Hired Hero
posted August 09, 2016 03:57 AM |
Any Tanki's on HERE??
TankiOnline is a MMO FPS game! It's awesome! Accept, it's not like Usual or common tanks, and by far, the farthest from reality!! You custom your tank from the beginning. From many turrets, you choose a mid-long range shotgun turret, or short range Shotgun turret, double cannon plasma shooters, flame throwers, ice blasters, energy draining, rail gun, ricochet, or a true sniper cannon. JUST TO NAME a few...
Than you choose your Hull size... there's about 6 or more sizes of Hull to choose, but, each with distinctively different attributes, some light and small giving speed and manueverability, vs large, heavy, well armored but slow, and some that sit higher than others for advatage oh height though plagued by height at same time. Some hulls sit lower to ground, allowing for you to flip opponent, while others have stronger motors and allow you to push other more effectively...
All up to you, what turret to choose, what hull to put it on... but the customization does not stop there!! You choose protective schemes to defend your tank vs specific turrets, helping you survive longer vs specific attacks, and the higher levels you get, allow you to choose greater combos in protection. Than you have PAINT jobs! Make you tanks blend with bushes, buildings, snow, or shadows, dirt, and the like!
There are in game updates as well. Currently only a few, with possibilities of more coming out in the future. You can boost Defense, Attack, or speed, with a Double boost applied to your tank, when You grab an upgrade drop box on the map, or use the upgrade with short key from you supplies...
NORMALLY... I prefer Strategy games of some sort! Games where your immediate decisions create long term consequences; RTS, TBS, maybe some RPG, but definately RPG TBS (like HOMM)... rarely do I jump on board with FPS...
TANKI Is different! You strategize how to survive using the set up you created, hoping to come out with most kills, or help team win with most flags, or team death matches, winning by most kills, or controlling specifc control points the longest... every action you do helps your team succeed!
If i'm a sniper, and I have 3x diff targets at hand, one being a long range shot gun, or another sniper, or a flame thrower fighting my fellow teammate at a distance... I first go for the Sniper. If the shotgun hasn't seen me yet, i go for the flamethrower helping my teammate, but if shot gun already eyeing me, than he's my next, and than try and finish the flame thrower! Every decision you make has consequences to the game. That's strategy!! One time helping a team mate get away with flag, I crossed his path behind him, as he passed before me, I cut off his persuer, who couldn't continue til he dealt with me... other times i was sniper, and seen a sniper in distance, and my fellow tanki with flag, and had a persuer behind him... i shot the persuer, revealing myself to sniper, who caught me before i reloaded... but my fellow tanki got the flag in!!
THE GAME IS HIGH OCTANE INTENSE FIGHTING EXCITEMENT!! I usually put in an hour or so a day, and move on to other games if time avail!!
If this sounds like an interest of yours... check out this link here...
[url=http://tankionline.com#friend=wGFQ2L3PFpteE8MhfGbDvm0SJidodFsTszIYwGAzKM1VVTkVZJIGzTYkPM2EDnPH]Tanki Online[/url]
it will help you set up acct, and establish your first tanki. Look me up aswell for your first of many friends! Yes, you develop friendslist... both my own teammates as well as my opponents have befriended me!
Anyone already on TankiOnline... talk about it! What's your favorite setup? Your Rank? Favorite Map? Any recent awesome kills?
Thanks for your time,
Have fun tanki!
HeroicDman81 (heroescommunity)
Lord Dman (HOMM V)
DmanBattleMaster (tankionline) look me up when you get on!!
Hired Hero
posted August 09, 2016 04:23 AM |
My two favorite Setups!
For me, different times call for different Combos!! So true!!
I love the thrill of sitting behind The Sniper Rifle Scope (Shaft Turret) where you can only see whats in front of scope... as your scanning the horizon with much more detail than you can normally see, trying to chase the targets without diengaging the scope, in order to hit them with (most likely) a one shot kill!! The real Shaft skill comes when your between shots, as the game has it where you require a reload time... your best bet, immediately back up and try getting out of sight, while scanning all your angles to ensure no one has creeped on you!! That's the SECOND challenge in Shaft, combating the opponent in close combat, which happens A LOT more often in Tanki than you can imagine! The great thing, they allow you to fire without scope as well, for a weaker loss in damage, but quicker reload (not by much). Still, you get destroyed occasionally!
When I have Shaft, I try and camp out in bushes, and up high, or in corners, places I can see across the map, and have room to move when I need take cover! I also pack it ontop of the Titan Hull, the second largest Hull, 2nd only to the Mammoth Hull. With the Titan, it's still heavy in armor, not as much as the mammoth, but moves a little faster, and allows the turret to turn, a little faster.
My other favorite... to come!!