast from behind me. I didn't want to find out what it would do to me if I was caught. "I will kill you demon!" shouted the person. That idiot thought I was a demon? I wasn't planning to stop to tell the person I was human because that sword made me feel nervous. The beast's horns made me feel even more scared. I tried to avoid slipping into the mud, but somehow, I slipped and fell into the mud. I was too tired to get up. "Don't hurt me," I said over and over when the beast and the person caught up to me. The beast began to smell my legs. Meanwhile, the person dismounted the beast and sheathed the sword. "You're an odd looking demon and a scared one too," the person said. The person's voice sounded masculine and kind. I rolled over to look at the person with the beast. "Oh my God!" I shouted when I saw the beast's nose in front of my face. Then I looked at a the person, who turned out to be a man, and saw him laughing at me. "Shut up! I see nothing funny. How would you like it if you woke up, not knowing where you are and then almost get killed by a man with a sword and his beast?" I questioned as I wiped the mud off my face.
"You're a strange demon. Here, let me take you to my house and you can clean up there," the man said as he helped me up. Then I realized that I was going to have to ride that scary beast. "Don't worry, he wouldn't hurt you. He's never harmed anyone before," the man said. I shook my head. I was too nervous and was still in a state of shock. The man murmured something too quiet for me to hear and then he pulled me up onto the beast. I scared in terror and then found a tight grip around the man's waist. "You are a very, very strange demon," the man said, almost laughing. Then he kicked the beast and it took off. I had my eyes shut closed, so I wouldn't know where he was taking me. When beast stopped, I opened my eyes. I looked in awe at the sight of a huge wall. There must be some sort of an important city in there, I thought to myself.
Suddenly, the ground began to shake. I thought that I was going to die. "Don't be scared. It is just the door," the man reassured me. I looked at the wall and saw a huge stone door get pulled away, so that we may enter. When the shaking stopped, the beast carried us into the city. As the beast walked through a bunch of alleys and roads, I could see the ground shaking again. The door is closing, I thought to myself. Then the beast stopped. I looked in front of the beast and saw a beautiful garden. The garden had many plants from snapdragons to cherry trees that still has its blossomed flowers. Behind the garden was a castle made from a beautiful white stone that looked like it took years to build because of the durability of the stone. "You can let go of me because you need to get off," the man said. I flushed and then slid off the beast. The man dismounted it and lead me through the garden. I quickly looked back to see if the beast was there but it wasn't. "So, um, what's your name?" I managed to ask.
"I'm Talion, the Demon Hunter," the man said, sounding heroic. I smiled and then decided to tell him my name. "Well, nice to meet you, Talion. I'm Monuna Twiilko," I said, feeling a little stupid for not having a title for my name. Talion didn't reply and I felt that was quite rude of him. When we got to the doors of the castle, the doors opened and on the other side was a tall, golden haired lady with haunting, fiery, red eyes. "Who may this be, Talion?" the lady asked, sounding like was really mad.
"She's just a demon, Xiea. Go back to work unless you want to deal with a demon that will kill you and eat you," Talion said. I growled at Talion. "I'm not a demon! I'm just a 16 year-old girl who doesn't know where she is and how she got here. I have to say, Talion, you're being very rude to me. You need some manners!" I shouted. Xiea sighed and then walked over to me. "What's you name, little girl?" the lady asked.
"I'm Monuna Twiilko," I quickly answered. Xiea smiled at me and then grabbed my arm. "Talion, I'll take care of her. Meanwhile, do what she said, get some manners," Xiea said and then she pulled me across the room and up the stairs. "Don't mind Talion. He's a wild man without a cause. He's always been like that when he moved in. My name is Xiea, sorceress and mistress of the house," Xiea said as she walked me into a beautiful room. It had a king size bed, complete with silk sheets and silk pillows, a bathtub, a bookshelf, a few chairs, a side table by the bed, a balcony, and violet, silk curtains in front of the glass doors that lead to the balcony. "Take off your clothes and then lay them by the door," Xiea said as a maid filled the tub with warm water. I stripped off my muddy clothes and then dropped the on the floor by the door.
When the maid was finished filling the tub, I stepped in and lied in the water. Suddenly, the maid started scrubbing my back, legs, chest, and arms. She cleaned my hair and my face. When I was all clean, I stepped out and then the maid wrapped me in a warm, soft towel. Then she emptied the tub as Xiea handed me clean clothes. I dried myself of and then slipped on the silk clothes. "I bet you're tired," Xiea said in a calming voice. I nodded my head as I sat on the bed. "Very well, this will be your room. Get some rest. I'll be back in the morning," Xiea said. Then she and the maid left the room with my dirty clothes. I lied under the silk sheets and then I closed my eyes.
I began to dream soon after falling asleep. I didn't understand anything that was going on in it. Xiea and Talion were there. Talion was all scratched up and she was gasping for air. Xiea was holding a girl in her arms. She was screaming her name. I couldn't anything that was going on. Then the girl looked somewhat familiar. Just before I could tell who she was, everything went black. Then I heard a scream of agony. When I woke up, Xiea was picking out some clothes for me to wear from out of a dresser that I never noticed. "Good morning," I told Xiea as I sat up. Xiea turned around and looked at me. She was holding a beautiful baby blue, silk dress. "Good morning," Xiea replied. She placed the dress on the bed and left the room. I got out of bed and then changed into the dress. Then I found a hair brush and matching shoes, necklace, and earrings. I looked at myself in a mirror that was in the dresser. I looked like a princess. I was pleased with my outfit and I walked out of the room to show it off to Xiea and Talion. The first person I saw was the maid from last night. "Good morning, ma'am. How do I look?" I asked her. She smiled at me. "You look like the princess from long ago. Oh, and please, call me Bryonia," the maid replied. There was a princess who lived here? I questioned myself. "Ok, Bryonia. Um, where's Talion?" I asked.
"He's in his training room. I'll take you to him," Bryonia said. The maid lead my through a door under the stairs that leads to my room. From there, she lead me through a series of rooms. This area most have been a dungeon at one point in time, I thought. "This place has a lot of history, right?" I asked Bryonia. The maid stopped in front of an iron door. "Yes, in fact it does," Bryonia answered. Then she opened the door. Talion was in the room, training. "Talion! Talion! How do I look?" I asked as I walked in. Talion looked at me for a very long time. It looked at me for the most longest time in the world. It seemed as if he saw someone he knew inside of me. "You look beautiful as always, princess........wait, you're not the princess. You're just the demon," Talion said, sounding disappointed.
