Famous Hero
a vampire of taste
posted April 06, 2005 08:11 PM |
Quote: the game is not coherent: some creatures do not match others (castle vs. inferno)
hmm.. what do you mean? angel is representative of creatures, yet does not match the inferno style?
if castle vs inferno style difference is too large in your opinion, then i must confess my inferior sensitivity to style differences. imho the style difference is mainly in colors and amount of cloth vs amount of thorns, and imho the castle vs inferno style difference is within reason.
Yes, I think the angel fits well with the other released artwork (archer, cavalier....) but the style of inferno is different. Maybe it was incorrect to ALL creatures, just the few we've seen in screenshots.
It's normal that some might have clothes other not, depending on alignment, so these do not count as differences in my opinion. The general style is the subject here: while all the creatures are cartoonish, some are japonese some are not. The castle revolves around anime while on the other hand we have an inferno (both literally and literary) of dumb creaures pertaining to the console-gaming type. BTW, I have difficulties in seeing the creatures faces. As you said, there are so many details and so distorted parts of the body, that you cannot identify the creature by face. Not that I'm from the police, but....
Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to Library Of Enlightenment, to discuss Heroes 4, please go to War Room Of Axeoth, to discuss Heroes 5, go to Temple Of Ashan.