Legendary Hero
posted January 09, 2015 04:55 PM |
Edited by Zenofex at 16:55, 09 Jan 2015.
I read the "broad document" (admittedly not very carefully, but will do it more thoroughly later) and couldn't find anything about gays or whatever bombastic stuff is implied in the subject of these articles.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 09, 2015 06:31 PM |
Those who can not drive straight should not get their license, I agree.
Legendary Hero
posted January 09, 2015 08:02 PM |
Edited by Zenofex at 20:23, 09 Jan 2015.
I read the full document. Not a single word about gays, lesbians, transvestites, whatever, not even a single word about genders in physical or mental sense. The paragraph describing the psychological/mental restrictions for getting a driver license are the very beginning and include conditions like schizophrenia, affective disorders, personality disorders, development disability, neural conditions caused by stress disorders, etc. Everything below that part is related to physical restrictions and none of them is related to what the candidate has in his/her pants. Keep searching what caused the outrage, that's not it.
Ah, maybe the monster hides here:
Quote: But it also references a set of “mental and behavioral disorders” as defined by the World Health Organization, which include “gender identity disorders” such as “transsexualism” and “dual-role transvestism.
So, from "the World Health Organization classifies certain conditions as disorders and the Russian government has issued a regulation that includes generic disorder naming which in turn contains "gender identity disorders" among many others according to the classification" to "Russia bans gays from driving." How cute.
Undefeatable Hero
posted January 09, 2015 08:28 PM |
Err, not "gays. Minion, in his first quote says, people with a gender identity disorder, which you just confirmed.
Legendary Hero
posted January 09, 2015 09:21 PM |
Whatever, that changes nothing. Here's what you have in the regulation as restrictions for the mental part:
1. Organic, including symptomatic mental disorders;
2. Schizophrenia and schizotypal disorders;
3. Affective disorders;
4. Neurosis and Somatic symptom disorders;
5. Disorders of personality and behaviour in adult age (whatever that means);
6. Development disability.
That's literally all, the rest is related to disorders caused by the usage of psychoactive drugs. We actually have many of these in the Bulgarian regulation, you better check about Germany too. Now, I guess (because I really don't want to bother with this any more but you're welcome to do so) that some of these include "gender identity disorders" somewhere in the World Health Organization's dictionaries but my point all along was that these articles are not even trying to dig that deep. Many, if not most readers never go further down than the title and the title says "Russia takes steps to oppress the different again". From what I read in the forums of the media which you used for "proofs", pretty much all the "Russia's evil, Putin's the new Hitler" opinions come from people who haven't done any research on the matter or even read the article and the "news" are taken as just another reason to give an expression of their prejudices. Kind of what the propaganda aims at. That's not really a position worthy of respect, you know.
Supreme Hero
posted January 09, 2015 09:28 PM |
Edited by Orzie at 21:33, 09 Jan 2015.
I personally don't agree that all transgenders should be banned from driving. I never knew enough transgenders to guess their general psychic and personality features though, but from an Internet familiarship, they seem to be normal.
Except the fact that they try to look as the opposite sex and they obviously fail at it (in contrary to the Thailand transgenders who are often looking exactly the same as women).
That post about the laws is exaggerated as usual, so yes, focusing so much on "Russia says" or "Russia restricts" is a mere propaganda. Firstly make sure that your garden is okay before sticking your nose to the neighbour's. I am pretty sure this law will be used just to make more money in a corrupted Russian law system, but not intended to really ban people with the said "personality disorders". No one just cares so much.
Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted January 10, 2015 03:09 AM |
Salamandre said: Those who can not drive straight should not get their license, I agree.
This made my day.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg
Supreme Hero
posted January 10, 2015 06:14 PM |
Orzie said: I have found the issue. The law partially restricts giving driving licences for people who have personality disorders, <150 cm height, and/or transgender feature. This does not mean it restricts it completely - it only gives the right to forfeit giving the driving license to said people, and does not punish anyone responsible for giving it regardless if this person still gave the license or not. Of course this is also a minor discrimination, taking into account that "personality disorder" should have a strong definition, but as usual, it is hyperbolized in the Western mass media to become a crime against humanity.
I've read it. Transgender and transvestites are contraindicated to get the driving licenses. However, laws like these exist for a long time, and both transgenders and transvestites successfully avoid them by showing their sexuality features just after getting the needed documents. Cases of marriages already exist.
So you're saying it's not an outright and total ban, but rather a form of over criminalization and the moment a transgender, or a guy that was caught staring at a couple fornicating through a window (voyeurism), isn't liked by a nearby cop, he will be able to apply this new law and prevent the guy from getting a license.
It's not as worse but it still is pretty bad. I don't think the "WESTERNIZED" *insert dramatic piano accord here* version of the story to be that far off to be honest.