"For the last time, I'm not a demon!" I shouted and then I walked back towards Bryonia. The maid closed the door and then walked me back the way we came in. "Sorry about that. He still won't get over her death," Bryonia said. I was confused. Who was this princess figure? "Please, Bryonia, tell me about the princess," I begged. Bryonia sighed and then picked up a book that was sitting on a side table. "Read this," Bryonia said and then she left me on my own. I decided to go into the garden and read. I saw a nice stone bench I could sit on. "Princess?" a familiar voice questioned. I turned around and saw Xiea. She looked surprised. "Wait, it is just you. I thought you were her," Xiea said. I shook my head and then went outside into the garden. I sat on the bench and began to read the book Bryonia gave me. The book answered at least some of my questions. My main question on ‘who is this princess?' got answered right away. This book was her diary. From some of the entries, she seemed like a young lady full of life, love, happiness, and everything wonderful. Some entries seemed like she wrote them after a terrible nightmare.
The thing about this diary is that it doesn't answer the question about what's the connection between the princess and I? I closed the book after reading every entry. At least I understood a little bit more. "Princess, come back inside or you'll burn up! You know how petite you are!" shouted an old man from inside the castle. I figured he was just another one of Xiea's servants. "At least I can fool them for awhile," I quietly said as I picked up the book and walked back into the castle. When I walked back into my room, I noticed that someone was standing on the balcony. I placed the book on the bed and began to creep close to the balcony. "I know you're there, demon," the person said. Figures it was Talion. He's the only one who calls me demon. I decided to let the demon thing go but it did anger me. "You don't have to disguise yourself as the princess anymore, demon. It isn't nice to fool anyone," Talion said as I walked to his side.
"Talion, I'm not going to yell at you for calling me a demon but you see, this is me. I can't stop looking like your princess. Maybe you should just get over whatever happened to her. I'm sure it wasn't your fault," I calmly said, trying to get him to be nice to me. A few tears went down Talion's face. "If you need to cry, cry. Let your depression cease to be," I said as I slowly tried to embrace Talion. I felt surprised because Talion didn't push away and call me a demon. Instead, he welcomed the embrace by wrapping his arms around me. "Thank you, Monuna," Talion finally whispered into my ear. Then he looked into my eyes. I was shocked by his eyes. They looked like water that was rippling. "Emerald and gold," Talion said under his breath. I was confused by what he meant by that. Then he left the room and went his own way. "Ugh, stray hair," I said when I felt something tickling my hand. I picked up the stray hair and saw the color was a dark blue. A chill ran up my spine. Is my hair is dark blue?! I thought to myself. When I looked in the mirror, my hair was light brown. I knew it could've been Talion's hair because his hair is a silver color which matches his pale skin. Then I let the hair drop to the floor after I heard a knock on the door. "Yes?" I asked. A figure walked into the door. This figure was wearing a cape with the hood up and was fairly short. "Oh, you're not her," the figure said with a bizarre voice. The voice was mixed between a young girl's voice and a talking dragon that was growling. Then the figure turned around a walked out the door. "Wait!" I shouted as I ran after the thing. It stopped and turned to me. "Yes?" it asked.
"Who and what are you?" I asked, trying not to be rude. The figure walked down a hallway and into a dark room with one candle lit. It took of the hood and looked at me. My eyes widened when I saw it. It had white eyes and long white hair. It's face was of a young girl. Then I saw that the skin was scales of a dragon or a powerful fish. "I am of the Viorrel creatures. We are creatures who cannot show their face unless in darkness. We have no names and we are normally born to parents with a curse upon them," the creature said. I took pity for it. This one seemed so gentle but I felt as if it would slice me in half if it wanted to. "I guess I should give you a name?" I asked.
"No, only the princess could name me. She told me that she'd give me a name when we last met but she isn't here," the creature said. I didn't know what to do. Then I just left the room and tried to find Xiea. "Where is Xiea when you need her? She's never around," I growled. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming towards me from behind. I turned around and saw nobody. When I turned back around, I saw a girl with dark blue hair on the floor. "Oh my God!" I said to myself when I jumped in surprise. Then I saw Xiea walking into a room across the hall. "There you are," I quietly said as I looked back where the girl was lying. My eyes widened in shook. The girl's body wasn't there! Was it a ghost? Were my eyes playing games with me? Never mind the girl. I have to talk to Xiea, I thought to myself.
I ran down the hall to the room Xiea walked into. "Excuse me, Xiea. I have a question," I said as I walked into the room. The tall lady turned from what she was doing and then looked at me. "Well, tell me," she replied.
"The Viorrel Creature. What.....why is she here?" I asked.
"Viorrel Creatures can't get passed the gates."
"But I saw one. She's in the other room down the hall. She told me that the princess would name her. By the way, what's the princess's name?" I quickly said. Xiea growled in frustration and then closed her eyes. "What are you doing?" I asked. When Xiea opened her eyes, it look as if she was glaring at me, but I knew she wasn't angry with me. "The Viorrel you're looking for isn't here anymore, but there are faint traces of it being here. What I was doing is something that the Anikori Bloodline and few other bloodline have the ability to do. We call this small trick The Great Phenomenon also known as ‘GP,'" Xiea answered.
"What about the princess's name?" I questioned.
"I'm sorry, but we don't speak her name anymore."
"Who cares? Tell me her name."
"If I call out her name, even whisper it, then the one who killed her will wake from his eternal sleep."
"Ok, but I will find out her name someday," I said and then turned to walk out the door. Xiea smiled and then walked over to me. "Would you like to learn something very, very useful?" Xiea asked. I faced her and then nodded my head with a big grin on my face. "Good! Now follow me," Xiea said as she walked passed me and through the door. I giggled at the excitement and followed her to the last room down the hall. When we entered the room, my jaw dropped. "Cool!" I shouted. There were only two walls in the room. The open space looked like a run way except smaller and attached to a castle. That wasn't all of it. What was in the room was even better. There was a black dragon in the room. If it stretched out, then its head would be touching the door and its tail would be touching the end of the run way. If it stretched out its wings, it would be able to fill up the who entire room. "Today, you are going to start to learn how to ride a dragon," Xiea said.
"What's its name?" I asked.
"I was getting to that. Anyway, his name is Rainiko. Let me give you one tip. Learning how to do this is going to be very tough, but don't give up. Now, go get dressed. Uniforms are to your left," Xiea said as she walked over to the dragon and started rubbing its nose.    

