Known Hero
posted November 14, 2001 07:18 PM |
A.I. turns
In the beginning of the games in HoMM III, the A.I. turns are short. But as the game goes on, especially if you have teleporters, the A.I. starts taking longer and longer. By the 2nd month or so, i'm waiting at least 5-10 minutes inbetween my turns! I really hope 3do fixes this, because it gets on my nerves. I'm really into a game and I have about half about half an hour or so and I can only get in three turns!!! What do you think?
Known Hero
Shadow Ruler
posted November 14, 2001 09:42 PM |
Maybe you should fix or upgrade your pc
I played heroes 3 in a 486 100mhz and I think it runs faster then that.
Known Hero
posted November 14, 2001 10:56 PM |
Some maps are much worse then others and it can make a big difference if you can see the enemy or not. But on a map with alot of teleporters and alot of players where you can see the whole board, it could easily take 5-10 minutes for a turn to go by even on a 256 MB, 800 MHZ computer like mine. Luckily most maps are not like that.
Fog of war should hopefuly help reduce this a bit in H4. If you can't see everything going on, it will take alot less time for it to happen.
Known Hero
posted November 15, 2001 12:15 AM |
I have a fine pc (550 mhz. 500 mb), but whenever I do a random map, that happens. Even if you put the no see enemy selection on which makes it so you don't have to see your enemies on their turn and therefore makes their turns (supposedly) go faster. So it shouldn't make much difference with fog of war.
Famous Hero
of Clear Water Mountain Clan
posted November 15, 2001 12:30 AM |
Hmmm... I've never encountered that problem. Admittedly, the turns last longer in the mid- and endgame than in early stages, but it still doesn't take more than max. 10 secs per player.
The computer I use is a 700 MHZ with 256 ram.
There are 10 types of people: Those who read binary, and those who don't.
Famous Hero
a vampire of taste
posted November 15, 2001 01:15 AM |
I don't think the pc is the problem... that's how the heroes works and you could have a t-bird at 1.5 and zounds of ram, it would still take those 5 mins to show it. The more important problem is how does a.i. see you? As I experienced it, in many cases it saw me through my fog (from the necrotown) or even on unexplored territory. That really makes me develop a complex of inferiority. And anger as well...
Known Hero
The Moonchild
posted November 15, 2001 12:08 PM |
I agree with DonGio
Each AI faction takes about 5-15 seconds to complete its turn, and I have a less powerful machine than yours: P-III at 666 Mhz. (good number) with 256 RAM.
In a map with seven AI factions this could be a minute and a half of waiting, and yes, it's annoying, but checking the "don't see your enemies moves" option don't reduces this time too much. What seems very strange to me is that enormous delay that some of you are experiencing. Are you sure is a HOMM problem and not a computer configuration one? Or are you multitasking up to the limit while you play Heroes?
This is my truth. Tell me yours
Known Hero
Psychedelic Knight
posted November 15, 2001 10:42 PM |
I`m not haveing a very good pc too (700mhz ptIII 128 ram) and on really filled-up mapsm I only wait about 10-20 seconds... you might have a prob. with your cd drive or somethin`...
________ _ _
Legendary Hero
From earth
posted November 16, 2001 12:46 PM |
We all aggree with don gio. LoL
Sometime's it'll be like a minute, mabey a little more. Usualy 10-20 sec's tho'.
And I'm talking about time length between turn's, in heroes of mite and magic! Arg!! lol
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 16, 2001 12:52 PM |
It is not about faster computer or not. AI is simply stucked on complex maps. If you do the codes to see whole map, you will notice AI is moving only 1 min but taking 10 min to "think". When this happens I click like fool with mouse(right click) on the hourglass(during AI's turns), and turns are MUCH shorter, try it, it is not a joke.
