Famous Hero
posted March 08, 2012 11:26 PM |
Edited by krs at 23:30, 08 Mar 2012.
Full Blood or Tears Mechanics
The whole idea of Blood or Tears is good and in theory increases the number of ways you could play a faction. Not to mention that hero leveling gets another dimension this way. In fact it sounds so good that the question arises why was is not implemented in every single aspect of the game?
This is how such a system would look. Most of the things are already implemented, some are new. Keep in mind that if I say for example "some artifacts should be restricted to Blood or Tears heroes" I really mean just SOME. Same goes for all the rest.
Special Blood/Tears abilities for heroes.
You have Heroes that will go Blood or Tears way, with the respective special abilities. These abilities strongly vary depending on faction and hero orientation (might or magic).
Special improvements for skills or spells, depending on your hero going Blood or Tears.
You have skills and spells that work better with either blood or tears (or neutral). You should never want to go for a tears skill as a blood hero and the other way around. (See Reinforcements right now.) Skills should not be restricted completely (like cutting off catapult for tears) but balanced in such a way that a blood skill will not be the main skill you use for a tears hero. (Maybe penalties like you get 3 Tears as Blood Hero decreases your Blood with 3).
Creature abilities Blood/Tears oriented.
Some creatures have abilities more blood or tears oriented. (not all creatures and not all abilities). To have a faction full tears or full blood there is a need of more creatures for a faction => Alternative creatures and/or alternative upgrades. (EG. Sisters can heal or damage with their spell. When healing add blood when damaging add tears). (See this WIP thread for more).
Towns blood/tears oriented.
Some buildings are either blood or tears. This includes creature buildings (always allow 7 creature buildings to be build). This works well with alternative creatures/upgrades. Special town buildings Blood/Tears. This is already implemented now with the dual buildings just that they are not called that way (anymore?).
Artifacts restricted to blood or tears heroes.
There are artifacts for might or magic. Add some rare items for tears or blood. Dynasty weapons restricted to either blood or tears?
Add a Blood Resource (This is extra because it could as well work with the current unique rare resource)
Make buildings cost something like this: Some only wood and ore, some both blood and tears but with emphasis on one (EG 1 blood and 3 tears.) This should happen for special tears or blood buildings and for tears or blood creature buildings). Convert mines also as hero special skill? This needs some more thought but it should be feasible. As strategy bonus resource availability "helps" you decide which way you want to go.