Famous Hero
Soul Merchant
posted May 09, 2008 01:09 AM |
Unique Campaign Underway
I am in the process of making a unique campaign. If anyone wants to play it you will need HoMM1, HoMM2(Gold), HoMM3(SoD), HoMM3/WoG(3.58f), HoMM4(Standard) and HoMM4(WoW/Equilibrus). This makes a total of 6 maps. HoMM1 is already completed and being tested. With Story. The second one, (HoMM2) is almost complete. Of course, you could play each map individually depending on which game you have, but you would miss out on the "complete" story if you don't have all.
Not everything will be a "carry over" type of senario(s). As each map, more or less, has different starting characters. When you play it, you will see why. You mostly play "Good" but in one map, at least, you will be evil.
This is something I wanted to do for a long time. Now, I'm doing it.