This is a simple tutorial who's showing you how to make new terrain textures(BUT WITH REPLACING)
What you will need?, Photoshop or any another programme WICH CAN OPEN DDS FILES
-Notepad or any another writing programme
-WinRar or any another packing programme
Step 1:
Enter in Heroes data.We going to use HOMM ToTE.So the location:
1.Heroes of Might and Magic V - Tribes of the East/data
2.Copy file named data.pak in some folder or desctop.
3.The data.pak rename (if you using WinRar)in data.pk3
4.Enter in
5.Go to location Textures/Terrain/Grass and pick up the next files: and Dark_Grass.xdb
Note:You can choose any texture "group" and to replace any texture wich you want.
Step 2:
1.Open any anothe programme)
2.Insert the
3.Remake it
4.Save as dds file with same name
Step 3:
1.Pack the texture like this:
In Grass folder put and Dark_Grass.xdb
2.Make some new WinRar Archive
3.Insert folders
4.Name it Texture_replacement
5.Make another WinRar archive and put the "Texture_Replacement" in.
6.Now when we enter in the WinRar archive we see "Texture_replacement.rar".
7."Texture_replacement.rar" rename in "Texture_replacement.pak"
8.Copy the "Texture_replacement.pak" to:
Heroes of Might and Magic V - Tribes of the East/data
NOTE:In MapEditor you going to see the normal icons of Textures, as and on minimap the default colors like you didn't replaced it.Take brush and color the field!Once more enjoy!
Hope this tutorial helped
One thing more:
I have explained complicate Step 3.Sorry .Hope to you have understand
Thank you for your work here. With some of the work underway and also likely in the future, it should prove a great tool to make some new looks and the tutorial will be a timesaver.