"The greatest gift of life is to love and be loved in return"

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted July 31, 2003 11:39 PM

Harsh words of truth...

I doubt anyone will read the whole thing here . I've read a few lines, and it's not bad.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Hired Hero
posted July 31, 2003 11:43 PM

I know that poetry and stories are not everyone's favorite thing, but at least show some respect. I'm gonna be a famous poet someday. That dream, i know, will come true. You can do anything you set your mind to.

"The greatest gift of life is to love and be loved in return"

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted July 31, 2003 11:45 PM

I'm gonna be a famous poet someday.

You can never be sure about that. Unless your wish has already come true that is . And I wish you the best of luck in achieving your goal .
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted July 31, 2003 11:48 PM

I say good luck and it's nice to have somebody write something nice and thoughtful for once.
Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag


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Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted July 31, 2003 11:51 PM

Great effort you put in Lilia  

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Legendary Hero
posted July 31, 2003 11:51 PM

Cleaned the thread up for u.
AS to the tossers .. play nice will ya!@ "

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Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted July 31, 2003 11:52 PM

Yeah, I for one wholeheartedly agree and--
Hey!! What's that supposed to mean?

This space for rent.

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Hired Hero
posted July 31, 2003 11:57 PM

Thanx for your support. I really do like that. Don't worry, I won't let you down.

"The greatest gift of life is to love and be loved in return"

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Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted August 01, 2003 12:04 AM

I read the story

Can't wait to find out what happened to the princess  

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