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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: Replacing Stronghold with Forge
Thread: Replacing Stronghold with Forge This thread is 10 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 17, 2015 01:58 PM

i deeply appreciate your help, oxfea. i'll be adding you to the credits when i release this.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 17, 2015 03:58 PM

I've never modded H3 so I have no idea how could I help except maybe test it, but I like this idea fred.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 17, 2015 08:36 PM

thanks. i'll be testing it thoroughly myself before release. after i finish with the townscreen and the creature sounds, finish the adventure map dwellings, replace the cyclops stockpile, and replace the sounds for the dwellings, i have to come up with replacement artifacts. i may have to make my own building to replace the cyclops stockpile, if i can't find suitable existing material.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 17, 2015 09:46 PM
Edited by fred79 at 16:49, 20 Oct 2015.

OxFEA said:
fred79 said:
would you be able to make another dll, if i were to show you the townscreen building's positions?

i created an install for what you uploaded, installed it, and i'm guessing that my test building isn't visible because i have to tweak the numbers?

do you have any info/instructions on how i can relocate the buildings? if i play with all that myself, i may be figuring that out for a year or so.

working on the townscreen again. i have the positioning just how i want it. i used don_ko's mage guilds from his forge townscreen psd to replace the 3-level mage guild i was using, which was unsatisfactory. i have to fix some of the other original defs i'm using; namely the village/town/city hall/capitol and the water animations, the molten napalm(?) animations, and some of the others; as parts are too bright after getting the edges to blend correctly with my brightened version of the townscreen.

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Famous Hero
feanor on DF2.ru
posted October 20, 2015 05:43 PM


do you have any info/instructions on how i can relocate the buildings?

Sections [TOWNxx_BUILDINGxx] - coordinates (X,Y, from left-top angle)
Unk in them probably number of cadres but it is not used, as I know

[TOWN06_DEPTH] - z-depth lists, from bottom to top
exchange building ids if you need it$ if you removing some id, add -1 to th end (number of list elements should be constant, 44)

IDs can be taken from ERM-help.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 20, 2015 06:08 PM
Edited by fred79 at 16:01, 24 Oct 2015.

thanks. i'll see if i can fix what's needed with that info. i started compiling where the buildings will be by using their outlines with different screens for you, but i got sidetracked on fixing graphical errors in the townscreen. i'm sure you're busy with other things anyway.

i have compiled some graphics to add to the scenery in the townscreen(trash, rubble, etc), as what'll be the end result is a little stripped of details, imo. i will have to cut some ground away from some of the buildings, so that i can customize the bg more(add a road, possibly more water, and get rid of the faded desert appearance with what looks like shrubbery).

working on the dump site right now. it looks much better with the actual mutant/radiated trees.
done with the new trees, just have to add the toxic waste barrels and tweaks to the dwelling. i have every other building in the townscreen done(i just improved a lot of them before finishing the trees) except for the village/town/city hall/capitol. after i'm done with all the buildings, i can work on fixing/adding details to the bg.
current dump site work(still have to add the toxic waste barrels and effects):

fixed the naga tank dwellings(cut the upgrades from the upgraded dwelling; using them as the upgrade, as the two seperate buildings never matched exactly), and am now working on fixing the halls and capitol. i'm having to use the outlines as a guide to cut the original buildings from the frames(with a bit of error-correction here and there), then overlaying the original cut frames over my existing frames, and trimming/blending where necessary. then after lightening the darkest parts of the original frames, everything blends seamlessly, and the end result is much better than what i was stuck with before, when brightening the frames to match the bg.

a gif to show what i'm doing with the bad hall/capitol frames:

i'll fix the border color errors later; right now i'm focusing on fixing the bulk of the frame.
i took the day off yesterday, as i wasn't in the mood to do much.

nearly done with the halls and the capitol(just finished the last 2 up this morning). i'm still debating on what kind of decoration i want to put out front of the capitol(i scratched the fountains, as i don't think a Forge townscreen with radiated water makes much sense to also have an unpolluted source of water for decoration). i'm thinking maybe a statue or something.

looking for terrain to replace the background. i won't be replacing the sky, as the some of the defs wouldn't look right after cutting from it; but the ground is all fair game. i haven't decided yet what to do with it, and i'm sure i'll have different iterations after all is said and done; but it's fun coming up with ideas while i search for textures.

