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Heroes Community > Age of Heroes Coliseum > Thread: ICTC4: the Enclave
Thread: ICTC4: the Enclave

Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted February 06, 2009 05:06 AM
Edited by enamelity at 04:36, 18 Feb 2009.

ICTC4: the Enclave

The Enclave

AKA: the Mindflayers, the Ssvarri
Alignment: Undoubtedly Evil, but their goal is actually Good.
Worship: agnostic or atheist
Colors: Purple, grey, black
Allies: Necropolis
Neutral: Academy (tentatively), Dungeon
Enemies: Everyone Else
Kingdom: Ssvarr
Capital: Ssravv
Symbol: the Devouring

What do we scholars know of Ashan's East? Nothing. Nothing at all. What lies hidden in those distant lands? What could emerge to prey upon us? Alas, such questions are no longer merely hypothetical: the Ssvarri mindflayers control the entirety of the Unknown East, and are ready to expand into Ranaar. They are a seemingly unstoppable menace, against which the greatest armies fall; the squabbling barbarian tribes of Ranaar were no match for their might (of course, now that the Orcish Khanate stands proudly united, the situation is a bit different).

The bizarre mindflayers feed on brains in addition to the standard humanoid diet; they prefer these freshly removed, but it is far more practically efficient to preserve large numbers of brains (grown in specialized facilities) for future consumption. Additionally, the mindflayers are extremely skilled geneticists (manipulating semi-magical forces, not technology), and have created several of their own species. They have no compunctions against modifying members of their own species for use as near-mindless suicidal warriors, but generally prefer not to deplete their own population by doing so.
Bon Apetit!

It was once known to scholars that Ashan was created by the Dragon of Order. What was never known to any mortal was that Ashan was not the only world created; far from it. In fact, the multiverse is filled with worlds of varying size and elemental nature. On one such world - one with the same natural laws as Ashan - evolved an intelligent species similar to the Ashanian races in basic build, but differing markedly in their color and jaw structure. These 'people' named themselves the Ssvarri, their world Arrsavv, and built a great empire through various forms of manipulation - genetic and otherwise. Gradually, the Ssvarri Empire descended into decadence and corruption, as the Ssvarri of the cities grew less and less interested in the slowly collapsing world around them. It is unclear how much of this decay was due to the influences of the Tyyeu (extradimensional demons of godlike power); regardless, when the demons invaded, Arrsavv collapsed like a flan in a cupboard ().
a mortal avatar of the Tyyeu
The remaining Ssvarri - fighting a losing battle against the Tyyeu and their minions - enacted a powerful ritual of Arrsavv's equivalent of magic, and were transported through portals to the nearest habitable world: Ashan. The year - according to the Ashanian calendar - was 969; the Ssvarri had arrived at the beginning of a chaotic, tumultous period in Ashan's history.
a portal of the Ssvarri Exodus
The vast majority of Ssvarri arrived in what Ashanian scholars call the Unknown East, and promptly set about enslaving and modifiying the native humans. The result was the nation of Ssvarr, ruled by a council of five elected leaders who vote on any action any one of them suggests (by modern standards, Ssvarr is the only progressive, democratic nation on Ashan). Their capital city of Ssravv pales in comparison to their original capital on Arrsavv, but it is still among the most grandiose cities of Ashan. Ssvarri scholars have rediscovered or reclaimed much of the lost knowledge of the original Ssvarri Empire; Ssravv's libraries are vast storehouses of information largely irrevelant to most Ashanians, but essential for anyone wishing to study Arrsavv.
a Ssvarri scholar
Scattered pockets of mindflayers arrived in other parts of Ashan; many of these were contacted by the Eastern Ssvarri and now function as sleeper cells within powerful nations, awaiting further orders. Some communities remain completely isolated, and may believe they are the last mindflayers in existence, while others moved to the new nation of Ssvarr after learning of its existence.

