Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted August 21, 2008 06:18 PM |
it's a 100% mate in two, guys. ^^
Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted August 21, 2008 06:21 PM |
Only one correction, Ecoris:Quote: Bxg7, Nd5#
You meant Bxh7, right?
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted August 21, 2008 06:21 PM |
OMG Chessmaster is DUMB!
Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted August 21, 2008 06:27 PM |
well not really. On best level he's kinda tough
Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted August 22, 2008 09:17 AM |
What do I see? Not a solution?
Well done, Doom. H2-h1, a quiet move is the solution.
White cannot mate immediately because of the pieces on the back rank, for example Rh4 mate is prevented by the bishop on d8. Likewise, the other pieces stop e3 mate, Qf5 mate and Nd5 mate. But the fact that each Black piece has a responsibility proves to be Black's undoing, because they can hardly move without stepping on each other's toes. After 1...Re7, for example, White can play 2 Rh4 mate, while 1...Re6 blocks the other bishop and allows 2 Nd5 mate. Indeed, in the diagram position Black has only two moves which cannot be met by immediate mate, namely 1...Bg5 and 1...Re3. If only White can find a way to prepare mates for these moves, then Black will be obliged to fatally weaken himself. What weakness is created by 1...Re3? The answer can only be that it blocks e3, and therefore the bishop on g1 is freed to deliver mate by Bh2. Thus the first move must be with the rook on h2, but should it move to h1 or h3? The answer is provided by the other possible defense, 1...Bg5. This blocks g5 and frees the queen to mate by Qh2. So the solution is the unlikely-looking 1 Rh1! There is no threat, but nevertheless Black has no defense. Here is the full list of variations.
1...Re7/Rf6/Bxc7/Bh4 2 Rh4 (or Rxh4)#
1...Re6/Rf7/Bxh7/Bd5 2 Nd5 (or Nxd5)#
1...Re5 2 Qg4#
1...Re4 2 fxe4#
1...Re3 2 Bh2#
1...Rxe2+ 2 Nxe2#
1...Be7/Be6 2 e3#
1...Bf6/Bf7/Rf5 2 Qf5 (or Qxf5)#
1...Bg5 2 Qh2#
1...c3 2 Nd3#
Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted August 25, 2008 10:41 AM |
Hi all.
Back to buisness, with a tough mate in 3 problem to solve. Good luck
White to move.
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted August 25, 2008 12:36 PM |
C8-G8, to prevent it from a black square, and to prevent stalemate.
Let's say black puts the Bishop in front to make it last 1 more turn, C7-B8. Doesn't really matter, then white: E7-E8 into Queen. Doesn't matter what Black does (he can only move the Bishop anyway), White will either win with taking the Bishop if it is on B8 (E8xB8++) or E8-A8++ if the Bishop is not in the way.
Did I miss anything?
Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted August 25, 2008 01:35 PM |
Yes mate, you did
check this out:
1. c8 g8 ; c7 d6
2. e7 e8=Q ; d6 f8
3. ...
It's not a mate in three The black will interrupt such attempts by putting the bishop between the rook and your newly promoted queen.
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted August 25, 2008 01:37 PM |
I didn't think of such silly attempts anyway
Going to think a bit more then.
Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted August 25, 2008 01:39 PM |
Any black move with Bishop
Any black move with Bishop
Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted August 25, 2008 01:39 PM |
Try something that cannot be blocked by bishop.
Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted August 25, 2008 01:47 PM |
It can be blocked by bishop in a similar way as in the TheDeath's solution
1. g7 g8=Q ; c7 b8
2. g8 a2 ; b8 d6
3. a4 b3 + ; d6 a3
Not a mate in three, Ashie
Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted August 25, 2008 02:43 PM |
Try to guess how can white prevent black from playing Bishop to b8 or d8. Cause if you take back with your fresh new queen, it's stalemate. What would you do?
Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted August 25, 2008 02:49 PM |
Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 25, 2008 03:02 PM |
e7-e8 take a queen
black has just 2 options
c7 to b8 or c7 to d6
better to b8 to avoite mate,and have stale mate,rather then just mate
then c8 to b8 take the bishop and have stalmate.
if he goes d6,move the c8 to a8 and have mate.
types in obscure english
Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted August 25, 2008 03:25 PM |
Quote: Rh8
@Antipaladin: Stalemate is not checkmate. If black has the option to set up a draw, he will do so, thus preventing white from mating, which is your task to do.
Supreme Hero
posted August 25, 2008 03:36 PM |
I'm sort on time but i'll try...
Promate either one of the pawns. Black has only good option in-between move whit bishop to b8 or d8 (otherwise it's mate in two). White can't take the bishop or it's a stalemate. Second white move is to promote that other pawn just to get that bishop out of the 8 file and just rook to A8 and it's a mate.
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 25, 2008 03:37 PM |
thats what i mean,the black will move c7 to b8 to go for stalemate,this is would be more challanging if black move.
types in obscure english
Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted August 25, 2008 03:41 PM |
Black can only move his bishop.
If any move beside Bd8 then promote a pawn and mate is unstoppable.
If Bd8 then eat the bishop and promote to a bishop youself. Black has to move to the 8 line. You do Bb6++.
Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted August 25, 2008 04:23 PM |
WoW, JoonasTo! I'm impressed, excellent work!
Rook to h8, leaving black only one defense:Bishop to d8. (this is best, as it sets up a stalemate trap if white promotes to queen.)
exd8=B!! excellent move, avoiding stalemate, now the black king is forced to enter the dangerous 8th rank (either King to a8 or b8), then your fresh new bishop takes on b6, which is a discovery-mate from the rook.