Famous Hero
posted February 04, 2008 10:18 AM |
Edited by liophy at 12:28, 04 Feb 2008.
Thats what happen when you buy first day town hall
I am pretty sure Seph will not have the movement to pick up the gems, since both steps (first to go to the dwell and than to pick up the gems) are diagonal, so they need more movement points than horisontal or vertical.
I would take dwell and buy 5 minos.
If i bild castle i will get just 1 additional manticour and lose the 5 minos. Its simple math, its just not worth it.
And since you have the dwell its obvious that minos will be your powerstack. So the more minos - the better.
Known Hero
Pimp My Box
posted February 04, 2008 12:55 PM |
Since this is from over half a year ago, i think this game is pretty much over rofl
Famous Hero
posted February 04, 2008 01:15 PM |
Since the post we are replying to is from today, i guess you dont pay attention at all...
Known Hero
There are no limits
posted February 04, 2008 07:08 PM |
Well, he is just replying to whatever there is in the library, hoping to get another yellow star
At least, read what you try to comment dude. If not too hard for you, of course ........
Legendary Hero
posted February 04, 2008 08:02 PM |
Quote: Thats what happen when you buy first day town hall
I didn't build it day 1, I think it was day 2. I built eyes day 1 and had enough army to fight for a few days. At the end of day 2 I knew I would need the cash so I built it.
I started with level 2 dwell, so it looks like I skipped a day on my build. I don't remember why, but it wasn't gold, so it must have been one of the other resources.
Supreme Hero
posted February 04, 2008 10:20 PM |
Edited by maretti at 22:25, 04 Feb 2008.
Lets say you build town hall day 2. Then at day 7 that has given you an exstra income of exactly 2500 gold. The same as you paid for it.
You should never skip a days build. At least it should be possible to build marked.
As the others said, build minos if you can reach the gems, otherwise build portal.
Your screenshot also illustrates pretty well that 4 heroes week one is to few (free chests). If a hero can pick up a minimum of 2500 gold week one (that other heroes wouldnt have reached) it has been worth while buying that hero.
Crag rules, Orrin and Ivor suck
Famous Hero
posted February 04, 2008 10:46 PM |
If he goes to the gems i am almost sure he will not be able to reach the dwell.
So its better to have the dwell and the POS. In that case he will have 5 minos instead of 4 minos.
Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted February 04, 2008 10:59 PM |
Taking gems first and then go onto dwell needs 300 movement points (3 straight steps of 100 each).
Going onto dwell and then taking gems from there needs 280 movement points (2 diagonale steps of 140 each).
Just to clarify the movement problem
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Supreme Hero
posted February 04, 2008 11:47 PM |
He can see whether he can reach or not without moving. Just point the curser two steps up right. If he can move those two steps he can take the dwell and the gems.
Crag rules, Orrin and Ivor suck
Legendary Hero
posted February 05, 2008 06:52 AM |
Edited by Binabik at 06:54, 05 Feb 2008.
As Maretti pointed out you can check for movement and yes there is enough movement to take the dwell and gems. BUT, there was only 3 gems (25% chance), so building minos was out of the question. Now the question is POS or Castle.
the tradeoff is:
5 minos (paid for)
7 trogs
4 harpy
4 eyes
2 dusa
1 manti
(not paid for)
My choice is to build POS and start on a nice early power stack. You will have 5 minos already bought. In either case you will only have 1250 gold plus the 2 chests on day 8. The rest of the unblocked start area is already cleared of loose resources and the blocked areas show little promise for resources (power ups, redwood, treasure arts). I would rather use the gold for my build and use the 5 minos to pack a nice whollop in fights (the fights I see are easy to moderate). This will probably allow me to go at least another few days without reinforcments, maybe longer.
Legendary Hero
posted February 06, 2008 07:50 AM |
Yea, after I didn't have enough gems to build minos, it was a no-brainer. It's still interesting to hear what people say though. This is the kind of thing you run into a lot.
There also needs to be more basic stuff in the library. I did a survey a couple years ago about it and a lot of people said that much of the stuff in the library was too high level for them.
