Thread: Heroes inspired community-based game | |
Tavern Dweller
posted December 16, 2010 07:25 PM |
Heroes inspired community-based game
Hi everyone,
I've been reading a lot of the posts in anticipation of Heroes 6, and I am astounded by the creativity of people here. I've been inspired to start coding a basic game similar in core gameplay to the Heroes series. I think it'd be a great way to actually implement these great ideas for factions, units, and abilities that are all over this forum, rather than just wish for it and most likely never see it come to be.
I'm still at a fairly basic stage so far. Right now the game is basically just a combat engine, but it includes the core functionality of movement, melee and ranged attacks as well as an event based system for more abilities to hook onto. I am making pretty good progress and I would like to see if there is interest and possibly even get help. Help with programming or art/assets would be ideal.
I realize that H6 is coming out soon, and I'm pretty excited for that. I don't mean for this to try to compete with H6 in any way, but rather act as a complement and an outlet for the creative abilities of the community, and may even lead to some ideas being implemented in expansions/future games.
I should caution that I doubt anything "complete" is possible before H6 comes out, but it can slowly make progress and span longer than a single Heroes game even.
If there isn't much interest, I'll just keep it as my own side project for fun.
EDIT: Some more details for those interested.
I am programming with XNA Studio 4.0 as the framework, in the C# language. I am starting off with the library of assets (artwork, textures) from the Battle of Wesnoth game. It's fairly extensive, and is definitely good enough for a first pass. It has a good variety of units, animations, and even spell effects.
Right now it's in 2D, sprite-based. Units have basic animations for attacking, moving, etc. But like Maken said, a 3D engine is more complicated, and that's a low priority, long-term possibility.
Getting the core mechanics down well is the first major goal. The first pass will only be a combat simulator - you select your units, and face in combat against either a hot-seat human or dumb AI. The overworld/castle/towns will not be included in the first pass.
I've got the basic mechanics of units down, on a square tile-based grid (just like H5), with pathfinder done. Attacks, moves, are working well. A system and UI for displaying and using abilities is done. Next up is polishing the event-based system, and then on to other various steps.
One major goal is to make it highly customizable. Abilities will be able to do just about anything, by hooking on to the proper events. I'd really like to get to the point where we can test some of these great ideas for abilities, units, etc in the community.
Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted December 16, 2010 07:39 PM |
I have no talent in programming or art, but I would be glad to help you in any way I can, with story and creativity
THough, something more infos would be nice.
How do you program it? What graphics do you use so far?
...and and and
Hired Hero
posted December 16, 2010 07:39 PM |
Wow you are programming a heroes-like game by yourself? Maybe you could try to implement that heroes on battlefield idea (which is very hard discussed) properly. Good luck man
Known Hero
Hail Hydra!
posted December 16, 2010 07:45 PM |
I also am making my heroes-like game, but I believe the game is far too much art-dependent, so my version is kind planned to be simple (as in no big animations and graphics). Unless someone with drawing skills want to help me too.
By the way, can you elaborate about what you have there? Are you doing it in C++? Is it 2D or 3D? What do you use as graphic library?
Needless to say, I'd like to help with coding, even though I already have a big list of projects for my vacations (that start 20 of this month), but I'm sure I can help.
Mine is in pure Java, because of the simplicity of interface, events and image use, or at least because I'm used to use them.
Tavern Dweller
posted December 16, 2010 08:20 PM |
Cool, Maken. I'd be interested in comparing notes.
I've added some details as requested to the first post.