Adventuring Hero
posted October 02, 2006 03:58 AM |
Yup, I'm playing heroic too. I'm on the last level of the Inferno campaign right now and I'm having trouble figuring out how I can do this level quickly with my extremely weak hero. His stats entering this level are:
Level: 21
Attack: 16
Defense: 2
Power: 2
Knowledge: 12
He's so underpowered because I didn't spend longer than 10 days on any of the first 4 missions
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 02, 2006 02:12 PM |
How did you finish the Ship and the Conquest (especialy the latter) mission in 10 days? That is not possible. The Ship very maybe, but the Conques?! My hat down if you did it that fast, I can't see any way to do it.
Adventuring Hero
posted October 02, 2006 02:35 PM |
In the Conquest, all you have to do is charge to each of the 3 towns and get none of the treasure on the way. If a neutral monster was less than 2 steps off the path I had to take, I'd kill it, otherwise, I'd ignore it. I hired 3 extra heroes throughout the mission to pick up all the treasure this uncovered. This was mostly unnecessary though because the only things I spent money on the entire mission were to buy a blacksmith (to get a first aid tent) in the inferno town, recruit the heroes I just mentioned, a stone circle in the NW sylvan town (to buy 4 druids), and a citadel in the NE sylvan town. Remember, you don't have to kill the source of the druids power because that's only a secondary objective.
I actually found the Ship harder than the Conquest, but only because in the final fight, the enemy troops were constantly getting good luck and morale bonuses; it's very annoying when 8 emereld dragons get good luck and morale twice in a row
So far I've managed to get to the final fight in mission 5 in about 3 weeks but my army at that point consisted of...
1 pit fiend!
...so obviously I need to rethink my strategy there.
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 02, 2006 07:10 PM |
Well, hat's down. What where your skills/spells on the beginning of Cultists?
Adventuring Hero
posted October 02, 2006 09:08 PM |
At the start of the Conquest I was:
Level: 15
Attack: 10
Defense: 1
Power: 2
Knowledge: 8
Skills: Expert Gating (Hellfire), Expert Logistics (Pathfinding), Expert War Machines (Ballista, First Aid), Advanced Leadership, Basic Luck, and Basic Attack (Battle Frenzy)
Adventuring Hero
posted October 03, 2006 11:33 PM |
Campaign: Inferno
Days: 62
Score: 125,937
Does anybody know if you can get a phoenix icon in the hall of fame? I'd assume you can't because if you could and they didn't give it to you for getting over 100,000 points, I can't imagine what the total you'd need to get is.
Anyway, this campaign can probably be done quite a bit faster. My total for the first 4 missions was 33 days! I nearly doubled that on the last mission. For one thing, I never got navigation, which definitely slowed me down in the final mission. And again, I never got any weeks of the flame or other such movement enhcancing weeks. Plus I think I made some bad skill choices. I thought war machines would be really powerful in the final mission but I forgot that you don't get the actual machines unless you go very far out of your way (for some reason I had thought you could get them very close to the start) so that ended up being a totally wasted skill in the final mission. Ah well, onto the Necro campaign.
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 06, 2006 12:00 AM |
Impressive. Now comes the "fun"
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 09, 2006 09:58 PM |
I am on mission 5 of the Sylvan campaign, and I need to say that I have probably never spent so much time brainstorming what to do in heroes. Therefore, I think that my total score should be very decent. Now I need to know, what is the damm formula for score calculation? Better yet, does the formula include conqured number of towns as a variable?
Adventuring Hero
posted October 10, 2006 11:22 PM |
Edited by blink at 23:22, 10 Oct 2006.
I'd also really like to know how the formula works. But either way, at least for right now, I'm just aiming for the fastest run-through, not the top score.
And I see what you mean about the "fun" part starting now. Beginning with the necromancer's campaign it's MUCH harder than before. So far I've just started the third Necro mission. I beat the 1st level in 10 days and the second in 16. The final fight in both missions was a serious challenge.
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 12, 2006 04:31 PM |
Maybe it's a bit harder, but only the 3rd mission is challenging in a way that you really need to plan ahead to make some super fast time, everything else is pretty straightforward. Again, your times are excellent. But even that 3rd mission is very easy, and there are no crucial desicions involved. The only time in the 1st four campaigns I was forced to really think it over was the link between the 2nd and 3rd warlock mission (because I remembered the Cultist was hard - even only the beginning), so I spent some more time on the 2nd mission. But so far the only campaign that I really gave maximum brainstorming in all of the missions is the Syvan one, to me by far the best and the only demanding so far (excluding the 1st week of the Cultist). Keep up the good job.
