Known Hero
King of the ogres
posted September 15, 2020 04:12 PM |
I want to make town portal accesible in a few towns, but not in all the others. So if I have it unchecked in the map specs, but at the same time I check town portal "may appear" in a given city, can it appear? What if I do "must appear" whilst it's uncheck in the specs?
Edit: Talking about Hota map editor here.
Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted September 15, 2020 05:27 PM |
You have to use "Must appear" for it to work.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?
Known Hero
King of the ogres
posted September 15, 2020 06:57 PM |
Known Hero
King of the ogres
posted September 16, 2020 02:57 PM |
Another question: Can you do something to "motivate" the AI to recruit more heroes? All the different players on my G map never seem to have more than 2 or 3 heroes. (Hota again)
Adventuring Hero
posted September 16, 2020 03:56 PM |
Edited by Barbuta at 16:02, 16 Sep 2020.
sirironfist said: Another question: Can you do something to "motivate" the AI to recruit more heroes? All the different players on my G map never seem to have more than 2 or 3 heroes. (Hota again)
The amount of heroes recruited by the AI depends on the difficulty you play on.
Easy: AI player does not hire more than 3 heroes and AI player does not hire new heroes if there are 9 or more heroes on the map (including the heroes of other players)
Normal: AI player does not hire more than 3 heroes and AI player does not hire new heroes if there are 12 or more heroes on the map (including the heroes of other players)
Hard: AI player does not hire more than 4 heroes and AI player does not hire new heroes if there are 15 or more heroes on the map (including the heroes of other players)
Expert: AI player does not hire more than 5 heroes and AI player does not hire new heroes if there are 18 or more heroes on the map (including the heroes of other players)
Impossible: AI player does not hire more than 6 heroes and AI player does not hire new heroes if there are 21 or more heroes on the map (including the heroes of other players)
Known Hero
King of the ogres
posted September 16, 2020 04:12 PM |
Ooh, ok. That's a little silly. Is there any good reason for that rule?
I am playing on 200% with 8 players. Maybe I should just place an awful lot of prisons then.
Adventuring Hero
posted March 31, 2021 01:41 PM |
Edited by wenwell at 13:42, 31 Mar 2021.
Anchor point and one-tile teleportation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhPzJD5GiXc
Supreme Hero
posted April 01, 2021 04:01 PM |
Adventuring Hero
posted April 01, 2021 05:30 PM |
Edited by wenwell at 17:30, 01 Apr 2021.
RoseKavalier said: Interesting but hdmod-specific
Only for the first day (Replay option is banned) but after this all the same, at least in my testing (we need to use Replay option right after disembarking).
Supreme Hero
posted April 04, 2021 03:00 PM |
Adventuring Hero
posted April 13, 2021 04:06 PM |
I checked subtype option in Creature Bank and found that some of them could be useful and not lead to crash, at least I hope so!
Subtype numbers: 7, 6, 50, 259, 221, 158, 160. I have not found crash pattern for this one but extensive testing recommended. Subtype 7 is a same as Shipwreck but with a changeable type of terrain.
Unstable (use at your own risk): 152, 161, 405, 930.
This all is found on a quick search.
Video: https://youtu.be/QDKoJSO0aMc
One with a magog as reward is my favorite.
Any ideas how it could be improved or, maybe, this garbage might cause a crash at some point? Most of this subtypses work only in HD-mod
Supreme Hero
posted April 13, 2021 10:14 PM |
wenwell said: I checked subtype option in Creature Bank and found that some of them could be useful and not lead to crash, at least I hope so!
Subtype numbers: 7, 6, 50, 259, 221, 158, 160. I have not found crash pattern for this one but extensive testing recommended. Subtype 7 is a same as Shipwreck but with a changeable type of terrain.
Unstable (use at your own risk): 152, 161, 405, 930.
This all is found on a quick search.
Video: https://youtu.be/QDKoJSO0aMc
One with a magog as reward is my favorite.
Any ideas how it could be improved or, maybe, this garbage might cause a crash at some point? Most of this subtypses work only in HD-mod
Unfortunately, this is not a good "find".
You are reading random dynamic data that might be different every time you launch the game (or reboot, or on a different pc). In some rare subtypes it might just stumble on data that is static but it's still buggy as hell because the name of the object is set in there and that will almost always cause a crash.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Adventuring Hero
posted April 13, 2021 10:56 PM |
RoseKavalier said: Unfortunately, this is not a good "find".
You are reading random dynamic data that might be different every time you launch the game (or reboot, or on a different pc). In some rare subtypes it might just stumble on data that is static but it's still buggy as hell because the name of the object is set in there and that will almost always cause a crash.
Well, this is a reason why I called it garbage
I caught a random in a some subtypes but some of them remain static (those that are listed), unfortunately, it still randomized in the end. It's good that I asked you in advance.
Known Hero
posted April 22, 2021 06:02 PM |
Hey guys. I'm thinking of remaking the Warcraft 3 campaigns in Homm3. I'm a few maps in and it seems like it could be pretty fun to do them all. Most creatures from War3 have a good corollary in Homm3, building cityscapes like Strathholme is going to be tough but I think I can manage it.
Just wondering if anyone has ever done this before? Or if it sounds like fun to play in Homm3 format ?
Cheers guys
Adventuring Hero
posted April 23, 2021 07:04 AM |
Titanfall2020 said: Hey guys. I'm thinking of remaking the Warcraft 3 campaigns in Homm3. I'm a few maps in and it seems like it could be pretty fun to do them all. Most creatures from War3 have a good corollary in Homm3, building cityscapes like Strathholme is going to be tough but I think I can manage it.
