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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: [Wake of Gods] - Introduction/Modding/Scripting
Thread: [Wake of Gods] - Introduction/Modding/Scripting This thread is 33 pages long: 1 10 20 ... 25 26 27 28 29 ... 30 33 · «PREV / NEXT»

Supreme Hero
posted December 06, 2012 06:00 PM
Edited by JimV at 17:27, 19 Jan 2013.

... when you added the def (that worked in both the editor, and in game), what did you assign it as in zeobjts.txt?

There are two settings for "Position of Object" in ObjTxtEditor.exe: "Above Object" and "Under Object". These settings correspond to "not part of ground" and "part of ground" respectively in the (Grayface) WoG Map Editor's Advanced Properties menu. Objects which are "part of ground" (such as terrain overlays - Magic Plains, etc.) and which have a shadow, show the shadow in the Map Editor but not in Heroes 3. Therefore the correct setting for shadow objects in ObjTxtEditor is "Above Object". I think ZEOBJTS feeds the Map Editor, ZAOBJTS is used by the H3 Adventure Map, and I am not sure where ZOBJCTS is used (probably could be found by searching this forum), but I keep all three identical (revising one, then resaving under the other two names). [Edit --wrong - see Seigfried's post below.]

The same change can be made for an individual object in an individual map in the Map Editor, by unchecking the "part of ground" box in Advanced Properties.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted December 06, 2012 06:30 PM
Edited by fred79 at 10:10, 07 Dec 2012.

DUDE. i am in your debt. i don't think i ever would've figured that out on my own. that's what i had wrong, not the shark def, but the zeobjts! i was trying to make sure it would stay under a ship if it happened to pass over it, thus checking "under object". i checked "above object", and not only did the shadow show up like it was supposed to in game, but ships pass over it also! THANKS for bearing with me, man. i was looking at this from the wrong angle. and(i haven't tested this yet), i think you're right about a def being at least one pixel. i haven't figured out why the zshadow doesn't seem to have this( it looks the same on both land and sea), but i can make a sea-colored pixel if need be to hide it for the shadows under the water. really, man, i can't thank you enough!

well, i have a project to do now, but after that, it's ocean tweaking time!

EDIT: ocean-colored, 1-pixel-def confirmed(the reef)

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 19, 2012 01:10 AM

i just found out that if you extract objnames.txt from hmm35wog with MMArchive and edit object names,then load it to your mod's PAC file, the objects get renamed in the editor. However, there is only one line called Object to rename. So, if I specifically want Object 7 to display as Smuggler's Hideout in the editor when my mod is active and I edit the text, all empty objects get renamed instead. Anyway to get around this?

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Supreme Hero
posted December 19, 2012 04:18 AM

If you mean object 63/7 (Pyramid subtype 7), you could add the name to Data/MapEdPatch/NewObj.txt in WoG 3.58f or Mods/WoG/Data/MapEdPatch/newobj.txt in Era 2.4. (I didn't know that ten minutes ago and haven't tested but it seems reasonable after a bit of searching.)

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Undefeatable Hero
posted December 19, 2012 09:29 AM

yeah, i like how i could rename some of the diablo objects by using the blank slots in that text file. i would like to create names for more objects, but i'm afraid of crashing my game again. i don't understand why there are doubles in that text file, it seems to me that they could have used less space, which would have meant more for us. not sure how they are used tho, the doubles, i mean.

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 18, 2013 05:16 AM

I have some pretty simple questions (I think) but I can't figure out how to search the answers. I'm sure they're all in this thread somewhere.

1) If I edit the TXT files...
And things like that...

2) Then put it in the /Data folder...

3) Does it apply them to the game?

For example: In HEROSPEC, if I went to Edric and made it say 'Monks' instead of 'Griffins', would it actually change it in game, or is that just text/not how it works?
If that's NOT where I would change Edric's Specialty, where would I do that/how?

I know it works with SPTRAITS, as I've managed to adjust many spells and they actually apply in-game that way, but does it work for all/most TXT files there?

My Goal = I'm basically just trying to figure out how to edit something like Mysticism to make it useful (like 10/20/30% or something new entirely), and if possible alter some things like Mysticism specialists or something when that's down.

