Supreme Hero
Supreme Noobolator
posted February 01, 2005 01:28 PM |
Quote: .
Edit: It might even be as simple as 1 spell...
Cast "Chain Lightning".
Battle over. You have raised 40 skeletons.
And yes, I do actually have time to do that. Don't you? Or would you rather sit there and wait 3 rounds for the computer to do it, letting your precious troops die?
To raise 40 skells you need some amount of HP; IMHO you cannot get that amount of damage done by a chain lightning early in the game+it's useless to waste all those spell points when you can cast slow/haste or smth like that(or maybe you don't have to cast at all)+it's not that often that you'll have to fight first level creatures(enough to raise 40 skells and who can be killed with chain L) sitting on more than 3 slots.I can only imagine the scenario when you have a small army(1st day army for exemple) and a powerfull enough necro spell caster(maybe from prison) equiped with the chain lightning scroll against horde pikeman.The AI will consider that he has the superiority and thus the pikemen will be splitted in 6 or 7 slots of 8-10.So for you to destroy 4 of that slots you'll need about 400-500 dmg by the chain lightning. That means about 7-8 spell power/exp air.By the time you had reached those stats you won't be affording to waste 18 sp(not sure??) on some pikemen and you'll prolly have a big enough army to determine them to be on less than 4 slots(this will make the casting imposible).