edit: sorry, got this weird bug again that replicated some old post of mine.
@hahahocka: all we did was ask Paul to at least warn us before sharing unreleased H7 music with fans. If he asked you to take the music down, that's his decision, not our request.
Developers: [url=http://www.limbic-entertainment.de/]Limbic Entertainment[/url], [url=http://ubi.com]Ubisoft[/url] Publisher: [url=http://ubi.com]Ubisoft[/url] Platforms: PC Status: Alpha(?) Release Date: 2015 Official website & channels:
- [url=https://mmh7.ubi.com/en/blog]H7 website[/url]
- Might & Magic [url=http://www.facebook.com/MightandMagic]Facebook[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/MightMagicGame]twitter[/url] and [url=http://might-and-magic.ubi.com/universe/en-GB/home/]portal[/url]
Other useful links
[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=40445]News topic[/url]
[url=http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com/heroes7/Might_and_Magic_Heroes_7_VII]H7 Wiki[/url]
[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=40493]Artwork & Screenshots thread[/url]
[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=40459]FAQ & Questions thread[/url]
[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=40588]Shadow Council thread[/url]
Brief description of the game Developer
Might & Magic: Heroes VII is being developed by Limbic Entertainment, a company who isn't unknown to the Might & Magic franchise. Previously they worked on Heroes 6 together with Blackhole Entertainment and when BH went banckrupt, they stepped in and worked on the patching process of the game. After Virtous Gaming took care of H6 expansion, Limbic produced [url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=38748]Might & Magic X: Legacy[/url], a revival of the RPG series.
Heroes 7 is set right after the [url=http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com/heroes5/timeline.shtml]4th Eclipse[/url]: Demons storm the capital of the Falcon Empire and massacre the royal house. As the rest of Haven duchies are fighting for power, we'll aid Duke Ivan of Griffin to restore peace in a time of civil torment, with the help of several Ashan factions.
The Shadow Council: OpenDev
The Shadow Council is Limbic/Ubisoft approach to give the fans an opportunity to work in the game. As they did in [url=https://mightandmagicx-legacy.ubi.com/opendev/blog]MMX open dev blog[/url], players will have the chance to vote in certain features of the game. We start big, as we have to choose one of the factions that will be part of the release: [url=https://mmh7.ubi.com/en/blog/post/view/sylvan-vs-fortress-you-choose]Sylvann vs Fortress[/url].
You can read more about the Shadow Council [url=https://mmh7.ubi.com/en/blog/post/view/what-is-the-shadow-council]here[/url]!
- [url=https://mmh7.ubi.com/en/factions/haven/creatures/crossbowman]Full Line-up[/url].
- [url=http://mmh7.ubi.com/en/blog/post/view/armies-of-the-light-part-1]Armies of the Light, part 1.[/url]
- [url=http://mmh7.ubi.com/en/blog/post/view/armies-of-the-light-part-2]Armies of the Light, part 2.[/url]
- [url=http://mmh7.ubi.com/en/blog/post/view/armies-of-the-light-part-3]Armies of the Light, part 3.[/url]
It is confirmed that [url=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f24/War-overlord/Romero.png]Romero & King[/url] will work on Heroes VII music.
Official interview with [url=https://mmh7.ubi.com/en/blog/post/view/interview-with-rob-king-and-paul-romero]Rob King and Paul Romero[/url]
Also includes [url=https://soundcloud.com/might_and_magic/h7-hope-for-green-falls]Haven faction theme[/url]
Academy faction theme revealed and deleted
[url=https://soundcloud.com/might_and_magic/heroes-vii-the-elven-coronation-sylvan-faction-theme]Sylvan Faction Theme[/url] More... Under Construction
Gameplay Videos
[url=http://www.ign.com/videos/2014/08/15/might-magic-heroes-vii-gameplay-demo-ign-live-gamescom-2014]IGN gameplay video[/url] from Gamescom 2014.
Eh, so many features from H6 that I liked are gone, no more bosses, blood/tears? I hope the final campaign won't be some generic "free for all" thing...
Erwan said in plain English that apart from the Bar the Initiative System was not yet decided. That there was going to be a consultation with the fanbase on whether if it should be the Classical one turn one action as in Heroes 3 or multiple action points like the ATB in Heroes 5. Yet you and Xavier told us that it's settled that there's going to be a classic one turn one action system. So which is it now? Because I really want the ATB initiative system, and we were even discussing how you can implement that in this thread. Are we gonna be asked about it or is it really set in stone?
Naze said:It's really sad that blood & tears system is gone. With some twists (and alternative updates), it could have become an excellent feature.
Although there will be no Blood and Tears, hero's would still have specialisations, there will be ones better in attack, in defense, etc., but you will choose at the beginning of the game, not during the session itself.
I also would like to ask one question - will hero'sspecialisations will become more powerful with increasing level?
Many people said to me that in the Twitch demo nothing truly new revealed i don't think that way! Many minor and some larger new informations revealed. It was really good, thanks Marzhin alias Julien Pirou!
Sorry for causing problems on the rights on the music!
I have one question did we must go back to the castle with our main hero? It's sometimes on exact maps in Heroes V and also in Heroes 3 was really disturbing, annoying because sometimes it took 4-5 more laps to do and the enemy may be get overpowered me in that time. (If he didn't be Academy or Dungeon for example and don't need spells to level up more easily, these factions depends on it)
Oh and there will be hungarian subtitles for Heroes VII as well as the older and previous games (from HIV-VI)
Sorry i missed a half sentence. So for the spells we must go back to the main castle where the mage guild was built for example to level 4? It caused problems sometimes.
And will be there magic defense and Magic power again or some similar attributes? It was quite unique and has a great gameplay and tactical effect. We can defend ourselfs against spells more or againts magical creatures! I think it was a quite good thought.
Or there will be the general attributes : Attack, Defense, Spell Power, Knowledge.
fuChris said:Cabir is fire spirit... that somehow can repair constructs... not impressed.
What's so unimpressive? Haven't you heard of welding?
Actually, the thing that struck me most about the notion of the Cabir being fire spirits (and thus being immune to fire magic) was "If the Armageddon spell comes back, and it comes back as a fire spell... well, so long, Black Dragons! I don't need you anymore!"
I loved the Gremlins in Heroes V the moment I saw them. I imagined their desert winter coat in some grease from repairing stuff all the time, oh and dem goggles!
Cabirs are fine too though, going more for the cute than goofy look
"These friends probably started using condoms after having produced the most optimum amount of offsprings. Kudos to them for showing at least some restraint" - Tsar-ivor