*shakes head* You might want to try the 3do thing. You can choose a class and get TITLES changing. And gee, with 300 posts you will be a neophyte... *winks*
Quote: BoogieMan: Finaly someone that understands the meaning of a loose canoN!
I have been wondering about your use of the word "Canon" myself. "Loose cannon" in normal usage, would be a person who is wild and dangerous, physically or verbally. A person who can be expected to "do the unexpected" so to speak. Or a policeman possibly who operates a little outside the law.
A "loose canon" on the other hand would be a loose religeous law or possibly used as above, a church dignitary (Cleric)? who could be expected to do the unexpected.
If the first meaning is intended then you just have a spelling error and I am a little disappointed.
If the second meaning is intended then I am impressed for it is indeed a rare usage and could lead to interesting verbal badinage by the right person. I havent seen these kinds of posts though so I am led to believe its a spelling error.
The Gods have brought us together... I can't imagine why.