Adventuring Hero
posted October 12, 2006 07:07 PM |
Campaign: Necropolis
Days: 53
Score: 227,509
I thought this campaign was going to be very long but it turns out it's not. I thought the 2nd and 3rd missions would be over a month long each, but they took 16 and 10 days respectively.
I know what you mean about the first 4 campaigns not being too tough on their own but I found this one very hard because I was moving so fast I basically never recruited any troops other than in the town I'd start in. Also, I guess this is just bad luck but I didn't get the "raise skeleton archer" ability until the beginning of the 4th mission. It also might have been a bit easier if I had gotten the Mark of the Necromancer ability earlier because with the increased spell cost of Raise Dead and the fact that it has the -20% penalty now, you really need those extra spell points. Also, the second mission was tough because my Godric was incredibly weak, because I never had time to build him up in the Haven campaign.
I actually found the 2nd mission to be the hardest in the Necro campaign. Anyway, as usual, this can certainly be done faster, and once again, I didn't get any Weeks of the Flame or other such movement enhancing weeks.
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 19, 2006 12:14 PM |
My 5th Sylvan mission prolonged a lot because I don't have time till the weekend, I hope I will manage to finish it then, at least I thought up a strategy to do it
Oh, and because this turned to be mostly a dialogue between blink and me, blink please make a remark how you finished the sylvan missions and in what time, I'm really courious to make a comparison.
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 22, 2006 04:47 PM |
Sylvan campaign finished - by far the best campaign I ever played in Heroes; only the 3rd mission is too linear.
134 Days
Score: 57396
I really believe that I made a very good score this time - I certainly gave everything into it. I'm looking forward for you to complete the campaign, blink! Than we will share our experiences.
Adventuring Hero
posted October 22, 2006 05:56 PM |
Well, I just finished the Dungeon campaign so it might take me a little time to get through the Sylvan one. I know it's by far the hardest and also involves a lot of running all over the place so you need to think more about what you're doing. Anyway...
Campaign: Dungeon
Days: 79
Score: 116,108
I beat the first level in 30 days which is the absolute fastest possible because you HAVE to wait for a month before the tournament will start. However, the next 4 missions shouldn't have taken 49 days; I screwed up pretty badly in this campaign, especially in the second mission. For one thing, I got very bad luck in that the Tear of Asha ended up being almost as far from my castle as possible, meaning I actually defeated the enemy before I was able to finish the quest about building the Tear of Asha building. I had thought that I'd just give the Tear to a recruited hero, run that hero into a neutral stack, have him flee the battle, and then re-recruit him in my castle to save a few days of running back to the castle (which took almost an entire week! Maybe even more than a week, I can't remember exactly), but it turns out if the hero carrying the Tear flees from a battle, you just fail the mission. I was also a little slow in developing logistics for both of my heroes in this campaign.
Anyway, I'm having so much fun doing this that I'm going to do another run-through of all the campaigns eventually anyway to further perfect my times.
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 23, 2006 11:16 AM |
With what did you start the Cultist mission (stats, skills, spells)?
Adventuring Hero
posted October 24, 2006 04:26 AM |
At the beginning of the Cultists my heroes were:
Lv: 17
Attack: 9
Defense: 1
Spell Power: 10
Knowledge: 10
Advanced Elemental Chains (Elemental Vision, Empowered Spells), Basic Defense (Vitality), Expert War Machines (Ballista, Catapult), Basic Sorcery (Magic Insight), Expert Destructive Magic (Master of Storms, Master of Ice), Expert Logistics
Lv: 13
Attack: 7
Defense: 3
Spell Power: 11
Knowledge: 7
Expert Elemental Chains, Advanced Dark Magic (Master of Pain, Master of Curses), Expert Destructive Magic (Master of Storms), Advanced Defense (Evasion), Basic Englightenment (Intelligence)
These probably weren't the best skills to pick. In retrospect, I really should have picked Luck as one of my skills. Also, I got incredibly unlucky in that I never got the implosion spell until the very end of the final mission (I attacked the castle right near the final gate since I didn't have to spend any extra turns to do so and got implosion from the castle). Also, I didn't get lightning bolt for Shadya until close to the end of the third mission, which made me really wish I had gone with Master of Ice instead of Master of Storms.
