Tavern Dweller
posted September 20, 2020 05:52 PM |
Bugged AI?
Sorry if I should've asked this question in some preexisting thread, but I couldn't find any proper one.
In short, I'm playing Heroes V with both addons, patched to 3.1 and there seems like something's wrong with AI.
Simply, it's heroes often freeze and do NOTHING at all during their turn.
Hero is on the boat, has plenty of debris around to pick up, but just picks up one and stays in place. I'm pretty sure it should've seen my way superior hero coming too, and it didn't attempt to get away at all.
I've read something about that before playing, so I decided to install this:
I've also modified setvar ai_time_limit value, as explained in this thread:
So maybe I screwed up something by doing the above?
Anyway, I've never ever been good at playing Heroes, yet I'm beating maps in H5 is way too easily, and it has to be due to the fact that AI is so weirdly lethargic.
I'm playing at Hard difficulty, guess I could try Impossible.
Tavern Dweller
posted November 10, 2021 05:49 PM |
Edited by brown7 at 18:25, 30 Nov 2021.
Yeh I [url=https://mylowes.vip/]mylowes [/url]also think the [url=https://mykohlscharge.vip/]mykohlscharge [/url]same as you