Undefeatable Hero
posted May 06, 2014 07:03 PM |
Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted May 06, 2014 07:06 PM |
mvassilev said: So I'm ruled by terminally ill children and Holocaust victims?
Nobody is stopping you.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny
Undefeatable Hero
posted May 06, 2014 08:05 PM |
My experience is that a lot of people blame "political correctness" for not being able to say stupd, intolerant things without getting criticized for it.
Over himself, over his own
body and
mind, the individual is
- John Stuart Mill
Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted May 07, 2014 12:07 AM |
"Frantic activity as a defense mechanism against impotence. There's a name for that, but I forgot." - Alone
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.
Undefeatable Hero
posted May 20, 2014 07:21 AM |
"When libertarians call taxation or conscription forms of slavery, their claims are often dismissed, on the grounds that taxation or conscription are hardly comparable in thoroughgoing awfulness to antebellum American slavery. But while this is certainly true… the point of such references is not to show that political democracy is as bad as plantation slavery, but rather that it rests on the same principles… [O]ne reason it’s useful to invoke the Nazis or the antebellum slavers is that it’s easier to detect mistaken ethical principles in a clear and vivid case, from which the appropriate moral can then be transferred to cases where the wrongness is more moderate and thus harder to see." - Roderick Long
Eccentric Opinion
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted May 28, 2014 11:14 AM |
Just started reading Discourse on Stupidity again and it's a gold mine of quotes:
Life is a hospital in which every patient is obsessed about changing their bed. Baudelaire
The most barbaric thing to do is assuming others are barbarians. Levi-Strauss
A well-known tendency of the idiot, is to reconstruct the animal from one bone, except that, unlike Cuvier, he does it on a wrong premises: The bone in question belongs to another animal. Montherlant
And this was something I came upon facebook today:
Legendary Hero
posted May 28, 2014 11:19 AM |
Good ones.
Living time backwards
Legendary Hero
Pain relief cream seller
posted May 28, 2014 02:51 PM |
artu said:
The most barbaric thing to do is assuming others are barbarians. Levi-Strauss
So, I'm a stranger since I assume others are strangers?
Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted May 28, 2014 02:52 PM |
Can we please try not to be smartasses in this thread?
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.
Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted May 31, 2014 02:01 AM |
Quote: there are worse things than
being Alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.
-- Charles Bukowski
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.
Undefeatable Hero
posted June 09, 2014 06:48 AM |
"[A]s long as every man holdeth this right of doing anything he liketh, so long are all men in the condition of war. But if other men will not lay down their right as well as he, then there is no reason for any one to divest himself of his; for that were to expose himself to prey, which no man is bound to." - Thomas Hobbes
(Note: Hobbes means "doing anything he liketh" literally, as in freedom to do as one wills, even if one wills to commit murder. He's not talking about the libertarian's conception of freedom or rights.)
Eccentric Opinion
Undefeatable Hero
posted June 09, 2014 09:13 PM |
so, "do what thou wilt", is the whole of the law? neat.
Legendary Hero
Pain relief cream seller
posted June 09, 2014 09:51 PM |
Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince said: Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous; and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe; for they are disunited, ambitious and without discipline, unfaithful, valiant before friends, cowardly before enemies
Noli offendere Patriam Agathae quia ultrix iniuriarum est.
Undefeatable Hero
posted June 10, 2014 05:04 AM |
fred79 said: so, "do what thou wilt", is the whole of the law? neat.
To paraphrase/explain the quote: "If everyone claims a right to do literally anything they want (including committing murder, theft, etc), then everyone is at war with each other. To stop this war, people have to stop claiming to have such a right. But if no one else gives up this claim, then there's no reason for you to give it up either, because that would let others prey on you, and nothing requires anyone to disarm unilaterally."
Eccentric Opinion
Undefeatable Hero
posted June 10, 2014 09:01 AM |
lol, i understand the quote just fine. thanks for the explanation anyway. i'm sure someone will make use of it.
Undefeatable Hero
posted June 27, 2014 05:41 AM |
"Question each of your desires: 'What will happen to me if that which this desire seeks is achieved, and what if it is not?'" - Epicurus
"'Pure practical reason' - in other words, the standpoint of valuing or normative judgment as such - commits one to no specific substantive values. Instead, that substance must ultimately be supplied by the particular set of values with which one finds oneself alive as an agent - such that had one come alive with an entirely different set of evaluative attitudes, or were mere causes to bring about a radical shift in those attitudes, one's reasons would have been, or would become, entirely different." - Sharon Street
"The moral is the practical." - attributed to Ayn Rand
Eccentric Opinion
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted July 04, 2014 07:29 PM |
Something a little lighter this time:
"A blues guitarist plays 3 chords in front of thousands of people, and a jazz guitarist plays thousands of chords in front of 3 people." Anonymous
Undefeatable Hero
posted July 10, 2014 10:07 PM |
Edited by xerox at 22:09, 10 Jul 2014.
Read On Liberty by John Stuart Mill. I really liked it and find it highly relevant even today. It problemizes both coercion of government and society, and how a democracy without limits channels the tyranny of society through the law. I'm not utilitarist though, and he doesn't really recognize taxation per se as coercive.
Quote: The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or even right. These are good reasons for remonstrating with him, or reasoning with him, or persuading him, or entreating him, but not for compelling him, or visiting him with any evil in case he do otherwise. To justify that, the conduct from which it is desired to deter him must be calculated to produce evil to some one else. The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely con- cerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign
Quote: If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
Over himself, over his own
body and
mind, the individual is
- John Stuart Mill
Undefeatable Hero
posted July 10, 2014 11:39 PM |
Undefeatable Hero
posted July 21, 2014 11:54 PM |
Edited by xerox at 23:55, 21 Jul 2014.
In Sweden we've had lasagne with horse meat in it, and it's not supposed to be horse meat in lasagne. So I came up with this brilliant pun:
"The term democracy is like lasagna. Everybody loves lasagna, but nobody really knows what's in it."
- Xerox
Over himself, over his own
body and
mind, the individual is
- John Stuart Mill