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Famous Hero
of destruction
posted October 24, 2015 06:55 PM

I really liked theme with trees and polluted river. You should add some more trees in random (but suitable) plances on the town screen.
What I disliked is 1st frame of the second .gif; I know it's still raw and you wrote you are going to improved it, but I suggest making it a little bit less shiny. Apart from that, everything is great.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 24, 2015 08:12 PM
Edited by fred79 at 20:23, 27 Oct 2015.

Haregar said:
I really liked theme with trees and polluted river. You should add some more trees in random (but suitable) plances on the town screen.
What I disliked is 1st frame of the second .gif; I know it's still raw and you wrote you are going to improved it, but I suggest making it a little bit less shiny. Apart from that, everything is great.

those aren't just trees, really. they're the downgraded mutant trees; they look like regular dead trees, so they start out like that. i had thought about adding more, like a forest sweeping back towards the castle; but i think that would detract from the idea that Forge wrecks the environment. maybe some stumps/broken trees? but if i added those, it would make less sense for the mutant trees to side with Forge in the first place(they would owe their livelyhood to Forge, but once they saw their own kind's destruction, they might decide to revolt instead). i've thought about adding a toxic swamp, panning back to the castle from the mutant tree dwelling.

the first frame in the 2nd gif displayed the problem that i had to fix. the second frame is that issue resolved. the second frame is to show improvement, by contrast.


i have what i need for the background texture, i'm playing with them now. so far i have 5 possibles, which i will probably all mix together for the final product; then add some rocks or crevices here and there.

i'm going to cut the runways out of the jetpack minotaur dwellings. they just don't make sense; the jetpack minotaurs don't need a runway to take off. they really don't even need launchpads, but i'm keeping those; as their adventure map dwelling has them.

after cutting the runways and the ground attached to many of the defs, i'll have to tweak some of their arrangement. i still don't have a solid idea on how the layout should be(or decor-wise); and i don't know if i need the lights to be so bright for these buildings either, as my townscreen is more a dusk/dawn daylight thing.

i've prepped the templates i'll need to cut the runways(i was originally going to keep them, and just blend them with the new background), but i need to fine-tune the edges, as i don't think they are cut exactly, when using the outlines.

pretty sure this is the background i'll be going with:

i left some buildings on display, to show how well they blend with it. i still have to cut the old ground from the frames, but they almost match up perfectly on their own. i already cut the dump site water out(leaving some of the border for better transition).

after deciding on the ground for the townscreen, i used the original and made the terrain patches for it(lightened, of course). still not finding any good mountain material online, i retouched the older Forge mountains, and made the town and castle defs(i may still darken the town, though) as well(and fixed the other Forge objects that had mountains, including the Acid Dragon dwelling, which i just finished). then i fixed all of the current Forge objects to better blend with the new terrain patches. i have more work to do to fix the remaining adventure objects, but for now, here's a progress screen:

i got rid of the toxic mushrooms; in their place will be mutant tree and radiated tree forests.

edit: fixed the pillar of fire and the idol of fortune, although i don't think this idol is fitting. damned if i know what to replace it with, as i have no idea what the capitol decoration should be, either. some kind of statue, work of art, machinery; i don't know.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 27, 2015 11:59 PM

fred79 said:
(i may still darken the town, though)

I agree.
Thanks for sharing ongoing work Fred, it looks very promising.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2015 11:46 AM
Edited by fred79 at 13:46, 30 Oct 2015.

thanks. yeah, that town does stand out too much, doesn't it? i'll get on it. i also noticed that i either need to sharpen or increase the contrast of the terrain. it needs more detail.

fixed the lighter areas of the town, and honed the top(it may still need some small tweaks). also improved the contrast of the terrain. how's things look now?

does anyone know where i could find the adventure-map version of this building, from homm4's asylum?

edit: nevermind.

i'm debating on whether or not to replace the toxic waste pools(made with the volcanic borders) with toxic lakes that i'm tinkering with(the formula isn't quite right yet). most likely i will, as the unanimated fill layer i have for the toxic waste pools are a little flat in appearance.

i should be getting back to actually finishing the town, but i'll resume that after my favorite holiday.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 30, 2015 03:11 PM

fred79 said:
also improved the contrast of the terrain. how's things look now?