Having consolidating their power in the East, the Ssvarri turned their attention west - beyond the Ranaari barbarians, farther than the central mountains, to the Holy Griffin Empire. After analyzing the bodies of several dead humans, the mindflayers created two ambassadors in the likeness of man, which were sent to the Empire's capital to negotiate a peace treaty (as realists, they realized the pointlessness of wasting their population in a war against the Holy Griffin Empire).
the ambassadors
The ambassadors were immediately denounced as monstrous demons by the horrified Emperor, and killed by his guards before being given a chance at communication. The Ssvarri admitted the uselessness in further attempts at peace, and began preparing for war: sending specifically tailored dreams to several important orcish leaders, the mindflayers set off a series of events that would eventually lead to the invasion of the Holy Griffin Empire by said orcs. Though perhaps not quite as successful as planned, the resulting war weakened the Empire enough to leave it ripe for conquest. Unfortunately for the Ssvarri, their repeated attempts to cause the dissolution of the new Orcish Khanate have failed, Gotai having resisting nearly every long-distance mental manipulation technique known to Ssvarrkind. The resource expenditure necessary to conquer the unified Khanate would cripple the Ssvarri economy and deplete its military forces, and so would result in the Holy Griffin Empire defeating Ssvarr - obviously not an appealing option for the mindflayers. It is only a matter of time before the Ssvarri take more direct action against the Khanate: an exremely carefully planned war - the type the mindflayers specialize in - could actually work, given the right circumstances. Additionally, the Ssvarri have... plans... concerning Heresh...


Utlimately, the goal of Ssvarrkind is the complete annihilation of the Tyyeu (as revenge for the demons' destruction of Arrsavv). Considering the godlike power of the Tyyeu and sheer number of their minions, this is a monumental task that could only be achieved across millennia of careful planning - admittedly a Ssvarri specialty.

The mindflayers are aware that their ancestors on Arrsavv had begun devising a doomsday device capable of destroying the invaders when, just before its completion, their facilities were destroyed and they were forced underground (literally and figuratively). The device was intended to draw most of the world's mana and direct into a target enemy, destroying the target at such a fundamental level that every other being substantially similar to the target would also be destroyed. In order for the device to absorb the necessary mana, mana-beacons must be placed throughout the world to gather their area's magical energy and then direct their mana to the central device itself. Since the beacons drain local mana, mortals find them fundamentally wrong and try to reject them. Thus, the only way the Ssvarri could place all the necessary beacons would be to conquer all of Ashan, leaving the other mortals powerless to resist. Mindflayer scholars have not yet rediscovered the method by which their ancestors created this system, and work tirelessly to find the knowledge they have lost.

The goals of the Ssvarri are thus twofold: firstly, to conquer Ashan, and secondly, to recover their lost knowledge. It is merely by chance that the Ssvarri enjoy both activities anyway.

a Ssvarri mage
The mindflayers have one easily exploitable weakness: their extreme susceptibility to Ashanian magic. As their native world of Arrsavv lacked magic in the Ashanian sense, the Ssvarri never developed any resistance to it and don't know any counterspells or other defenses against it. There exist only a handful of mindflayers who have the ability to manipulate Ashanian magic at all, let alone do it skillfully. Opposing battlefield mages of any type are deadly to the Ssvarri. Obviously, the mindflayers keep this a secret even from their Ashanian allies (If the Necromancers learned of this weakness, the results could be devastating for more than just the Ssvarri - armies of undead mindflayers are even easier to create than regular shambling corpse warhosts).

To compensate, Ssvarri 'magic'  - actually closer to psionics - seems to function just as well on Ashan as it did back home, and enabled the creation of the modified servant races upon which the mindflayers so depend. Ssvarri 'spells' generally produce subtler but ultimately more powerful effects that take shape over the course of several turns. In contrast to the flashing lights and loud noises of many Ashanian spells, mindflayer magic visual effects are generally limited to some oddly-colored flames around the hands of the caster.


