Btw to explain my rating choices , Its what i think the full potential of each town - meaning when best game is played with a town thats how strong it can be..
Not avarage strength in general overall games.. And the map conditions are atleast L map with full veriaty and strategies options.
Quote:the length of the game is the first factor that must be considered when u rate a town. and by that i mean the level the main hero can reach before the final fight and the number of towns of same alignment (even the dwellings counts when there is only one town per side).
rating for a particular situation is possible, else is speculation.
Thx the_teacher,
Very good point.
Actually this town rating is just a fraction of the entire calculation. There is a strong relationship between all factors when you want to estimate something.
The start point is town rating - generally
Imagine you play same map with all castles(at once). after the games you would be able to say - OK! this town is better, with that one was easyer than with that one... and so on.
This is the question here. Not a race between 2 of them but how easy is for a player to addapt and play better with each and every town.
If you guys are gonna support thread i'll add little by little all steps involved into this calculation.
Of course, if any of you would like to add more chriterions it's fine! feel free to express yourselfs.
But for the first step i need way more responses here. So i'll be patient.