To me better.
I don't know what you think about the crystals, a bit hard to describe but I think if I had one critic to do from this screen it would be there.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 30, 2015 03:23 PM
Edited by fred79 at 18:53, 17 Nov 2015.

the crystals are something like autunite(labeled as "uranium" from the source i found them), which is radioactive, so it makes sense in a radioactive environment. the crystals aren't the only thing that'll be popping up; i have more theme-related stuff planned. i don't plan on toxic green being the only color really prevalent, either. i only leave the crystals as they look like something that would grow because of the radiation(however removed from reality that may be).

i may move them to the subterranean forge stuff, though.

currently working on the runway(launch pad). i just added the isolated radar frames from don_ko's psd file, as it would be pretty difficult for me to cut out the original radar frames from the background(why nwc hadn't previously isolated them, i have no idea). i'll have to work on the radar frames, as the light comes from the wrong direction for what i need. i've already began recoloring/recontrasting the frames to match the existing launchpad. i still have to fix the actual launchpads, as they have the brightness of the old runway lights. i'll have to isolate all the radar frames, as their edges aren't cut exactly; and i'm trying to decide what order i want to do all that in(what would be optimal).

i also fixed a couple of other things; and there are some lights that i have to correct in another def. i took a break yesterday and redid the medusa dwelling(the temple from homm4).
i re-added the radar frames after i fixed them again(made the edges solid, and recolored/recontrasted them). there are some remaining pixel errors with each frame, which i'll have to fix as i go(also some color issues in some frames after the formula was applied to all of them). but for now i switched back to working on the dump sites. so far i added a pipe with flowing toxic runoff to both defs, which i still have to animate. i played with the water for the initial dump site, so that brighter toxic runoff blends into the rest(and appears to be gradually polluting). after i animate the runoff and toxic waste surrounding the runoff, i'll add the barrels.

reworking the juggernaut/dreadnaught movement sound.

the sounds are compete for the juggernaut/dreadnaught(i'm now working on the naga tank movement sound, but everything i'm finding online has too much white noise mixed in), except that i still have that issue with the "click/knock" from the background of the movement sound for the juggernaut.

edit: i found a "click removal" feature in Audacity, and have been using it in various sensitivity settings, but the best i can do is only subdue the sound; i can't remove it entirely. at least i know now that it is termed a "click".

reworking the juggernaut movement sound from scratch(initial soundbites) again. so far, it sounds good; no clicks. i cut the beginning and end(that had audible, yet faint clicks) of the initial soundbite that i'll be using; atm it is pure servo machinery, without the machine stamping sound. i'm using the "tempo" option instead of the "speed" option, and it seems to negate any clicks becoming audible when dropping the pitch down to where it needs to be after speeding things up.

i'm going to work on each sound seperately, to get the correct tempo of the movements, then add them together when done. that SHOULD fix the issue. i'm crossing my fingers.

after taking a nap, i improved the Forge pillar of fire. i changed the metal areas to copper, added highlights, and fixed groups of pixels(also fixing the fire to resemble a blowtorch instead of the old fire, which blended too much with the background, like a smaller campfire).


finished the move sound for the juggernauts/dreadnaughts. no clicks this time, and the overall sound is much better than the first two tries. now i can move on, to complete the naga tank sounds.
found some decent sounds online(better than i had already) for the naga tank. did some work on them, then i switched off to working on the brute's adventure map dwelling. i have the entrance to fix now, then that'll be done.