Famous Hero
from the Animated Peace
posted November 16, 2001 02:30 PM |
well, even on a small map sometimes..
was playing a small or medium randomly generated map. ended my turn and it seemed to take some time. went to smoke and came back. it was still doing the same thing. thought that it might be puzzled about sth and everything is going to be ok in the end (has happened before). went to smoke again, and nothing had changed. ctrl-alt-delete, etc, load autosave.. remove fog of war.. sit back and relax while watching the ai walk into a portal, then deciding that it wasn't a good move and going back, then thinking that it was a good move nevertheless, then reconsidering the situation again, etc, etc, endlessly (went to smoke again before restarted again). i.e. just changing the side of the portal the ai hero was at (or in maybe), without taking a single step out of the portal.
what is the safest way to pass your time? heroes community -- your posts won't affect almost anything
Known Hero
posted November 16, 2001 08:59 PM |
in HoMM 4...
couldn't they just calculate what the AI is going to have done by the end of the turn so it doesn't take so long. It usually takes a long time with one AI player that is doing really good and has a bunch of castles. Then it "thinks" of what to buy in each castle for a long time. I think thats what is happening, but as I said in the beginning of this post, I hope in heroes 4 they just calculate and thats the end of it.
Known Hero
posted November 16, 2001 11:15 PM |
I suspect the reason why many of us are have different experiences then Zilpheg is we are playing different maps. Zilpheg sounds like he tends to play on very large maps with alot of enemies. I can agree that sometimes turns do take a long time on those maps especialy with lots of teleporters, whirlpools, etc, or if the enemy starts randomly jumping around with DD or TP.
Famous Hero
from the Animated Peace
posted November 17, 2001 02:33 PM |
has anyone noticed that when the ai hero is attacking your hero, he slows down as he approaches your hero on the map. that looks like he is kind of doubtfully approaching your hero, rather than charging into battle after making the decision. imho behaviour like that shows the weak character of the ai that is not fit for a fighter.
also, sometimes the ai hero is moving back and forth on the map, seemingly just to spend his movement points or sth. why not predict where the ai is going to move next, and if it's back to the original position without any other change than movement points, why not just end the turn. maybe there could be better solutions.
Famous Hero
happily tilting at windmills
posted November 17, 2001 04:53 PM |
The Heroes 3 AI will behave differently depending on the level you're playing. For instance, on "Normal" or lower, it never seems to 'Wait' in combat. It always seems to be fascinated by liths and creature dwellings. However, it's a marked improvement over the Heroes 2 AI. You seldom see the Barbarian Boating Club anymore, where the AI heroes would jump into a little boat, cruise around a small lake, land, get back into the boat and repeat the whole performance. And I'm very glad it doesn't cast 'Berserk' in combat, which was a favorite tactic of the Heroes 2 AI.
According to the various official sources, the Heroes 4 AI has been revised to make it a bit more of a challenge. We'll have to wait and see.
Some people say the glass is half full..Some people say it's half empty... I say "What're you asking me to drink?"
Known Hero
illegally insane
posted November 17, 2001 06:08 PM |
I have noticed this as well, but mostly on specific maps, and I think I have figured out at least part of the problem. It seems to happen more often when computer players have multiple towns and/or more places to explore and things to do. I was playing an XL map with 7 comp opponents and found some of them took a long time to finish and some took very little. By the time I had completed the map I found that the short times were from the enemies that were hemmed in by border guards with only one or two towns. I also made eliminating an enemy a priority just so I wouldn't have to wait for their turn
Known Hero
posted November 19, 2001 04:24 PM |
I think...
You should be able to build movement points if you don't move for a while. It would go slower and slower, but it would go. Maybe after three turns not moving you get 10 more movement points then after three more you get 9 more and after three more eight more movement points and so on untill you cant get anymore. After that you wouldn't get a bounus for waiting any longer untill you moved. I would like this because I usually leave one hero in my castle to "build" it up and I don't move it for a while. Then once it has lots of spells and creatures, I move out to conquer the enemy. It would be nice if I could move out with extended movement and a horse from the stables.
Tavern Dweller
posted November 19, 2001 07:29 PM |
I agree with Zilphed! Building up movement point would be so cool! Besides, there are lots of times when people could just wait in their castles and build while building up movement, and then move like wherever they want!
Known Hero
posted November 20, 2001 09:37 PM |
I'll probobly make this a new thread.
Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to Library Of Enlightenment, to discuss Heroes 4, please go to War Room Of Axeoth.