I would like to see more week one information. Not just the build, but all aspects of the first week with examples of the type of decission being made depending on what you see.
Legendary Hero
posted February 17, 2008 09:57 PM |
I would like to explore the build more. And it would be nice if others can bring examples. There are probably hundreds of lists of the "ideal" build, when everything goes right and the resources are available. But sometimes the resources just don't exist. There are very few examples or discussions in the Library about resource management.
Assuming you know the template, do you have a fixed number of heroes you hire on day 1-2? Or do you make a final descision based on what the first 2-3 scouts see? What types of things affect your decision?
At the end of day 2 if you haven't found more than 1-2 zone boundries, does this justify buying more scouts even if there aren't many resources? Scouts should pay for themselves, but how do you value exploration and how far ahead of your main do you scout?
When, and under what circumstances do you decide to go for economics instead of creature build?
Under what circumstances would you sacrifice your week one army to break into resources? Under what circumstances does buying creatures take priority over week one build? This is a vicious cycle, you need resources to build, you need creatures to get the resources, but if you buy the creatures then you don't have gold for the build.
Anyway....This is an XL w/under CD template with 7 AI players (6LM10), so it will be a long game with high level heroes.
On this map, there was a block to the wood mine and going around the block it wasn't flagged until day 3-4. There were ZERO piles of wood in my start zone and I broke into the underground and found a single pile. I have to break throng centuars to go further unerground.
I want that sulfur in the upper left. Gundula will do those 3 fights and Voy will chain back.
The cursor on the minimap points to a fortress owed by green. Alkin is going to go for the town. Alkin will flag green's wood and ore himself. If green had resources, he might have a much stronger army than me.
So what do you do with your money?
Here is what I'm thinking. Build market today, upgrade flies (300 gold), but don't buy creatures. Send Alkin south with army (he can break the zone guard with current army). Next day MAYBE I can see the green army. If it's strong, buy all creatures with Voy and chain to Alkin.
If Alkin can take green with current army or light reinforcments, then build resource silo on day 1-2-2 *OR* skip all builds and go straight for hydras.
If I can't see the green army, move no more than half a day searching, then retreat back and send in Voy the next day to scout.
Alternate choice. Forget the green town and wood mine unless I can take it with current army. Don't spend any money and build hydra on day 1-2-5 at the latest.
Also, who would you pick for main? I was planning on Alkin, but I'm thinking of switching to Gundula.
Hired Hero
posted February 21, 2008 08:35 PM |
Nice thread. I can't comment on the more sophisticated questions due to a lack of experience, but for the main hero choice I'd say that Gundula is the clear winner for the following reasons:
-She already has log, this is the deciding factor. If she didn't have it, I'd pick her for the other reasons or wait until one of them gets log.
-As the game is going into high lvls, Offense spec should beat the slightly better stat allocation of a Beastmaster.
-I like Earth better than Air against the map. Slow gives more control over a fight than Haste does and then there are Shield, TP(Wisdom not wasted) etc. whereas Air has nothing(considering no Fly/DD).
Please correct me if necessary, I'd like to know though I don't see me finding the time to play in the near future.
Legendary Hero
posted February 22, 2008 03:47 AM |
Why is it that so many people think the library is only for veteren players? The library should be about both learning and teaching. Or simply discussing a game we all like. Your comment accomplishes none of those things.
Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 22, 2008 09:15 AM |
Is this on 130% or more?
If it's 130 just go pure troops in your own castles and get your money by capturing enemy castles in a nice straight.
Anyways capturing green's castle and area is worth more than buildings economics of your own even if it requires more bought troops. Since if you capture it you'll get the troops and the economics.
Legendary Hero
posted February 22, 2008 09:34 AM |
It's 130%.
What I need is wood and I need it ASAP.
When this screen shot was taken I didn't know how strong green was. If green had a large rich zone, his army could be much stronger than mine.
Why Gundula? Nobody learns anything just saying a name I mean I know what *I* did before I even posted this.
btw, I didn't know you played H3.