Awesome to see this community active. Thanks for any help. I just started looking into this so swamp me. Showing me the end result of an edited Hero Specialty, then going back from there, would be EXTREMELY useful to me. Thanks.


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Supreme Hero
posted January 18, 2013 06:14 AM

In general, if you see numerical values in a Heroes 3 text file, changing those values will have a corresponding effect in the game, and if you see description words in a text file, changing them will change only the descriptions in the game (not functions).

There is an existing WoG script and WoG Settings option (Mysticism I, see WoG Settings Menu) which gives the 10%/20%/30% effect.

To learn how to write ERM scripts to do that or similar things, you will need to take a few weeks to learn the ERM scripting (programming) language, by downloading the ERM tools, reading the ERM Help document, and practicing the tutorials in it. (Changing the numerical values which apply to Secondary Skills is the subject of one of the Expert tutorials, but you should work through the Basic and Advanced tutorials first.)

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 18, 2013 06:19 AM

In general, if you see numerical values in a Heroes 3 text file, changing those values will have a corresponding effect in the game, and if you see description words in a text file, changing them will change only the descriptions in the game (not functions).

There is an existing WoG script and WoG Settings option (Mysticism I, see WoG Settings Menu) which gives the 10%/20%/30% effect.

To learn how to write ERM scripts to do that or similar things, you will need to take a few weeks to learn the ERM scripting (programming) language, by downloading the ERM tools, reading the ERM Help document, and practicing the tutorials in it. (Changing the numerical values which apply to Secondary Skills is the subject of one of the Expert tutorials, but you should work through the Basic and Advanced tutorials first.)

Alright, I figured so. Did a few tests over the last hour to see what works and what doesn't, no surprises. Good. haha

Yeah I noticed that % adjustment on WoG, and like the idea. Haven't used WoG for anything but the map editor, but that's exactly the stuff I'm looking for.

I'll browse around and look into ERM scripts. Have a little already, and I know it's inevitable that I'll have to, so guess it's time to buckle down and do it.

Care to link me some essential readings? I'm sure they're pretty easy to find, organized and abundant, but some direction to the ideal learning sections would be nice.


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Supreme Hero
posted January 18, 2013 02:54 PM

I see that while I was sleeping last night, your question has already been answered on another thread. I would have mentioned exactly the same things as Master_Learn did. I might add that you should play some WoG maps and perhaps wogify a SoD or random map to see the kinds of things that ERM scripts can do. Then if one of the new functions seems similar to something you want to do, after reading ERM Help and practicing the tutorials, you could find the WoG script (ERM Help lists many of them at the end of the List of the Claimed, and script00.erm gives a complete list in its starting comments) and read it to see how it was coded.

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 19, 2013 12:47 AM

I see that while I was sleeping last night, your question has already been answered on another thread. I would have mentioned exactly the same things as Master_Learn did. I might add that you should play some WoG maps and perhaps wogify a SoD or random map to see the kinds of things that ERM scripts can do. Then if one of the new functions seems similar to something you want to do, after reading ERM Help and practicing the tutorials, you could find the WoG script (ERM Help lists many of them at the end of the List of the Claimed, and script00.erm gives a complete list in its starting comments) and read it to see how it was coded.

Excellent, I'm on it!

I haven't put much work into downloading WoG since I got the map editor stuff I wanted, but when I start it, it gives a big dump of files I'm supposed to send to an email or something. I assume that's not normal and will try again later.

That was essentially the plan too, looking at what exists and figuring out how it works seems to be my favorite way of learning this stuff, or has been at least.

I assume ERM isn't a universal scripting tool, but can it be used for anything else other than HOMM?

Got the stuff downloaded, study-time.

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Supreme Hero
posted January 19, 2013 02:54 AM

ERM as far as I know was invented by a Russian Professor of Computer Science known as Slava specifically for Heroes 3. The majority of its commands give access to read and write the internal data structures of the Heroes 3 program. Some other commands are "triggers" which cause certain Heroes 3 game events to activate ... wait a minute, why am I typing this off the top of my head, when you could learn this and more and more accurately by reading ERM Help?  Anyway, if you read ERM Help I think you will be able to answer such questions.

