Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted August 18, 2008 01:06 PM |
Edited by TheDeath at 13:08, 18 Aug 2008.
@angelito: Is this spam? I thought it was about the subject
@JoonasTo:Quote: But you used the hypnosis as a reason for your connection idea. In this it is not appropriate because it is a way of manipulating the person in question.
I meant, you can of course manipulate the person in question, but when you do so because you need him/her to REMEMBER what he/she saw, then what's the point in manipulating? Of course now I am talking about "past experiences" or "other people's experiences" (which is kinda weird IMO) -- you can of course manipulate them, but even the hypnosers had no idea about the person in question that they "remembered" -- they had to look it up!
Of course, one can go so far as to call this a coincidence
Quote: I can't visualize 4D but I understand it. Earlier you said that it was needed to visualize it to understand.
No, I said that you can understand it mathematically without visualizing it. Visualizing is different because you'll have to use a "view", rather than just mathematic relationships.
Quote: If a world had something then how could it be the beginning? Beginning of our world but not the beginning.
"Beginning" is related to time. Without time, there's no thing "before" it. It's kinda weird to think about it, but it makes sense. There is no "before" the moment when there is no time. And the beginning we're talking about is when time didn't exist. That's only one "instant" in time -- or, as also put, eternity
@mvassilev:Quote: No, I mean your ideas about the I surviving.
What does "die"? Do you even experience such a thing? No, because everything that you know about that word is relative to your "I" -- thus, when even your body dies, it will be relative to your "I". People around you "die", they do so relative to your "I". It's kinda hard to make a "frame of reference" "disappear" because mathematically it exists. Of course i can be wrong, it's just that I find it more meaningful that way.