The Ssvarri military is divided into four castes. From lowest- to highest- ranking, they are: Arha (servant species modified by mindflayer mages), Rhaya (mindflayers modified for use in the army), Khana (unmodified Ssvarri melee combatants), and Shaha (unmodified mindflayer mages and strategists).

Arha: Modified Servant Races

Ssvarri geneticist-mages back on Arrsavv chose the optimum species for certain tasks and modified them into the epitome of completely specialized perfection for use as servants of the mindflayers. Much of the knowledge concerning the methods used by the geneticists was lost during the Exodus, and modern Ssvarri modifications aren't nearly as major as ancient ones. Nevertheless, certain useful genes from Ashanian beings have been added to traditional servant races, and certain Ashanian beings (most notably Eastern humans) are new additions to the Ssvarri caste system.

The single most important step in turning any species into a mindflayer servant species is the addition of Ssvarri physiological features. Tentacles are always added, color is sometimes changed, and slight posture and limb shifts may be necessary depending on the species. After this step is completed, any desired genes from other species can be added to the organism for further specialization, or some of the creature's native genes can be changed. After this, it is usually a matter of good breeding and good luck.

Described below are the servant races relevant to a military game such as HoMM.

Syndrek Var, Phyrrav veteran
The Phyrrav were among the first species modified and enslaved by early Ssvarri empire-builders. Even before changes were introduced, the Phyrrav made excellent warriors - nimble, fast, and backed by thousands of years of traditional combat in their history. Their native battle techniques rather resemble dances, and in fact the closest thing to art in their culture is a stylized form of these 'battle-dances'. mindflayer generals typically arm them with wickedly sharp, short blades nearly identical to the traditional Phyrrav weapon.
Dhashya the Tormented, Vhyss infantry
The most recent addition to the Ssvarri 'family' is the Human (or, as Ssvarrkind knows them, the Vhyss), which is - in its native form - mentally inflexible and bound by limiting conepts such as 'honor' and 'religion'. All these problems have, of course, been remedied in the Vhyss servant population. The physical form of the Vhyss is, in contrast to its mind, versatile, adaptive, and generally better than that of its neighboring sentient species. Vhyss warriors are rapidly finding a place for themselves in mindflayer armies as rank-and-file expendable infantry troopers, as much for the horror this incites in opposing human militaries as for sheer usefulness. Vhyss soldiers use their four flayer-tentacles (just below the chin) to distract and confuse their enemies with feints in close combat.
Khathych, Rhyveph brute
Rhyveph are degenerate, nearly unintelligible brutes gifted with disproportionate physical strength - the perfect counterpart to the advanced mind and frail body of the mindflayer. Originally used as bodyguards for important Ssvarri, Rhyveph were naturally adapted for use as weapons of war. Clad in heavy armor, they rip apart enemies with staff, sword, claw, and tentacle before consuming their fallen foes. Eating the recently killed enables Rhyveph warriors to achieve a temporary boost of power, during which they become surrounded by an aura of blue flame. They are powerful warriors, capable of disemboweling most human infantry.
One of Arijul's Ssrivv swarms
Among the most effective mindflayer weapon is the Ssrivv, a small, blind organism similar to a Ssvarri head. Individually helpless, swarms of Ssrivv can literally devour paladins. Back on Arrsavv, mindflayer generals lost large portions of their armies to Ssrivv swarms still hungry after battle. Nowadays, Ssrivv are bred to be extremely sensitive to Ssvarri thought; mindflayers control them from afar to ensure that they don't go berserk.
Phyvvrya's only Ssarsyth
By far the most terrifying and effective weapon at the disposal of the Ssvarri is the Ssarsyth, a massive subterranean worm-creature. It swallows enemies whole with its maw-tentacles, and batters down walls with its extremely powerful body. It was only successfully tamed a few decades before the Exodus, and is still occasionally prone to berserk rampages against both the Ssvarri and their enemies. Mindflayer generals only use Ssarsyth as a last resort; they're too risky otherwise.