Just wondering if anyone has ever done this before? Or if it sounds like fun to play in Homm3 format ?
Cheers guys
I could only remember a this one - https://heroesportal.net/maps/view/4187
Known Hero
posted April 24, 2021 06:32 PM |
wenwell said:
Titanfall2020 said: Hey guys. I'm thinking of remaking the Warcraft 3 campaigns in Homm3. I'm a few maps in and it seems like it could be pretty fun to do them all. Most creatures from War3 have a good corollary in Homm3, building cityscapes like Strathholme is going to be tough but I think I can manage it.
Just wondering if anyone has ever done this before? Or if it sounds like fun to play in Homm3 format ?
Cheers guys
I could only remember a this one - https://heroesportal.net/maps/view/4187
Ahh thank you man! I'm trying to get it running on my computer, the comments on it are very positive looks like a great edition
Tavern Dweller
posted May 18, 2021 12:03 PM |
Biobob said: Today we will learn about a different method of hex-editing, best suited for working with small values that are otherwise hard to find by the method described above by RoseKavalier. In the shown example, we will change the loss condition of a map to the end of the first day, which is normally not possible in the H3 editor!
Biobob said:
~Hex-Editing: Comparing Values~
Tools needed
HxD , grab it [url=https://mh-nexus.de/en/downloads.php?product=HxD]here[/url]
7-Zip, grab it [url=http://www.7-zip.org/]here[/url]
Note that you can also use different tools, but these two are very simple to use and small in size
Let's get going
Step one: Creating the maps
NOTE: Make sure to start the editor in administrator mode! Otherwise a small problem might occur later
Start by creating a small map without underground (for convenience reasons, we want as little a map as possible -> less values
Edit the loss condition to two days (you can find it under Tools -> Map Specifications -> Special Loss Condition):
Save the map (choose a logical name, like in the example below):
Then change the loss condition to three days (again Tools -> Map Specifications -> Special Loss Condition, I suggest you change it in the same map, so that as much information as possible is shared):
Save this map as well:
Step two: Preparing the maps for hex editor usage
Find your map in the explorer (Standard path is C:/Program Files (x86)/3DO/Heroes 3 Complete/Maps, if you don't find it, go to C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files (x86)/3DO/Heroes 3 Complete/Maps, it means you did not start the editor in administrator mode (applies to newer versions of windows, for a little older ones, you can click a button 'show compatibility files' that does the same) and extract the files using 7-Zip (as learned above ):
Step three: Changing the values in hex editor
Open HxD.exe and load the two files that are now without an file extension (in my case '2' and '3'):
Analysis -> File-compare -> compare:
The two loaded files will be suggested by default:
Click F6 (or Analysis -> File-compare -> Next difference) until we hit a point of interest: two values at the same spot, with two different values '02' and '03' (note that there are several differences at the start of the file, surrounded by 'a wall' of FF values, those don't interest us, they will always be different but carry no significance for us):
Once we've found that spot, close one of the files, and rename the value of the other file to '01' (without the 'quotation marks', equals day one loss condition):
Save the file (I chose '1' for the name), then rename it back to .h3m extension:
Ignore the warning message...
Note: If you can't see the file extensions, follow this graphic. Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> File Explorer Options -> Change to 'View' Tab -> Uncheck 'Hide extensions for known file types'. For older versions of Windows, I suggest looking it up online
Step four: Check the result
Let's see in the map editor...well, you can't really do that. Why? The H3 map editor does not allow for a loss condition of one day, so it will crash if you check the 'Special Loss Condition' tab:
Instead, check it ingame (need to add a hero to the finished map, or it won't be playable). Indeed, the loss condition changed to one day! A glorious thing for day-1 puzzle maps!
This method can be applied to all problems where values can not be easily changed or need to stay low, with the most important one being the one described here.
For convenience, I have created Day 1 Loss Templated in all sizes
[url=https://sites.google.com/site/biobobslaboratory/downloads/Day%201%20Loss%20Templates.rar?attredirects=0&d=1]Day 1 Loss Templates[/url]
For convenience, I have created Day 1 Loss Templated in all sizes congratulation <a href="https://tintucthethao247.com/chuot-la-so-may-mo-thay-chuot-nen-danh-con-gi-an-chac-nhat/"><strong>chuot so gi</strong>
Known Hero
posted June 02, 2021 03:02 AM |
Hi guys! I recently played a custom map in which certain objects appeared and functioned as other objects! For example a ship was turned into a resource, and an abandoned mine was turned into a subterranean gate. My favorite was rocks as a quest guard which dissapeared.
Can anyone point me in the direction to learn about how this is possible an Hota compatible ?
Tyvm )
Known Hero
posted June 02, 2021 03:04 AM |
Adventuring Hero
posted June 02, 2021 06:15 PM |
Titanfall2020 said: Hi guys! I recently played a custom map in which certain objects appeared and functioned as other objects! For example a ship was turned into a resource, and an abandoned mine was turned into a subterranean gate. My favorite was rocks as a quest guard which dissapeared.
Can anyone point me in the direction to learn about how this is possible an Hota compatible ?
Tyvm )
It is an integrated function in WOG editors. For SOD/Complete I recommend RoseKavalier's Unleashed Map Editor. For Hota I don't know if there is an easy way with a compatible editor. Maybe someone knows more. There is always the option of manual Hex Editing if you are up for the challenge
Author of The Barbutilion Part 1 - War of the 7 Realms and The Barbutilion Part 2 - Leon's Redemption and The Barbutilion Part 3 - To be announced soon