By the way, what skills did you chose in the previous campaigns? Obviously I don't want you to tell me what you picked for the Sylvan campaign since I'm just getting started on it but I'm curious as to the other campaigns.
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 24, 2006 01:16 PM |
As I remember the mission, with Exp Log it is possible to take the western town turn one - logicaly, the only thing to do then is to upgrade your minotaurs for they are the essence of your army. I have no idea how you where able to pull it off (the first week, when I played, 4 or 5 incredibly strong heroes came) with that skill selection. All of the heroes that came casted lightning bolts/ice bolts/circles of winter all the time, and since you have no ressurection options I really can't see how you did it, since I realized very soon myself that two empowered meteor showers (three also quite commonly) where not enough to destroy his army, and in the meanwhile he simply attritioned your units to nothing. I found the best possible way to be teleport assault + ressurection, but than again, I didn't play the campaign insanely concentrated anyway . I did get both Implosion and Meteor on mission one, that was very lucky.
I can't tell you what did I pick in previous campaigns because I'm not at my pc now, I can check it out later, but I do remember that I rarely got War Machines , but always Logistics, but I'll check it.
You'll probably see in the Sylvan campaign that the game forces you to take some precise skill selection (because of the level cap - I have to admit that I was very lucky on mission one, I won't say why, let's just say that my rule is that I never ever restart the mission if I don't get what I don't need).
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 28, 2006 12:41 PM |
Oh yes, just wanted to say that I will probably also try to play all over again. It is kind of fun and it turns out I have lot's of space for improvement. Also, I am not entirely sure, but after I posted my Sylvan time I became a bit suspicious. Unfortunately, I lost the paper where I wrote down my mission times, so all I know is my time for the first and the last mission. I cannot believe that it took me so long to finish the other three mission, but, oh well, the hell with it.
Oh and it turns out that Academy campaign is beatiful! Think about paying interesr for your previous rushing lol
Adventuring Hero
posted October 30, 2006 01:02 AM |
Well, after spending a bit of time on the second Sylvan mission, I realized I might as well do my re-playthrough of all the campaigns right now because I realize the Sylvan campaign is going to be incredibly long and I'm probably not going to want to do it twice. So here's my final (probably) time on the first campaign.
Campaign: Haven
Days: 61
Score: 106,767
As far as I can tell, I did all the missions perfectly except the second one. If I had gotten lucky, that mission could have been completed exactly 4 days faster, giving me a total campaign completion time of 57 days. The luck I'm referring to is as follows: I figured out how to capture both towns by day 11 in this mission with exactly enough archers that, if, upon capturing the second town, the town let me recruit Dougal, I could finish the mission on that day. This is because I can get there with 65 archers and enough gold and ore to build an archer's tower, recruit those archers, and hire a hero. Recruiting the archers gives me 12 more, and then as long as Dougal comes with at least 23 archers (I think he's given a random amount between 21 and 27 every time), I'll complete the mission about having at least 100 archers. Unfortunately, I was not given the choice to recruit Dougal, so I had to wait until the first day of the next week to have the opportunity to recruit enough archers. Anyway, as usual, there were no Weeks of the Flame or any other movement enhancing weeks. Obviously if you were lucky enough to get such a week, the campaign could be done even faster. If you can figure out how to do this campaign faster than 57 days, or if you figure out some really fast way to do one of the other missions, I'd love to hear it. For now, I don't see myself replaying this campaign again any time soon (unless of course you beat my time).
By the way, on the Cultists in the Dungeon campaign, I had expert logistics but I couldn't take the western town on the first day. I had exactly enough movement points to stand right in front of the castle, but not in it. The only way I could see it being done is if you used Shadya to kill the hero guarding the town, and then let Raelag walk in there with the one extra movement point he saved by not attacking the hero. However, this would just slow down the campaign in general because you want Shadya to go off in the other direction, so she can capture the northern castle as soon as possible.
Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted October 30, 2006 10:01 AM |
lol, it's kind of funny you started al over again. Hope you finish this time
As for Dungeon, it is possible to attack day 1, then the town is yours, even though you do not have enough movement points to enter it. Anyway, I wil start again soon.