Rhaya: Modified Mindless Mindflayers

The Ssvarri government confiscates a set number of mindflayer children each year. These children then spend at least 10 years training in combat skills and being genetically modified in preparation for war. The gradualness of the modification and simultaneous combat training ensures that by the time the trainees are completely mindless, their battle skills are essentially written into what's left of their consciousness. When they reach the battlefield, the Rhaya are half-starved trained animals who happen to use advanced combat techniques. They may survive, they may die; it doesn't matter - either way, they take a big chunk out of the enemy. Technically, they must be given greater respect than the Arha (the Rhaya are Ssvarri while the Arha are not); in practice, the modified mindflayers are treated exactly as what they are: animals.

nameless suicidal Rhavurr
Rhavurrs are essentially time bombs. Once 'activated,' these incredibly fast semi-Ssvarri beings charge directly into enemy forces heedless of danger, killing as many opponents as possible with their claws before a chemical reaction in their stomach prompts an explosion usually killing everyone in the area (not to mention demoralizing surviving observers). Despite the effectiveness of this tactic, generals hesitate to employ it, since it wastes Ssvarri life.
experimental Khereph
The semi-rotting abominations known as Khereph are hideous amalgamations of Ssvarri (living or dead), dead enemies, harvested organs, combat-boosting drugs, experimental grafts, and spare parts. Barely able to support their own weight, they force their hulking forms onto the battlefield to crush, batter, and destroy. The mindflayer psychics controlling them can trigger the release of any necessary drugs into their blood streams; this can have a variety of combat related effects (almost always, temporary short-term stat increases followed by stat decreases).

Khana: Unmodified Mindflayer Warriors

The Ssvarri warriors who see their dying enemies' faces as they fall, who plunge swords into faces mere inches away, who watch boys in armor cry over fallen brothers, are the Khana. They are the lowest-ranking caste of pure, unmodified Ssvarri. While the Shaha decide how, which, and when battles will be fought, it is the Khana who actually execute the plans of the mage-strategists - to deadly effect.

Arrhey, veteran Juggernaut fighting to his last breath
Clad in heavy armor, sword and shield in hand, the Juggernauts devastate the opposition. They know how to fight, and fight well. They use every advantage they can get: even their tentacles are sheathed in thorny metal plates with which to flay the skin from their enemies' faces. They are the best of the best, the veterans of the front line, and rare is the opponent who can stand against one.
Vvarryss of the Dark, Shadow Agent on a mission
Black shadows in the dark, silent as shade, the Shadow Agents are traceable only by the death they leave in their wake. They infiltrate and sneak, taking out specific enemies with extreme precision - but their actions indirectly result in the deaths of many more. Nevertheless, their clothes is not much more protective than that of the average citizen; they trade protection for speed.
Rrauvv Khorr, angry Deathguard
The professional rippers, maulers, tearers, and terrors of the Ssvarri military are the Deathguards. Though not as skilled as the Juggernauts, Deathguards get by with raw power alone. However, they are slow and their flails cumbersome; a nimble enemy can survive long enough to kill one.
Phrevrra, sated Flayranger
The bow-weilding hunters and snipers of the Ssvarri military are the Flayrangers, elite veterans of a different sort of war than the Juggernauts. Their accuracy is unmatched, except among elves, but they fall quickly if pressed into melee combat: they wear mostly leather and hide, and their robes slow them down.

Shaha: Unmodified Mindflayer Mage-Strategists

The Shaha are the strategists who rarely enter battle themselves but guide and direct Ssvarri armies from afar. Also included in the Shaha caste are the battlefield mages, for which every Khana warrior is deeply thankful. Shaha give magical aid where it is most needed, augmenting allies' capabilities or draining away enemies' vitality. Despite all this power, the Shaha mages are physically weak and mostly unarmored, relying on the other castes for protection.