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Famous Hero
posted January 19, 2013 12:17 PM

I think ZEOBJTS feeds the Map Editor, ZAOBJTS is used by the H3 Adventure Map, and I am not sure where ZOBJCTS is used (probably could be found by searching this forum), but I keep all three identical (revising one, then resaving under the other two names).

Well, the erm help says something about that

ZEOBJTS is for the editor. It also contains the placeholder objects. So it is not identical to the other two. I remember having read somewhere that it should be a good idea to hold all 3 files identical. I don't think this is a good idea.

ZAOBJTS is used for random map generation. So if you put any new objects here, too, then the random map generator should use and place them. For me that makes the object replacement in the "wogification" unnecessary.

ZOBJCTS is used in-game. If you put objects here and keep type/subtype numbers unique you can put these objects via erm.

So as a personal recommendation: ZEOBJTS has to contain all objects. ZAOBJTS should contain the same except the placeholder objects, and ZOBJCTS should contain all non-placeholder adventure objects you eventually want to place with erm.

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Supreme Hero
posted January 19, 2013 03:54 PM

Good information, thanks.

I am not sure that putting objects into ZAOBJCT.txt is sufficient to get them added to a random map. (Necessary, but maybe not sufficient.) Maybe somebody else knows. If it isn't, there is no harm in keeping all three identical, except for a small amount of unnecessary extra file size. Anyway, I have added many objects to all three, and never seen new ones added to a random map - but I only use random maps for testing purposes, so I only have a dozen.

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Famous Hero
posted January 19, 2013 04:06 PM

Anyway, I have added many objects to all three, and never seen new ones added to a random map - but I only use random maps for testing purposes, so I only have a dozen.

Interesting information. I rarely play random maps, so really i don't know it. The info was just from the erm help.
So if anyone often plays random maps, and put the new objects into ZAOBJTs could please confirm?

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Supreme Hero
posted January 19, 2013 05:11 PM

I just did some testing (should have done that before my previous post). With my huge set of objects in all three files, it looks like I can't generate a random map at all. So I think I should get rid of my large ZAOBJTS file. The random maps I generated in other mods probably did not have a modified ZAOBJCTS.  At this point I still don't know how one would get additional new objects (non-replacements) placed in a random map, but I don't see any use for a modified ZAOBJCTS unless in conjunction with some other changes elsewhere.

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Famous Hero
posted January 21, 2013 02:07 PM

Could be a matter of unique type/subtype for each object.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 28, 2013 05:29 PM
Edited by fred79 at 13:44, 29 Jan 2013.

hey guys, i am in need of help for actions(making changes to multiple pics at once) in photoshop. i have 2 programs that i cannot get to work. i'm running photoshop elements 2. the specifics i posted here.

it's the last post of mine on that page.

thanks in advance.

EDIT: it's 585 frames, for 4 fighter objects(not counting the color variations, which could multiply that number by 2). i can only do them one at a time, guys.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 29, 2013 04:12 PM

Get a better version of Photoshop? When running batch scripts, many things have to be addressed accordingly, I don't see how anyone can do that for you.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 29, 2013 05:46 PM
Edited by fred79 at 17:48, 29 Jan 2013.

i don't have the money, or i obviously would? and from what i understand, all you need is a picture changed step by step(depending on the corrections you want to make), to produce your final result from different pictures. i can provide the needed bulk frames, and of course the change frames. from what i have read online, all one need to do then(who has the necessary software), just apply the corrections to all of the pictures based on the step-by-step pics.

like i said, it would be easier for someone who already has the software to handle photo changes in bulk. i can give them what they need, frame-wise. all they would have to do is do the batch processing, which would be one menu made for each def. it wouldn't be that hard, maybe 5-10 minutes work(depending on how long the program took to apply the changes), where i would have 2 days of work on my hands.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 29, 2013 06:06 PM

Because you think there is a single guy in HotA which has a legit PS or 3DS max? I don't have a legit PS and I doubt anyone here has one, so asking us to do is same, morally speaking.
Era II mods and utilities

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