the entranceway is done; i fixed the entire front wall on the foremost part in the process. i used the townscreen buildings' entranceway as a model for what i needed to do.

edit: i had a gif posted to show what i did to the brute building, but i noticed more inconsistencies. so i fixed them, and NOW the building is complete. i'd post a new gif showing the last improvements, but i already deleted the old frames.

finished prepping the launchpad fix for the adventure map jet minotaur dwelling.

i swapped out the new launchpad, but i may still need to darken it. i also did work on the pyro adv map dwelling. i had initially tried to use the original molten napalm(how i think of it) from the townscreen dwelling as a fill layer for the inanimate original pyro dwelling NWC made(which i cut out and used for the core work), but it wasn't satisfactory. namely because the bubbles in the liquid were too big, and i had too much blank area to fill for each frame. so i worked out an adequate liquid base, then filled it with recolored bubbles that i already isolated(you can find them under the lava terrain in my patch). looks good, but i may need to darken the liquid; i haven't decided yet.

an old gif to show the bubble animation(this is before i lightened the dwelling itself. i think the liquid needs more interference other than the bubbles themselves):

the dwellings so far:

i remade the toxic waste pools(compare with above):

i fixed all of the oversized dwellings, to stick with the standard 64-pixel width, for consistency with the other dwellings in the game(i kinda hate doing that to the naga tank[weapons lab] and dreadnaught[weapons refinery] dwellings, but oh well). i also made the grunt's dwelling from the original NWC dwelling, and my first draft of a dump site. i have yet to improve the animation for the pyro dwelling.

i really have to fix the Forge dragon utopia, as it is an eyesore, but i'll save that for later. i have to fix the dwellings and other decor in the townscreen yet.

fixed the glaring errors on the townscreen launchpads; though i still have fine-tuning to do for them. i shrunk the adv map air vent, and am currently gearing up to fix the Forge dragon utopia.

compared to the old towers, how do the new ones look(i also fixed some pixel issues)?

are the multiple smokestacks too much?

working on townscreen tweaking/decor:

what everything looks like together so far:

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Famous Hero
posted November 17, 2015 08:27 PM

hmm the pictures in your last post don't seem to work. Or is it just me?

Great work so far. Looking forward to a release!

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 17, 2015 08:36 PM

Same, fred pics never show, he is an artist, figuring how to code pic links is out of his world.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 17, 2015 10:03 PM

i can see them just fine in 2 different internet programs, so i don't know why ya'll can't. maybe someone can shed some light on the issue?

what internet software are you two running?

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted November 17, 2015 10:21 PM
Edited by Galaad at 22:23, 17 Nov 2015.

Lol I thought you were hiding some pics on purpose for some reason, you need to copy image location between the [img]s, not just image.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 17, 2015 10:34 PM
Edited by fred79 at 22:43, 17 Nov 2015.

lol, galaad, always my media helper. you keep telling me how to do this; i keep forgetting(and it doesn't help that the website i use doesn't WORK HOW IT snowING SHOULD).

when using firefox(which is a safer browser), postimage doesn't give me the link option for pics like it should. i've been having to click on the stupid pic, then "view image source", in order to post the screens.

but that doesn't explain why i can see the images fine, and others can't. either everyone should be able to see them, or no one, logically. it's not like i have internet copyrights to these images or anything. i mean, the snow. why the snow would a website allow only ME to see what was uploaded from my computer(meaning, i already HAVE the images, ffs), and no one else? is it some lame-ass security feature or something?

i'll reupload them, and see if another website will work how it should. i'm tired of trying to find ways to make the internet optimized, while keeping my computer as secure as i can, only to have things not work how they goddamn snowing should.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 17, 2015 10:38 PM
Edited by fred79 at 23:55, 17 Nov 2015.

can everyone see these images?

can anyone see these images?

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Hired Hero
posted November 18, 2015 02:32 AM

fred79 said:
can anyone see these images?

Yes, I see them now. So this way works at least for me.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 18, 2015 05:14 AM

good. if you can see them, that means others should be able to, as well. i'll use imgur to upload from now on, since postimage sucks.

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