Vvyrryx, ambitious Initiate
The first tier of mindflayer 'mages' are the Initiates - with enough spells to be useful on the battlefield, but not quite enough to be all that important individually. Initiates are the most numerous and weakest of Ssvarri 'magic'-users; they guard the outer perimeter of a group of more powerful sorcerers, and thus are the most commonly killed Shaha.
Rrevvryss, spell-slinging Magus
Magi form the second level of Ssvarri sorcery. Only ambitious, immoral, or talented Initiates are promoted to this rank. Though still of lower rank than the Masters, Magi see themselves as far above the common herd. They are useful enough in battle not to be expendable; Initiates who reach this level have a much higher chance of survival.
Ssyvrra, arrogant Master
The most powerful magic-users on or off the battlefield, the Masters are accorded great respect among fellow mindflayers. To be promoted to this rank requires ambition, immorality, and talent. Most Ssvarri leaders and heroes are Masters. They wield awe-inducing energies of grand proportions, the most powerful among them (i.e., heroes) reshaping entire battlefields.

Hero: the Grand Master

The fourth rank of mindflayer sorcery is the Grand Master, and only a handful of Ssvarri have ever attained this level of power. The number of Grand Masters in existence is small enough that nearly every mindflayer knows at least their names.

Racial Ability

Grand Masters have no specific racial ability. However, they use a completely different and more powerful spell list than other factions, and have more mana.



Known across Ssvarr as the Master of the Ssrivv, Arijul's swarms are more powerful than anyone else's, and he knows how to send them where it hurts. Ssrivv known to come from his breeding stock fetch high prices in the markets.


Phyvvrya is a relatively new Grand Master, and the youngest ever. She is untraditional and unorthodox, and the older Grand Masters see her as a threat to their power. (campaign hero)


An ancient, withered mindflayer who's been a Grand Master since before your grandfather was born, Vvrrypharr hates new things and clings to tradition like no other. He uses old tactics because they're old, and doesn't adapt to new situations well. However, his army is much larger than anyone else's, simply because its been growing for so long.


Arryx prefers soldiers to sorcerers, and he's let his warriors receive top-grade equipment and training while his magical forces slowly disapear.


Cruel and heartless, even for a Ssvarri, Phessva's Kherephs and Rhavurrs are the best of their kind. Their suicidal assaults are the cornerstone of her army. She's picked up a few tricks from the Necromancers, and sometimes her dead suicidal warriors don't stay that way for long.


A powerful, influential Grand Master, Avvarryss is a close ally of the Necromancers. He plans to become undead after her death, and already knows numerous Necromantic spells.


Ssyrravvess is an old, halfway insane seeress for whom time is not linear. She sees the present as well as parts of the past and future. Despite her madness, her knowledge of the future makes her an excellent general.

Ssyvess and Ssevyss

Twin births are extremely rare for mindflayers; Ssyvess and Ssevyss are the only currently living examples. They are constantly aware of each other's thoughts and eerily finish each other's sentences. Double the brains means double the psychic power; the twins' relatively small army depends on their psychic aid.


A genetic mastermind, Pharvyssa delights in experimentally modifying her troops. This occasionally results in success (aka, a sat increase). Recently, in an extremely controversial move, she has begun slightly modifying herself. Many older Ssvarri (for example, Vvrrypharr) are now vehemently opposed to her.


An accomplished mage, Vyphraya favors the Shaha caste above all others. His few melee combatants exist only to protect his precious sorcerers.

an Enclave
In their core territory, the Ssvarri build grand cities of disturbingly alien yet undeniably beautiful construction. When expanding their empire, however, they instead create Enclaves: similar to cities, but smaller and sparser, suitable for a warzone environment. From these miniature cities emerge armies and heroes, warhosts and leaders to conquer and vanquish their enemies.