Hired Hero
posted February 22, 2008 10:09 AM |
Edited by Elric at 10:23, 22 Feb 2008.
This isn't a 'what would you do' question as much as a 'how does stuff work'?
I was just trying to take a full crypt on week 1 with Castle with Adela. I had about 20 Marksmen, 35 Pikeman and 4 Swordsman. Round 1 I got the first move, blessed the marksmen (in the 2 position- thinking about it now, I should have waited and blessed the Pikemen instead) and attacked the Vampires. Then Vampires attack a 1 Pikeman fodder stack. I wait, wights attack another fodder stack, use a third fodder stack to take retaliation and attack the Vampires with the large Pikemen stack. I sacrifice another pikeman fodder to soak retal on the skeletons to hit them with the swordsman.
So far, so good. Now round 2 starts, though, and the Vampires get the first move, attacking my marksmen. Why did this happen? I thought the marksmen would go first in each round of combat (both speed 6). How does the game resolve which side's equal speed unit goes first in a round at the beginning of the round? Thanks for the help.
Known Hero
posted February 22, 2008 10:27 AM |
You got to go first with the tie round one because you attacked. However, you were the last to move in round one. Thus at the beginning of round two, computer wins the tie.
This is a really good thread. Earlier, when there was pictures of each day's progress, I wish somebody would make a thread like that to give examples of chaining and money evaluation techniques.
Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted February 22, 2008 10:29 AM |
Quote: This isn't a 'what would you do' question as much as a 'how does stuff work'?
I was just trying to take a full crypt on week 1 with Castle with Adela. I had about 20 Marksmen, 35 Pikeman and 4 Swordsman. Round 1 I got the first move, blessed the marksmen (in the 2 position- thinking about it now, I should have waited and blessed the Pikemen instead) and attacked the Vampires. Then Vampires attack a 1 Pikeman fodder stack. I wait, wights attack another fodder stack, use a third fodder stack to take retaliation and attack the Vampires with the large Pikemen stack. I sacrifice another pikeman fodder to soak retal on the skeletons to hit them with the swordsman.
So far, so good. Now round 2 starts, though, and the Vampires get the first move, attacking my marksmen. Why did this happen? I thought the marksmen would go first in each round of combat (both speed 6). How does the game resolve which side's equal speed unit goes first in a round at the beginning of the round? Thanks for the help.
Red marked part is the reason why this happened. If at the start of a new round both parties have an equal high speed creature, the party who did NOT have last move in the round before will have initiative in new round.
You waited with pikemen / swordsmen, comp moved his walking undead as last unit, then u moved with swordsmen / pikemen. So u had last move in round 1, therefore comp has first move in round 2 coz of same high speed.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 22, 2008 10:34 AM |
The thing with computer opponents is that with an army half of theirs and a few actual thoughts you can pretty much defeat them with minor losses.
Since they most likely won't be having citadel yet attacking them while they are in the castle is a huge bonus because the lizards are so bad shooters that they will come out one at a time from the gate. If they aren't in the castle then take it and build some fortifications and let them come to you.
The wood from two sawmills are going to be needed and the gold from the castle will be nice too. Buy troops from the first week and they won't be having army large enough to beat you. Or you can wait till they build the castle a little more so you can get more "free" buildings from there. *cough* city hall *cough* That will mean less troops for you and more for them though so it won't often be worth it.
Well gundula has log, earth, offense special and better attack while alkin has armorer, offense, air and better defense.
Here alkin would be better in the beginning if not for one thing. He doesn't have a spellbook!
Gundula is better in the long run when offense specialty kicks in and that log might just get him a few levels more. Now I don't know what spells he has but spellbook in the beginning is a plus.
Because the neighbor is a fortress you will be having a nice wywern stack to whoop ass with the rest of the game. But because there isn't gonna be 4 level mage guild you can't stop there.
After eliminating green go for hydras and exploring his area thorough. Then it's a cake walk.
PS. Of course I play H3! How do you think I ended here?
PPS. This one is actually a favorite thread of mine.