Instead of a building supporting their racial ability, Ssvarri Enclaves have the option of a sixth level of Mage Guild (remember, they use a different spell list). The rest of their magic buildings either enhance magic in some way, or have to do with genetic manipulation (i.e., some slight random stat bonuses).

Instead of a different building for each unit, mindflayers construct one extremely expensive building for each caste, and then build a different attached 'mini-building' for each unit.

The Enclave's 'final building,' the one with the most powerful effect, is the Beacon of Mana: makes attacking heroes lose a lot of mana, some of which is given to the next visiting mindflayer hero, increases creature and resource production. This is one of the mana-draining beacons mentioned in the Goals section above.

In order of appearance of the creatures, here are the dwellings (with caste-buildings underlined):

Barracks of the Arha
Phyrrav Bladegrounds
Vhyss Fort
Rhyveph Huts
Ssrivv Pens
Ssarsyth Caverns

Kennels of the Rhaya
Rhavurr Pit
Khereph Cages

Training Grounds of the Khana
Juggernaut Battle-Academy
Shadow Agents' Hideout
Deathguard Armory
Flayranger Guild

Halls of the Shaha
Initiates' Quarters
Magus College
Masters' Keep

The Initiates' Quarters upgrades into the Magus College, which upgrades into the Masters' Keep. Other than that, there are no upgrading buildings.

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 06, 2009 10:13 AM

Woot, I'm looking forward to this
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted February 07, 2009 12:30 AM


I like it too.

Just wait for the backstory....

Also, I have enough pics for every unit and then some - I think I'll just put pics throughout the text - they're all really cool.

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Undefeatable Hero
Nerf Herder
posted February 07, 2009 12:43 AM
Edited by blizzardboy at 00:45, 07 Feb 2009.

Mind Flayers

One thing that is really anal and nobody will probably hold it against you, but the planet that the Mind Flayer is devouring doesn't geographically look like Ashan . It probably won't even matter though.

Be careful not to make your faction sound too powerful. A faction is made interesting by it's weaknesses just as much as it's strengths. If they're ridiculously more powerful than everybody else it won't be very exciting, at least in my opinion.

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted February 07, 2009 12:56 AM
Edited by enamelity at 20:12, 07 Feb 2009.

Good point. Maybe Ashanian magic is really powerful against them, since they didn't have anything like it on Arrsavv, but they're hiding this weakness from the Ashanians so nobody takes advantage of it.

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Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted February 15, 2009 09:30 AM

Whoa that looks like perfectly made town with ideally fiting history for HOMM 6.
I love what you have done here enamelity

Great Job
Love the pictures

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted February 15, 2009 07:55 PM


Speaking of pictures, I've used nearly all I have by now...

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Known Hero
You Misunderestimated Me
posted February 18, 2009 04:56 AM

I am done with the Enclave!

If there's anything I missed, somebody please tell me.

Will now begin a faction of machines: the Outpost.

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted May 02, 2009 11:34 AM

Would have liked a racial skill that expanded on what you put for racial.  Maybe cleaned up the post a bit (spacing wise)..but that doesn't affect score.  Good work.
Message received.

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Legendary Hero
able to speed up time
posted May 02, 2009 10:42 PM


-The Enclave: Another great faction, not much worse than the dome, yet not that great in my opinion. It still gets 49 points from me, though.

Dark Crystal

The Enclave
Cohesiveness 10/10 – sounds very cohesive
Storyline/History 5/10 – interesting history, but no campaign.
Creativity 15/15 – very creative and unique
Battle facets 0/10 – no racial skill? The tier system isn’t mentioned. No feedback on creatures? I’m ashamed.
Discretionary 3/5 – interesting faction, but many moments definitely need work.

Total score: 33

Enclave - 39/50

Jiriki: 49 (25%) + DarkCrystal: 33 (25%) + Mytical: 39 (50%)
Final score= 40

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